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Next Manager Search - August 2023



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    DubaiCAFC said:
    Scoham said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Major said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Leam Richardson, Darren Moore, got promoted with the highest spending teams.
    I believe Richardson is on the shortlist 
    How is that possible, if the 'Skint' brigade are to be believed?
    Certain set of fans been against the group from day 1 and always going to say that.. Holden just cost 500K to sack. 

    Those fans, also believe Holden is blameless. For me, it is both parties, we haven't got enough players through the door, that is either because we haven't sold the club well enough, or didn't want to work with Holden. 

    Holden wanted a smaller squad of around 16 players, plus academy players coming through, he got his main man in May, despite better options being available to sign. 

    Not sure many clubs in league One have spent as much as us this year in transfer fees, loan fees or signing on fees. 

    Suppose the next appointment and the type of contact, will suggest if they are skint or not!
    Who were the better options available than May?
    Smith, Lapo, JHC, Nombe, Stansfield was all ahead of May, and we enquired about all of them before we signed May! 
    Enquiring and having a deal ready are two different things. As we found out just yesterday with Darren Ferguson. May is a good forward in this league and isn’t the problem. 
    You have to enquiry to be able to put a deal together! Never said May is a problem, point is Holden got who he wanted!

    To be honest, we knew right from the start, they wasn't going to be spending millions and Holden wanted a small squad with academy players coming through! 

    As I mentioned, lets see what the appointment is, and who the two loan players are.
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    £500k to get rid of Holden?

    Wow. If true I doubt Holden is that upset. 

    There is a worry there that whatever funds investors have put in will be swallowed up by various parties without ever adding real value to the playing squad. 
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    AAjr says Pearce has retweeted something about Pearce and AN Other as interims until permanent appointment. 
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    No up and coming managers like Phillips.
    Someone who has got a team out of this division is necessary imo, and who brings in exactly who they want as backroom staff.
    Moore or Jones would be the best of those options but doubt either would go near it.
    Possibly Jones because he knows the club but didn’t he leave in the Roland years? 
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    With 17 managers in 17 years, I don't think we'll get anyone of great caliber. Would like Danny Cowley, but would he come to the basket case that our club has become?
    Hopefully not was the right fit at Lincoln but failed out of his and his brothers depth at Huddersfield and never set the world alight at Pompey either…………Next !😉
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    Valley11 said:
    No up and coming managers like Phillips.
    Someone who has got a team out of this division is necessary imo, and who brings in exactly who they want as backroom staff.
    Moore or Jones would be the best of those options but doubt either would go near it.
    Possibly Jones because he knows the club but didn’t he leave in the Roland years? 
    Russell Slade?
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    The rush to sack Holden is strange, either they have someone lined up or contractually maybe an extra compensation was about to cost them more after so many games etc. 
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    Darren Ferguson?! Oh good, a new low 
    Tbf his dad would struggle here.
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    How it all adds up from a financial stand point, I don’t know but the evidence is there to show that money has been available this summer.

    Not earth shattering amounts but more than most in this league are able to boast.

    $250k on May, similar amounts on Edun and Taylor, the loan of Camara won’t have been free… and now the sacking costing six figures in compensation.
    I agree that money has been spent.

    Terms like "skint" are lazy now just as they were with Sandgaard, who the accounts proved spent a lot of money, mostly badly.

    Money has to be spent every month just to pay the wages and other bills and we have no reason to think that that isn't happening under this regime or the previous one.

    HOW MUCH is being spent and whether that is sufficient to mount a promotion campaign is a different matter.

    Edun:  some say a fee was paid but other reports say it was a free transfer with a potential sell on fee.  But it was reported that compensation was paid for Taylor and it is likely that the Camara loan included a fee and/or a contribution to wages.

    But against that the club have also freed up a lot of wages from the likes of Morgan, Innis, Clare and all the other players released over the summer.  So there was a significant saving in the wages budget,

    Both Lavelle and Woolacott were reported as undisclosed fees so money has come in as well as having been spent.  Probably less, at my total guess, than we paid for May but the spending hasn't all be one way.

    What we don't know and the GOF have been careful not to say is how does this year's budget compare with the previous season?   Has it increased and if so by what percentage?

    There is a good argument for saying that that is confidential and we don't want to let rivals and agents know how much we have but the "sources" have been very quick to tell us that Holden's severance was £500k.  That seem excessive as either there was no usual six months or one year termination fee in his contract so he got three years money or he was on a huge £0.5m a year.

    Regardless, it was the GOF who made the decision to sack Holden.

    So I believe that there is money, the SMT isn't skint but as the bishop said to the actress it's not the size, it's what you do with it. 
    Good post, and I think you are right, money needs to be spent correctly, I believe the players that have come in have been an upgrade on last season, yes maybe we haven't bought enough in, but let's not forgot Holden wanted the smaller squad. 

    It is was quite clear, they wasn't going to throw millions at it to start with, and most were happy with us playing academy players and giving them a pathway, as we have one of the best in the country. 

