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January 2024 Transfer Rumours (D/day starts pg.263)



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    Think CBT will leave and we will sign JCH from Pboro to cover for Leaburn and Chuks ...
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    edited December 2023
    NabySarr said:
    NabySarr said:
    Compared to Lloyd Jones so far this season: 

    18 apps - 0 goals - 0 assists - 80.8% pass success - 5.2 aerial duals per game won and an average match score of 6.94.

    Passing has accuracy gone up by 11% 

    Which suggests it was the team enabling that style, not the player. 

    Lloyd Jones is from a premier league academy, it was much more likely that he’d be able to play a different style than Dunkley or especially Piergianni with his background. Also Jones isn’t even that good on the ball, which is why Hector plays next to him and is the much better of the 2 on the ball. If we are signing a partner for Jones they simply have to be at least better on the ball than Jones is for the way Appleton will want to play football

    I don’t think Dunkley would be a bad signing, in fact I was quite keen on us signing him when he left Wednesday. But I’m also not sure spending a fee on him would be the smartest move when you can probably buy a better all-round defender. Piergianni would be a very poor idea, he has never played in sides that play football. You can’t pluck a player out of a team that plays a completely different style, slot him into our team and expect it to work 
    Our best player has no Premier league academy experience, it doesn't really mean anything. There are plenty of players with Premier league academy experience that won't make it as professional footballers or have already given up. 

    I see your point in that he has potential based on his background, but I personally don't care where a player is from, as long as they are performing week in and week out.

    I don't know if we watch the same team at times (not specifically aimed at you mate) as Jones to me looks far more efficient on the ball. He drives it forward better and looks more composed. Did you not see Hector with those nonsense kick ups against Cambridge? The bloke thinks he's a lot better than what he is. They are of at least the same level on the ball, there is no way Hector can be classed as much better. 

    You absolutely can do that, Alfie May played a different style at Cheltenham and doesn't seem to be doing too bad, Lyle Taylor played for Wimbledon and did alright for us, as a centre back example, Lloyd Jones came from a team who don't play liquid football and adjusted just fine. 

    As for Piergianni not playing in a footballing side, I don't know who you think Charlton Atheltic are mate, but Stevenage are a better team than us this season (so far) and they probably should have beaten us in the Carabao Cup last season if it wasn't for some Aneke magic. His job is to make his side better defensively. That's what he does. Why do you think we can play this style of football when we can't, it would take a ton of investment and a completely different setup at the club. 

    We need players with character, who can play a bit, that's our recipe. We don't do liquid football mate, don't think we ever have and if we have, it hasn't been for many games at all.

    Either way it's all nonsense, Piregianni is out of our reach as he's at a better side and has a chance of getting promoted and we won't spend on Dunkley. 

    Apologies for clogging the thread those hoping to see some rumours but as I always say, this must be your first rodeo on a rumours thread 😉
    A premier league academy upbringing  (especially a top one) is more likely to mean a centre back is more comfortable on the ball. He wouldn’t have stayed at Liverpool as long as he did if he wasn’t.

    Hector gives the ball away more than Jones, but Hector also makes much better passes. Just look at the goals we’ve scored this week, 2 came from Hectors long passes that Jones or any of the other centre backs mentioned probably wouldn’t have even attempted and if they had would probably not have pulled off 

    I agree we need a better defender who can actually defend. But we should be looking for a player who can do both sides of the game well
    That's true but it doesn't mean they will turn out to be a good footballer unfortunately. 

    I just don't rate Hector mate you do, maybe in a 5 where he has more freedom or even a holding mid, but not when he's one of our last lines of defence. 

    We aren't going to find that though and will be extremely lucky if we do and if we do, chances are big clubs come sniffing. I am quite happy to have a team full of effective players to get us out of this league and then start thinking more about playstyle where we will have more options and be a more luxurious option for an aspiring player. Right now we aren't going to attract these Ronnie Edwards types as we are midtable league 1 Chartlon Athletic 
    A Hector who cuts out the errors (and I think he has recently) is a Championship level player. He played a big part in getting Fulham into the Premier League. I rate him, while keeping my fingers crossed that his recent improvement continues.

