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Next Manager Search - August 2023



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    Swisdom said:
    jams said:
    Why would moore not be suitable? He's got a track record of promotion... Last season 
    With the largest budget in the league and he only just made it.

    I like him but I’m not sure he’ll work out
    Their squad was very different to ours too, lots of giants. I think he is also too similar to Holden in being a good bloke/man management type of manager so probably not what we need 
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    Why do people claim this squad is better than last year?

    Rak saki has gone, Stockley, Morgan, Clare, Innis, Woolacott etc

    It is arguable that May is not better than Rak Saki 

    I could go on but until this squad actually proves they are better I am not so sure.

    We may have more upside with the teenagers' ceiling in terms of ability but this group currently make mistake after mistake, can't defend set pieces, can't utilise attacking set pieces.

    Yes you can coach players but if the corner or free kick taker can't beat the first man - is that coaching or talent?!

    I think we have much higher opinion of our own players than others do!  Or at least Darren Ferguson to begin with!
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    Redrobo said:
    Neil Lennon out of work. In for the Hibbs job but a very good manager.
    I would love it, if only to see all those wonky loyalists burning their shirts. 
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    Nathan Jones would be my first choice but I think that might be an unrealistic one. Would be able to pick up on what Holden was trying to do with a slightly more direct style and 3-5-2 which he switched to at Luton. I would say looking at more realistic options then Richardson or Bowyer probably make the most sense. 

    Would also think a coach from the premier league that’s worked with young players could be a good option, our squad is very young and look at how it worked for Ipswich with McKenna. Maybe someone like a Ryan Mason or dare I say it Chris Powell? 
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    How it all adds up from a financial stand point, I don’t know but the evidence is there to show that money has been available this summer.

    Not earth shattering amounts but more than most in this league are able to boast.

    $250k on May, similar amounts on Edun and Taylor, the loan of Camara won’t have been free… and now the sacking costing six figures in compensation.
    I agree that money has been spent.

    Terms like "skint" are lazy now just as they were with Sandgaard, who the accounts proved spent a lot of money, mostly badly.

    Money has to be spent every month just to pay the wages and other bills and we have no reason to think that that isn't happening under this regime or the previous one.

    HOW MUCH is being spent and whether that is sufficient to mount a promotion campaign is a different matter.

    Edun:  some say a fee was paid but other reports say it was a free transfer with a potential sell on fee.  But it was reported that compensation was paid for Taylor and it is likely that the Camara loan included a fee and/or a contribution to wages.

    But against that the club have also freed up a lot of wages from the likes of Morgan, Innis, Clare and all the other players released over the summer.  So there was a significant saving in the wages budget,

    Both Lavelle and Woolacott were reported as undisclosed fees so money has come in as well as having been spent.  Probably less, at my total guess, than we paid for May but the spending hasn't all be one way.

    What we don't know and the GOF have been careful not to say is how does this year's budget compare with the previous season?   Has it increased and if so by what percentage?

    There is a good argument for saying that that is confidential and we don't want to let rivals and agents know how much we have but the "sources" have been very quick to tell us that Holden's severance was £500k.  That seem excessive as either there was no usual six months or one year termination fee in his contract so he got three years money or he was on a huge £0.5m a year.

    Regardless, it was the GOF who made the decision to sack Holden.

    So I believe that there is money, the SMT isn't skint but as the bishop said to the actress it's not the size, it's what you do with it. 
    OK - I'll clarify what I have said about money.

    1 - we don't know what money the investors have earmarked for Charlton
    2- evidence to date suggests that they will not invest the kinds of sums that will sort the club out
    3- yes, they have wasted money in their short time as owners 
    4 - I have no doubt that SMT/CM will be taking out whatever they can get 
    5- the comments by CM that suggested player sales to balance the books was another hint that their model could be based on low budget/asset sales 

    So you and others are right - they are spending money, so allegations like mine that they have no money are wrong.       But, early signs are not good and I have little confidence the next manager will either have the funds or even the capability to turn the club around.

    I honestly hope my cynicism is proved wrong 

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    supaclive said:
    Why do people claim this squad is better than last year?

    Rak saki has gone, Stockley, Morgan, Clare, Innis, Woolacott etc

    It is arguable that May is not better than Rak Saki 

    I could go on but until this squad actually proves they are better I am not so sure.

    We may have more upside with the teenagers' ceiling in terms of ability but this group currently make mistake after mistake, can't defend set pieces, can't utilise attacking set pieces.

    Yes you can coach players but if the corner or free kick taker can't beat the first man - is that coaching or talent?!

