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The Back to The Valley mural project



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    Where can the ridiculed mural proposal be seen please ? 
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    DOUCHER said:
    Where can the ridiculed mural proposal be seen please ? 
    The Trust have removed their link which had it on.
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    cafc999 said:
    What ever happened to the gates Tony Keohane was put in charge of?
    In his ditch up at Sparrows Lane
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    Think it would be better just to enlarge a photo from the day and put that on the wall or do a painting of one  - if i'm totally honest, haven't we done the return to the valley thing to death now anyway - great day, great that wee returned but can't we turn it in on all that for a bit - either that or put a picture of the valley helpers football match on the wall - that would seem a great idea  :)
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    Awful, just embarrassing. Is this a school project for the under 10's ? If we need a reminder of that great day what would be better than a large photo of Roger Alwen opening the gates.

    Why are a very small number of fans deciding on this ? 
    Because a camel is a horse designed by a committee.

    While I'm on the horse analogy I think CAST whilst well intentioned have got the horse before the cart and should have focused initially on selling the concept got the funding then worked with a small, group of fans to develop the creative brief and produce some creative concepts with could have been researched amongst the fan base before deciding on the final execution, which would not be approved of by all but would, hopefully have had a significant semblance of support.
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    Is it a copy of the Mercury or a home made rattle with a logo, on the arm of a double jointed ghost?
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    Cafc43v3r said:
    Off_it said:
    Who's the big bloke to the right of Alwen, with his kid. 

    Anyone known on here?
    His name is Sid, I used to go to away games with him late 70s

    I saw him at the valley last season. 
    The lad is his nephew isn't he?  I haven't seen Sid for, what must be nearly 25 years.
    I saw him in the fans bar a few times last season.  
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    The arm holding the newspaper is spectacularly bad
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    Croydon said:

    The arm holding the newspaper is spectacularly bad
    To be fair to the artist, who we can see from her work on line is capable of fair better, I think this was probably a quick "is this the sort of thing you want?" effort based on the elements she was asked to include in the brief rather than an example of what she can do.

    I doubt she expected it to be shared publicly. 
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    Working with what we've got...

    Keep the boy with his descriptive scarf which explains the mural. Keep him sitting on dad's shoulders. Keep all the balloons. Keep the gates. Get rid of all other people and logos - exclude everyone rather than exclude no one.

    A much cleaner image.

    Perhaps behind where the blonde woman is, have Walsh striking the ball (to scale, on the pitch), with no other players on the pitch. The only recognisable person on the mural.

    Then tidy up.. probably shuffle the boy/dad to the centre, and balloons on pitch to the right a bit.

    These would be my opening suggestions in a whiteboard session, just kicking some ideas about based on the work as presented.
    all good points, however IMO the focal point of anything should be the Covered end and not the away end
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    I would love to see one of our fans marching down Floyd Rd back to Valley 
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    Even this is better. 

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    Simplicity is key in these things. 
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    edited August 2023
    I think the time has come for the thread to be closed, CAST to state publicly that they understand the concerns and will, go back to the drawing board and consult on the development of the mural and following consultation will come up with a new design which will be researched carefully  amongst the fan base. In the meantime we (CAST) appreciate the support for the concept of a BTTV mural and the input (which is very useful).

    Seriously the message is clear concept great execution as portrayed wrong, we really dont need another 8 pages saying the same thing. Let CAST do it properly and comeback.
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    Kap10 said:
    I think the time has come for the thread to be closed, CAST to state publicly that they understand the concerns and will, go back to the drawing board and consult on the development of the mural and following consultation will come up with a new design which will be researched carefully  amongst the fan base. In the meantime we (CAST) appreciate the support for the concept of a BTTV mural and the input (which is very useful).

    Seriously the message is clear concept great execution as portrayed wrong, we really dont need another 8 pages saying the same thing. Let CAST do it properly and comeback.
    Don't see any need to close the thread.

    Lots of interesting comments and suggestions still coming forward.
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    CAST stated publicly at the weekend that we are taking on board the feedback and have paused the process presently.
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    CAST stated publicly at the weekend that we are taking on board the feedback and have paused the process presently.
    Where was this stated publicly, no mention of this on the CAST website.
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    edited August 2023
    On Twitter and Pico on here. The article was removed from the website. 
This discussion has been closed.

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