    Holden come across as a lovely guy, but tactically he was all over the place! 
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    se9addick said:
    SDAddick said:
    It's a difficult time because we're the first club to sack their manager, and as such, interesting managers at other clubs haven't come free yet. 

    I would not have been thrilled by Ferguson, but we could certainly do far worse. 

    I'm sort of desperately looking at teams in the Championship and League One that have started slowly. I don't think Rotherham would part with Taylor, especially early on, but he would be a great get. Xisco at Sheff Wed would also be interesting, but I don't know that he'd need to drop down to League One unless he was set on managing and succeeding in England. 

    So back to reality: 
    • Darren Moore: By all accounts a lovely guy. Think he did the right think being asked to be paid like a Championship manager at Sheff Wed. I just think he's probably holding out for a Championship job, and more importantly, I don't think his style fits our squad. At all. 
    • Bowyer: Never go back. 2018/19 was great. I think Bowyer did the best he could in 19/20. But I think people forget just how bereft of ideas he was at the end of his time here. And generally, he accomplished a lot here and I think it would be a real risk to him coming back now.
    • Robinson: Okay, my unpopular opinion is that this is a squad that would suit Robinson's system and style of play. Would I bring him back? Only if I absolutely couldn't get anyone else. But he did pretty well at Oxford, seemed to become a little more tactically flexible.
    • Bonner: I'm always a little worried about giving managers who have been at one club for a while a big step up. He's definitely done well with the resources at his disposal at Cambridge. 4-2-3-1 is what I think this squad will end up playing. 
    • Ritchie Wellens: I think this is very, very unlikely but he obviously did incredibly well with Orient last year. I like the way he wants to play football even if I think he made a poor substitution bringing off Piggot and not replacing him with a CF on opening day. 
    • Grant McCann: Makes sense that we would move on from Ferguson to McCann. 
    • Michael Appleton: I no longer know what type of manager Appleton is, I only know him as a meme.
    • Nathan Jones: I suspect he was (or should have been) humbled by his time at Soton. I don't think he was League One humbled, and I don't think a diamond suits this team. 
    • Euell/Pearce: I doubt Pearce is in line for it. Euell seems like a decent coach but I feel like he needs a senior managerial job, and also, I feel like this club could use some fresh blood from a coaching perspective.
    • Steve Cotterill: Cheekbones you could set your watch by. He's been around forever, and I really struggle to remember any of his sides. That's not necessarily a knock on him, it might be more about me and my memory, but he seems to be gradually working his way down the leagues.
    • Danny Cowley: There was a time when he seemed quite intriguing, but things didn't end well at Hudds and didn't seem to go well at Portsmouth and I'm now quite skeptical. I think he is a cautionary tale for someone like a Bonner--making the step up and falling short.
    • Warburton: He did alright with QPR, but it's weird to me that he hasn't had a job since. I don't know if that was by choice. 
    • Lee Johnson: There was a time when he was considered a bright young manager. It will be him I suspect.

    It's, not an inspiring list. I really hope Rodwell has a deep rolladex with coaches who aren't his friends. I do think this could be a good job for a Championship Assistant looking to break into management (what we tried to do with Beale). Right now it just feels like there isn't a whole lot out there. I think Holden had to go, he'd hit his ceiling and he was bumping up against it. But sacking a manager is only half of the equation. Would this lot be okay to let Pearcey go 2-3 weeks to see who comes available? I doubt it given how poorly we've started, but we'll see.
    I know you took a lot of time making this post but Chris Powell is abscent from that list;

    Reason - he "gets" us - Holden made a big "thing" about the no dick head rule - CP didn't even feel the need to explain that as a prerequisit - it was a natural assumption for any player coming here.
    Ability - he has previous significant success - he's won this league once at a canter
    Opportunity - he is available and not in current employment
    Financial - it wouldn't cost us a major amount since he is coming from a coaching role 
    Most importantly - gives the fan base the kind of lift that is potentially only possible with one other encumbent
    and dare I forget Will - unfinished business, affinity with the fans, wanting to prove he is a top level manager

    I don’t really think Powell is an option these days.
    What makes you think this se9? I think he’d come to us and his track record for us was excellent. Everyone will have different opinions on who they want, but I definitely would think he’d be an option would he not?

    My main concern with Powell would be that it worked last time after a really intense summer of recruitment which he wouldn’t get this time round. I do think however, the players we’ve signed this summer are really Powell type players.
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    Scoham said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Scoham said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Major said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Leam Richardson, Darren Moore, got promoted with the highest spending teams.
    I believe Richardson is on the shortlist 
    How is that possible, if the 'Skint' brigade are to be believed?
    Certain set of fans been against the group from day 1 and always going to say that.. Holden just cost 500K to sack. 

    Those fans, also believe Holden is blameless. For me, it is both parties, we haven't got enough players through the door, that is either because we haven't sold the club well enough, or didn't want to work with Holden. 

