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POST-MATCH THREAD: Charlton Athletic vs Port Vale: Saturday 19th August 2023: KO 3:00 PM



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    edited August 2023
    Croydon said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    The ownership have no reason to care like we the fans do. We care, we suffer.
    The ownership can always salivate about the future value of Kanu and others and will sell, get out, and abandon us with nothing.
    If decent Dean doesn’t deliver he will be sacrificed along the way.
    Very pissed off still, a feeling only winning the next five games in a row will dispel.
    You keep saying this about Leaburn, now Kanu, do you honestly think someone paid 12 million quid for something worth about 10% of that just so they can sell a couple of youth team players?

    If so I have some deep sea divers I'll sell you for a Bobby a pop. 
    No proof they paid 12 mill is there?
    Someone posted…..

    - Roland paid £8m for the club and ground/Sparrows and now wants £50m for the Valley 
    - ESI paid Roland £1 for the club and sold to TS for up to £5m
    - TS sold to Eton Mess and his merry band for £12m

    Eton Mess will probably demand some stupid amount for selling on !

    So it seems the value goes up the more shit we are……and Roland is still there like a rat.
    I don't know if the above numbers are true - maybe someone ITK will confirm, but it goes some way to explaining why our poor team lost at home to PV - the club is being dismantled year by year.

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    RedChaser said:
    They never bought it for its asset value which are a couple of players with potential value and the golden share to the football league. It’s a punt, gamble call it what you want to sell in the future either with Championship of Prem status isn’t it ? 
    True - that makes me feel a lot better !
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    BigDiddy said:
    RedChaser said:
    They never bought it for its asset value which are a couple of players with potential value and the golden share to the football league. It’s a punt, gamble call it what you want to sell in the future either with Championship of Prem status isn’t it ? 
    True - that makes me feel a lot better !
    Glad to have helped 😉
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    Talal said:
    Hector just looks too casual, like he feels he's too good to be here. Could be wrong but it's the impression I get. 
    That is the exact impression I get too, I feel like it's that or he's knackered. Certainly have him more towards the Chris Gunter/Ben Watson category rather than the Darren Pratley.

    I well and truly miss Jason Pearce. We lack leadership all over the field. 

    Feel worse today than yesterday about it now, the lack of passion from the players on reflection was really shoddy 
    Ah but did none of them do their twatty apologetic twitter posts? “We go again…”
  • Options
    Fumbluff said:
    Talal said:
    Hector just looks too casual, like he feels he's too good to be here. Could be wrong but it's the impression I get. 
    That is the exact impression I get too, I feel like it's that or he's knackered. Certainly have him more towards the Chris Gunter/Ben Watson category rather than the Darren Pratley.

    I well and truly miss Jason Pearce. We lack leadership all over the field. 

    Feel worse today than yesterday about it now, the lack of passion from the players on reflection was really shoddy 
    Ah but did none of them do their twatty apologetic twitter posts? “We go again…”
    Yes, Taylor said they would win it yesterday to atone for Tuesday...
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    Croydon said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    The ownership have no reason to care like we the fans do. We care, we suffer.
    The ownership can always salivate about the future value of Kanu and others and will sell, get out, and abandon us with nothing.
    If decent Dean doesn’t deliver he will be sacrificed along the way.
    Very pissed off still, a feeling only winning the next five games in a row will dispel.
    You keep saying this about Leaburn, now Kanu, do you honestly think someone paid 12 million quid for something worth about 10% of that just so they can sell a couple of youth team players?

    If so I have some deep sea divers I'll sell you for a Bobby a pop. 
    No proof they paid 12 mill is there?
    It's what we've been led to believe. Carly burn questioned this the other day. It would all make more sense if they took it off of sandgaards hands for a minimal amount, &  provided proof to the EFL that they had the funds to run us for two years. Whether they intend to we'll find out. 
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    Fumbluff said:
    Talal said:
    Hector just looks too casual, like he feels he's too good to be here. Could be wrong but it's the impression I get. 
    That is the exact impression I get too, I feel like it's that or he's knackered. Certainly have him more towards the Chris Gunter/Ben Watson category rather than the Darren Pratley.

    I well and truly miss Jason Pearce. We lack leadership all over the field. 

    Feel worse today than yesterday about it now, the lack of passion from the players on reflection was really shoddy 
    Ah but did none of them do their twatty apologetic twitter posts? “We go again…”
    Now you're making me miss him more mate 😂

    Chunes said:
    A lot of mentions of Pratley, Pearce etc.. recently. We were still shit with they were in the team!
    Exactly which is the problem, I always gave Pearcey pelters and here I am missing his experience and grit at the back 
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    Seems like the shout for the sending off may not have been a sending off.

