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POST-MATCH THREAD: Charlton Athletic vs Port Vale: Saturday 19th August 2023: KO 3:00 PM



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    BigDiddy said:
    A number of fans attacked me for my comments over the last few days.

    My message top those fans is simple - keep watching that crap and hope it will improve.

    It will not because…
    - the ownership are clearly clueless [even though new]
    - the manager and his team are not up to it
    - the playing squad is not good enough

    2 options left

    1) STFU and keep spending hard earned on this shit
    2) stay away

    Option 2 for me - I have given these clowns 3 games and that is enough.

    CAFC has never been a team for those in need of instant self gratification, you have made the right choice for you. Those of us with more expeience of long term suffering will discus possible solutions, praise what was good, complain about what was bad bad and carry on supporting the team that was burnt into our psyvhe at a young age by generations of CAFC support before us. We wont STFU nor will we abandon our team.
    I still support the club, but they will not get any more of my money until the ownership does its job or someone else comes in who will.

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    The worrying thing, is who that would genuinely improve our squad, would want to come to Charlton. It's very much a club in transition, and which direction that is going, remains unclear. The professional players all speak to each other and will know which club is on the up. Much was made of May as being a marquee signing, Bollocks! He is an OK lower league striker, having come from a small town club. If he was any good, AND other clubs thought so, he wouldn't have ended up at Charlton.
    It is sad, but something we need to accept, that the direction of travel is currently nowhere forwards. 

    This feels like owning a knackered old car and trading it in for another knackered old car and expecting an ultra reliable runabout that will be the envy of your mates. Can successful business people really expect success with that model. 

    Are the new owners clueless and deluded or does the multi-owner / problem shared concept, result in a general apathy, as no single person is going lose big, therefore resulting in collective non-responsibility?
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    What would improve us immensely would be if the refs done their job correctly?. Last two games now the result been determined by two very poor mistakes... Both games now opposition should be down to 10 men... either BR or PV would have won them games 

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    If our new owners sack Holden that makes them as bad as TS.Give the man the tools to do the job and see were we are in Jan
    League 2 the way things are going!
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    We haven't been able to bring players we needed and the results we have got was always a risk. A bit of luck in every game and we could ahve won them all but it is also true we can't rely on luck and we have also made too many mistakes. I have seen passages of play in games to see we can turn this around but with additions not without. It is on the owners now to show us they mean business. 
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    We haven't been able to bring players we needed and the results we have got was always a risk. A bit of luck in every game and we could ahve won them all but it is also true we can't rely on luck and we have also made too many mistakes. I have seen passages of play in games to see we can turn this around but with additions not without. It is on the owners now to show us they mean business. 
    Apart from the 6 we got you mean ??
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    But we need 3 or 4 more. We need a big target man which helps with set pieces defensively. Have we forgotten the defensive job Stockley often did for us? Yes that is an important factor too. We are playing too many young players because we haven't got a choice. They look good but a couple should be coming off the bench at this stage. We need goals in the side or you end up coming in at half time 1-0 when it should be 2 or 3-0 and game over. 
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    Sources: Hellas Verona make move to sign Southampton star Joe Aribo

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    Sources: Hellas Verona make move to sign Southampton star Joe Aribo

    And why would we care ? 

    There is no sell on fee to us. 
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    Holden keeps going on about his referee badge he wants to get a coaching badge who leaves 1 on 1 at back not just once 2 times they scored from it it’s school boy stuff.  
    Utterly crap another season already chucked away because we haven’t got the players in early enough so half are not fit enough and the other half are knackered because there having to play to many minutes because the squad is to light. 
    Keep saying the best players on loan are at end of window Bristol rovers had 2 from Brentford and 1 from Chelsea playing against us the other night. Just excuses all the time. 

    Methven will sort it…keep the faith.

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    Not sure new owners will trust in Holden to spend any money. They probably have there own Manager already standing by. Either way without signings we’re staying in League 1. Shocking performance yesterday. 
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    seth plum said:
    The ownership have no reason to care like we the fans do. We care, we suffer.
    The ownership can always salivate about the future value of Kanu and others and will sell, get out, and abandon us with nothing.
    If decent Dean doesn’t deliver he will be sacrificed along the way.
    Very pissed off still, a feeling only winning the next five games in a row will dispel.
    You keep saying this about Leaburn, now Kanu, do you honestly think someone paid 12 million quid for something worth about 10% of that just so they can sell a couple of youth team players?

    If so I have some deep sea divers I'll sell you for a Bobby a pop. 
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    IAgree said:


    Where the fuck is he?
    Now I won’t have you talking smack about Charlie! He’s in it for passion and is a life long Sunderland Athletic fan with a proven track record!

