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Next Manager Search - August 2023



  • What I can't understand is that people on here know someone, who is not a Charlton fan, and gives them information about incoming managers or players ... weird
  • Chunes said:
    Mate at Sparrows Lane has just messaged me to say a new training schedule has gone up today courtesy of the Cowley's:

    Monday - Football
    Tuesday - Cross Country
    Wednesday - Rounders

    Thursday - Country Dancing
    Letters from the Mums of Michael Hector, Tayo Edun, Lucas Ness, Lloyd Jones, Deji Elerewe, Terry Taylor & Louie Watson:

    "Please excuse (insert name here) from Country Dancing class today, as the poor lamb has two left feet, can't count to 8 and suffers extreme anxiety when asked to perform in front of others."

    Charlie Kirk's mum emailed Sparrows Lane to say "don't expect Charlie to do much when he gets to work today cos he's been a bone idle waste of space since he was 11 and there's no changing him now, worst luck."
  • Scoham said:
    supaclive said:
    Sadly we're currently in a position where

    The squad isn't good enough
    The new owners got rid of their own man less than a month into the season
    We have some promising youngsters
    Defensively we are terrible
    We are out of two cup competitions
    Andy Scott has say over who you can and can't sign
    We appear to not have significant budget to overhaul a mid table league one squad 

    That's not attractive on paper 

    Correction the manager / Coach still has major say in recruitment working with Andy Scott …. And we do have sufficient funds but not wasting it on over priced league one and two players .. we will look again in Jan 
    Your constant defence of the new regime got me thinking as to whether you've ever had a bad word to say about anything to do with the club.

    So i checked the thread when Karel Fraeye was appointed. Here's a comment from you under one of your previous usernames about him:

    "People are saying about the players well they know him they spoke very highly of him and is training methods before so this not a problem"

    My god.
    Yes, he didn’t rate Powell as a manager for us.
    Why not Ronnie? Had a much better record than many you’ve supported to the bitter end. 
    Just interested to hear your reasons. 
  • Announcement today ?
  • JamesSeed said:
    Scoham said:
    supaclive said:
    Sadly we're currently in a position where

    The squad isn't good enough
    The new owners got rid of their own man less than a month into the season
    We have some promising youngsters
    Defensively we are terrible
    We are out of two cup competitions
    Andy Scott has say over who you can and can't sign
    We appear to not have significant budget to overhaul a mid table league one squad 

    That's not attractive on paper 

    Correction the manager / Coach still has major say in recruitment working with Andy Scott …. And we do have sufficient funds but not wasting it on over priced league one and two players .. we will look again in Jan 
    Your constant defence of the new regime got me thinking as to whether you've ever had a bad word to say about anything to do with the club.

    So i checked the thread when Karel Fraeye was appointed. Here's a comment from you under one of your previous usernames about him:

    "People are saying about the players well they know him they spoke very highly of him and is training methods before so this not a problem"

    My god.
    Yes, he didn’t rate Powell as a manager for us.
    Why not Ronnie? Had a much better record than many you’ve supported to the bitter end. 
    Just interested to hear your reasons. 
    His reasons......he is on the wind up and wants attention
  • Billy_Mix said:
    Chunes said:
    Mate at Sparrows Lane has just messaged me to say a new training schedule has gone up today courtesy of the Cowley's:

    Monday - Football
    Tuesday - Cross Country
    Wednesday - Rounders

    Thursday - Country Dancing
    Letters from the Mums of Michael Hector, Tayo Edun, Lucas Ness, Lloyd Jones, Deji Elerewe, Terry Taylor & Louie Watson:

    "Please excuse (insert name here) from Country Dancing class today, as the poor lamb has two left feet, can't count to 8 and suffers extreme anxiety when asked to perform in front of others."

    Charlie Kirk's mum emailed Sparrows Lane to say "don't expect Charlie to do much when he gets to work today cos he's been a bone idle waste of space since he was 11 and there's no changing him now, worst luck."
    Does trolling half the team achieve anything?
  • Announcement today ?
    have you heard something or are you just asking if we think there will be?
  • Announcement today ?
    have you heard something or are you just asking if we think there will be?
    Don’t get excited. Just asking 
  • NabySarr said:
    Our job would have been a LOT more attractive if available in May, and the new manager had the chance to mould the squad and do a pre season with them.
    Unless they are shit then they’ll have a chance next summer. Realistically if they get us up to 8th-10th they will get another go like Holden did 
    The concern is that IF the players brought in are duds and the new manager does not improve results he'll probably get the bullet by the end of this season.
    Ambition and money to spend? Do me a favour.
  • Announcement today ?
    I think the player told the fella who I spoke to on the train after Crawley that they were told (good grief 😂)  ‘announcement on Thursday, followed by training’. But it’s all a bit of a blur. Could have said Wednesday. Could have meant next week. 
    Sorry, that was a bit rubbish. [We’re used to that - ed] 
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  • Gribbo said:
    I think this appointment is much more about who is willing to do it than who the club wants. 
    How many have actually turned it down then, apart from Powell who was only offered an interim position ?
    At least one current L1 manager at a much smaller club, to my knowledge, despite their club giving permission for him to talk if he wanted.