    Clip shows that CBT clipped Ojos foot before the tackle which may have cause him to lose his footing, don't know how the ref would have seen this without slowtime/VAR but it seems that decision may not have been as bad as it looked from the other angle? 
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    A bit off topic, but relating to the games. I remember a lot of posters saying last season, that they had a disconnect with the team, that they had no emotional connection with the players. I feel this season, although the poor start, that I definitely do have a connection with the team. I'm not sure why, perhaps it's because we have so many academy players in the starting eleven, or that the new signings appear to be putting in a shift. I'm not excusing the horrendous defensive errors, the cheap goals we've given away in three games, but I do have a connection with the present first team, and I'm willing to give them a bit more time to gell, and hopefully prove me right.
    I don't include the usual suspects of Kirk, Mcgrandles or DJ in that list, and I understand that we are weak in certain areas of the pitch and need new signings before the window slams shut, but I want to give them my full support.
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    JamesSeed said:
    BigDiddy said:
    For all of his faults Ryan Innis was a good defender. We miss his presence in both boxes.

    And is Terry Taylor really an improvement on Alfie Morgan?

    Some of the new players are not good enough, and don’t offer anything that we didn’t have last season.
    Absolutely spot on,I would rather have Innis than any of our Centre backs,at least he could and wanted to defend,whereas Hector just wants to stroll about with the ball.I think Hector has been involved in more of the oppos goals in his short stint than Innis had in his time with us.Agree about Albie,other than Dobson who of the present midfield contenders puts in a better shift than Albie did.
    For all of his faults Ryan Innis was a good defender. We miss his presence in both boxes.

    And is Terry Taylor really an improvement on Alfie Morgan?

    Some of the new players are not good enough, and don’t offer anything that we didn’t have last season.
    Absolutely spot on,I would rather have Innis than any of our Centre backs,at least he could and wanted to defend,whereas Hector just wants to stroll about with the ball.I think Hector has been involved in more of the oppos goals in his short stint than Innis had in his time with us.Agree about Albie,other than Dobson who of the present midfield contenders puts in a better shift than Albie did.
    My god, we really are fucked if we miss Albie and Innis.

    I agree about Taylor and Hector - one is a L2 player and the other is a busted flush 
    Taylor has only had one start and one sub appearance of fifteen mins, so bit early to write him off. Not saying that you won’t be proved right in the end. 
    God knows what’s going on with Hector. 
    It was always a bit early to sell Innis. Same as Egbo - sell them when they’ve been adequately replaced, not before. We have no aerially dominant player now. Jones is not that man. We have no right back other than Asiimwe. 
    Club’s a shocking mess right now.
    You wrote him off about 36 hours ago.
  • Options
    edited August 2023
    Fumbluff said:
    Talal said:
    Hector just looks too casual, like he feels he's too good to be here. Could be wrong but it's the impression I get. 
    That is the exact impression I get too, I feel like it's that or he's knackered. Certainly have him more towards the Chris Gunter/Ben Watson category rather than the Darren Pratley.

    I well and truly miss Jason Pearce. We lack leadership all over the field. 

    Feel worse today than yesterday about it now, the lack of passion from the players on reflection was really shoddy 
    Ah but did none of them do their twatty apologetic twitter posts? “We go again…”
    Now you're making me miss him more mate 😂

    Chunes said:
    A lot of mentions of Pratley, Pearce etc.. recently. We were still shit with they were in the team!
    Exactly which is the problem, I always gave Pearcey pelters and here I am missing his experience and grit at the back 
    Not sure I agree. Pearcey was just as culpable in his last few seasons here and so was Prats. And we still lacked leadership on the pitch. That's the strangest thing about our club, we change the personnel and the problems stay the same. 
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    edited August 2023
    Dazzler21 said:
    Seems like the shout for the sending off may not have been a sending off.

    Clip shows that CBT clipped Ojos foot before the tackle which may have cause him to lose his footing, don't know how the ref would have seen this without slowtime/VAR but it seems that decision may not have been as bad as it looked from the other angle? 
    Ok sorry to tell you this, that's still a foul, their player put their foot between our player and the ball without winning it, tripping out players stride. Still a last man foul. Red card.
    Yeah I will openly admit my knowledge on technical refereeing isn't all that, so I am happy to be corrected

    I was under the impression because our players essentially stepped on the opposing players foot it would cancel out the following challenge. Would that not be the case if VAR reviewed it then? 

