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The Back to The Valley mural project



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    Maybe its true that sometimes you just can't re create something and do it justice - there were lots of different images of that day for me as i'm sure there were for others - why not ask people to send in a photo or favourite image from the day and just put a montage or something together in some way.

    Every time I see that Sam Bartram statue, i think similar - he looks nothing like the giant of a man that i believe he was from the pictures and film i've seen - similarly i'm not sure how a mural will be able to do that day and all the struggles that led up to it justice.

    Personally think cast would be better off spending their time worrying about the present and the future than keep re hashing the past. 

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    The fundamental question is "What is this mural trying to represent and honour?"

    Is it the campaign to return to The Valley, and the individuals and bodies that helped achieve this?
    Is it the day of the return, the march, Alwen unlocking the gates, the balloons?
    Is it the match itself?
    Is it the 30/31 years since we returned?

    You can't represent all of this in one mural, without it looking horribly messy and cluttered.
    For me it should be the bolded, or the first one - not both.

    Is it the match itself - I don't think so, as everything that day was about being able to stage the match, not the game.

    The last point ages the mural - it should be a timeless reminder of a point in time - 5/12/92  
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    Just a thought. 

    The last away game I went to outside London was Ipswich, and for the first time by train. In the station there is a big mural which appears to generally celebrate the club. I didn’t stop to consider it too much - too pissed off with the whole evening- but I recognised Matty Holland on it.

    some of you must also have seen it. Do you like it? Does it say something coherent to you? And do we know what Ipswich  fans generally think about it? 
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    Pico said:
    Well, thanks for all the feedback and thanks for the constructive way it has in general been expressed. 

    Those of us who have been trying to move this project along clearly need to take stock. In order to have a chance of raising sufficient funds any design is going to need to inspire people and gain some sort of consensus around itself. 

    From the above comments it seems there are plenty of people who like the idea of a mural and quite a few who would be prepared to be involved in advising on design.  Of course the difficulty in sitting down with a "group of fans" to find out what they want is (1) which fans and (2) you might just end up compiling even more varied opinions. Achieving a consensus might be a challenge but we wouldn't want to give up on it yet.

    I suggest we take stock over the next few days in light of the helpful comments made above and try to come up with the best way to take this forward,

    By the way, Lionel Stanhope was approached but he declined saying that it wasn't his area of expertise.

    Looks to me like CAST have been thrown under the bus a bit. @Pico ‘s post above I thought was a very good one all things considered and I’d encourage anyone with any thoughts, skills, contacts etc to reach out to him or @Weegie Addick and hopefully get this progressing in a positive way

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    Chizz said:
    Just a thought. 

    The last away game I went to outside London was Ipswich, and for the first time by train. In the station there is a big mural which appears to generally celebrate the club. I didn’t stop to consider it too much - too pissed off with the whole evening- but I recognised Matty Holland on it.

    some of you must also have seen it. Do you like it? Does it say something coherent to you? And do we know what Ipswich  fans generally think about it? 
    It's a great mural. But if I were Matt Holland I'd be furious. They've made him look much older than he is. 

    Yes, yes very funny at @Chizz, and good to see you here. But quite patently that is not Ipswich station and neither am I referring to the student murals they put up on a footbridge at the station. I couldn’t find anything on the web about it, which is a pity because I’d be interested to see how people react to it.
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    Personally I’d be pursuing the “Back to The Valley Gates” idea which signalled our return in my opinion. 
    This could also be portrayed with a mural if desired, I don’t understand why we are bowing to this individual and his reluctance to his own job let alone anything extra loaded on him by fans. 
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    Dazzler21 said:
    Even this is better. 

    Doesn’t this become out of date for future generations
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