    “Turned it down” might be pushing it mind as it isn’t even getting that far.
    Jon Brady. That’s bad if we can’t poach managers from clubs the size of Northampton.
    Depends really on why, football or non football reasons.

    the manager might not want to move family etc.
    Who wouldn’t want to relocate from Northampton?
  • edited September 2023
    supaclive said:
    Sadly we're currently in a position where

    The squad isn't good enough
    The new owners got rid of their own man less than a month into the season
    We have some promising youngsters
    Defensively we are terrible
    We are out of two cup competitions
    Andy Scott has say over who you can and can't sign
    We appear to not have significant budget to overhaul a mid table league one squad 

    That's not attractive on paper 

    Correction the manager / Coach still has major say in recruitment working with Andy Scott …. And we do have sufficient funds but not wasting it on over priced league one and two players .. we will look again in Jan 
    Your constant defence of the new regime got me thinking as to whether you've ever had a bad word to say about anything to do with the club.

    So i checked the thread when Karel Fraeye was appointed. Here's a comment from you under one of your previous usernames about him:

    "People are saying about the players well they know him they spoke very highly of him and is training methods before so this not a problem"

    My god.
    Ronnie isn’t always positive. He started the Holden out thread on ITTV.

    Plus don’t mention Peter Varney to him. He’s not a fan at all of staff back in our better days (Chris Powell included). Things are much better nowadays in his eyes.
  • Finalising offers today, announced tomorrow I reckon
  • seth plum said:
    I think we have good players but a crap team.
    On and off the pitch.
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    I think we have good players but a crap team.
    I think that's been the case for 3 years.  

    Every player we sign gets worse.  The only exception to that has probably been Dobson.
    Good point actually, ownerships not looking back to previous ones and seeing the error of their ways.
  • Would make sense if they announce it tomorrow. There's too many people saying it's going to be Appleton for any late shocks I think. 
  • Fight off down at Macros arranged for this afternoon for the last two protagonist's, with the winner being announced tomorrow...🙄
    My money is on the Appleton death stare!
  • I really hope it’s not Appleton. He won’t exactly bring the fans back and his record is poor. Would rather Cowley if had to pick between the two. He always comes across as a decent human being.
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  • I've got it, Carlos González Juárez

    Manager of Canadian top flight side 
    Atlético Ottawa. Who had them top of their division. 

    I mean the Indian Super League is ranked 238 in all professional football leagues (League 1 is ranked 63rd as a comparison) 

    I am sure he can come in and make us champions like Des Buckingham would have 
  • edited September 2023
    Whoever takes over I hope has ensured a nice pay off when they get the sack.

    We are a CV wrecker.
  • Appleton is up there with how I felt about Russel Slade coming in. Vanilla. 
    Add Adkins to that list 
  • Appleton is up there with how I felt about Russel Slade coming in. Vanilla. 
    Add Adkins to that list 
    Dunno...Adkins made some good videos...😉
  • I really hope it’s not Appleton. He won’t exactly bring the fans back and his record is poor. Would rather Cowley if had to pick between the two. He always comes across as a decent human being.
    I suspect Cowley is a decent human being.  But do we really want one of those? Don't we actually need someone to kick arse and be a nasty piece of work?
  • I've heard announcement later today, but who knows might have changed their mind or been turned down by then.
  • Interesting to see how much fanfare there is about the appointment as if it’s Appleton/Cowley there will be massive backlash and if it’s someone unknown they can’t do something elaborate. That said, the announcement of Holden was madly low key 
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    Chunes said:
    Mate at Sparrows Lane has just messaged me to say a new training schedule has gone up today courtesy of the Cowley's:

    Monday - Football
    Tuesday - Cross Country
    Wednesday - Rounders

    What do they do when they forget their kit 🫣
This discussion has been closed.

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