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POST-MATCH THREAD: Charlton Athletic vs Port Vale: Saturday 19th August 2023: KO 3:00 PM



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    Dazzler21 said:
    Just seen the highlights,makes you wonder why you bother.All 3 goals,ridiculous defending,the worse was the 3rd,just look at the lack of effort to get a team mate out of trouble,just a slow jog back,if I was manager,I would have made all those  responsible line up and apologise to Akinsinwe.
    Also seen the Port Vale video on the CBT tackle,impossible to not give a foul and a red card,the ref had a clear view,tosser,but I though our penalty was soft,so I think he was evening things up.
    Asiimwe is an unusual name for sure, but Akinsinwe? WTF.

    Our penalty was soft but the foul immediately before it was ignored and that was infuriating especially when I thought Kanu had then gone over easily and was at risk of a booking. The ref then started booking us for minor things and that screwed our drive a bit. 
    Didn’t the Lino give the penalty? I never understand their flag signals but he certainly had the best view.
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    Re the 3rd PV goal.  Was the poor tracking back from the rest of the defence because they were knackered (poor substitute usage) or because they couldn’t be bothered to bust a gut to get back? One problem is much easier to resolve for the manager than the other.
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    Could GK experts please inform me- couldn't he try to parry those shots out of play- he well in front of the post?
    I think that’s something he needs to work on in his game but there’s nothing more he could have done in that aspect for their third. He just has to dive at the feet and make the save which he does, unfortunately none of the defence was backing him up and they had 2 men forward for the tap in
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    DOUCHER said:
    on another day we would and i believe we will be winning games like that 5-0 so i'm not giving up on this season yet - port vale were utter pants - however, we urgently need the new signings and 

    1) It was a sending off and red card when cbt went through but he had a bad touch and allowed the defender back in - if he's continued running in the direction he was going it would have been a case of just sliding it to one side or the other of the keeper - that was the first shoot ourselves in the foot moment of this particular game

    2) Mid way through the first half, their manager tweaked things and they grew into the game whilst we petered out and our management didn't respond to that - we should have been comfortably 2-0 up by then

    3) None of our players seem able to pick out a final pass or mo¶e specifically, put a decent cross in that ever finds a team mate - cbt is the worst culprit and i was so surprised when he found kanu with that cross and tbh he probably was as well.

    4) We desperately need the option to play into and off of the strikers feet - we are so predictable going down the wings

    5) Jaysemi's arse gets bigger each year and he came on and played at walking pace and delivered 3 terrible crosses

    6) hector has become a joke of a player this season and just so lapsidasicle - needs dropping again 

    If the owners can hurry up and get us 4 or 5 top players we can still have a good season - without it we are in for another mid table bore fest and i can't sit through that again - hurry up, pay over the odds if you have to - just do something and quick !!!!


    I admire the optimism but we feel a million miles off smashing teams 5-0. 
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    Am I reactionary yes? But I'm going on record that these owners will not be our saving grace. No new faces for nearly a month? Something doesn't add up for me here. Either there's no money, no idea or they thought everything was okay squad wise - all are very worrying. 
    Perhaps read not 606 Sunderland thread about charlie & the billionaire who passed the EFL tests but who allegedly had no intention of funding Sunderland. I don't know how much truth there is & I'm not making any accusations, just worth a read.
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    The ownership have no reason to care like we the fans do. We care, we suffer.
    The ownership can always salivate about the future value of Kanu and others and will sell, get out, and abandon us with nothing.
    If decent Dean doesn’t deliver he will be sacrificed along the way.
    Very pissed off still, a feeling only winning the next five games in a row will dispel.
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    Don't really know what to say after that tbh. What an absolute fucking horror show!
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    On first impression at the game I thought AMB could have done better with the goals but after watching the highlight for the goals I'm not sure he could have done much else.

    Shocking tracking back for the 3rd goal
    Is the correct answer.

    The stick he is getting for yesterday is just silly. The first goal was a superb free kick  hit hard into the danger area (why can't we ever do that?) which only needed the slightest flick on for a goal. If you want to blame anyone, how about the person supposed to be marking the scorer?

    The second was entirely Hector's fault. And for the third, he made a really good save and was just plain unlucky the ball bounced back to their attacker (same as the other night).

    It's far too early to say he's not up to it etc. And from what I saw of Isted at Millwall, unless that was just a bad day at the office there's no way he is better than M-B.
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    The stick our goalkeepers get is silly in general. Look at Amos, who was a superb goalkeeper and went up the next season as League One champion.
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    For all of his faults Ryan Innis was a good defender. We miss his presence in both boxes.

    And is Terry Taylor really an improvement on Alfie Morgan?