    And Tennai Watson is another player who is improving @Exiled_Addick. I wouldn’t give up on him just yet. Sure, if we can buy better, then fine, but I don’t think he’s a massive problem. Although as a wing back, I’m not sure.
    For me our recent problems have been in midfield where Dobbo’s form has dipped, and where Fraser is again showing how lightweight he is. His scoring and assist record this season has been awful as well. MA doesn’t seem to rate Louie, which is a shame, and may have an issue with Chem. So I’m expecting (hoping for) at least two signings in that area, plus a CB and a CF. 
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    Interesting comments from Appleton. He either knows there is investment coming or he is putting pressure on the owners and is sick of being judged based on a poor squad - my money is on the latter. 
    I agree but anything Appleton says is ultimately futile.  There is nobody significant coming in and he knows it.

    Methven's yes-men run the show on an inadequate budget funding players that do not play and and Appleton's views and opinions count for little.

    His days are numbered and not because of results. 

    I reckon he's had chats with player recruitment extraordinaire Scott and he's not liked what he has heard so has decided to voice his opinions to the press.
    I cannot blame him as if he can see a poor January window and the possibility of poor results that would put pressure on his job.

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    Interesting comments from Appleton. He either knows there is investment coming or he is putting pressure on the owners and is sick of being judged based on a poor squad - my money is on the latter. 
    I agree but anything Appleton says is ultimately futile.  There is nobody significant coming in and he knows it.

    Methven's yes-men run the show on an inadequate budget funding players that do not play and and Appleton's views and opinions count for little.

    His days are numbered and not because of results. 

    I reckon he's had chats with player recruitment extraordinaire Scott and he's not liked what he has heard so has decided to voice his opinions to the press.
    I cannot blame him as if he can see a poor January window and the possibility of poor results that would put pressure on his job.

    I cashed out my top 6 bets yesterday, so I must agree.
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    Drinks on you next time then mate :)
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    NabySarr said:
    NabySarr said:
    NabySarr said:
    Compared to Lloyd Jones so far this season: 

    18 apps - 0 goals - 0 assists - 80.8% pass success - 5.2 aerial duals per game won and an average match score of 6.94.

    Passing has accuracy gone up by 11% 

    Which suggests it was the team enabling that style, not the player. 

    Lloyd Jones is from a premier league academy, it was much more likely that he’d be able to play a different style than Dunkley or especially Piergianni with his background. Also Jones isn’t even that good on the ball, which is why Hector plays next to him and is the much better of the 2 on the ball. If we are signing a partner for Jones they simply have to be at least better on the ball than Jones is for the way Appleton will want to play football

    I don’t think Dunkley would be a bad signing, in fact I was quite keen on us signing him when he left Wednesday. But I’m also not sure spending a fee on him would be the smartest move when you can probably buy a better all-round defender. Piergianni would be a very poor idea, he has never played in sides that play football. You can’t pluck a player out of a team that plays a completely different style, slot him into our team and expect it to work 
    Our best player has no Premier league academy experience, it doesn't really mean anything. There are plenty of players with Premier league academy experience that won't make it as professional footballers or have already given up. 

    I see your point in that he has potential based on his background, but I personally don't care where a player is from, as long as they are performing week in and week out.

    I don't know if we watch the same team at times (not specifically aimed at you mate) as Jones to me looks far more efficient on the ball. He drives it forward better and looks more composed. Did you not see Hector with those nonsense kick ups against Cambridge? The bloke thinks he's a lot better than what he is. They are of at least the same level on the ball, there is no way Hector can be classed as much better. 

    You absolutely can do that, Alfie May played a different style at Cheltenham and doesn't seem to be doing too bad, Lyle Taylor played for Wimbledon and did alright for us, as a centre back example, Lloyd Jones came from a team who don't play liquid football and adjusted just fine. 

    As for Piergianni not playing in a footballing side, I don't know who you think Charlton Atheltic are mate, but Stevenage are a better team than us this season (so far) and they probably should have beaten us in the Carabao Cup last season if it wasn't for some Aneke magic. His job is to make his side better defensively. That's what he does. Why do you think we can play this style of football when we can't, it would take a ton of investment and a completely different setup at the club. 

    We need players with character, who can play a bit, that's our recipe. We don't do liquid football mate, don't think we ever have and if we have, it hasn't been for many games at all.

    Either way it's all nonsense, Piregianni is out of our reach as he's at a better side and has a chance of getting promoted and we won't spend on Dunkley. 

