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Upcoming away game sales



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    Anyone got prices/details for preston?

    I wont lie, i'm useless at sorting out train journeys outside of london....
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    At a guess I would say that some do and some don't Elfsbourg.
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    I can't understand how 700 hundred fans going to Carlise is embarrassing! Trains are well over 100 pounds it is the furthest northern game possible. The people who complain about how bad it is I am guessing you go to ever home and away game?
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    how many we sold it was near 700 yesterday
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    Carlisle 690, Preston 714
    from yesterday
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    Seems alot are staying over then.

    Know a Luton fella who reckons alot of theres are doing the same in Blackpool that weekend.
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    Who Luton got that weekend SE10??
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    690 is pretty poor
    690 is with 2 or 3 days left of sale at the club before they are sent back and then there will be those who turn up and pay on the gate, it will get into the 1000s I reckon.
    I would say absolutely rubbish, don't know about poor
    And I would say ........................ gissa kiss!
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    Who Luton got that weekend SE10??
    Fleetwood possibly
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    Who Luton got that weekend SE10??
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    15 of us doing Blackpool Fri & Sat night for Preston.
    Our away numbers are poor at the end of the day. Our aways support is not as 'laddish' as I and many of my mates would like (although we have our moments)
    But i'd rather live with that and be Charlton, than not.
    Besides I get my kicks at England aways! ;)
    Top post fella

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    Perhaps its because South London is wonderful, and going anywhere else just wouldn't be as wonderful!
    whatever 'happy stuff' you're taking, please send me some
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    15 of us doing Blackpool Fri & Sat night for Preston.
    Our away numbers are poor at the end of the day. Our aways support is not as 'laddish' as I and many of my mates would like (although we have our moments)
    But i'd rather live with that and be Charlton, than not.
    Besides I get my kicks at England aways! ;)
    Top post fella

    Some people will inevitably moan, but I agree too. The more 'laddish' days out have generally been the most fun. Bournemouth and the night out with Charlton all over the town was absolutely brilliant!

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    Carlisle 772, Preston 936
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    Personally I was always going to Preston as it's a traditional that we have a lads old blokes weekend for the last away game. Preston is ideal as we're staying in Blackpool.

    There is still likely to be something on that game so even better but we would have gone up regardless.

    Otherwise the whole "our away support is s*****" ritual that happens for EVERY game is as pointless as it is tedious. I know OoH Aah has to stay in character but nothing he or his acolytes say actually gets more people on the road. If anything it just creates a negative vibe around away trips when in reality away games are usually good fun, win, lose or draw.
    People expressing an opinion

    Yes they are expressing an opinion. And?

    I was also expressing my opinion that what they were saying is both tedious and counter-productive. What I don't do is say that 10 or 20 times a week and on just about any thread on Charlton Life.
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    how is discussing away numbers counter productive ??

    counter productive to what ? loads turning up ?

    surely if people know that there isn't a problem getting a ticket cos it's not banged out it makes it easier for the siddarn stand up brigade
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    Just received my four for Preston .
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    Preston is looking good.
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    Got Preston tickets yesterday cousin got his tickets today
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    From the sounds of it on here we will have a large walk up to Carlisle
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    Well I know 5 Haha

    And what about all the people, that have today sorted out a car share?
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    be about 60 walk up
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    Me and my mate add another +2 on the walk up.
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    Carlisle 772, Preston 936
    Preston will sell out, crowned as Champions, last away of the season, bye bye and good riddance to League 1.

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    From the sounds of it on here we will have a large walk up to Carlisle
    Thats a bloody long walk fella
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    Think they had better leave soon if they are going to make it in time!
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    :) You know what I mean
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    Personally I was always going to Preston as it's a traditional that we have a lads old blokes weekend for the last away game. Preston is ideal as we're staying in Blackpool.

    There is still likely to be something on that game so even better but we would have gone up regardless.

    Otherwise the whole "our away support is s*****" ritual that happens for EVERY game is as pointless as it is tedious. I know OoH Aah has to stay in character but nothing he or his acolytes say actually gets more people on the road. If anything it just creates a negative vibe around away trips when in reality away games are usually good fun, win, lose or draw.
    People expressing an opinion

    Yes they are expressing an opinion. And?

    I was also expressing my opinion that what they were saying is both tedious and counter-productive. What I don't do is say that 10 or 20 times a week and on just about any thread on Charlton Life.
    Yeah, fair point but unfortunately on Charlton Life it tends to be anything negative, however correct it is, is shot down in flames.
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