    I think we have much higher opinion of our own players than others do!  Or at least Darren Ferguson to begin with!
    I think you answered your own question a bit with these gone.

    The quality of player we now have is, in my opinion, undoubtedly better than last year. We’re just still undercooked. We need a couple more players though. We needed them a month ago!
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    supaclive said:
    Why do people claim this squad is better than last year?

    Rak saki has gone, Stockley, Morgan, Clare, Innis, Woolacott etc

    It is arguable that May is not better than Rak Saki 

    I could go on but until this squad actually proves they are better I am not so sure.

    We may have more upside with the teenagers' ceiling in terms of ability but this group currently make mistake after mistake, can't defend set pieces, can't utilise attacking set pieces.

    Yes you can coach players but if the corner or free kick taker can't beat the first man - is that coaching or talent?!

    I think we have much higher opinion of our own players than others do!  Or at least Darren Ferguson to begin with!
    Not a fair comparison as they're completely different players. It would be better to compare JRS to Chem Campbell, but it's too early to judge him.

    May as a striker whose job is to score goals is definitely an upgrade on Stockley.
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    DubaiCAFC said:
    Scoham said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Scoham said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Major said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Leam Richardson, Darren Moore, got promoted with the highest spending teams.
    I believe Richardson is on the shortlist 
    How is that possible, if the 'Skint' brigade are to be believed?
    Certain set of fans been against the group from day 1 and always going to say that.. Holden just cost 500K to sack. 

    Those fans, also believe Holden is blameless. For me, it is both parties, we haven't got enough players through the door, that is either because we haven't sold the club well enough, or didn't want to work with Holden. 

    Holden wanted a smaller squad of around 16 players, plus academy players coming through, he got his main man in May, despite better options being available to sign. 

    Not sure many clubs in league One have spent as much as us this year in transfer fees, loan fees or signing on fees. 

    Suppose the next appointment and the type of contact, will suggest if they are skint or not!
    Who were the better options available than May?
    Smith, Lapo, JHC, Nombe, Stansfield was all ahead of May, and we enquired about all of them before we signed May! 
    Smith - we were said to have made an offer and he chose to go back to his old club Reading. Someone on here even said we offered a bigger wage.

    Ladapo - sure he was available? He hasn’t left Ipswich yet.

    JCH - an older player with no resale value and a lot bigger asking price than May. Are you confident Holden stopped us from signing him as he wanted May and the owners were willing to pay for him?

    Nombe - a much higher asking price than May, better is debatable though. I don’t know enough about him but his goalscoring record isn’t as good as May’s over the last two seasons, but being younger he should have far more potential to improve.

    Stansfield - went to the Championship, so wasn’t available to us.

    To add to that, given we’re still after a striker and made Smith an offer I’m not seeing how May joining for about £250k stopped another striker coming in - we’ve been after another all summer.
    Smith we was very close.

    Ladapo was available and still might be, we wanted to take him & Camara within the same deal.

    JCH was seen a striker that could have got us out of the league, and Scott wanted him but Holden didn't

    Nombe - we would have gone back in for him, but we wouldn't have got May, was one or the other.

    Stansfield - was actually really close to signing, but wanted championship move.

    We was certainly in the running for players in my opinion are better than May!
    Strange how so many deals were close but we just couldn't get them over the line.

    Maybe take a step back and think that maybe, just maybe, the SMT are spinning the failure to get another striker and now that Holden has gone, shifting the blame on him.

    "Nombe - we would have gone back in for him, but we wouldn't have got May, was one or the other."  Ask yourself why was it one of the other?  On what basis other than money as they would compliment each other as players.

    Stansfield - was actually really close to signing, but wanted championship move.  But since we aren't a championship club it can't have ever been that close.

    JCH was seen a striker that could have got us out of the league, and Scott wanted him but Holden didn't  Maybe so but Holden has gone now so nothing stopping Scott going back in for him other than the Posh owner saying we can't afford him. 
    Also Holden made a point a couple of times that Peterborough has managed to keep hold of him, in the build up to our game with them, Holden spoke a bit about JCH so I would be very surprised if he didn't want to sign him. 
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    BigDiddy said:
    How it all adds up from a financial stand point, I don’t know but the evidence is there to show that money has been available this summer.

    Not earth shattering amounts but more than most in this league are able to boast.

    $250k on May, similar amounts on Edun and Taylor, the loan of Camara won’t have been free… and now the sacking costing six figures in compensation.
    I agree that money has been spent.

    Terms like "skint" are lazy now just as they were with Sandgaard, who the accounts proved spent a lot of money, mostly badly.

