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POST-MATCH THREAD: Charlton Athletic vs Port Vale: Saturday 19th August 2023: KO 3:00 PM



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    Groundhog Day
    You can see that again
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    edited August 2023
    seth plum said:
    Totally pissed off.
    We now have to win the next five in a row to get back on track!
    If 92 points is the target, during the past 3 seasons, only in the last would that not have secured automatic promotion. It seems unlikely we'll put together a winning run having just lost four on the spin. If Curbs was in charge, he'd be parking the bus next week to stop the losing run.

    Without transferring in fit reinforcements, and with our continued over reliance on youngsters, whose playing time is being mismanaged, my optimism has all but gone that this season will be anything but a struggle with another managerial casualty, but I hope I'm wrong.
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    some thoughts at the end and managed to get both our goals and their first for anyone interested. 

    Basically I thought everyone was pants bar the youngsters and some of the usual suspects & I don't see our fortunes changing until at least Fleetwood at home.
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    edited August 2023
    Yet again, I don't think we were that bad but there is a kamikaze element to us that needs to be sorted quickly, as in now. Kanu was a big positive. The lad knows where the goal is which is more than you can say for a lot of his team mates. We all need calm heads at this time and the owners need to strengthen in a few places.

    May had a good game, but I wasn't convinced by his penalty. Him taking them is an accident waiting to happen although it did get him off the mark, which was needed, I suppose.
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    I have been more positive than most over the last week as had seen signs of a good base but yesterday I could not even see that. 

    I’m gonna hold off saying too much and see how the rest of the window pans out but am concerned that we are only gonna get 2 in when we need 4-5. 

    Feel sorry for the young lads who have been a credit to themselves and not let anyone down that they are being asked to play as much as they are and with players not yet up to speed. 

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    Another game that we played well and should have won, you can not legislate for absolute individual errors, very disappointing start, hopefully the coming days we will get the players we need in, not gonna panic til window is shut, 
    as much as it’s been disappointing we have the makings of a good team. 
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    Easy to get dejected and depressed, following that, and our start generally.
    The fact is, without the injuries and with a couple of additions, we have the makings of a hell of a good side.
    In Asiimwe, Anderson, Leaburn & Kanu we have the best crop of youngsters coming through at the same time, that I have seen in my 55 years of watching us.
    Added to that, CBT seems to be getting better every game and is now unplayable, he just needs to add a bit of composure to his final ball.

    Dobson is Championship/ lower Prem quality.

    We need cool heads both on and off the pitch.

    We need an experienced General on the pitch, someone to quide the youngsters, to dictate play, and be a focal point, someone for the youngsters to look to when things are going against us.

    Great player that Dobson is, he isn't that man.

    Probably the best option would be a highly experienced Centre Half in the twilight of his career who we might be able to pickup cheaply from somewhere.
    I thought Hector would be that man, but he's too error prone.

    That defeat was totally avoidable, and Holden needs to take the blame for keeping a totally knackered Asiimwe on the pitch.
    Any player with two legs, that could run, would have been a better option at that stage.


    Whilst agreeing with the sentiment of this post, I agree with the poster above regarding Dobson and although CBT might look unplayable, his final decision making is poor. He should have so many more assists to his name. 

    I hope Holden learns from the Asiimwe error and doesn't leave knackered players, particularly defenders, on the pitch. He brought Thomas on for Edun and I'm sure Ness could have done a job at RB for the last quarter of the match.

    However, one look at yesterday's bench shows the lack of depth in the squad with three or four of the players allegedly on the way out.

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    edited August 2023
    I feel things will click into place. Yes, we need some additions and maybe we are starting too many youngsters together where using them from the bench if we could would be better, they are fine prospects, but I think Holden needs a bit of support to turn it round from us and the owners.
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    Any idea on the (actual) attendance yesterday? Seemed much more sparsely populated than against Orient.
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    I feel things will click into place. Yes, we need some additions and maybe we are starting too many youngsters together where using them from the bench if we could would be better, they are fine prospects, but I think Holden needs a bit of support to turn it round from us and the owners.
    I agree they need our support
    I don't agree things will click into place!
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    se9addick said:
    Any idea on the (actual) attendance yesterday? Seemed much more sparsely populated than against Orient.
    Looked to be more sparsely populated than Tuesday night  against rovers. It is holiday season but i fear that some of the attendees for the orient match will now be  on extended vacation.
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    se9addick said:
    Any idea on the (actual) attendance yesterday? Seemed much more sparsely populated than against Orient.

    BBC site has it 11912, less than Tuesday nights game. there must have been a lot of Orient fans in home areas for that game.

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    edited August 2023
    Just seen the highlights,makes you wonder why you bother.All 3 goals,ridiculous defending,the worse was the 3rd,just look at the lack of effort to get a team mate out of trouble,just a slow jog back,if I was manager,I would have made all those  responsible line up and apologise to Akinsinwe.
    Also seen the Port Vale video on the CBT tackle,impossible to not give a foul and a red card,the ref had a clear view,tosser,but I though our penalty was soft,so I think he was evening things up.
    Asiimwe is an unusual name for sure, but Akinsinwe? WTF.

    Our penalty was soft but the foul immediately before it was ignored and that was infuriating especially when I thought Kanu had then gone over easily and was at risk of a booking. The ref then started booking us for minor things and that screwed our drive a bit. 
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    So, two consecutive matches where the opposition should have been down to ten men. But we are not unlucky, just bad? 

    Sorry, I know it won't be a popular opinion, but we are gobsmackingly unlucky. I know defensive cock ups don't manufacture themselves, but PV made as many as us and the ball always fell to one of theirs, or ran just behind one of ours. Similar with Bristol. 