    He’s adored whatever he goes!
    He's sharpening his Gib…..

    Alas, some say I am not a "true" fan because I do not want to support the latest set of scammers to have bought our club.

    No doubt the new owners will want £250m to sell on the club.
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    edited August 2023
    DOUCHER said:
    on another day we would and i believe we will be winning games like that 5-0 so i'm not giving up on this season yet - port vale were utter pants - however, we urgently need the new signings and 

    1) It was a sending off and red card when cbt went through but he had a bad touch and allowed the defender back in - if he's continued running in the direction he was going it would have been a case of just sliding it to one side or the other of the keeper - that was the first shoot ourselves in the foot moment of this particular game

    2) Mid way through the first half, their manager tweaked things and they grew into the game whilst we petered out and our management didn't respond to that - we should have been comfortably 2-0 up by then

    3) None of our players seem able to pick out a final pass or mo¶e specifically, put a decent cross in that ever finds a team mate - cbt is the worst culprit and i was so surprised when he found kanu with that cross and tbh he probably was as well.

    4) We desperately need the option to play into and off of the strikers feet - we are so predictable going down the wings

    5) Jaysemi's arse gets bigger each year and he came on and played at walking pace and delivered 3 terrible crosses

    6) hector has become a joke of a player this season and just so lapsidasicle - needs dropping again

    If the owners can hurry up and get us 4 or 5 top players we can still have a good season - without it we are in for another mid table bore fest and i can't sit through that again - hurry up, pay over the odds if you have to - just do something and quick !!!!
    Don't hold your breath 
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    edited August 2023
    Blucher said:

    You’d have got long odds on Charlton taking zero points from the two home games this week - especially against two opponents who haven’t won away for several months - but that is where we are after another calamitous defensive performance.

    There were some bright passages of play, notably from our teenagers, but the team is hopelessly fragile and there is a serious mentality issue. Hector’s error was horrendous and the man seems to lack focus and be prone to lapses in concentration.

    Anderson was excellent and Kanu and Asiimwe also performed very well. The latter’s error at the end was very unfortunate but, after AMB’s save, why weren’t our other defenders busting a gut to defend the subsequent cross (rather like Bristol Rover’s first goal on Tuesday) ? Asiimwe was also bombing forward at every opportunity, in the manner of a wing back in a back five (doubtless under instructions), and I think his error was partly attributable to fatigue on his part.

    The squad is threadbare but I think there are also questions around the coaching and management of these players. After four defeats on the bounce, the pressure will continue to mount and we need to turn things around quickly. As well as recruiting a couple of decent players on permanent deals, we have to hope we can secure a few decent loans, although being down in 18th position in the fledgling table (19th but for Wigan’s big points deduction) is not a good look.

    Bits of the team may be "OK" or "promising", but does anyone seriously think that the owners, manager or squad are anywhere near "adequate"?

    Even with a few signings now, I am doubtful about progress - needs huge and long term investment.

    I predict that this ownership group will also sell what little "assets" we have left, or as in Dobbo's case let him go for a panic fee in the January window.

    The statements so far and underwhelming and do not give any hope.

    Looking at our next 3 games, we will be lucky to get 3 points.
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    I think Curbs will be offered a role fairly soon
    whether he takes it …remains to be seen
    Our set pieces have been awful so far this season which tells me something is wrong with the coaching side as each kick generally has no purpose.

    I don't think it's a relegation squad (although it's certainly not a promotion one) but I am getting this deja vu feeling of Nigel Adkins era. 

    Need to replace the keeper for Oxford….
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    Where the fuck is he?
    Nobodys been able to find him since he had the walls in the Valley painted the same colour as his trousers!

    What a knob.
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    Easy to get dejected and depressed, following that, and our start generally.
    The fact is, without the injuries and with a couple of additions, we have the makings of a hell of a good side.
    In Asiimwe, Anderson, Leaburn & Kanu we have the best crop of youngsters coming through at the same time, that I have seen in my 55 years of watching us.
    Added to that, CBT seems to be getting better every game and is now unplayable, he just needs to add a bit of composure to his final ball.

    Dobson is Championship/ lower Prem quality.

    We need cool heads both on and off the pitch.

    We need an experienced General on the pitch, someone to quide the youngsters, to dictate play, and be a focal point, someone for the youngsters to look to when things are going against us.

    Great player that Dobson is, he isn't that man.

    Probably the best option would be a highly experienced Centre Half in the twilight of his career who we might be able to pickup cheaply from somewhere.
    I thought Hector would be that man, but he's too error prone.