    Apologies for clogging the thread those hoping to see some rumours but as I always say, this must be your first rodeo on a rumours thread 😉
    A premier league academy upbringing  (especially a top one) is more likely to mean a centre back is more comfortable on the ball. He wouldn’t have stayed at Liverpool as long as he did if he wasn’t.

    Hector gives the ball away more than Jones, but Hector also makes much better passes. Just look at the goals we’ve scored this week, 2 came from Hectors long passes that Jones or any of the other centre backs mentioned probably wouldn’t have even attempted and if they had would probably not have pulled off 

    I agree we need a better defender who can actually defend. But we should be looking for a player who can do both sides of the game well
    That's true but it doesn't mean they will turn out to be a good footballer unfortunately. 

    I just don't rate Hector mate you do, maybe in a 5 where he has more freedom or even a holding mid, but not when he's one of our last lines of defence. 

    We aren't going to find that though and will be extremely lucky if we do and if we do, chances are big clubs come sniffing. I am quite happy to have a team full of effective players to get us out of this league and then start thinking more about playstyle where we will have more options and be a more luxurious option for an aspiring player. Right now we aren't going to attract these Ronnie Edwards types as we are midtable league 1 Chartlon Athletic 
    I don’t think Hector has been good this season, recently he’s been better but overall it’s not been great. But what I’m saying is if we replace Hector with a defender that isn’t comfortable on the ball, the team will be worse off, even if they are better defensively 

    Sorry to get a bit stat nerdy, but compare Jones and Hectors stats for progressive passes and passes into the final third. Jones is below the league 1 CB average in these areas, Hector is much better. That’s the difference and what we’d be hugely lacking without replacing Hectors ability on the ball. We’d really struggle to progress the ball up the pitch, especially now we don’t have a presence up front to go long too

    All the top league 1 teams have centre backs who are good on the ball. Stevenage are the exception but we’d have to rip everything up and start over to build a team like they have. We should be looking to emulate Bolton, Portsmouth, Oxford etc not Stevenage. If they can all find centre backs that are good on the ball and can defend then why can’t we? 
    Na don't apologise, I like seeing individual stats, cheers for sharing. Where did you get these from?

    Watching in person it looks to me like Jones is a lot more composed but of course, stats are stats. 

    I think you've answered your own question though tbf there fella, cause we are Charlton Athletic. We should in theory be able to, as we are bigger clubs than the likes of Oxford and Peterborough, unfortunately they have proper owners and ours are completely unproven.

    I'd love to see us have centre backs who can pass well and defend well who look ready to step up, unfortunately, hoping is all I've been able to do with this club for well over a decade now. 
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    sam3110 said:
    Leuth said:
    NabySarr said:
    Compared to Lloyd Jones so far this season: 

    18 apps - 0 goals - 0 assists - 80.8% pass success - 5.2 aerial duals per game won and an average match score of 6.94.

    Passing has accuracy gone up by 11% 

    Which suggests it was the team enabling that style, not the player. 

    Lloyd Jones is from a premier league academy, it was much more likely that he’d be able to play a different style than Dunkley or especially Piergianni with his background. Also Jones isn’t even that good on the ball, which is why Hector plays next to him and is the much better of the 2 on the ball. If we are signing a partner for Jones they simply have to be at least better on the ball than Jones is for the way Appleton will want to play football

    I don’t think Dunkley would be a bad signing, in fact I was quite keen on us signing him when he left Wednesday. But I’m also not sure spending a fee on him would be the smartest move when you can probably buy a better all-round defender. Piergianni would be a very poor idea, he has never played in sides that play football. You can’t pluck a player out of a team that plays a completely different style, slot him into our team and expect it to work 
    Our best player has no Premier league academy experience, it doesn't really mean anything. There are plenty of players with Premier league academy experience that won't make it as professional footballers or have already given up. 

    I see your point in that he has potential based on his background, but I personally don't care where a player is from, as long as they are performing week in and week out.

    I don't know if we watch the same team at times (not specifically aimed at you mate) as Jones to me looks far more efficient on the ball. He drives it forward better and looks more composed. Did you not see Hector with those nonsense kick ups against Cambridge? The bloke thinks he's a lot better than what he is. They are of at least the same level on the ball, there is no way Hector can be classed as much better. 

