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POST-MATCH THREAD: Charlton Athletic vs Port Vale: Saturday 19th August 2023: KO 3:00 PM



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    Sky video is up if you can be bothered to watch it 
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    No comments from Dean as yet is a mystery... But you'd hope he'd be in with the board saying help!

    Unfortunately I don't think it's coming! 
    Did he give his usual post match interview on charlton tv? 
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    No comments from Dean as yet is a mystery... But you'd hope he'd be in with the board saying help!

    Unfortunately I don't think it's coming! 
    Did he give his usual post match interview on charlton tv? 
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    How the fuck does Payne think my first touch will be a free kick, that I’ll try to score with my silly little steps before I start my run up?
    Tried it last week at Peterborough. Today hitting the wall was a lot closer for him
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    Can’t defend, desperately short on forwards since pre season and unless there are at least 2 proper centre forwards brought in (plus Leaburn) before the window closes we are going no where. 
    Why was DJ on the pitch let alone on the bloody bench.Fucking Shambles 
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    This is what happens when you don't invest in the squad. We've seen it year after year.
    I feel for Anderson , Kanu and Asiimwe as they were superb today but we are going to destroy them before the month is out at this rate. 

    This is spot on. They all played well today but they shouldn't be starting game in game out. I forgive Asiimwe his error, he's learning, it happens. Hector is inexcusable though. I thought he was Championship quality. Isn't the rule in such instances don't let the ball bounce?
    Yep and yep
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    It was clear it was clear last year to the more perceptive observers that our problems were at the back rather than scoring goals. Same again so far this season. Clean sheet against a promoted side who had no threat and then plenty conceded in four successive defeats - fingers need to be pointed at the manager and his coaching staff. 
    But we started off only signing defenders......


    And then Edun joined a few weeks ago.

    Are you saying that they are all duds already ?
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    RoanRedNY said:
    Chunes said:
    kentred2 said:
    Holden still not addressed the main problem and that is wingers who can cross the ball .. loads of good positions we got into and wasted .. no
    point in a new striker if we can’t get the ball in .. Dobson miss in 99 th was poor yet there was people clapping him if that had been Payne or Kirk would they have clapped ?? Ref was awful another red card missed and the handball in the 99 th min ..

    but today was down to Holden he let PV crowd mid and them really feed Asiimwe to the wolfs the kid was shot after 35 mins why he kept him on ???? Poor management 
    Funnily enough the one time CBT went wide right he delivered the cross for Kanu's equaliser - playing him as an inverted winger on the left means he is always trying to cut in on his right and PV sussed that out eventually and closed him down. Me I'm just an old fashioned 442 man who wants a left footer on the left and a right footer on the right to cross the ball into the box.

    All these modern fluid formations might work well at the top level but with a bunch of kids and useless third div players you are better off going back to basics with a solid formation where everyone knows their role.
    Been saying that for ages. 4 4 2 with good players is all you need. So we need still two full backs, two wide midfielders and a centre forward. 
    We went to 442 for 10 minutes on Tuesday and got roasted by their 3-man midfield down the middle
    5 4 3 should crack it
    We could play 653 and McGrandles still wouldn't get a game
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    edited August 2023
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    Sorry, posted this on the match thread just before it closed. Sunderland fans were sending us commiserations that Methven was involved in the take over but we thought it would be different with us, how’s it going?
    A lot worse, on the pitch, than it went at Sunderland?

    I have got two good friends that are Sunderland fans, one thinks Methven is the anti Christ.  The other thinks a lot of things happened that would have happened whoever was in charge and Methven took the blame.

    Yes Sunderland took 3 years to get out the division but they got to the play offs, at least, every year they were in it.
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    ross1 said:
    Sky video is up if you can be bothered to watch it 
    The mistakes for the second and third Vale goals are pretty dreadful. 
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    Chunes said:
    kentred2 said:
    Holden still not addressed the main problem and that is wingers who can cross the ball .. loads of good positions we got into and wasted .. no
    point in a new striker if we can’t get the ball in .. Dobson miss in 99 th was poor yet there was people clapping him if that had been Payne or Kirk would they have clapped ?? Ref was awful another red card missed and the handball in the 99 th min ..

    but today was down to Holden he let PV crowd mid and them really feed Asiimwe to the wolfs the kid was shot after 35 mins why he kept him on ???? Poor management 
    Funnily enough the one time CBT went wide right he delivered the cross for Kanu's equaliser - playing him as an inverted winger on the left means he is always trying to cut in on his right and PV sussed that out eventually and closed him down. Me I'm just an old fashioned 442 man who wants a left footer on the left and a right footer on the right to cross the ball into the box.

    All these modern fluid formations might work well at the top level but with a bunch of kids and useless third div players you are better off going back to basics with a solid formation where everyone knows their role.
    Been saying that for ages. 4 4 2 with good players is all you need. So we need still two full backs, two wide midfielders and a centre forward. 
    We went to 442 for 10 minutes on Tuesday and got roasted by their 3-man midfield down the middle
    Chunes said:
    kentred2 said:
    Holden still not addressed the main problem and that is wingers who can cross the ball .. loads of good positions we got into and wasted .. no
    point in a new striker if we can’t get the ball in .. Dobson miss in 99 th was poor yet there was people clapping him if that had been Payne or Kirk would they have clapped ?? Ref was awful another red card missed and the handball in the 99 th min ..

    but today was down to Holden he let PV crowd mid and them really feed Asiimwe to the wolfs the kid was shot after 35 mins why he kept him on ???? Poor management 
    Funnily enough the one time CBT went wide right he delivered the cross for Kanu's equaliser - playing him as an inverted winger on the left means he is always trying to cut in on his right and PV sussed that out eventually and closed him down. Me I'm just an old fashioned 442 man who wants a left footer on the left and a right footer on the right to cross the ball into the box.