    That defeat was totally avoidable, and Holden needs to take the blame for keeping a totally knackered Asiimwe on the pitch.
    Any player with two legs, that could run, would have been a better option at that stage.


    Any decent youngsters will be given away and Dobbo will either be a panic sale in January or he will go for nothing next summer. When Methven can no longer bullshit the yanks and losses mount, the only option will be to sell players and/or reduce costs. The attendance levels will fall, because we are shite to watch

    Shall I list some of the talent we have sold/given away in recent years?

    We are a selling club with no real desire to even get in the Championship.

    And it looks like some of our fans will put up with that.
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    Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    The ownership have no reason to care like we the fans do. We care, we suffer.
    The ownership can always salivate about the future value of Kanu and others and will sell, get out, and abandon us with nothing.
    If decent Dean doesn’t deliver he will be sacrificed along the way.
    Very pissed off still, a feeling only winning the next five games in a row will dispel.
    You keep saying this about Leaburn, now Kanu, do you honestly think someone paid 12 million quid for something worth about 10% of that just so they can sell a couple of youth team players?

    If so I have some deep sea divers I'll sell you for a Bobby a pop. 
    No proof they paid 12 mill is there?
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    For all of his faults Ryan Innis was a good defender. We miss his presence in both boxes.

    And is Terry Taylor really an improvement on Alfie Morgan?

    Some of the new players are not good enough, and don’t offer anything that we didn’t have last season.
    Absolutely spot on,I would rather have Innis than any of our Centre backs,at least he could and wanted to defend,whereas Hector just wants to stroll about with the ball.I think Hector has been involved in more of the oppos goals in his short stint than Innis had in his time with us.Agree about Albie,other than Dobson who of the present midfield contenders puts in a better shift than Albie did.
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    The worrying thing, is who that would genuinely improve our squad, would want to come to Charlton. It's very much a club in transition, and which direction that is going, remains unclear. The professional players all speak to each other and will know which club is on the up. Much was made of May as being a marquee signing, Bollocks! He is an OK lower league striker, having come from a small town club. If he was any good, AND other clubs thought so, he wouldn't have ended up at Charlton.
    It is sad, but something we need to accept, that the direction of travel is currently nowhere forwards. 

    This feels like owning a knackered old car and trading it in for another knackered old car and expecting an ultra reliable runabout that will be the envy of your mates. Can successful business people really expect success with that model. 

    Are the new owners clueless and deluded or does the multi-owner / problem shared concept, result in a general apathy, as no single person is going lose big, therefore resulting in collective non-responsibility?

    1) What are we transitioning to?
    2) The new owners have been sold a dud by Eton Mess
    3) If the crowds really do fall and losses mount, then come Xmas, they will have a fire sale of what little talent we have left and the club will be "on sale" to the next bunch of scammers 
    4) Methven will not be around if this turns "ugly"

    In my view, that doomsday scenario can only be avoided if they really splash the cash in this window, but I am not even confident this lot know how to find decent players on the cheap - we buy crocks and has beens.

    I doubt Holden will be here much longer if the squad is not sorted out soon and Gobby Methven is probably preparing his storyline to blame Holden for the mess we are in.

    I have to repeat that the new owners are not to blame for the mess they purchased. But they are/will be to blame for the total lack of investment or any real hint they want to improve the club.

    I still don't know why they bought the club - what are the "assets"?
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    edited August 2023
    For all of his faults Ryan Innis was a good defender. We miss his presence in both boxes.

    And is Terry Taylor really an improvement on Alfie Morgan?

    Some of the new players are not good enough, and don’t offer anything that we didn’t have last season.
    Absolutely spot on,I would rather have Innis than any of our Centre backs,at least he could and wanted to defend,whereas Hector just wants to stroll about with the ball.I think Hector has been involved in more of the oppos goals in his short stint than Innis had in his time with us.Agree about Albie,other than Dobson who of the present midfield contenders puts in a better shift than Albie did.
    My god, we really are fucked if we miss Albie and Innis.

    I agree about Taylor and Hector - one is a L2 player and the other is a busted flush
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    We haven't been able to bring players we needed and the results we have got was always a risk. A bit of luck in every game and we could ahve won them all but it is also true we can't rely on luck and we have also made too many mistakes. I have seen passages of play in games to see we can turn this around but with additions not without. It is on the owners now to show us they mean business. 
    They mean business all right, but not what we think is needed!

    A trained monkey could have seen that this squad was shit, when they were supposedly doing DD before they bought the club!
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    They never bought it for its asset value which are a couple of players with potential value and the golden share to the football league. It’s a punt, gamble call it what you want to sell in the future either with Championship of Prem status isn’t it ? 
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