    Money has to be spent every month just to pay the wages and other bills and we have no reason to think that that isn't happening under this regime or the previous one.

    HOW MUCH is being spent and whether that is sufficient to mount a promotion campaign is a different matter.

    Edun:  some say a fee was paid but other reports say it was a free transfer with a potential sell on fee.  But it was reported that compensation was paid for Taylor and it is likely that the Camara loan included a fee and/or a contribution to wages.

    But against that the club have also freed up a lot of wages from the likes of Morgan, Innis, Clare and all the other players released over the summer.  So there was a significant saving in the wages budget,

    Both Lavelle and Woolacott were reported as undisclosed fees so money has come in as well as having been spent.  Probably less, at my total guess, than we paid for May but the spending hasn't all be one way.

    What we don't know and the GOF have been careful not to say is how does this year's budget compare with the previous season?   Has it increased and if so by what percentage?

    There is a good argument for saying that that is confidential and we don't want to let rivals and agents know how much we have but the "sources" have been very quick to tell us that Holden's severance was £500k.  That seem excessive as either there was no usual six months or one year termination fee in his contract so he got three years money or he was on a huge £0.5m a year.

    Regardless, it was the GOF who made the decision to sack Holden.

    So I believe that there is money, the SMT isn't skint but as the bishop said to the actress it's not the size, it's what you do with it. 
    OK - I'll clarify what I have said about money.

    1 - we don't know what money the investors have earmarked for Charlton
    2- evidence to date suggests that they will not invest the kinds of sums that will sort the club out
    3- yes, they have wasted money in their short time as owners 
    4 - I have no doubt that SMT/CM will be taking out whatever they can get 
    5- the comments by CM that suggested player sales to balance the books was another hint that their model could be based on low budget/asset sales 

    So you and others are right - they are spending money, so allegations like mine that they have no money are wrong.       But, early signs are not good and I have little confidence the next manager will either have the funds or even the capability to turn the club around.

    I honestly hope my cynicism is proved wrong 

    All good clarifications of what you mean and I don't disagree but just proves my point that using terms like "skint" is lazy and also inaccurate.

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    supaclive said:
    Why do people claim this squad is better than last year?

    Rak saki has gone, Stockley, Morgan, Clare, Innis, Woolacott etc

    It is arguable that May is not better than Rak Saki 

    I could go on but until this squad actually proves they are better I am not so sure.

    We may have more upside with the teenagers' ceiling in terms of ability but this group currently make mistake after mistake, can't defend set pieces, can't utilise attacking set pieces.

    Yes you can coach players but if the corner or free kick taker can't beat the first man - is that coaching or talent?!

    I think we have much higher opinion of our own players than others do!  Or at least Darren Ferguson to begin with!
    Not a fair comparison as they're completely different players. It would be better to compare JRS to Chem Campbell, but it's too early to judge him.

    May as a striker whose job is to score goals is definitely an upgrade on Stockley.
    May is better than Stockley 
    Chem is NOT better than Rak Saki
    In totality the jury is out that our current squad is better than last years. 

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    Not had a chance to catch up with this thread but have seen 2 different articles mentioning Bow is being considered

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    It's going to be Lee Johnson, for all the wrong reasons, isn't it?
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    BigDiddy said:
    How it all adds up from a financial stand point, I don’t know but the evidence is there to show that money has been available this summer.

    Not earth shattering amounts but more than most in this league are able to boast.

    $250k on May, similar amounts on Edun and Taylor, the loan of Camara won’t have been free… and now the sacking costing six figures in compensation.
    I agree that money has been spent.

    Terms like "skint" are lazy now just as they were with Sandgaard, who the accounts proved spent a lot of money, mostly badly.

    Money has to be spent every month just to pay the wages and other bills and we have no reason to think that that isn't happening under this regime or the previous one.

    HOW MUCH is being spent and whether that is sufficient to mount a promotion campaign is a different matter.

    Edun:  some say a fee was paid but other reports say it was a free transfer with a potential sell on fee.  But it was reported that compensation was paid for Taylor and it is likely that the Camara loan included a fee and/or a contribution to wages.

    But against that the club have also freed up a lot of wages from the likes of Morgan, Innis, Clare and all the other players released over the summer.  So there was a significant saving in the wages budget,

    Both Lavelle and Woolacott were reported as undisclosed fees so money has come in as well as having been spent.  Probably less, at my total guess, than we paid for May but the spending hasn't all be one way.

    What we don't know and the GOF have been careful not to say is how does this year's budget compare with the previous season?   Has it increased and if so by what percentage?