    You absolutely can do that, Alfie May played a different style at Cheltenham and doesn't seem to be doing too bad, Lyle Taylor played for Wimbledon and did alright for us, as a centre back example, Lloyd Jones came from a team who don't play liquid football and adjusted just fine. 

    As for Piergianni not playing in a footballing side, I don't know who you think Charlton Atheltic are mate, but Stevenage are a better team than us this season (so far) and they probably should have beaten us in the Carabao Cup last season if it wasn't for some Aneke magic. His job is to make his side better defensively. That's what he does. Why do you think we can play this style of football when we can't, it would take a ton of investment and a completely different setup at the club. 

    We need players with character, who can play a bit, that's our recipe. We don't do liquid football mate, don't think we ever have and if we have, it hasn't been for many games at all.

    Either way it's all nonsense, Piregianni is out of our reach as he's at a better side and has a chance of getting promoted and we won't spend on Dunkley. 

    Apologies for clogging the thread those hoping to see some rumours but as I always say, this must be your first rodeo on a rumours thread 😉
    Yeah, he won us a goal kick when most other defenders would have handed the opposition a (long) throw.

    Hector, not composed? Now I've heard everything. If anything he's slightly too composed at times, but he's getting the balance right. And he drives forward even more than Jones, there were some great ones the other day
    He very nearly lost it, if he had it would have put AMB under massive pressure, it was completely unnecessary, he could have used AMB as an option. 

    The exact kind of decisions he's been making at the start of the season that has cost us goals. Has this bloke got dirt on you or something mate? 😂
    Probably thought he couldn't do worse than whatever the fuck AMB thought he was doing in the first half. I have to disagree with you here though, Hector was great on Saturday and when he's on form (as he has been the past couple of games) is good enough for a starting berth.

    If/when we sell CBT, the first 2 changes we need are a left footed centre back to play in a back 3 with Jones and Hector, and a big bruiser up top alongside May.

    However to seriously challenge in the second half of the season we need 4 new starters IMO, better than Thomas, Fraser, Tedic and a replacement for Camara. We also need another striker who can come on from the bench and try to influence games, especially with Aneke and Leaburn out

    Hector Jones CB
    Watson Dobson CM Edun
    May ST

    Isted, Thomas, Asiimwe, Watson, Fraser, Kanu, ST

    Blackett-Taylor, Camara, Campbell, Abankwah, Walker and hopefully Kirk all out to pay for a lot of it and free up wages
    True on AMB, his decision making is bonkers at times, what was that all about in the first half where he tried to shield the ball and failed miserably? He can't give our defenders much confidence with some of his decision making.

    I will give them the benefit of the doubt at the time that a top keeper inspires the players infront of them and gives them more confidence. We don't have that sort of keeper right now unfortunately 
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    NabySarr said:
    NabySarr said:
    NabySarr said:
    Compared to Lloyd Jones so far this season: 

    18 apps - 0 goals - 0 assists - 80.8% pass success - 5.2 aerial duals per game won and an average match score of 6.94.

    Passing has accuracy gone up by 11% 

    Which suggests it was the team enabling that style, not the player. 

    Lloyd Jones is from a premier league academy, it was much more likely that he’d be able to play a different style than Dunkley or especially Piergianni with his background. Also Jones isn’t even that good on the ball, which is why Hector plays next to him and is the much better of the 2 on the ball. If we are signing a partner for Jones they simply have to be at least better on the ball than Jones is for the way Appleton will want to play football

    I don’t think Dunkley would be a bad signing, in fact I was quite keen on us signing him when he left Wednesday. But I’m also not sure spending a fee on him would be the smartest move when you can probably buy a better all-round defender. Piergianni would be a very poor idea, he has never played in sides that play football. You can’t pluck a player out of a team that plays a completely different style, slot him into our team and expect it to work 
    Our best player has no Premier league academy experience, it doesn't really mean anything. There are plenty of players with Premier league academy experience that won't make it as professional footballers or have already given up. 

    I see your point in that he has potential based on his background, but I personally don't care where a player is from, as long as they are performing week in and week out.

    I don't know if we watch the same team at times (not specifically aimed at you mate) as Jones to me looks far more efficient on the ball. He drives it forward better and looks more composed. Did you not see Hector with those nonsense kick ups against Cambridge? The bloke thinks he's a lot better than what he is. They are of at least the same level on the ball, there is no way Hector can be classed as much better. 