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    Can’t defend, desperately short on forwards since pre season and unless there are at least 2 proper centre forwards brought in (plus Leaburn) before the window closes we are going no where. 
    Why was DJ on the pitch let alone on the bloody bench.Fucking Shambles 
    We don't need any strikers, Leaburn will be back in a month or so, Kanu is already on three goals, we splashed out 250K on Alfie, & aneke will be back soonishhhhhh. Thanks Tory boy, now fuck off.
    Tory boy? 

    Who the fuck do you think you are calling me a fucking Tory? You fucking prick! 
    Actually I'm referring to Methven
    Who do you think Amos on the wing is?
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  • Options
    Can’t defend, desperately short on forwards since pre season and unless there are at least 2 proper centre forwards brought in (plus Leaburn) before the window closes we are going no where. 
    Why was DJ on the pitch let alone on the bloody bench.Fucking Shambles 
    We don't need any strikers, Leaburn will be back in a month or so, Kanu is already on three goals, we splashed out 250K on Alfie, & aneke will be back soonishhhhhh. Thanks Tory boy, now fuck off.
    Tory boy? 

    Who the fuck do you think you are calling me a fucking Tory? You fucking prick! 
    Actually I'm referring to Methven
    Who do you think Amos on the wing is?
    Mark Stuart of course 
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    edited August 2023
    Cafc43v3r said:
    JamesSeed said:
    BigDiddy said:
    For all of his faults Ryan Innis was a good defender. We miss his presence in both boxes.

    And is Terry Taylor really an improvement on Alfie Morgan?

    Some of the new players are not good enough, and don’t offer anything that we didn’t have last season.
    Absolutely spot on,I would rather have Innis than any of our Centre backs,at least he could and wanted to defend,whereas Hector just wants to stroll about with the ball.I think Hector has been involved in more of the oppos goals in his short stint than Innis had in his time with us.Agree about Albie,other than Dobson who of the present midfield contenders puts in a better shift than Albie did.
    For all of his faults Ryan Innis was a good defender. We miss his presence in both boxes.

    And is Terry Taylor really an improvement on Alfie Morgan?

    Some of the new players are not good enough, and don’t offer anything that we didn’t have last season.
    Absolutely spot on,I would rather have Innis than any of our Centre backs,at least he could and wanted to defend,whereas Hector just wants to stroll about with the ball.I think Hector has been involved in more of the oppos goals in his short stint than Innis had in his time with us.Agree about Albie,other than Dobson who of the present midfield contenders puts in a better shift than Albie did.
    My god, we really are fucked if we miss Albie and Innis.

    I agree about Taylor and Hector - one is a L2 player and the other is a busted flush 
    Taylor has only had one start and one sub appearance of fifteen mins, so bit early to write him off. Not saying that you won’t be proved right in the end. 
    God knows what’s going on with Hector. 
    It was always a bit early to sell Innis. Same as Egbo - sell them when they’ve been adequately replaced, not before. We have no aerially dominant player now. Jones is not that man. We have no right back other than Asiimwe. 
    Club’s a shocking mess right now.
    You wrote him off about 36 hours ago.
    Where? I said ‘big game for him today’ if I remember correctly. How is that writing him off exactly. I thought he’d come on a couple of times as sub, and didn’t realise it was only once, for 15 mins. Admitted that at the time. But a full debut is a big game for any player. 

    Btw bit of a pattern emerging here. You seem to be desperate to call me out for some reason. Bit odd. 
  • Options
    Dazzler21 said:
    Seems like the shout for the sending off may not have been a sending off.

    Clip shows that CBT clipped Ojos foot before the tackle which may have cause him to lose his footing, don't know how the ref would have seen this without slowtime/VAR but it seems that decision may not have been as bad as it looked from the other angle? 
    Ok sorry to tell you this, that's still a foul, their player put their foot between our player and the ball without winning it, tripping out players stride. Still a last man foul. Red card.
    Yeah I will openly admit my knowledge on technical refereeing isn't all that, so I am happy to be corrected

    I was under the impression because our players essentially stepped on the opposing players foot it would cancel out the following challenge. Would that not be the case if VAR reviewed it then? 
    Don’t think so. He shoved his foot in the wrong place tripping CBT. If during that process CBT made contact with him it’s still a foul. A Vale fan posted footage he had shot on his phone (I think) which showed it more clearly. He admitted they got away with one. 
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    Their winner came from our own bloody corner, that we can't seem to get above ankle height into the box. Embarrassing. 
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    JamesSeed said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    JamesSeed said:
    BigDiddy said:
    For all of his faults Ryan Innis was a good defender. We miss his presence in both boxes.

    And is Terry Taylor really an improvement on Alfie Morgan?

