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Next Manager Search - August 2023



  • vffvff
    edited August 2023
    If true, our billionaire owners won't be happy getting rejected by the Stockport manager

    That's if they know about us which I'm beginning to doubt 

    Has anyone checked with the billionaires,  that they are aware that they are actually owners of a UK football club ? If so, that to flip the club in the Championship & making some money, requires some sustained investment to get there ? Ipswich the example not shoestring Charlie (sell off the youth products, if any of them survive the rushed development and potential shattering of their confidence).
  • edited August 2023
    Richard J said:

    Wasn't he the Lincoln fan who talked about Gilbey last year?
    I have no idea what is going on.

    I got the feeling that he was very anti Charlton and wasn't the most reliable of sources.

  • This is gonna be the worst potential ITK post of all time but fuck it. 

    Darren Moore just gave a talk at my job. Whilst saying goodbye to people Moore stated he is staying in London overnight and the host wished him luck for tomorrow.

    No idea what he's doing tomorrow but hopefully he's interviewing to be our manager.

    Playing football manager isn't a job y'know  ;)
    Gizzadiscount on FM24 :-)  @ProperCharlton

    I only get 5 free copies... Sorry mate 😐😂
  • Addick_8 said:
    There is going to a massive reaction to this that we are being rejected now by Stockport managers etc. 

    However if true, I do think that location and moving his family etc could have a massive say in what he would want to do. 
    If that reason is true he is a plonker.
    I have never applied for a job in Bradford because I don’t want to live there. Why on earth would he be applying for a job in London if he does not want to live here?
    Or maybe it is even worse. Did he apply for the job without even discussing it with his wife and family?

    I think it more likely he didn’t get the job and is saying he turned it down so he can look his players in the face and tell them to play for the shirt.
  • edited August 2023
    This is gonna be the worst potential ITK post of all time but fuck it. 

    Darren Moore just gave a talk at my job. Whilst saying goodbye to people Moore stated he is staying in London overnight and the host wished him luck for tomorrow.

    No idea what he's doing tomorrow but hopefully he's interviewing to be our manager.

    Playing football manager isn't a job y'know  ;)
    Gizzadiscount on FM24 :-)  @ProperCharlton

    I only get 5 free copies... Sorry mate 😐😂
    What is it you do there if you dont mind me asking?

    Sounds like a great place to work
  • Redrobo said:
    Addick_8 said:
    There is going to a massive reaction to this that we are being rejected now by Stockport managers etc. 

    However if true, I do think that location and moving his family etc could have a massive say in what he would want to do. 
    If that reason is true he is a plonker.
    I have never applied for a job in Bradford because I don’t want to live there. Why on earth would he be applying for a job in London if he does not want to live here?
    Or maybe it is even worse. Did he apply for the job without even discussing it with his wife and family?

    I think it more likely he didn’t get the job and is saying he turned it down so he can look his players in the face and tell them to play for the shirt.
    Who is to say he applied for it? 
    Considering we were still interviewing today, I reckon there is a good chance that we asked to speak to Stockport, they said yes and then he said no thank you.
    A key indicator is the fact Rich Cawley never said it was as close as some of twitter accounts or rumours that was spreading. I don’t think he has rejected a job offer and I am quite pleased as I don’t think he would be a good appointment. 
  • edited August 2023
    In regards to us allegedly being turned down I wonder if it's because of what we are offering and if there's an issue with wages and guarantees etc.

    With all due respect if you're willing to be interviewed then your foot is half way out the door from wherever you were/are anyway.

    I am personally happy that the Stockport Manager turned us down. All the names that have been mentioned like Appleton, Cowley, Johnson have done better than him and then some.

    What now concerns me is why are they saying no? We are offering it on a short term basis, are we offering a low salary, are we saying we don't have money for signings etc.

    I don't see it as an insult getting rejected by a manager from a lower league, bigger clubs than us have been rejected by managers, it happens. More so want to know what is being said that is allegedly putting these candidates off 
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  • Addick_8 said:
    Redrobo said:
    Addick_8 said:
    There is going to a massive reaction to this that we are being rejected now by Stockport managers etc. 

    However if true, I do think that location and moving his family etc could have a massive say in what he would want to do. 
    If that reason is true he is a plonker.
    I have never applied for a job in Bradford because I don’t want to live there. Why on earth would he be applying for a job in London if he does not want to live here?
    Or maybe it is even worse. Did he apply for the job without even discussing it with his wife and family?

