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POST MATCH THREAD : Charlton Athletic Vs Oxford Utd : Monday 1st January 2024 : KO 15:00



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    Cold wet day let down by bunch of players who don’t care. It’s got worse week by week watching this dross. It’s so painful to watch. I’ll be at the next home game 13th which will be my last as the parking restrictions come in on the 15th which is probably doing me a favour. I have to push myself to come and watch and as a season ticket of 20 years I’ve not seen it this bad. No fight & no guts from anyone at Charlton. I’ll go watch my local team in Kent from the 15th as they have fight and try. They will have my season ticket next year. 
    Appleton couldn’t even look at covered end as he walked off he has no respect for the fans. Please go. 
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    edited January 1
    I was just thinking quite a few of the posts have been relatively positive, in terms of the players putting in a shift. Certainly less negative than after Orient and Bristol. Focus is very much on the management. 
    And like Stig, got home in record breaking time. 
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    I said earlier in season that I would wait until Christmas before deciding on MA and new management and owners. MA has turned out like every other recent manager, no inspiration to players. I will wait until end of January before deciding on top brass. I cannot get excited over transfers and can't feel any lower over results 
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    TEL said:
    Sounding like a broken record now. It's all just predictable isn't it. Appleton probably needs to go as he's lost the majority of fans, but the people in charge have a lot to answer for, that's their man and they're the ones who made these weak signings.

    Our only hope now is to do what Ipswich done 2 seasons ago, plan for next year and end strong.

    Vlog up. My usual cheery self 😉 enjoy (if you can)
    Good summary. Keep up the good work. 

    The empty looking Valley is heartbreaking. That alone should tell the absent owners enough about how the club is being mismanaged. 
    Cheers TEL, would have gone on to say more but trying to keep my videos shorter. 

    I truly thought Oxford smashed us and I'm surprised seeing people post it was close. We were good for about 5-10 minutes
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    Have no affinity with Appleton and he clearly has no interest with building any with our fan base. That is fine, of course, he is more than entitled to be a purely ‘transactional’ contracted manager, but in that mode, he can expect frost-burn when things are going poorly and lukewarm when things are going better. At least a point was there for the taking there today, the players gave it their all. However, this transaction failed (like too many before hand) - the transactor entered the wrong numbers and a bit too much later than when it was bleeding obvious to everybody else in the stadium that some of the ‘batteries’ had run themselves into the ground and needed help by being replaced.

    You don’t require UEFA Pro licences to work that sort of shit out, just a bit of common sense and perhaps a bit of care toward those before you.

    We have more than enough in this squad to survive in this league, too much to do to gain promotion this season. I hope our next transactions read LL before we part ways… So wish we had Holden on to somebody who actually gave a shit for the club and fanbase (with one hand tied behind his back). 

    New owners will get it right before long is my instinct, but may suffer one or two lessons which will turn out beneficial to us in the medium term and when they have of course learnt from them.

    Am right behind the club btw and will be at Port Vale next weekend, just believe I can see the wood from the trees (as so many other on here can) better than those holding the paperwork and controls at the moment. It will come…and we should remain ready to support for better times ahead.

    Andy Scott, football is an emotional game with fans holding passion a plenty for their club of choice. A bit of reciprocity should be added to the role profile next time around please. Wouldn’t wait too long to start re-drafting.
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    God we've been shit since Aneke broke down. Any news on his recovery?
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    edited January 2
    Was the first time tuning in for a few games, a draw would have probably been fair, we put in a much better performance than I thought it'd be (the expectations were not high at all tbh) and Oxford weren't quite the steady, passing possession side was expecting to see. 

    Appleton didn't have much to work with given the injuries and shiteness of players but he still managed to pull off some bizzare subs, tactically we've stood still and defensively no better.

    The two goals are our usual inability to read and defend as a unit, the first, Edun and Jones are taken out by a soft through ball and Hector is late to react. The second, the midfield (Fraser) decide to stand off and just let a speculative 25 yarder ping off.

    The kids tried but shouldn't be starting, Anderson harries well but is generally poor. He may have some better closing down stats that L Watson but I'll guess there's more to the debate than it being that simple, we looked better with him in the side and played more in the front foot for example.

    Special mention to T. Watson who looked very good.

    Extra special mention to the Scottish Pirlo and his corners. The real Pirlo could have been limbless and put 3 better balls in. Useless twat.
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    Does Appleton randomly select substitutes when they come on - seems to be no logic.

    Fraser continues to take the piss with his corners.
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    Might have missed it but can’t remember it being said but I thought the ref had a good game.
    Sorry mate we only slag them off on here, remember for next time please
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    JamesSeed said:
    Such a massive feeling of déjà vu at the moment:

    Weak squad exposed ✔️
    Key players injured ✔️
    Having to use too many academy players ✔️
    Manager bounce turning to sh*t ✔️
    Crowds dwindling ✔️
    Confidence evaporating ✔️
    Booing ✔️
    Rigid adherence to formation that’s not working✔️
    Players played out of position ✔️
    Rumours of key players leaving ✔️
    Promising players’ form deteriorating ✔️
    Pinning hopes on a January window ✔️
    Rivals thriving, or surviving, at a higher level ✔️

    What’s next?
    Hope that we’ll make multiple good signings in the window evaporating? (I very much hope I’m wrong about this).
    Manager sacked, to be replaced by someone that we’re not convinced by?
    We need to break free from this cycle of decline pretty sharpish. 
    It is groundhog day mate. I said it early doors, we just copy and paste every season. 

    There is only one solution now. Sign CBT and Dobson on longer contracts. Sign a new left back, right back, centre back, two new centre mids, a target man and a right winger. Sack Appleton and be ambitious with our next appointment. Give whoever it is the free hit of the rest of this season to build a winning side. It's what Ipswich did.

    Anything else is unacceptable. Woke up miserable today. Watched back my footage and the highlights and Dobson is the only player up to it from yesterday. CBT also had spells but I think he is looking demoralised. 

    Apologies if you've said before, but have you any names to throw out there that would satisfy you as being an ambitious appointment to replace Appleton?
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    Does Appleton randomly select substitutes when they come on - seems to be no logic.

    Fraser continues to take the piss with his corners.
    Fixed 😉
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