    I think we deserved to win yesterday and deserved draws with both Rovers and Peterborough.   
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    edited August 2023
    se9addick said:
    Any idea on the (actual) attendance yesterday? Seemed much more sparsely populated than against Orient.
    I’d have put Tuesday night at 8-9,000 and yesterday at a bit less. People will point up holidays but actually you benefit from the kids being off and good weather which pretty much negates that. Midweeks are a problem generally but that was a very poor Saturday crowd, evidently bolstered by some freebies, and very much at odds with the surprisingly good turnout for Orient.

    Tuesday first then Saturday below.

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    se9addick said:
    Any idea on the (actual) attendance yesterday? Seemed much more sparsely populated than against Orient.
    I’d have put Tuesday night at 8-9,000 and yesterday at a bit less. People will point up holidays but actually you benefit from the kids being off and good weather which pretty much negates that. Midweeks are a problem generally but that was a very poor Saturday crowd, evidently bolstered by some freebies, and very much at odds with the surprisingly good turnout for Orient.
     A crowd of Hope!
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    Yesterday I come away feeling  absolutely gutted watching us it wasn't down to the lack of effort because I do think the players are given their all 
    But watching us make the same mistakes that we have been doing for far to long 
    I know we lack a decent squad with players out & not enough signings 
    It feels like nothing is being addressed by our manager to fix simple defensive errors that's got to be down to bad management & once again it feels like the club is taking us for granted
    They gave us all the talk to promote ST sales & we have got a manager & players who is not up for the job 
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    follett said:
    I cannot believe I said I would do the 46. 4 games in and I wanted to throw my camera on the pitch. That game has actually made me miserable.

    I will it say now, take the kids out of it. They were our best players and they don't deserve to have their confidence ruined. Playing them will only hinder them, I think it would be irresponsible of Holden to start them next game as you can just tell the atmosphere is gonna get toxic. 

    Genuinely getting concerned we have been sold a dud. No transfer activity in 20+ days or so, no signs of any signings other than a right back, manager doesn't seem to know how to organise a team. We are just a weak club. How many teams have come to the Valley and rolled us over now? Holden says all this stuff about wanting to make the Valley a fortress? Nonsense. More empty seats than filled seats (not that I blame people not attending), the football isn't good enough to get the crowd off their seats & we don't have the experienced players to win games like that. It's so morbid. 

    I said we were unlucky the last two games and we were, today we weren't. Tactically inept. No one can use the excuse of squad strength, no disrespect, it's Port Vale. I spoke to about 10 Port Vale fans before the game, not one of them fancied their chances, all hoped for a draw at best. They put 3 past us.

    AMB - Terrible, probably not too wise to start a keeper who maybe has 10-20% of his vision blocked. I ain't being dramatic because I said it before, I don't remember a worse keeper than him in recent years, obviously excluding keepers like Harness who never got a chance.

    Defenders - all unprofessional, I couldn't stand washed up Pearce, he walks in to this side. Only Asiimwe gets any credit, and the last goal wasn't his fault, I blame AMB and poor tactical decisions more.  

    Midfielders - non existent. Karoy is a talent but a kid, Dobbo had a bad game where he looked like he was trying too hard, Terry Taylor came with a lot of promise but looks average early doors

    Forwards - May just runs about, system doesn't suit him, Kanu looked decent, CBT same old, no end product. 

    I can't believe we lost that, they looked so so ordinary. If you told even their fans they'd score 3 second half they wouldn't believe you. 

    Miserable, just miserable. We won't get anything at Oxford either, bogey side. I didn't believe that before the season started that we would get points at Oxford, now I am 100% confident we won't.

    The owners have 2 weeks to get this right. If not they have some explaining to do, cause this is unacceptable and we are gonna find ourselves on a downward trajectory to relegation, the only shining light is that there are some really poor sides in this league so league 1 safety should be safe..what a time 
    I think digging out AMB is a bit harsh, his decision making can be poor but when he’s played he’s made some ridiculous saves which I’m not sure other keepers would have. As for the third goal, unfortunately it was Asiimwe’s fault. I agree he was shattered and probably he should have been off before it. Hopefully he and Holden learn from it. Not sure how AMB cans take the blame for it. He makes a great save but unfortunately our defence is non existence for the rebound and it’s tapped in

    Could GK experts please inform me- couldn't he try to parry those shots out of play- he well in front of the post?
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    edited August 2023
    Can't find the words to describe the referee's performance. We need to get out of this shite league. 
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    se9addick said:
    Any idea on the (actual) attendance yesterday? Seemed much more sparsely populated than against Orient.
    I’d have put Tuesday night at 8-9,000 and yesterday at a bit less. People will point up holidays but actually you benefit from the kids being off and good weather which pretty much negates that. Midweeks are a problem generally but that was a very poor Saturday crowd, evidently bolstered by some freebies, and very much at odds with the surprisingly good turnout for Orient.

    Tuesday first then Saturday below.

    Felt like Tuesday was busier, but can't blame for people not bothering yesterday 
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    se9addick said:
    Any idea on the (actual) attendance yesterday? Seemed much more sparsely populated than against Orient.
    I’d have put Tuesday night at 8-9,000 and yesterday at a bit less. People will point up holidays but actually you benefit from the kids being off and good weather which pretty much negates that. Midweeks are a problem generally but that was a very poor Saturday crowd, evidently bolstered by some freebies, and very much at odds with the surprisingly good turnout for Orient.

    Tuesday first then Saturday below.

    The area of the north upper that I sit in is normally pretty packed, even for midweek games, but there were lots of empty seats yesterday.
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    It was definitely quieter yesterday, I managed to get a drink at half-time!
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