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Next Manager Search - August 2023



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    shine166 said:
    Only just seen this thread so can't look through all the posts. Please delete if it's already been mentioned.

    why would he? If he has been approached though, does it mean the next one in line isn't a forgone conclusion? Or they are trying to make out it isn't?!
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    Redrobo said:
    Redrobo said:
    Neil Lennon out of work. In for the Hibbs job but a very good manager.
    Please no, terrible manager and I'm a Celtic fan.
    I’m sorry to hear that. Life can’t be easy.
    I disagree on Lennon though. The job he did for Hibbs was very good and they are arguably a Club of similar size and level as we are and would be on my list.

    Lennon (updated from original)


    Fuck me, that's even less likely than when Sandgaard enquired about getting Rafa Benitez.
    I did say when 1st posted that there was no need to comment on the chance of Potter happening. 
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    shirty5 said:
    A glimpse as to where the decision making power lies.
    Was it Scott who sacked Holden by text?
    If that’s how Scott rolls then my feeling towards him is one of utter contempt.
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    Redrobo said:
    Redrobo said:
    Redrobo said:
    Neil Lennon out of work. In for the Hibbs job but a very good manager.
    Please no, terrible manager and I'm a Celtic fan.
    I’m sorry to hear that. Life can’t be easy.
    I disagree on Lennon though. The job he did for Hibbs was very good and they are arguably a Club of similar size and level as we are and would be on my list.

    Lennon (updated from original)


    Fuck me, that's even less likely than when Sandgaard enquired about getting Rafa Benitez.
    I did say when 1st posted that there was no need to comment on the chance of Potter happening. 
    Harry? We need a magician
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    Major said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Leam Richardson, Darren Moore, got promoted with the highest spending teams.
    I believe Richardson is on the shortlist 
    How is that possible, if the 'Skint' brigade are to be believed?
    If there was real money I’d have thought it a good idea to spend it on players and not spunk it on paying off a manager after only five games into the season. Come Friday we’ll see but I think a lot of people will be very disappointed with our business.
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    Major said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Leam Richardson, Darren Moore, got promoted with the highest spending teams.
    I believe Richardson is on the shortlist 
    How is that possible, if the 'Skint' brigade are to be believed?
    If there was real money I’d have thought it a good idea to spend it on players and not spunk it on paying off a manager after only five games into the season. Come Friday we’ll see but I think a lot of people will be very disappointed with our business.
    we agree! And as I have commented on another thread, we've done this far too many times
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    edited August 2023
    How it all adds up from a financial stand point, I don’t know but the evidence is there to show that money has been available this summer.

    Not earth shattering amounts but more than most in this league are able to boast.

    $250k on May, similar amounts on Edun and Taylor, the loan of Camara won’t have been free… and now the sacking costing six figures in compensation.
    So the cost of our star signings match +/- the payoff to sacked Holden. Wonderful plan.
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    Dubai mentioned a shortlist of managers. Do we know who is on it ? Or who the number one target is now. 
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    shirty5 said:
    The rumour at the time was that Scott was the one who appointed Holden so I had assumed that was the case. Football decisions come under his remit so it should be him making the decision 
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    If thats the sort of power that Scott has why would any sane manager consider us? you dont get to go for the players you want, and if you dont win with players Scott has chosen you are the one who is sacked.
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    DubaiCAFC said:
    Scoham said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Scoham said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Major said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Leam Richardson, Darren Moore, got promoted with the highest spending teams.
    I believe Richardson is on the shortlist 
    How is that possible, if the 'Skint' brigade are to be believed?
    Certain set of fans been against the group from day 1 and always going to say that.. Holden just cost 500K to sack. 

    Those fans, also believe Holden is blameless. For me, it is both parties, we haven't got enough players through the door, that is either because we haven't sold the club well enough, or didn't want to work with Holden. 

    Holden wanted a smaller squad of around 16 players, plus academy players coming through, he got his main man in May, despite better options being available to sign. 

    Not sure many clubs in league One have spent as much as us this year in transfer fees, loan fees or signing on fees. 

    Suppose the next appointment and the type of contact, will suggest if they are skint or not!
    Who were the better options available than May?
    Smith, Lapo, JHC, Nombe, Stansfield was all ahead of May, and we enquired about all of them before we signed May! 
    Smith - we were said to have made an offer and he chose to go back to his old club Reading. Someone on here even said we offered a bigger wage.

    Ladapo - sure he was available? He hasn’t left Ipswich yet.

    JCH - an older player with no resale value and a lot bigger asking price than May. Are you confident Holden stopped us from signing him as he wanted May and the owners were willing to pay for him?

    Nombe - a much higher asking price than May, better is debatable though. I don’t know enough about him but his goalscoring record isn’t as good as May’s over the last two seasons, but being younger he should have far more potential to improve.

    Stansfield - went to the Championship, so wasn’t available to us.

