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POST-MATCH THREAD: Charlton Athletic vs Port Vale: Saturday 19th August 2023: KO 3:00 PM



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    After Tuesday nights efforts, we looked a bit lethargic today. Vale were quicker on the ball. Mind you they were pretty shite so that didn't matter too much until they whacked in two goals in a minute. Ref previously gave us a one goal lead via a dodgy penalty decision Second half. I think we missed Camara. Taylor didn't sparkle but give him time. All the kids did us proud, until Aslimwe's error but as others have said he should have been taken off ten minutes earlier. I suppose Holden and the team will learn from all this. There should be a poster in the home changing room saying, 'If in danger hoof the ball into touch.' Oh and another one saying, 'Cover Hector at all times...' 
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    JohnnyH2 said:
    Kanu was a huge positive today.

    After that it's very hard to see anything positive from the game today 
    He looks like he's bulked up as well.

    Thankfully I wasn't there today, and the train strike is doing me a favour for Fleetwood at home.

    I feel like we need coaching upgrades as well as player improvements.
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    It was always going to be early October before we see what we’re really about this season. Reasons why have been well discussed.
    The hope is, we will still be within touching distance by then. 
    We’ve made that a lot more difficult with how the opening 4 games have gone. 
    4 defensive errors is the difference between 3 or 9 points. 

    CB, CF, RWB & AM in…DJ, Kirk, McGrandles and Payne out. 

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    We all agree Charlton Athletic are magic.
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    Kips said:
    We all agree Charlton Athletic are magic tragic.

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    edited August 2023
    There is no doubt that there is lots of technical ability in the team but there is a distinct lack of leadership, brains, desire and organisation to move the ball up the pitch and score goals. Today like Tuesday and  our other games to many times players are standing watching, off the ball movement Is non existent, creativity is woefull to say the least. Conistent pinging the ball around at the back and out wide when approaching the goal is just inviting defeat, both of these need to be stopped it has been going on for to many seasons. Dean, no more excuses, start coming up with some serious tactical progressive goal scoring play. 
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    So ending last season we were good at scoring goals but terrible at not conceding them. Good to see Holden has solved our scoring goals problem by not being able to replace JRS but has very much retained our conceding goals like our lives depend on it habit. Just what I’d hoped for 
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    Just seen the highlights. No good having Dobbo getting the last minute chance, he’s hardly prolific in the goal scoring dept.
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    edited August 2023
    Make no mistake we are bang in trouble.
    Did you all see Methven at Sunderland? Do you trust him to deliver?
    There is obviously some major problems within the club. Holden has very little idea. Tactically hopeless. No ability to change plans during the course of a match. What exactly do they do all week at the training ground. Patterns of play, shooting, tracking, covering,  set pieces all sub standard. 
    Hector is a shadow of the player he was last season. Why hasn't the deadwood been cleared out? It's plain to see that we have many players who dont deserve to wear the shirt or want to wear it. Owners are not going to crawl out of the woodwork and explain or update us.  It is the worst squad I have ever seen. They are hurtling towards relegation and I dont see any answers. It looks like we are worse off now than we have ever been. Charlton supporters please wake up and dont think that anyone connected with the club is above criticism. 
    It is a positive to be cynical about Charlton.
    Question everything. We have been fed a load of crap for many years and treated like mugs. Keep digging to find out what is really wrong with this club before it is too late. 

    Well we've had better days. Not sure how my being awake will change anything. We're all disappointed and I doubt the owners are slapping their backs complimenting each other on his well it's going tonight.
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    A number of fans attacked me for my comments over the last few days.

    My message top those fans is simple - keep watching that crap and hope it will improve.

    It will not because…
    - the ownership are clearly clueless [even though new]
    - the manager and his team are not up to it
    - the playing squad is not good enough

    2 options left

    1) STFU and keep spending hard earned on this shit
    2) stay away

    Option 2 for me - I have given these clowns 3 games and that is enough.

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    supaclive said:
    Anybody heard from Methven or Rodwell recently?  I mean, surely they have plenty to say about how busy we are going to be in the next 2 weeks???....

    Dubai & reams apparently & it appears that our billionaires are worried about ffp & an embargo
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    At the game and although we conceded three poor goals there were positives thought the  youngsters Kanu Anderson and Assimiuue were excellent Edun good first half but ran out of gas CBT always a threat and thought Jones played well still created enough chances to win but somehow managed to lose to a poor side Need some quality signings and players back from injury and despite this poor start still feel promotion is possible 

    Good grief you are without doubt the glass & a half full guy
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    It was always going to be early October before we see what we’re really about this season. Reasons why have been well discussed.
    The hope is, we will still be within touching distance by then. 
    We’ve made that a lot more difficult with how the opening 4 games have gone. 
    4 defensive errors is the difference between 3 or 9 points. 

    CB, CF, RWB & AM in…DJ, Kirk, McGrandles and Payne out. 

    “Touching distance” of safety? 
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    In what way have we breached FFP?
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    edited August 2023
    I keep watching that Hector replay back. I think it's one of the strangest moments I've seen on a football pitch. 
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    edited August 2023
    supaclive said:
    Anybody heard from Methven or Rodwell recently?  I mean, surely they have plenty to say about how busy we are going to be in the next 2 weeks???....