    I think it more likely he didn’t get the job and is saying he turned it down so he can look his players in the face and tell them to play for the shirt.
    Who is to say he applied for it? 
    Considering we were still interviewing today, I reckon there is a good chance that we asked to speak to Stockport, they said yes and then he said no thank you.
    A key indicator is the fact Rich Cawley never said it was as close as some of twitter accounts or rumours that was spreading. I don’t think he has rejected a job offer and I am quite pleased as I don’t think he would be a good appointment. 
    Saying you are not interested in applying does not mean you have turned down the job.
    It is also not was said by the individual telling the story.
  • Glad I haven't got a season ticket. Will be going Saturday & then that's my lot for a while. Daughter of to Uni & a house move all planned for the next 6 weeks

    Fuck me it's not that bad - it's only football.
  • edited August 2023
    In regards to us allegedly being turned down I wonder if it's because of what we are offering and if there's an issue with wages and guarantees etc.

    With all due respect if you're willing to be interviewed then you're foot is half way out the door from wherever you were/are anyway.

    I am personally happy that the Stockport Manager turned us down. All the names that have been mentioned like Appleton, Cowley, Johnson have done better than him and then some.

    What now concerns me is why are they saying no? We are offering it on a short term basis, are we offering a low salary, are we saying we don't have money for signings etc.

    I don't see it as an insult getting rejected by a manager from a lower league, bigger clubs than us have been rejected by managers, it happens. More so want to know what is being said that is allegedly putting these candidates off 
    But he hasn’t turned it down has he . 
  • edited August 2023
    In regards to us allegedly being turned down I wonder if it's because of what we are offering and if there's an issue with wages and guarantees etc.

    With all due respect if you're willing to be interviewed then you're foot is half way out the door from wherever you were/are anyway.

    I am personally happy that the Stockport Manager turned us down. All the names that have been mentioned like Appleton, Cowley, Johnson have done better than him and then some.

    What now concerns me is why are they saying no? We are offering it on a short term basis, are we offering a low salary, are we saying we don't have money for signings etc.

    I don't see it as an insult getting rejected by a manager from a lower league, bigger clubs than us have been rejected by managers, it happens. More so want to know what is being said that is allegedly putting these candidates off 
    But he hasn’t turned it down has he . 
    I don't know, hence why I said allegedly, that's what I've read. I've now read two different managers have turned us down. 

    So I'm just asking if that is the case I wonder if it's because we are offering poor wages, a short term contract or lack of control over transfers etc. If of course we have been turned down
  • edited August 2023
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    The last manager from League 2 did great, signed plenty of players from L2 as well for us.  That ended well.   
    Hiring a successful L2 manager worked out horrendously for Rob Edwards and Luton as well.
    How did it work out for Rob Edwards and Watford?

    Worked out very well at Watford.
    He was in the top half of the table in 10th place after just 10 games and he got a years money when sacked. Win/win situation and now he has overachieved at Luton.
    You mean he was 10th, mid table, like the Cowleys were when they got sacked?

    The whole point is success is relative, and in the eye of the beholder.  

    Some say Jackson was a success for finishing midtable, some say he was a failure.
    10th in the Championship though.
    Is managing a squad that should be "challenging" in the championship that much different to managing a squad that should be "challenging" in league 1?

    All managers "fail" when they aren't backed and/or in control.  Some occasionally fail when they are both, but that's actually quite rare when you look how many, about 30 a year, are sacked.

    Of the 17(ish) managers we have had since Curbs they have basically all, ultimately failed.  2 of them should never have been appointed but I can, honestly inly think of one that was backed and failed.
  • In regards to us allegedly being turned down I wonder if it's because of what we are offering and if there's an issue with wages and guarantees etc.

    With all due respect if you're willing to be interviewed then you're foot is half way out the door from wherever you were/are anyway.

    I am personally happy that the Stockport Manager turned us down. All the names that have been mentioned like Appleton, Cowley, Johnson have done better than him and then some.

    What now concerns me is why are they saying no? We are offering it on a short term basis, are we offering a low salary, are we saying we don't have money for signings etc.

    I don't see it as an insult getting rejected by a manager from a lower league, bigger clubs than us have been rejected by managers, it happens. More so want to know what is being said that is allegedly putting these candidates off 
    But he hasn’t turned it down has he . 
    I don't know, hence why I said allegedly, that's what I've read. I've now read two different managers have turned us down. 