    All these modern fluid formations might work well at the top level but with a bunch of kids and useless third div players you are better off going back to basics with a solid formation where everyone knows their role.
    Been saying that for ages. 4 4 2 with good players is all you need. So we need still two full backs, two wide midfielders and a centre forward. 
    We went to 442 for 10 minutes on Tuesday and got roasted by their 3-man midfield down the middle
    Then the wide midfielders tuck in defensively and use the space out wide when going forward. 
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    5-5-2 and we can win this league.
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    swordfish said:
    Wouldn't be surprised to see Dobson leave if any Championship interest now!

    Who can blame him?
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    Totally ashamed of this club. How far we have fallen. Nothing changes, complete fucking chancers as owners yet again, or and maybe worse dullards as owners led by a chancer. 4 games in and I'm already over it. You can say 40-odd games left blah blah blah nothing will change and it we'll all have deja vu about last season. 
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    Holden still not addressed the main problem and that is wingers who can cross the ball .. loads of good positions we got into and wasted .. no
    point in a new striker if we can’t get the ball in .. Dobson miss in 99 th was poor yet there was people clapping him if that had been Payne or Kirk would they have clapped ?? Ref was awful another red card missed and the handball in the 99 th min ..

    but today was down to Holden he let PV crowd mid and them really feed Asiimwe to the wolfs the kid was shot after 35 mins why he kept him on ???? Poor management 
    Funnily enough the one time CBT went wide right he delivered the cross for Kanu's equaliser - playing him as an inverted winger on the left means he is always trying to cut in on his right and PV sussed that out eventually and closed him down. Me I'm just an old fashioned 442 man who wants a left footer on the left and a right footer on the right to cross the ball into the box.

    All these modern fluid formations might work well at the top level but with a bunch of kids and useless third div players you are better off going back to basics with a solid formation where everyone knows their role.
    Well said.

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    Thing is Methven has hoodwinked the owners. He’s told them the club just needs to be run properly by a professional SMT and we’ll get promoted. No need for silly money. So no new funds are incoming, a budget has been set and we’ll get two more quality first team players, and a few kids on loan. This is what Methven ownership looks like. Pretty much the same as TS.
    Looks like the message is now sinking in bigtime+.
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    Hopefully the majority owners buy Methven out and ditch him ASAP if he has hoodwinked them. 

    For the sake of this club, this shit cannot go on. 
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    Clearly now on the relegation slippery answers. Rank awful. 
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    Jones is very poor with the ball at his feet, he doesn’t know what to do with it.
    And Hector is probably worse. 
    So overated in my opinion 
    Hector is our best defender on the ball, shame  he seems to always have a cock up in him. 

    Thank you I was worried you missed this
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    What did Holden say the other day about getting a reaction today after Tuesdays defeat ??

    Certainly got a reaction from the fans !
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    Just seen Dean's interview and besides feeling slightly sea sick through his constant swaying with the microphone he said nothing of any value... Again. 

    Same old stuff about about Andy Scott trying to bring in I or 2 players last week and that didn't work out blah blah blah....

    1 or 2 players Dean? Are you joking?

    Why aren't you being the honest bloke  that a lot of fans thought you were? 

    You've surely known since Spain that we've needed 5 or 6 players.

    i want to give the man  a chance but if every Manager that we get is just going to say nothing when things are really wrong then we really are done for. 

    I am getting fed-up too. He says there are no excuses then says we are light on numbers, having to play kids, too many injuries, new players who are not up to speed and can't manage three games a week (he means two). The obvious question Dean is why? The answer is the budget and the new owners. So quickly being exposed. He doesn't seem to see players as responsible for continuing errors which are costing us points. It's as if it's bad luck and things will improve. Still not addressing the striking elephant in the room 
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    Chunes said:
    Port Vale looked a physically stronger side, but devoid of any quality. When we scored I thought that was it, because they couldn't just sit back in their low block. It did force them to play out, but we totally failed to capitalise and instead let them grow into the game.

    To me, that looked like a mentality issue. We took our foot off the gas, and the moment Vale scored their two goals in quick succession, the foot was immediately put straight back onto the pedal, and once again we looked the much more dominant team.

    That is not fecking good enough. The team should be motivated for ninety minutes. For the past few seasons I've watched Charlton teams who seem to think winning should be easy. They go a goal up and then ease off. Or they go a goal down and fail to come back and win for what.... two years or something. What I can't understand, is so many players have come and gone, and yet this mentality prevails. Where is it coming from? 

    I was looking at some fascinating stats yesterday about Ipswich & Plymouth's promotion-winning seasons last year. They both had clean sheets in around 50% of their games. (Ours was around 21%). So in order to get anywhere near the top, we need to improve our defensive record by more than 2x. 

    We've signed Jones, who looks OK, but absolutely not like a gamechanger or dominant defensive force. 

    We've kept Hector, who is reminding me of Adam Matthews - goes hunting for a new club in the off-season, and then returns, unfocused, wishing he was somewhere else.

    Where is this 2x defensive improvement coming from? I can't see that it's coming from anywhere. And for as long as we continue to ship goals every game (5 goals in 2 home games), we are going to have another midtable season, at best. 
    Dean Holden said at Bromley Addicks just after he joined us that he checked out the stats and it was the defence that was the problem. Surely these recent games should re- focus his mind. And no JS goals to help us out. I like Dean, and want him to succeed, there's a lot of work to do.
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