    Some of the new players are not good enough, and don’t offer anything that we didn’t have last season.
    Absolutely spot on,I would rather have Innis than any of our Centre backs,at least he could and wanted to defend,whereas Hector just wants to stroll about with the ball.I think Hector has been involved in more of the oppos goals in his short stint than Innis had in his time with us.Agree about Albie,other than Dobson who of the present midfield contenders puts in a better shift than Albie did.
    For all of his faults Ryan Innis was a good defender. We miss his presence in both boxes.

    And is Terry Taylor really an improvement on Alfie Morgan?

    Some of the new players are not good enough, and don’t offer anything that we didn’t have last season.
    Absolutely spot on,I would rather have Innis than any of our Centre backs,at least he could and wanted to defend,whereas Hector just wants to stroll about with the ball.I think Hector has been involved in more of the oppos goals in his short stint than Innis had in his time with us.Agree about Albie,other than Dobson who of the present midfield contenders puts in a better shift than Albie did.
    My god, we really are fucked if we miss Albie and Innis.

    I agree about Taylor and Hector - one is a L2 player and the other is a busted flush 
    Taylor has only had one start and one sub appearance of fifteen mins, so bit early to write him off. Not saying that you won’t be proved right in the end. 
    God knows what’s going on with Hector. 
    It was always a bit early to sell Innis. Same as Egbo - sell them when they’ve been adequately replaced, not before. We have no aerially dominant player now. Jones is not that man. We have no right back other than Asiimwe. 
    Club’s a shocking mess right now.
    You wrote him off about 36 hours ago.
    Where? I said ‘big game for him today’ if I remember correctly. How is that writing him off exactly. I thought he’d come on a couple of times as sub, and didn’t realise it was only once, for 15 mins. Admitted that at the time. But a full debut is a big game for any player. 

    Btw bit of a pattern emerging here. You seem to be desperate to call me out for some reason. Bit odd. 
    But calling out someone else for saying the exact same thing you did before you edited it is perfectly normal.  OK 👍 
  • Options
    Croydon said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    The ownership have no reason to care like we the fans do. We care, we suffer.
    The ownership can always salivate about the future value of Kanu and others and will sell, get out, and abandon us with nothing.
    If decent Dean doesn’t deliver he will be sacrificed along the way.
    Very pissed off still, a feeling only winning the next five games in a row will dispel.
    You keep saying this about Leaburn, now Kanu, do you honestly think someone paid 12 million quid for something worth about 10% of that just so they can sell a couple of youth team players?

    If so I have some deep sea divers I'll sell you for a Bobby a pop. 
    No proof they paid 12 mill is there?
    It's what we've been led to believe. Carly burn questioned this the other day. It would all make more sense if they took it off of sandgaards hands for a minimal amount, &  provided proof to the EFL that they had the funds to run us for two years. Whether they intend to we'll find out. 
    I imagine they have left the debt on the books, as happened when Duchatelet acquired the club from the Spivs. The business changes hands for £1 but the debt owed moves from Clear Ocean to SE7 Partners. We should get information on that with the next set of accounts.

    I also suspect the ownership structure makes it difficult to put any money into the business except as loans, because equity would dilute the shareholding of those not participating. This may have the FFP implications referred to previously.

    My assumption is that the shareholders have been told they won’t need to invest further anyway because Charlie and his mates can break even. Of course this is a fantasy. 

    The proof of funds is neither here nor there if you don’t think it is needed.

    So who pays the wages come the end of September? 
  • Options
    edited August 2023
    Cafc43v3r said:
    JamesSeed said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    JamesSeed said:
    BigDiddy said:
    For all of his faults Ryan Innis was a good defender. We miss his presence in both boxes.

    And is Terry Taylor really an improvement on Alfie Morgan?

    Some of the new players are not good enough, and don’t offer anything that we didn’t have last season.
    Absolutely spot on,I would rather have Innis than any of our Centre backs,at least he could and wanted to defend,whereas Hector just wants to stroll about with the ball.I think Hector has been involved in more of the oppos goals in his short stint than Innis had in his time with us.Agree about Albie,other than Dobson who of the present midfield contenders puts in a better shift than Albie did.
    For all of his faults Ryan Innis was a good defender. We miss his presence in both boxes.

    And is Terry Taylor really an improvement on Alfie Morgan?

    Some of the new players are not good enough, and don’t offer anything that we didn’t have last season.
    Absolutely spot on,I would rather have Innis than any of our Centre backs,at least he could and wanted to defend,whereas Hector just wants to stroll about with the ball.I think Hector has been involved in more of the oppos goals in his short stint than Innis had in his time with us.Agree about Albie,other than Dobson who of the present midfield contenders puts in a better shift than Albie did.
    My god, we really are fucked if we miss Albie and Innis.

