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MATCH THREAD (+POST p23): Charlton Athl v Cray Valley PM: FA Cup 🏆1st Rd: Sun 5 Nov 2023 | KO 17:30



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    That team need to stand in front of a mirror and take a long hard look at themselves. Tedic and Campbell should be sent back to their parent clubs if they can be in January and neither Kirk nor we are a good fit for one another

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    edited November 2023
    I have had COVID this week, so wasn't able to go today.
    Every cloud has a silver lining...
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    IAgree said:
    Fumbluff said:
    Had apples picked anyone other than Kirk we’d likely have gone in 3-0 up and would have gone on to overwhelm Cray. 
    That’s down to apples, no one else, everybody knew the performance we were all going to see from Shirk. A classic. 
    Might as well start the Apples out thread then 
    Today won't get many fans on his side. I hate it when our managers disrespect this competition. I don't think even Bowyer changed all 11 when we played in the F.a cup and he hated the competition. 
    Bowyer never had a squad of 22 full time professionals that all need minutes.

    The team he picked should’ve won 3-0, 4-0, 5-0. They didn’t. I’m sure Appleton is letting them know that.
    “Bowyer never changed all 11 in the FA Cup”

    Damn near as close as he could with the squad size he had.

    Mansfield (A), November 2018: Charlton made nine changes from the previous league game, Pratley and Sarr started both.
    I was right then. 
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    Firstly we'll done to CVPM 

    We have players who cannot tackle, lack determination and most can't hold the ball up.

    Too many players who should never ever be seen near the valley let alone a shirt. 


    Don't blame Ness for the goal but he was poor. Thomas is not at the standard generally. Goalkeeper was suspect albeit only on a short term
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    edited November 2023
    The depth massively massively worries me on that showing. No one there stepped up and showed they should be starting. If we lost May or Leaburn to injury we'd be in real strife. Lucas Ness hasn't looked the same player since his injury. 

    Wouldn't be surprised if Tedic,Abankwah (harsh I know he hasn't played CB at all) and Chem Campbell all went back in January. 

    * I quite like Chem Campbell as a player but clearly Appleton doesn't really fancy him 
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    Just shows how poor a squad we actually have, most of these players wouldn't look out of place playing non league.
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    edited November 2023
    Obviously very fresh so there's a lot of anger but the game turned on that Kirk miss. We went 1-0 up and then decided that was probably enough. Cray Valley started the second half brightly and instead of seeing that period of pressure out like a normal team Lucas Ness decided to ram the ball into his own goal for absolutely no reason. Once that happened we actually played our best football of the game for a little bit and looked dangerous. If Kirk had put that simple chance away we would have seen that out without too many more hiccups. They had one shot on target from a free kick and it was saved. Other than that they didn't have anything and we just needed to put the chance away and move on. Non-league teams will have moments like that and professionals should deal with it but Kirk is horrendous and from there Cray were able to slow the game down, stay down after every challenge and eat the time up. 
    This is fine but does it not miss the point that against a team in the Eighth Tier, it shouldn't come down to such fine margins? Talking about the game turning on one chance like it was a League One matchup...
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    Such a naive performance. 
    Thought we could stroll through it without having to break sweat. 
    To think we had a Man City player, Wolves player and an Udinese player in our starting eleven.
    We didn’t have the class or right attitude. Embarrassing that they had players that could barely walk at the end but they still challenged us.
    Kirk needs to be binned now. Abankwah and Tedic should go back to their parent clubs in January. 
    Truly awful but well done to Cray who I thought got it spot on.
    And ironically 2 of them were amongst our worst performers tonight.

    I'll cut Abankwah some slack as i think he's playing out of position (although he should still look good v Cray Valley) but Tedic was awful. And as for Kirk, i really hope that's the last we ever see of him in Charlton shirt. I had such high hopes when he joined but he's now turned into a complete embarrassment of a footballer. To be possibly the worst player on the pitch when you're facing a side 5 leagues lower is some going. Just pay up his contract and get him gone.
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    Play the 1st team in the replay.

    I'm the poster that never slags off individuals but xxxx was a faud, xxxxxx is so weak and WTF has happened to xxxx since last season ?  xxxxx should be outclassing their CB and xxxxxx didn't show that he should play at CB. Anderson had a good 1st half and McGrandles did ok 1st half with the water carrying. Edun did ok considering his lack of minutes and really not sure about Abankwah at League 1 level.
    Walker looked rusty. Ched Campbell was dangerous and was at least decent.

    Credit to the butchers, the bakers and the candlestick makers but Cafc should be blowing them away with ease.