    To add to that, given we’re still after a striker and made Smith an offer I’m not seeing how May joining for about £250k stopped another striker coming in - we’ve been after another all summer.
    JCH was seen a striker that could have got us out of the league, and Scott wanted him but Holden didn't
    So the SMT say they were gonna spend 1.5-2 million on JCH, a player with no resale value -- all the while Methven is in the Telegraph talking about how they're going to reduce losses by 6-7 million through player trading.

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    Darren Moore got plenty of stick  from Wednesday fans up here in Sheffield for his team selection and tactics I think he would have been sacked in summer if he didn’t get promoted but then got sacked anyway. 
    His not a choice for me. 

    He got a Massive club promoted from League 1 but somehow he wouldn't be good enough for a middling to small London club?(The reality now !)  I appreciate Wednesday had a strong squad but in a results business he was a success. A 46 league game marathon and he got them over the line in their 49th match. Impressive to achieve.

    I have already said I would like to build a club with a combo of a young Ryan Mason as manager with a Chris Powell as his assistant and mentor. I believe CP is doing very nicely with other projects and is unlikely to want to get involved with the day to day grind and traveling to desolate Northern outposts after the luxury of England travels.
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    If thats the sort of power that Scott has why would any sane manager consider us? you dont get to go for the players you want, and if you dont win with players Scott has chosen you are the one who is sacked.
    Isn’t that modern football though. Every club has a technical/sporting director of some type. 

    Last year, we were rightfully complaining that Martin Sandgaard, a man with no football experience was making key decisions. Now we have a football man in charge of those decisions, a man who has been a player, manager, scout and director of football elsewhere, and we’re complaining he’s got too much power. Andy Scott is already getting the Ged Roddy treatment. 
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    It's going to be Lee Johnson, for all the wrong reasons, isn't it?
    Probably not after Rodwell sacked him at Sunderland...
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    If thats the sort of power that Scott has why would any sane manager consider us? you dont get to go for the players you want, and if you dont win with players Scott has chosen you are the one who is sacked.
     he's been mediocre in recruitment of players then he has the power to sack a manager that can't turn the pigs ear into a purse. Great.
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    There is no way Darren Moore is coming to us
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    What about being first team to have a women manager curbs was only saying the other week about talk of Emma hayes Chelsea women’s manager stepping into men’s football 
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    If thats the sort of power that Scott has why would any sane manager consider us? you dont get to go for the players you want, and if you dont win with players Scott has chosen you are the one who is sacked.
     he's been mediocre in recruitment of players then he has the power to sack a manager that can't turn the pigs ear into a purse. Great.
    Would you rather he did that or Methven?

    We want experts and football people, just not that one? 
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    What is it about Andy Scott that merits so much trust being placed in him?  I know nothing about him and he may be thoroughly deserving of his central role in appointing yet another CAFC manager; however his wikipedia entry suggests an uninspiring history of journeyman player followed by journeyman manager.
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    Whoever the next manager is to be, just get your bloody finger out Charlton  and stop farting around ffs...😫
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    If thats the sort of power that Scott has why would any sane manager consider us? you dont get to go for the players you want, and if you dont win with players Scott has chosen you are the one who is sacked.
    I'm pretty certain it was Holden who said something along the lines of almost every out of work manager is looking to find their way back in, in some way, and it's better to be in a job than out of one, due to the competition for jobs. Even with batshit insane ownership, plenty of managers would prefer to be at a club than not - like an insane relationship with a toxic person, many managers look at a club like ours and say "I can fix them".

    Expectations for the season are probably reduced. Staying mid table will probably not get you fired. You get a free out from most people because it's not the squad you built. Plenty of managers would be fine with that. It's another sad state of affairs for us fans, unless through some miracle we figure out how to defend properly and keep players fit.

    I'm desperately trying to stay positive, but I can't currently see a world where any decent manager (say Moore) comes in and, more likely, we get a half-baked, journeyman manager who the crowd will probably turn on quickly. I want to see someone come in who can organise us defensively and tactically, but has a few years of L1 experience minimum. Our academy players crave having someone like that to help them develop.

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    Since January we've sold/released 14 first-team players.

    This summer we've signed 7 players. 

    No surprise the 'leaks' start coming when they've got to spin a narrative to excuse away why our squad has decreased by 7 first-team players. 
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    My money’s on Les Reed.   
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    DubaiCAFC said:
    CAFCsayer said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Major said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Leam Richardson, Darren Moore, got promoted with the highest spending teams.
    I believe Richardson is on the shortlist 
    How is that possible, if the 'Skint' brigade are to be believed?

    Holden wanted a smaller squad of around 16 players, plus academy players coming through, he got his main man in May, despite better options being available to sign. 

    Suppose the next appointment and the type of contact, will suggest if they are skint or not!
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Has Isted fallen into the same medical black hole as Alfie May?
    May never had a medical. Fee never been agreed, and I am not sure Holden wants him either

    That was what I was told at the time, but clearly that wasn't right!
    So you agree that what you are told sometimes may not be the truth. No point relating it to us then is it. 
    Everything you hear has the potential to not be the “truth” so why listen to anything at all?
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!