    Some of the new players are not good enough, and don’t offer anything that we didn’t have last season.
    When Taylor has played a few games, I'll pass comment. What's suitable game time on which to pass judgement? He doesn't seem up to speed yet I agree, but you've seen enough to reach a damning conclusion about him already.  Morgan's problem was largely one of consistency, so a bit odd to make that comparison when Taylor hasn't had enough of a run to be assessed on that.
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    There are certainly some areas of concern now. The defence, only Jones has shown consistency in that back three, I do believe that we have a better discipline against set plays but the individual mistakes from, Camara at Peterborough, the whole defence for two goals against Rovers, Asiimwe and Hector yesterday show that something isn't right. The midfield, Holden was hamstrung by the injuries to Camara and Fraser yesterday and Taylor and Dobson together didn't work, Anderson was our forward most midfielder and had a good game in that respect. The forwards, probably the only positive from yesterday, I don't know if anyone has the stats but it's my belief that we produced more chances on goal yesterday, than in the previous three league games, that's clearly because we had two forwards in their correct positions, Kanu was getting lumped because he was such a threat. At the moment we have those two forwards and little else, even if leaburn returns to full training, he has missed most of the pre season and will take probably a month to get up to full speed.Goalkeeper, I can't see how he can be responsible for the goals conceded by Asiimwe and Hector yesterday but does he Marshall the defence, is he a good talker, in the model that Bob Bolder was, probably not, that takes time and experience, and it shouldn't be forgotten that he is another young player learning his trade. The Bench, quote simply the best indication of where we are, if Kirk, DJ and Payne are on that bench we only have options to bring on players who have proved that they are not good enough at this level. We need our injured to get back in the squad and Camara and Hector to either step up their fitness and in Hector's case perhaps his commitment, but we also need to able to manage our young players by resting them and giving them game time when it suits, not because they are our only option. 
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    Slept on it thinking it would feel a bit less fraught this morning...nah, still hacked off with that attempt at playing defensive football, to be fair we were very much on top for the majority of the game, rather like the Bristol Rovers game, who I felt played better than Port Vale.
    I just feel for players like Dobbo, Asiimwe, CBT, Kanu, who left nothing out, only to be let down again by abject defending, so Deano was looking for a response after Tuesday, well he got that didn't he just another crap I looking forward to Oxford...nah, but we are still forever hopeful some new faces are just over the hill, God knows we need something new...
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    DOUCHER said:
    on another day we would and i believe we will be winning games like that 5-0 so i'm not giving up on this season yet
    Trouble is, how often do those other days actually happen? 2 or 3 times a season? Majority of the time it's the same shit over and over. 
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    We’re really good on the ball, it’s just off the ball we are very lightweight.
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    And its not like the idiot ref didnt have a good view of it.
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    We’re really good on the ball, it’s just off the ball we are very lightweight.
    We seem to work hard to score our goals, then just gift the opposition theirs.
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    Obviously, a devastating defeat but we shouldn't panic. We've got some strong players and with strengthening in 2 or 3 positions we will look a lot stronger and both performances and morale will improve. It's early days yet - for the owners, the management team and the team on the pitch.

    The performances of Nathan Asiimwe (despite the mistake), Karoy Anderson and Daniel Kanu reinforced my pride in our academy.
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    Holden keeps going on about his referee badge he wants to get a coaching badge who leaves 1 on 1 at back not just once 2 times they scored from it it’s school boy stuff.  
    Utterly crap another season already chucked away because we haven’t got the players in early enough so half are not fit enough and the other half are knackered because there having to play to many minutes because the squad is to light. 
    Keep saying the best players on loan are at end of window Bristol rovers had 2 from Brentford and 1 from Chelsea playing against us the other night. Just excuses all the time. 

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    What on earth was Hector doing there? Or since he's had a contract. I expected him to be our leader at the back. 
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    In what way have we breached FFP?
    We haven’t . It’s a distraction tactic why we aren’t signing any more players.

    Taking us all for complete mugs in the process - smacks of arrogance & indifference.
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    If you ship three goals at home due to basic defensive errors you're going to struggle. The players have to be more switched on.

    Two games in a row AMB has made a save and the oppo have followed up quicker than our defence - very basic. Hector's mistake yday was shocking for such an experienced player.

    We look good going forward but lack the final ball and too many players are reluctant to shoot.

    Shouldn't have lost 4 games with this squad whatever the limitations are.

    Worryingly we've faced some pretty average teams so far.
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    edited August 2023
    The team played best on the front foot yesterday but as soon as we went a goal up we dropped deeper, content to use CBT's pace as our primary goal threat. We have to get out of that mindset as it allows the opposition to regroup, gain confidence and put our cobbled together defence under pressure, which they're clearly not up to dealing with either collectively or as individuals.
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