    I agree about Taylor and Hector - one is a L2 player and the other is a busted flush 
    Taylor has only had one start and one sub appearance of fifteen mins, so bit early to write him off. Not saying that you won’t be proved right in the end. 
    God knows what’s going on with Hector. 
    It was always a bit early to sell Innis. Same as Egbo - sell them when they’ve been adequately replaced, not before. We have no aerially dominant player now. Jones is not that man. We have no right back other than Asiimwe. 
    Club’s a shocking mess right now.
    You wrote him off about 36 hours ago.
    Where? I said ‘big game for him today’ if I remember correctly. How is that writing him off exactly. I thought he’d come on a couple of times as sub, and didn’t realise it was only once, for 15 mins. Admitted that at the time. But a full debut is a big game for any player. 

    Btw bit of a pattern emerging here. You seem to be desperate to call me out for some reason. Bit odd. 
    But calling out someone else for saying the exact same thing you did before you edited it is perfectly normal.  OK 👍 
    But again, you’ve got it completely wrong. I said ‘it’s a big game for him coming up’. The poster called him a league two player, after one game.
    Seriously, are you ok?
  • Options
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Croydon said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    The ownership have no reason to care like we the fans do. We care, we suffer.
    The ownership can always salivate about the future value of Kanu and others and will sell, get out, and abandon us with nothing.
    If decent Dean doesn’t deliver he will be sacrificed along the way.
    Very pissed off still, a feeling only winning the next five games in a row will dispel.
    You keep saying this about Leaburn, now Kanu, do you honestly think someone paid 12 million quid for something worth about 10% of that just so they can sell a couple of youth team players?

    If so I have some deep sea divers I'll sell you for a Bobby a pop. 
    No proof they paid 12 mill is there?
    It's what we've been led to believe. Carly burn questioned this the other day. It would all make more sense if they took it off of sandgaards hands for a minimal amount, &  provided proof to the EFL that they had the funds to run us for two years. Whether they intend to we'll find out. 
    I imagine they have left the debt on the books, as happened when Duchatelet acquired the club from the Spivs. The business changes hands for £1 but the debt owed moves from Clear Ocean to SE7 Partners. We should get information on that with the next set of accounts.

    I also suspect the ownership structure makes it difficult to put any money into the business except as loans, because equity would dilute the shareholding of those not participating. This may have the FFP implications referred to previously.

    My assumption is that the shareholders have been told they won’t need to invest further anyway because Charlie and his mates can break even. Of course this is a fantasy. 

    The proof of funds is neither here nor there if you don’t think it is needed.

    So who pays the wages come the end of September? 
    I’m sure the deal involved some operating funds for the short term. And if not there’s always a player sale or two?
  • Options
    Croydon said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    The ownership have no reason to care like we the fans do. We care, we suffer.
    The ownership can always salivate about the future value of Kanu and others and will sell, get out, and abandon us with nothing.
    If decent Dean doesn’t deliver he will be sacrificed along the way.
    Very pissed off still, a feeling only winning the next five games in a row will dispel.
    You keep saying this about Leaburn, now Kanu, do you honestly think someone paid 12 million quid for something worth about 10% of that just so they can sell a couple of youth team players?

    If so I have some deep sea divers I'll sell you for a Bobby a pop. 
    No proof they paid 12 mill is there?
    It's what we've been led to believe. Carly burn questioned this the other day. It would all make more sense if they took it off of sandgaards hands for a minimal amount, &  provided proof to the EFL that they had the funds to run us for two years. Whether they intend to we'll find out. 
    I imagine they have left the debt on the books, as happened when Duchatelet acquired the club from the Spivs. The business changes hands for £1 but the debt owed moves from Clear Ocean to SE7 Partners. We should get information on that with the next set of accounts.

    I also suspect the ownership structure makes it difficult to put any money into the business except as loans, because equity would dilute the shareholding of those not participating. This may have the FFP implications referred to previously.

    My assumption is that the shareholders have been told they won’t need to invest further anyway because Charlie and his mates can break even. Of course this is a fantasy. 

    The proof of funds is neither here nor there if you don’t think it is needed.

    That all.sounds rather worrying. 

    But then would tie into my issue with the fact we've not heard a squeek from any of the big players. Not a dickie bird. I'm not expecting (or wanting) another guitar screeching fanfare but a 2 sentence acknowledge that theyv'e put £x in and what their ambition is over the next 5 years. 
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Roland Out Forever!