    Of course our 2nd team should be good enough to beat a part time team from the 8th level but Michael Appleton made a mega error by making 11 changes. 
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    I think I've now seen enough of Tedic to form an opinion and my opinion is that he's a dud we need to send back. 
    I suggested such the other day and got slapped down. I trust the slapper downer will now concede that I was correct. 
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    How f—King embarrassing 🧐👎👎👎👎👎
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    Manager clueless - Kirk worse ! 
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    edited November 2023
    Let's face it, if we had CBT in place of Kirk, this thread would have a slightly better atmosphere, Kirk is a waste of space and a place, and fluffed TWO clear chances to put this game to bed, one ended in row Z in the Upper Covered End from the edge of the 6 yard box, chances CBT would have taken with his eyes firmly shut.
    We will probably get it sorted in the replay, a game I think neither team really wanted, I did hear Cray have got 15 matches to fulfil prior to New Years Day, but a replay..bloody hell Charlton...will you ever change...
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    Pinning the blame on Kirk gives excuses to the other 15 players that were on the pitch. 

    Yes he was shit but so were all of them.

    Even if we had one player playing decently, he should've been running rings around that non-league lot. 

    Fact is every single one of them should be ashamed of the performance. 
    I'm not disagreeing with you but Kirk had two chances to win us the game. If our players were very shit today, Kirk was very very shit
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    IAgree said:
    Can we start a petition to say that our manager and players don't deserve a replay, and that in our shame and disgust as supporters we prefer to let our neighbours Cray Valley go through?
    Where do i sign?
    Extraordinary from both of you 
    Not living up to your user name then.
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    Pinning the blame on Kirk gives excuses to the other 15 players that were on the pitch. 

    Yes he was shit but so were all of them.

    Even if we had one player playing decently, he should've been running rings around that non-league lot. 

    Fact is every single one of them should be ashamed of the performance. 
    I'm not disagreeing with you but Kirk had two chances to win us the game. If our players were very shit today, Kirk was very very shit
    If we only had two chances to win a game against a pub team, it's a poor performance all round. 
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    IAgree said:
    Fumbluff said:
    Had apples picked anyone other than Kirk we’d likely have gone in 3-0 up and would have gone on to overwhelm Cray. 
    That’s down to apples, no one else, everybody knew the performance we were all going to see from Shirk. A classic. 
    Might as well start the Apples out thread then 
    Today won't get many fans on his side. I hate it when our managers disrespect this competition. I don't think even Bowyer changed all 11 when we played in the F.a cup and he hated the competition. 
    Bowyer never had a squad of 22 full time professionals that all need minutes.

    The team he picked should’ve won 3-0, 4-0, 5-0. They didn’t. I’m sure Appleton is letting them know that.
    “Bowyer never changed all 11 in the FA Cup”

    Damn near as close as he could with the squad size he had.

    Mansfield (A), November 2018: Charlton made nine changes from the previous league game, Pratley and Sarr started both.
    I was right then. 
    Oh sorry I must’ve misunderstood the point you were trying to make.
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    Holy shitballs Charlton, why do you always do this to us?

    Total lack of quality all over the park when all that was required was a bit of professionalism. 
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    There are a few from today's performance who were so poor that the only way I could stomach them being paid to "perform" at The Valley again would be if they were behind the counter in the club shop/food franchises...
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    Surely Kirk had more than a 2.0 on XG on his own and was still the worst thing in the fucking world. Shat-stat
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    I waited for ages to applaud Cray off, as they deserved it for a disciplined performance.  We actually moved the ball with a bit of urgency after the equaliser, but two chances fell to Kirk, who probably sealed his destiny in the top ten of worst Charlton signings. But even with May, Leaburn etc, we really didn't do a lot.  Overall, today belonged to the Green Army.  
    Easily. I think in terms of the money we paid for him in relation to the level we're at, most people would struggle to name many worse.
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    I actually thought Fraser had a decent game. He put some excellent through balls....not his fault Kirk is shit. Chem Campbell my MOTM. Didn't notice McGrandles & less said about the defence the better.

    But my ire is all heaped on Appleton. The man is a clown & stealing a living as a manager. Keep a consistent side & you will win more than you lose. Don't throw 11 players together & expect them to gel.....esp in the cup against a side who think it's their cup final. 

    And I dont blame May & Leaburn. They get thrown on with 20 mins to go & expected to win it for us. But by then the dye is cast and the rhythm of the game has been set. 

    Absolute shambles. And we have to go to their place for a replay. With our away record. 

    Appleton...just f**k off.

    Until next time they win
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