    There is a good argument for saying that that is confidential and we don't want to let rivals and agents know how much we have but the "sources" have been very quick to tell us that Holden's severance was £500k.  That seem excessive as either there was no usual six months or one year termination fee in his contract so he got three years money or he was on a huge £0.5m a year.

    Regardless, it was the GOF who made the decision to sack Holden.

    So I believe that there is money, the SMT isn't skint but as the bishop said to the actress it's not the size, it's what you do with it. 
    OK - I'll clarify what I have said about money.

    1 - we don't know what money the investors have earmarked for Charlton
    2- evidence to date suggests that they will not invest the kinds of sums that will sort the club out
    3- yes, they have wasted money in their short time as owners 
    4 - I have no doubt that SMT/CM will be taking out whatever they can get 
    5- the comments by CM that suggested player sales to balance the books was another hint that their model could be based on low budget/asset sales 

    So you and others are right - they are spending money, so allegations like mine that they have no money are wrong.       But, early signs are not good and I have little confidence the next manager will either have the funds or even the capability to turn the club around.

    I honestly hope my cynicism is proved wrong 

    All good clarifications of what you mean and I don't disagree but just proves my point that using terms like "skint" is lazy and also inaccurate.

    I agree and I stand corrected.
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    It's going to be Lee Johnson, for all the wrong reasons, isn't it?
    unfortunately, I think it could be. Not convinced the 2 sackings were mutually exclusive
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    Not had a chance to catch up with this thread but have seen 2 different articles mentioning Bow is being considered

    Rich Cawley says he’s not interested. Which I find hard to believe unless Bowyer has decided management is not for him (he was keen on the Leeds job recently), he isn’t getting a championship job so we are probably the best offer he will get 
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    edited August 2023
    NabySarr said:
    Not had a chance to catch up with this thread but have seen 2 different articles mentioning Bow is being considered

    Rich Cawley says he’s not interested. Which I find hard to believe unless Bowyer has decided management is not for him (he was keen on the Leeds job recently), he isn’t getting a championship job so we are probably the best offer he will get 
      Really??With this clusterf*ck of an ownership rabble?
    No credible candidate is going to go anywhere near it.
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    supaclive said:
    supaclive said:
    Why do people claim this squad is better than last year?

    Rak saki has gone, Stockley, Morgan, Clare, Innis, Woolacott etc

    It is arguable that May is not better than Rak Saki 

    I could go on but until this squad actually proves they are better I am not so sure.

    We may have more upside with the teenagers' ceiling in terms of ability but this group currently make mistake after mistake, can't defend set pieces, can't utilise attacking set pieces.

    Yes you can coach players but if the corner or free kick taker can't beat the first man - is that coaching or talent?!

    I think we have much higher opinion of our own players than others do!  Or at least Darren Ferguson to begin with!
    Not a fair comparison as they're completely different players. It would be better to compare JRS to Chem Campbell, but it's too early to judge him.

    May as a striker whose job is to score goals is definitely an upgrade on Stockley.
    May is better than Stockley 
    Chem is NOT better than Rak Saki
    In totality the jury is out that our current squad is better than last years. 

    Maybe, maybe not. But not sure how you can make that call when he's played about 45 minutes for us. He might turn out to be brilliant.
    Palace are sadly better than Wolves
    Rak Saki is in their first team squad
    Chem is on loan to us
    Last season in the same division, Rak Saki had a much better total body of work than Chem

    Leave it out now
    You're trying to argue something that isn't really an argument 
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    NabySarr said:
    Not had a chance to catch up with this thread but have seen 2 different articles mentioning Bow is being considered

    Rich Cawley says he’s not interested. Which I find hard to believe unless Bowyer has decided management is not for him (he was keen on the Leeds job recently), he isn’t getting a championship job so we are probably the best offer he will get 
      Really??With this clusterf*vk of an ownership rabble?
    No credible candidate is going to go anywhere near it.
    From Bowyer’s previous experience this group would probably be the best he’s ever worked under! Which does say more about Roland, ESI, Sandgaard and Birminghams previous owners 
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    Darren Moore got plenty of stick  from Wednesday fans up here in Sheffield for his team selection and tactics I think he would have been sacked in summer if he didn’t get promoted but then got sacked anyway. 
    His not a choice for me. 
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    The mandate for the incoming captain of the new ship of fools must be to stabilize it, even if only for the season. In the meantime, we can all look back to a time when managers would have been falling over themselves to land a job at Club punching above it's weight in the upper echelons the upper echelons of the Premier League and we had Scott Parker pulling the strings on the pitch not Andy Scott pulling them off of it.
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    Only just seen this thread so can't look through all the posts. Please delete if it's already been mentioned.

This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!