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Next Manager Search - August 2023



  • edited September 2023
    Yes they are.
    It is eleven against eleven taken one game at a time.
    What is the alternative? Go into a game not expecting or trying to win?
    Expect to win, try to win, and then blimmin well win.
    Or what?
    A two season project, a three transfer window strategy, a four manager experiment?
    Sod all that malarkey.
    The Shamocracy want patience, understanding, and forgiveness from mug punters whilst they trash us?
    Not from me.
    Start the charm offensive with three points at Stevenage and the mood softens slightly.
  • Can't wait for the meltdown on here when after this extensive managerial hunt, Andy Scott decides to appoint himself.
  • seth plum said:
    Yes they are.
    It is eleven against eleven taken one game at a time.
    What is the alternative? Go into a game not expecting or trying to win?
    Expect to win, try to win, and then blimmin well win.
    Or what?
    A two season project, a three transfer window strategy, a four manager experiment?
    Sod all that malarkey.
    The Shamocracy want patience, understanding, and forgiveness from mug punters whilst they trash us?
    Not from me.
    Start the charm offensive with three points at Stevenage and the mood softens slightly.
    Was Holden trying not to win then?
  • seth plum said:
    Yes they are.
    It is eleven against eleven taken one game at a time.
    What is the alternative? Go into a game not expecting or trying to win?
    Expect to win, try to win, and then blimmin well win.
    Or what?
    A two season project, a three transfer window strategy, a four manager experiment?
    Sod all that malarkey.
    The Shamocracy want patience, understanding, and forgiveness from mug punters whilst they trash us?
    Not from me.
    Start the charm offensive with three points at Stevenage and the mood softens slightly.
    The alternative would be to set a realistic target. 17 points from the next 8 games. Maintain that average and you are on course for 90+ points for the season and a chance of automatic promotion.

    Playoffs is a more realistic target still and 2 points per game average will comfortably put us there given there are still 40 games to go!

    As it stands, I don't see either target being met.
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    Yes they are.
    It is eleven against eleven taken one game at a time.
    What is the alternative? Go into a game not expecting or trying to win?
    Expect to win, try to win, and then blimmin well win.
    Or what?
    A two season project, a three transfer window strategy, a four manager experiment?
    Sod all that malarkey.
    The Shamocracy want patience, understanding, and forgiveness from mug punters whilst they trash us?
    Not from me.
    Start the charm offensive with three points at Stevenage and the mood softens slightly.
    Was Holden trying not to win then?
    With the team he put out at Oxford I'm not sure. 
  • Ideally, I would like to see a recent image of Cowley's little beard before coming to any hasty judgments.

  • I still think it will be Appleton, to be announced when his core back up team is sorted 😉
  • I think Cowley may pip him to the post. 
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  • swordfish said:
    I still think it will be Appleton, to be announced when his core back up team is sorted 😉
    I would say so as well
  • I think we will go on a good run when we get our best players back but then they or other key ones will get injured again. There seems to be a malaise over our beloved club and it needs somebody, maybe the next manager will do it, to shake us out of it. The problem with that is when you see a Powell or a Bowyer do this in recent years, they are then not properly backed to take the next step which means we fall back again. Sorry to sound so depressing but it is hard at the moment in terms of Charlton.
  • Anyone heard the noise about Mumbai City boss Des Buckingham and the link to the job?
  • DubaiCAFC said:
    swordfish said:
    I still think it will be Appleton, to be announced when his core back up team is sorted 😉
    I would say so as well
    Damn. Do you know what they like about him? Or was he one of very few available candidates?
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    Yes they are.
    It is eleven against eleven taken one game at a time.
    What is the alternative? Go into a game not expecting or trying to win?
    Expect to win, try to win, and then blimmin well win.
    Or what?
    A two season project, a three transfer window strategy, a four manager experiment?
    Sod all that malarkey.
    The Shamocracy want patience, understanding, and forgiveness from mug punters whilst they trash us?
    Not from me.
    Start the charm offensive with three points at Stevenage and the mood softens slightly.
    Was Holden trying not to win then?
    Holden was trying to win but failing.
  • swordfish said:
    I still think it will be Appleton, to be announced when his core back up team is sorted 😉
    Presumably his backing team will be the Pips? And we can call him Gladys.
  • I suspect something happened with Holden. He probably offered some home truths. Owners never like that.
  • We got a new Manager yet?
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  • Plaaayer said:
    Still can’t get my head around sacking Holden without having someone else lined up, the new manager could have had 2 full weeks with the majority of the squad before the next game. 