    You absolutely can do that, Alfie May played a different style at Cheltenham and doesn't seem to be doing too bad, Lyle Taylor played for Wimbledon and did alright for us, as a centre back example, Lloyd Jones came from a team who don't play liquid football and adjusted just fine. 

    As for Piergianni not playing in a footballing side, I don't know who you think Charlton Atheltic are mate, but Stevenage are a better team than us this season (so far) and they probably should have beaten us in the Carabao Cup last season if it wasn't for some Aneke magic. His job is to make his side better defensively. That's what he does. Why do you think we can play this style of football when we can't, it would take a ton of investment and a completely different setup at the club. 

    We need players with character, who can play a bit, that's our recipe. We don't do liquid football mate, don't think we ever have and if we have, it hasn't been for many games at all.

    Either way it's all nonsense, Piregianni is out of our reach as he's at a better side and has a chance of getting promoted and we won't spend on Dunkley. 

    Apologies for clogging the thread those hoping to see some rumours but as I always say, this must be your first rodeo on a rumours thread 😉
    A premier league academy upbringing  (especially a top one) is more likely to mean a centre back is more comfortable on the ball. He wouldn’t have stayed at Liverpool as long as he did if he wasn’t.

    Hector gives the ball away more than Jones, but Hector also makes much better passes. Just look at the goals we’ve scored this week, 2 came from Hectors long passes that Jones or any of the other centre backs mentioned probably wouldn’t have even attempted and if they had would probably not have pulled off 

    I agree we need a better defender who can actually defend. But we should be looking for a player who can do both sides of the game well
    That's true but it doesn't mean they will turn out to be a good footballer unfortunately. 

    I just don't rate Hector mate you do, maybe in a 5 where he has more freedom or even a holding mid, but not when he's one of our last lines of defence. 

    We aren't going to find that though and will be extremely lucky if we do and if we do, chances are big clubs come sniffing. I am quite happy to have a team full of effective players to get us out of this league and then start thinking more about playstyle where we will have more options and be a more luxurious option for an aspiring player. Right now we aren't going to attract these Ronnie Edwards types as we are midtable league 1 Chartlon Athletic 
    I don’t think Hector has been good this season, recently he’s been better but overall it’s not been great. But what I’m saying is if we replace Hector with a defender that isn’t comfortable on the ball, the team will be worse off, even if they are better defensively 

    Sorry to get a bit stat nerdy, but compare Jones and Hectors stats for progressive passes and passes into the final third. Jones is below the league 1 CB average in these areas, Hector is much better. That’s the difference and what we’d be hugely lacking without replacing Hectors ability on the ball. We’d really struggle to progress the ball up the pitch, especially now we don’t have a presence up front to go long too

    All the top league 1 teams have centre backs who are good on the ball. Stevenage are the exception but we’d have to rip everything up and start over to build a team like they have. We should be looking to emulate Bolton, Portsmouth, Oxford etc not Stevenage. If they can all find centre backs that are good on the ball and can defend then why can’t we? 
    Na don't apologise, I like seeing individual stats, cheers for sharing. Where did you get these from?

    Watching in person it looks to me like Jones is a lot more composed but of course, stats are stats. 

    I think you've answered your own question though tbf there fella, cause we are Charlton Athletic. We should in theory be able to, as we are bigger clubs than the likes of Oxford and Peterborough, unfortunately they have proper owners and ours are completely unproven.

    I'd love to see us have centre backs who can pass well and defend well who look ready to step up, unfortunately, hoping is all I've been able to do with this club for well over a decade now. 
    Those stats are from a Twitter page @AnalyticsWba the link is on his pinned tweet. Really cool and free data on any player in the top 4 leagues and has a few seasons worth. Unfortunately the link is very temperamental and not working for me now when it was earlier today 
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    Watching that first half is a sobering experience, two teams full of energy with a clear style of play, we’re nowhere near
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    lolwray said:
    Can someone direct me to the rumours thread please? 
    Rumour has it Pompey and at least 10 other teams in this division make us look like Cray Valley Waah... Oh fuck yeh!

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    edited December 2023
    Southbank said:
    Valley11 said:
    Does that Appleton quote sound more like him nudging the board, than saying what’s going to happen?

    Whoever we sign we need winners and a smattering of hard league 1 bastards in the Andy Hughes mould. 