    Holden wanted a smaller squad of around 16 players, plus academy players coming through, he got his main man in May, despite better options being available to sign. 

    Not sure many clubs in league One have spent as much as us this year in transfer fees, loan fees or signing on fees. 

    Suppose the next appointment and the type of contact, will suggest if they are skint or not!
    Who were the better options available than May?
    Smith, Lapo, JHC, Nombe, Stansfield was all ahead of May, and we enquired about all of them before we signed May! 
    Smith - we were said to have made an offer and he chose to go back to his old club Reading. Someone on here even said we offered a bigger wage.

    Ladapo - sure he was available? He hasn’t left Ipswich yet.

    JCH - an older player with no resale value and a lot bigger asking price than May. Are you confident Holden stopped us from signing him as he wanted May and the owners were willing to pay for him?

    Nombe - a much higher asking price than May, better is debatable though. I don’t know enough about him but his goalscoring record isn’t as good as May’s over the last two seasons, but being younger he should have far more potential to improve.

    Stansfield - went to the Championship, so wasn’t available to us.

    To add to that, given we’re still after a striker and made Smith an offer I’m not seeing how May joining for about £250k stopped another striker coming in - we’ve been after another all summer.
    Plus we were told that the issue was hitting the FFP ceiling (no need to do the equity debate again) so paying £1m+ on Nombe and JCH would never have been realistic, if that was true.
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    If the pool we are looking in is recent promotions then it’s I’d say I’d choose between Leam Richardson or Darren Moore.

    Considering this squad is the polar opposite of a Darren Moore side and that’s not going to change this week, & that I think he’ll hold out for a Championship club, my choice is Leam Richardson and I think that would be a good appointment. 
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    RC_CAFC said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    CAFCsayer said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Major said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Leam Richardson, Darren Moore, got promoted with the highest spending teams.
    I believe Richardson is on the shortlist 
    How is that possible, if the 'Skint' brigade are to be believed?

    Holden wanted a smaller squad of around 16 players, plus academy players coming through, he got his main man in May, despite better options being available to sign. 

    Suppose the next appointment and the type of contact, will suggest if they are skint or not!
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Has Isted fallen into the same medical black hole as Alfie May?
    May never had a medical. Fee never been agreed, and I am not sure Holden wants him either

    That was what I was told at the time, but clearly that wasn't right!
    So you agree that what you are told sometimes may not be the truth. No point relating it to us then is it. 
    What a pointlessly antagonistic post.
    But true.
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    Redrobo said:
    Neil Lennon out of work. In for the Hibbs job but a very good manager.
    Please no, terrible manager and I'm a Celtic fan.
    I’m sorry to hear that. Life can’t be easy.
    I disagree on Lennon though. The job he did for Hibbs was very good and they are arguably a Club of similar size and level as we are and would be on my list.

    Lennon (updated from original)

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    Scoham said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Scoham said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Major said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Leam Richardson, Darren Moore, got promoted with the highest spending teams.
    I believe Richardson is on the shortlist 
    How is that possible, if the 'Skint' brigade are to be believed?
    Certain set of fans been against the group from day 1 and always going to say that.. Holden just cost 500K to sack. 

    Those fans, also believe Holden is blameless. For me, it is both parties, we haven't got enough players through the door, that is either because we haven't sold the club well enough, or didn't want to work with Holden. 

    Holden wanted a smaller squad of around 16 players, plus academy players coming through, he got his main man in May, despite better options being available to sign. 

    Not sure many clubs in league One have spent as much as us this year in transfer fees, loan fees or signing on fees. 

    Suppose the next appointment and the type of contact, will suggest if they are skint or not!
    Who were the better options available than May?
    Smith, Lapo, JHC, Nombe, Stansfield was all ahead of May, and we enquired about all of them before we signed May! 
    Smith - we were said to have made an offer and he chose to go back to his old club Reading. Someone on here even said we offered a bigger wage.

    Ladapo - sure he was available? He hasn’t left Ipswich yet.

    JCH - an older player with no resale value and a lot bigger asking price than May. Are you confident Holden stopped us from signing him as he wanted May and the owners were willing to pay for him?

    Nombe - a much higher asking price than May, better is debatable though. I don’t know enough about him but his goalscoring record isn’t as good as May’s over the last two seasons, but being younger he should have far more potential to improve.

    Stansfield - went to the Championship, so wasn’t available to us.

    To add to that, given we’re still after a striker and made Smith an offer I’m not seeing how May joining for about £250k stopped another striker coming in - we’ve been after another all summer.
    Smith we was very close.

    Ladapo was available and still might be, we wanted to take him & Camara within the same deal.

    JCH was seen a striker that could have got us out of the league, and Scott wanted him but Holden didn't

    Nombe - we would have gone back in for him, but we wouldn't have got May, was one or the other.

    Stansfield - was actually really close to signing, but wanted championship move.

    We was certainly in the running for players in my opinion are better than May!
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!