    Such an amateur, clownish outfit. 
    Or they thought he was doing more damage than good, who knows?
  • swordfish said:
    I still think it will be Appleton, to be announced when his core back up team is sorted 😉
    Presumably his backing team will be the Pips? And we can call him Gladys.
    Be good if he was to end up Knighted in recognition of his efforts taking us back to the big time ;)

    Alright. Enough already. No more from me now until we hear for sure, I promise.
  • Redhenry said:
    We got a new Manager yet?
    Be patient please, we are nearly at the end of a thorough and exhaustive search of a pool of wonderful candidates. The correct decision here, will very much cement the reputation of the new SMT, as competant and forward looking...

    Sorry, even I cannot bullshit any further!
  • I don’t think not having someone lined up is necessarily amateur to be honest. I’m pleased they conducted a proper process. Seems they were restricted by the quality of available candidates. 
  • RedPanda said:
    I've been told Appleton will be accounced shortly, by someone ITK
    Cue loads of moaning.
  • swordfish said:
    Anyone who seriously thinks the end goal of our new owners is the wilful destruction of the Club is more deluded than they or any of our previous owners.

    Incompetence, negligence, stubbornness, greed, and simple bad luck are the reasons why we are where we are. It isn't the result of some deliberate plan of destruction.

    If fans believe their owners to be their enemies and only in it to see it's ruination, is it any wonder our support base is shrinking. Reputationally, we've become a hard sell to players and managers. Being fans, as ever all we can do is get behind the players, although some don't and it sounds as though others won't if xxx gets the job 🙄
    Matt Southall had an end goal of the wilful destruction of Charlton Athletic in my opinion. He was a previous owner.

    So my stance is not born of delusion but bitter recent experience of Southall and others.

    If the plan is not one of diminishing our lovely club then in what way is the plan to make us any better?

    If Charlton are destroyed Warrick always has Peterborough, Methven always has Oxford, Rodwell and Scott can shrug and say they did their best but losing Charlton Athletic is no biggie.

    For the fans we have put in time, money, effort and genuine love. We have a dog in the fight, they don’t.

    On a personal level I always get behind the players, I am a long term season ticket holder, subscribe and watch all the games, watch and follow the development of players as they come through our system, I care about the players and won’t abuse them, I for one always get behind them.

    What I can’t do is stay silent as this Shamocracy diminishes Charlton Athletic further.

    My stance will soften if we win the next eight games in succession.
  • Scoham said:
    ButtleJR said:
    ButtleJR said:
    ButtleJR said:
    ButtleJR said:
    RC_CAFC said:
    We’ve talked a lot over the period about Leam Richardson. (He would be my first choice)

    Has it ever been confirmed or denied that he applied to the role?
    It's not been confirmed that anyone has applied for the role.
    Appleton and Cowley definitely have...
    Not confirmed from the club though. It's all indirect information, where Cawley and the ilk are told stuff or hear stuff.
    The club won't confirm who was interviewed. A mate of mine literally met Cowley at the valley... And Appleton was there the same day. Not been fed this by anyone senior!
    Met Cowley ? I wouldn’t recognise him in passing personally. 

    Did he also meet Appleton or are you saying you understand he was there the same day?
    Was told by him he was there the same day... 30th August. 

    Surprised we have taken this long to reach a decision if ‘interview’ was last Wednesday. 

    Second interviews were yesterday and Tuesday. Not sure if those two progressed to that stage. Though was told Cowley's interview went well.
    I see. 

    In my head I didn’t really envisage second round interviews as you might in the corporate world. 

    What are you going to learn second time around in an interview where in truth most is evident on their CV and the football grapevine?

    Likewise given our structure I don’t see they are going to meet someone different to nod it through. 
    Richard Cawley confirmed a final shortlist was drawn up after last week’s interviews and there were second interviews on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.
    You are correct to highlight that - he did indeed report it that way.

    Just seems  a little strange to me - just don't see what more you learn. Maybe 'interview' is too literal  & the first round was more a contact / chat to confirm interest?
  • Whoever the new manager is RonnieMoore will be along to tell us he's the next Pep or Klopp 
  • redbuttle said:
    RedPanda said:
    I've been told Appleton will be accounced shortly, by someone ITK
    Cue loads of moaning.
    I mean, and this is coming from me, a non-moaner: it'd be largely justified given the man's record. He'd have a VERY short rope with our fans
This discussion has been closed.

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