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POST-MATCH THREAD: Charlton Athletic vs Port Vale: Saturday 19th August 2023: KO 3:00 PM



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    Jones is very poor with the ball at his feet, he doesn’t know what to do with it.
    And Hector is probably worse. 
    So overated in my opinion 
    Hector is our best defender on the ball, shame he seems to always have a cock up in him. 
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    Definitely defence a major worry that needs addressing but could have been so different if we got a second when we were dominating early on. Leaburn injury costing us, Welling game has cost us dearly. 
    That was obvious from preseason. Also how few of our players have ball skills.
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    Jones is very poor with the ball at his feet, he doesn’t know what to do with it.
    And Hector is probably worse. 
    So overated in my opinion 
    Couple of 7/10 performances at the end of last season and somehow became one of the centre backs in the league. He looks awful 
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    Wow, worse than midweek.

    As I said then, we lack any leadership on the pitch, this will happen time and time again, we are a good 5-6 players short of any sort of challenge for the top 6 (in reality 4th - 6th).

    Too many players are making poor decisions too often. I know to a degree that's why they are in league 1, but it's embarrassing how wrong they are time after time, we lack experience, we lack quality and we lack leaders, therefore we will also lack wins and performances.
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    After the Peterborough game I said on here that we had a big week coming up. 2 home games where the minimum expectation should be 4 points.   

    We got 0.

    We now play Oxford (a) & then Fleetwood at home. If we don't pick up 3 points from those 2 games we could find ourselves in the bottom 4. 

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    DJ should be embarrassed, shocking stint from a player who is always unfit
    Taking the money. Should not be playing.
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    Once again we handed it on a plate to them still can't defend to save our life
    Just can't understand why Holden is not working on this problem 
    I can understand youngsters making errors but marking & picking up runners is non existing last season was the same & all the time it stays like this we are going nowhere well maybe down
    The boos at the end says it all 
    Absolutely gutted watching us loosing another what should have been a home win banker sorry to say this but Holden has got to go
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    We played some okay football but defensively we're terrible. We're too indecisive when it comes to taking a shot and CBT is incredibly wasteful with his end product.

    Too many basic mistakes - why do the players switch off?

    If we keep shipping goals we'll be battling relegation.

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    In Charlton, emotions ran high,
    A 3-2 loss, oh my oh my!
    With frustrations in tow,
    Some Rioja will flow,
    To soothe and to bid the blues goodbye.
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    Totally pissed off.
    We now have to win the next five in a row to get back on track!
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    Holden still not addressed the main problem and that is wingers who can cross the ball .. loads of good positions we got into and wasted .. no
    point in a new striker if we can’t get the ball in .. Dobson miss in 99 th was poor yet there was people clapping him if that had been Payne or Kirk would they have clapped ?? Ref was awful another red card missed and the handball in the 99 th min ..

    but today was down to Holden he let PV crowd mid and them really feed Asiimwe to the wolfs the kid was shot after 35 mins why he kept him on ???? Poor management 
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    If my kids were younger I would be insisting that they support someone else. Sadly it’s too late now and the curse goes on. 
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    How do you give up caring?
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    Holden still not addressed the main problem and that is wingers who can cross the ball .. loads of good positions we got into and wasted .. no
    point in a new striker if we can’t get the ball in .. Dobson miss in 99 th was poor yet there was people clapping him if that had been Payne or Kirk would they have clapped ?? Ref was awful another red card missed and the handball in the 99 th min ..

    but today was down to Holden he let PV crowd mid and them really feed Asiimwe to the wolfs the kid was shot after 35 mins why he kept him on ???? Poor management 
    Our crosses, corners and set pieces are hopeless. We're also hopeless at defending set pieces.

    All pretty basic.
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    edited August 2023

    Palarse and the Spanners didn't win today!
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    It was clear it was clear last year to the more perceptive observers that our problems were at the back rather than scoring goals. Same again so far this season. Clean sheet against a promoted side who had no threat and then plenty conceded in four successive defeats - fingers need to be pointed at the manager and his coaching staff. 
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    seth plum said:
    Totally pissed off.
    We now have to win the next five in a row to get back on track!
    I'm with you with the 2 points per game stuff..

    Unfortunately we will end the season closer to 1 point per game. 

    Sad times 
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    Another year in purgatory beckons unless we have the best 10 or so days of transfer activity in the club’s history. Already I’m thinking more about will we stay out of trouble than will we be able to mount a promotion challenge. 
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    The Keystone cops could’ve defended better than we did today. The Championship is a long way off judging by that performance 
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    It was clear it was clear last year to the more perceptive observers that our problems were at the back rather than scoring goals. Same again so far this season. Clean sheet against a promoted side who had no threat and then plenty conceded in four successive defeats - fingers need to be pointed at the manager and his coaching staff. 
    A lot of basic mistakes that presumably are down to poor coaching?
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    Fed up of it all. Need to switch off from all things charlton for a while.
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    The defence is woeful. Typically talent scores goals and organisation stops goals. Our consistently poor defence sits at Holden’s door. There have to be question marks over his role because nothing has changed under his tenure in spite of the revolving personnel at the back. 

    With a bit of luck the midfield and attack would have a better return this season. They’re not too bad. You get the feeling we’d need three goals to win any game at the moment. 

    The one consolation is that I’m really enjoying watching the young players develop this season. Some very exciting players but I can’t imagine many of them being here in 24 months, so that optimism is severely tempered. If we want to retain these kids, we need to turn things around rapidly. 
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    It was clear it was clear last year to the more perceptive observers that our problems were at the back rather than scoring goals. Same again so far this season. Clean sheet against a promoted side who had no threat and then plenty conceded in four successive defeats - fingers need to be pointed at the manager and his coaching staff. 
    A lot of basic mistakes that presumably are down to poor coaching?
    Yep. Holden picks the side and drills them all week on the training ground. 
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    Lord where do you start after that?

    On the one hand you could say we were a bit unlucky to lose that - May's shot was going in until it hit a defender when the score was 2-2 and Dobson really should have scored right at the end. And as the other night, Maynard-Brewer makes a good save but the ball just drops kindly for their player.

    But on the other, how can you lose to such a poor Port Vale team? Suicidal defending is one way - and maybe the time is coming when instead of going gung-ho for a winner, we keep more players back and stop getting sucker punched.

    One thing that is driving me crazy is set pieces. Every time our opponents have one they seem to put a dangerous ball into our box. We get one and the cross is mis-hit or cleared. Surely, they must work on this in training? Or don't they? 

    Blackett-Taylor is a incredibly frustrating player. His speed, and the way he goes past players, is outstanding. But his final cross or shot is so often hopeless. I guess if it wasn't, he wouldn't be here.

    Finally, Anderson and Asiimwe are going to be good players. Just hope Asiimwe's mistake doesn't make him lose confidence and good to see the great ovation he got when he went off.

    Oh well, its never easy being a Charlton fan. 
    I seem to recall last season someone posting on here allegedly in the know saying they didn’t practice set pieces in training.
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