    Dubai & reams apparently & it appears that our billionaires are worried about ffp & an embargo
    Reams is such a knob. And I hope he sees this. He was so happy to be the mouthpiece for this shower of shit consortium and he was certainly the merry man leading them in, trumpets n all. Some of us actually needed a little convincing, especially after the last X amount of owners. I'm almost certain he bandied about the term "seriously wealthy" more than a few times (or words to such an effect). They are no different to the ones that preceded them, no signings for 24+ days show that very clearly. 
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    swordfish said:
    Wouldn't be surprised to see Dobson leave if any Championship interest now!

    I know very few agree with me, but it’s quite depressing that a bang average player like Dobson is seen as one of our best. 
    I’ve been saying that for the last two season. I like Dobbo but It decent L1 is his level. He is the diamond in a pile of poo which is why he is MOM every week. 
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    follett said:
    I cannot believe I said I would do the 46. 4 games in and I wanted to throw my camera on the pitch. That game has actually made me miserable.

    I will it say now, take the kids out of it. They were our best players and they don't deserve to have their confidence ruined. Playing them will only hinder them, I think it would be irresponsible of Holden to start them next game as you can just tell the atmosphere is gonna get toxic. 

    Genuinely getting concerned we have been sold a dud. No transfer activity in 20+ days or so, no signs of any signings other than a right back, manager doesn't seem to know how to organise a team. We are just a weak club. How many teams have come to the Valley and rolled us over now? Holden says all this stuff about wanting to make the Valley a fortress? Nonsense. More empty seats than filled seats (not that I blame people not attending), the football isn't good enough to get the crowd off their seats & we don't have the experienced players to win games like that. It's so morbid. 

    I said we were unlucky the last two games and we were, today we weren't. Tactically inept. No one can use the excuse of squad strength, no disrespect, it's Port Vale. I spoke to about 10 Port Vale fans before the game, not one of them fancied their chances, all hoped for a draw at best. They put 3 past us.

    AMB - Terrible, probably not too wise to start a keeper who maybe has 10-20% of his vision blocked. I ain't being dramatic because I said it before, I don't remember a worse keeper than him in recent years, obviously excluding keepers like Harness who never got a chance.

    Defenders - all unprofessional, I couldn't stand washed up Pearce, he walks in to this side. Only Asiimwe gets any credit, and the last goal wasn't his fault, I blame AMB and poor tactical decisions more.  

    Midfielders - non existent. Karoy is a talent but a kid, Dobbo had a bad game where he looked like he was trying too hard, Terry Taylor came with a lot of promise but looks average early doors

    Forwards - May just runs about, system doesn't suit him, Kanu looked decent, CBT same old, no end product. 

    I can't believe we lost that, they looked so so ordinary. If you told even their fans they'd score 3 second half they wouldn't believe you. 

    Miserable, just miserable. We won't get anything at Oxford either, bogey side. I didn't believe that before the season started that we would get points at Oxford, now I am 100% confident we won't.

    The owners have 2 weeks to get this right. If not they have some explaining to do, cause this is unacceptable and we are gonna find ourselves on a downward trajectory to relegation, the only shining light is that there are some really poor sides in this league so league 1 safety should be safe..what a time 
    I think digging out AMB is a bit harsh, his decision making can be poor but when he’s played he’s made some ridiculous saves which I’m not sure other keepers would have. As for the third goal, unfortunately it was Asiimwe’s fault. I agree he was shattered and probably he should have been off before it. Hopefully he and Holden learn from it. Not sure how AMB cans take the blame for it. He makes a great save but unfortunately our defence is non existence for the rebound and it’s tapped in

    I think cause he's a Charlton boy he gets a pass from a lot of fans, if he was a player we had signed he would be getting pelters.

    Every keeper we have come up against has looked more assure than him. I think Isted deserves a chance. 

    We won't be getting promoted with a player like AMB in goal, that's my opinion 
    Isted hasn't looked particularly good...
    Yeah he hasn't, but we have limited options and when you look at some of the goals we have conceded a goalie could change that. 

    I don't think he has the leadership to be a goalie and confidence that Phillips and Amos in recent years had. 

    He's not my scapegoat, got no ill will towards him. I just call it how I see it and he doesn't look ready to me. 

    His loan history isn't great, when we got Phillips back he had just come off a promotion season with Cheltenham, that's what AMB needs. I am not sold on either Charlton goalie atm
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    Methven & Co. - your grace period just ended 

    Thing is Methven has hoodwinked the owners. He’s told them the club just needs to be run properly by a professional SMT and we’ll get promoted. No need for silly money. So no new funds are incoming, a budget has been set and we’ll get two more quality first team players, and a few kids on loan. This is what Methven ownership looks like. Pretty much the same as TS.

     As bad as sandgaard was at least it was his own money. Methvens method is to get investors interested, he gets shares in the club & his mates get jobs. He'll no doubt be posting photos of canned drinks & assorted snacks ready for transfer cut off day. Mouthall/ methven, is there much difference ?
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    I think I’ve been scammed. I bought a season ticket. 😁
    As the impression was given that we would be challenging for a top 6 place, it sounds to me that you have indeed been subject to a fraudulent transaction. If you paid on your credit card, put a claim in and get your money back.😀
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