    I fear it is Appleton knowing that he will not get the necessary players and getting his retailiation in first. 'It weren't me guv, it was the owners.'
    He’s been in the job ten minutes. Why would he risk putting his job in jeopardy by speaking out of turn ? The fans will know that if it’s a shitty transfer window it’s not down to Appleton. They’ll blame the money men. The only people Appleton would piss off by his outburst are his employers. I doubt he wants the sack just yet.
  • Options
    Southbank said:
    Valley11 said:
    Does that Appleton quote sound more like him nudging the board, than saying what’s going to happen?

    Whoever we sign we need winners and a smattering of hard league 1 bastards in the Andy Hughes mould. 

    I fear it is Appleton knowing that he will not get the necessary players and getting his retailiation in first. 'It weren't me guv, it was the owners.'
    He’s been in the job ten minutes. Why would he risk putting his job in jeopardy by speaking out of turn ? The fans will know that if it’s a shitty transfer window it’s not down to Appleton. They’ll blame the money men. The only people Appleton would piss off by his outburst are his employers. I doubt he wants the sack just yet.
    If he's gonna get the sack for underachieving he may as well make his feelings known for the next prospective employer!

    Pay off either way!
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    edited December 2023
    Perhaps he knows that we have some great targets lined up and wants the crowd on board until Jan. Until the end of the window we don't know. It might be a good one this time.... maybe
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    supaclive said:
    Still worried that Dobson and CBT haven’t signed new contracts.Don’t look promising. 
    I still think they’ll sign in due course. Dobson especially I think will be done. CBT could be gone in January.

    I’m less worried than most about it all. There have been half a dozen teams promoted out of this league since we signed either of them. 

    None of them had Dobson or Blackett-Taylor in their team (obviously) and without looking at the squads of those respective teams, I’m not sure either of them get in to those teams’ first XI either. 

    Sunderland moved Dobbo on and got promoted the following season… not saying he was the issue there by any means but it’s very reminiscent of the summer we got rid of player of the year Jose Semedo and went and got promoted the following season.

    Of course we would have to replace Dobbo and CBT if they leave and that takes work. But they’re not irreplaceable footballers.
    I don't believe Dobson and CBT are easily replaced.   I think they're the best two of their type footballers in this Division.

    We apparently have been recruiting for a specific formation.  Replacing these two is going to cost £millions in my opinion- in terms of transfer fees, agent fees and wages.

    We're crazy thinking losing two of our best players is advisable when our recent recruitment has been shite and we don't have much money it appears.

    There's being positive @Callumcafc and then there's being plan daft!

    I didn't say it's "advisable" to lose them - I said I'm less worried than most. I don't think it's a disaster if they moved on.

    Take your point about the last couple of windows, although I don't think money is necessarily the problem. Especially in regards to our summer business where fees were spent both on permanent transfers and loans.

    The only player who I believe would be a disaster to lose at this point is Alfie May. Towards the rest, academy boys aside, I mostly feel apathy.
    I see where you're coming from, in particular Corey, I actually think he holds the team back in a weird way. He's been one of our best performers but he is fairly hot and cold. He carries a bit when he's having one of his days but when he's off his game we really suffer strategically.

    There aren't many formations that suit him and the one that does hinders May imo. I would rather CBT stay, as he is an impactful player, but I think we need a rebuild and CBT wouldn't be a part of it for me. May would be the main man which would mean a 352 or a 442. 

    Dobson however would be harder to replace I think, if I had to pick one it would be Dobson all day. 
    Yes, it's a bit of a flaw with the squad that our best 2 attacking players suit different systems, CBT a 433 with a mobile target man number 9, while May suits a 352 alongside a physical target man. Never mind Miles, what May needs is Carl Leaburn!

    Play 352, and you either leave CBT out or play him at wing back exposing his poor defensive qualities.

    Play 433 and May
    1) is battling in the centre against giant centre backs
    2) played out wide, with the risk that he's too far away from the box, or
    3) played as a Number 10, leaving us with a 2 man midfield likely to be overrun.
    Exactly my thought process mate, I would simply build the team around May though purely due to how potent he is and being our player in the 'long' term. 

    CBT could be off and we are stuffed again. May needs a strike partner to build an understanding with.
    What if May leaves or gets injured this season? Kind of put all your eggs in one basket and messed it up with your thinking.
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    supaclive said:
    Southbank said:
    Valley11 said:
    Does that Appleton quote sound more like him nudging the board, than saying what’s going to happen?