    So I'm just asking if that is the case I wonder if it's because we are offering poor wages, a short term contract or lack of control over transfers etc 
    I wouldn’t imagine it’s wages . The latter is more likely 
  • Jac_52 said:
    Asked my mate about challinor and this is what I got… Can’t say it sounds too exciting and the general consensus I have seen from Stockport fans is he is struggling this year. 
    This sounds scarily familiar..
    To be honest it sounds like the description of every Football League manager ever. It's all a variation of 'doesn't have a Plan B' which is basically supporter code for 'sometimes we lose and I think we could have done something else with all this hindsight I have so he's rubbish'. The subs thing is a pretty common complaint from fans as well. Though to be honest given we've only got about 8 fit professionals at any given time at Charlton a bloke who doesn't like to make any subs will feel right at home.
    Yup I'd be quite happy with a manager that has a Plan A that they can actually successfully execute to get results more often than not.

    Holden didn't have any plans, Garner had a plan A but couldn't execute and don't think JJ had a plan beyond play 532 either so it's been a while.
    At this level, I think managers have something that works for a certain period, but then they don’t have the ability to change it once it gets worked out, or players transition.  As you say, I don’t think some of the stuff we’ve seen in recent years even has a plan A associated with it.  
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  • As much as we all want to know who the new manager is going to be, the decision makers don't need to rush, as at this stage even if a new manager is announced now it is likely going to be Pearce in charge for Saturday still.

    Gives them two weeks before our next important game.
  • More likely to find out if it's someone like Cowley or Appleton if they're there on Saturday in the stands. 

    If there's no out of work managers there on Saturday it's more likely to be someone already in a job.

    I doubt we'll find out before next week
  • ROKERITE said:
    All those who have put money on Cowley are gonna be disappointed then.

    Challinor is now the favourite

    Next Charlton Manager Odds |
    I'm a bettor but next manager markets are something I never touch. It would be a surprise if Charlton chose Challinor (how's that for alliteration?) but Stockport would be a good next job for the Cowleys.
    Reverse psychology in play here. 
  • thenewbie said:
    What if...all these names being leaked is to lengthen the odds on our actual appointment...Charlie and his mates all lump on someone at 33/1, appoint them for a striker on deadline day
    By George I think you have solved it 
    Do you mean we have got Boy George as our next boss?
  • Sam_777 said:
    Hard to tell if people are being genuine or facetious when saying legendary managers couldn’t get a tune out this mob. Regardless of how there may be some right crap in this team, a competent manager should be able to out-compete at least 17 of the shite clubs in this division & get top 6. 

    I’m not accepting the squad is not good enough as an excuse, it’s such a red herring. 

    These players are not coached correctly & regardless of what Holden said, there was no identity being built, no clear style, you can see that from his incoherent team selections. 

    Garner was pants in the end but at least you could see a distinct style of play. 

    Whoever they bring in needs to have a clear and concise idea of how they want to play & stick to it. Like Russell Martin said, have a plan A & don’t worry about b,c,d etc. just make plan A better. 
    the squad is a shocker
  • vff said:
    vff said:
    I applaud 👏 Scott & Methven looking at managers with League 2 & National League experience. Its a win all round for Charlton. Excellent to have a manager experienced in League 2 & National League given the direction Methven, Scott & his pals club are sending the club in.

    These L2 / unemployed managers will also be cheap to hire & fire & perfect for pinning the blame on & distracting from the Methven & Scott genius strategy -  when everything goes even more pearshaped. 
    Charlton supporters have the added benefit of getting used to the standard of football coming our wayin future seasons, so its not too much of a shock. Throw ins should improve though. Happy days !

    Methven can also get those costs down by getting the budget down to national league / league two levels. Man of his word is Charlie. Not sure 🤔 why any Charlton supporter is unhappy given Scott & Methven solid preparation for the future. 
    Apart from a simple fact that CM has nothing to do with appointing a new manager . 
    My apologies. Charlie Methven nothing to do with anything going on at Charlton. It's all someone else’s doing. No responsibility for anything at all - budget, strategy, useless plan - working for free. Maligned unfairly. Please can you message my sincere apologies. 
    Charlie boy has some support.
This discussion has been closed.

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