    Whoever we sign we need winners and a smattering of hard league 1 bastards in the Andy Hughes mould. 

    I fear it is Appleton knowing that he will not get the necessary players and getting his retailiation in first. 'It weren't me guv, it was the owners.'
    He’s been in the job ten minutes. Why would he risk putting his job in jeopardy by speaking out of turn ? The fans will know that if it’s a shitty transfer window it’s not down to Appleton. They’ll blame the money men. The only people Appleton would piss off by his outburst are his employers. I doubt he wants the sack just yet.
    If he's gonna get the sack for underachieving he may as well make his feelings known for the next prospective employer!

    Pay off either way!
    I think he's put down a marker. If the squad doesn't materially improve, he knows he'll be toast sooner or later. By now he will have a good feel for whether the SMT are going to try for the material change or not and he's using that knowledge to chart his course. 

    If it's a 'not', he can swerve the lack of achievement and subsequent sacking by pointing to what he inherited and the lack of SMT 'support'.

    Personally I think it more likely he knows there is intent to upgrade the squad in the next 2 windows, he likes the recruitment conversations so far and is on board.

    Unlike him, we won't know whether that intent exists for another month or so.
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    shirty5 said:
    No surprise there. Could be a good player there in future, but he didn’t look better than our own young defenders to justify giving him a run of games. I think he needs regular game time at a club with lower expectations, whether that’s at this level or dropping down a division.
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    Hopefully will make us go after a CB too
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    I think he was talked up a lot when he joined and then failed to live up to that hype. Did that come from people that coached him before, scouts that watched him, or his agent? Whichever way it was, he was no better than playing Chin or Elerewe (both sent to non-League on loan) so on that basis it makes sense not to play him
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    edited December 2023
    Isaac Oloafe is a name that was mentioned to me, previously of Millwall and currently of Stockport. Very quick is about all I know. Would be a fee if it happens as he has 18 months left on his contract.
    Done very well this season, but Stockport are well backed and top of the league so I think the fee would be a pretty big one (especially if it’s in a January window) 

    Also plays in a front 2 or out wide so not sure he’d solve our current striker problem
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    He's 24, 6' tall, from Loosham (bruv) and only signed for Stockport in Jan so has a year and a half left on his contract.

    Has a 1 in 2 record in the league this season, I can't see Stockport letting him go for peanuts seeing as they're top of the league right now 
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    Olafe I can't see Stockport even entertaining offers for unless it was in the millions. Key part of their promotion push so they won't want to lose him in January. 
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    edited December 2023
    NabySarr said:
    Isaac Oloafe is a name that was mentioned to me, previously of Millwall and currently of Stockport. Very quick is about all I know. Would be a fee if it happens as he has 18 months left on his contract.
    Done very well this season, but Stockport are well backed and top of the league so I think the fee would be a pretty big one (especially if it’s in a January window) 

    Also plays in a front 2 or out wide so not sure he’d solve our current striker problem
    12 goals in 21 is decent
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    lolwray said:
    Can someone direct me to the rumours thread please? 
    Top of the stairs, first on the right...🙄
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    NabySarr said:
    shirty5 said:
    Looked like he was signed to play in a back 3, which we then stopped playing. A sign of the lack of joined up thinking from Scott so far and another poor signing for his record 
    Not sure how it's Scott's fault. He would have consulted with the manager first. It's not Scott's fault that the manager at the time lost it and got sacked, resulting in a new manager being appointed and a new formation being played
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    Yesterday I watched the Portsmouth v Bolton game. 
    Last season Portsmouth and Charlton had similar seasons. Finishing in similar positions.

    I am not sure what Portsmouth done in the summer, but they have certainly transformed themselves this season.

    Last night they were fantastic. Everyone played well.The midfield and the forwards were awesome.

    They had round pegs in round holes and a good mix of youth and experience.

    It shows that with a good manager, and a few good signings, a team can transform itself.

    Sadly I cannot see Charlton transforming.

    Everything seems wrong at Charlton. 

    Square pegs in round holes.
    Not enough experienced Pro’s, combined with far to many inexperienced youngsters. 

    Unless we copy teams like Portsmouth and Bolton, I fear that we are stuck in this god forsaken League for many years to come.
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