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The Back to The Valley mural project



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     I'm Sure none of us want to knock the trust and the work they do, but on this, they really have hit the post and gone out for a corner . 
    No, they've just hit the corner flag.

    I think it went out for a throw actually.
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    JohnnyH2 said:
    Why is the Community Scheme on their, it was only set up with 1 employee about 5 months before we returned
    CASC would be more appropriate. 
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    edited August 2023
    I think people above  are asking for a painting which does the same job as a photograph. That already exists, the artist's name is Terence Macklin.  I have a print on the wall here, as must a fair few of you. Sorry there was no way to avoid flash glare. It faithfully reproduces a moment in the game, around 4.30 on a December afternoon. It's dark. It shows how temporary was the  state of the Valley. The crowd is a distant blur.

    The mural is using artistic licence to try to capture the human joy we all felt and want to remember, so it seems to me right to depict a glorious sunny day, full of primary colours and the Valley stands stylised rather than showing up how decrepit/temporary they all were - because after all we all helped to fix them up and create today's Valley - but to depict today's Valley would also be daft. As for the people, I think it's appropriate that only Roger Alwen's face is recognisable, and his huge joyous smile is surely one that he's posthumously entitled to have depicted. But for example the lady in the hat is obviously inspired by a lady who appeared in the pre-match TV interviews (Gwen King, as I am now reminded). Let's face it, if for example it recognisably depicted Rick, some people would go into cardiac arrest. 🤣 Much better to just keep it anonymous, a general statement. It was a day for everyone, wasn't it? In terms of age, gender, skin colour? The Charlton tribe, returning home, where it would develop a reputation as one of the best and earliest "community clubs"? 

    I'm sure the comments will be taken on board, but people should also consider that murals are not playing the same role as photographs. We have plenty of photographs. Murals try to capture the essence of human emotion around the subject matter.

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    My first reaction was about how crude and primitive the mural looks.
    The Seb mural works for me because it seems to me to have artistry, artistic credibility and craft. It invites a response in my opinion.

    I looked up a little bit of something regarding a work of art and aesthetic impact and found this:

    The three aesthetic theories of art criticism are most commonly referred to as Imitationalism, Formalism, and Emotionalism. on realistic representation. of art using the principles of art. a response of feelings, moods, or emotions in the viewer.

    I don't think the proposed mural scores more than a 3/10 in any aesthetic area.
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    I think people above  are asking for a painting which does the same job as a photograph. That already exists, the artist's name is Terence Macklin.  I have a print on the wall here, as must a fair few of you. Sorry there was no way to avoid flash glare. It faithfully reproduces a moment in the game, around 4.30 on a December afternoon. It's dark. It shows how temporary was the  state of the Valley. The crowd is a distant blur.

    The mural is using artistic licence to try to capture the human joy we all felt and want to remember, so it seems to me right to depict a glorious sunny day, full of primary colours and the Valley stands stylised rather than showing up how decrepit/temporary they all were - because after all we all helped to fix them up and create today's Valley - but to depict today's Valley would also be daft. As for the people, I think it's appropriate that only Roger Alwen's face is recognisable, and his huge joyous smile is surely one that he's posthumously entitled to have depicted. But for example the lady in the hat is obviously inspired by a lady who appeared in the pre-match TV interviews. Let's face it, if for example it recognisably depicted Rick, some people would go into cardiac arrest. 🤣 Much better to just keep it anonymous, a general statement. It was a day for everyone, wasn't it? In terms of age, gender, skin colour? The Charlton tribe, returning home, where it would develop a reputation as one of the best and earliest "community clubs"? 

    I'm sure the comments will be taken on board, but people should also consider that murals are not playing the same role as photographs. We have plenty of photographs. Murals try to capture the essence of human emotion around the subject matter.

    I wouldn't want a copy of a photograph but it must at least take you back to that most famous of days. The mural, as depicted, doesn't go close to doing that.
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    Is that mural representation created by the artists who are going to paint it? If so I’d be interested to see some of their finished work to get a feel for the style that the final thing will be. This is obviously a quick photoshop generated “mock-up” of the intended final art, at least I hope it is. Be interested who they commissioned to do this, the composition and story does feel a bit weak for such a pivotal day in Charltons history. 
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    sammy391 said:
    shirty5 said:
    sammy391 said:
    Off_it said:
    Great idea - but is that the picture?
    That’s the mural, been agreed with the ‘back to the valley’ celebration group- lead by Steve Sutherland. 

    It’ll be done in spray paint and actual paint- so a bit different and not so ‘picture’ based
    Who’s on the Celebration group, Sam? 
    “A committee has been set up to oversee and deliver events throughout the season. Chaired by Steve Sutherland, Community Trust Ambassador and a former Charlton Athletic Commercial Director, it includes Fan Adviser Lucy Bishop, club legend Keith Peacock, club staff and Community Trust staff. Details about upcoming 30-year anniversary events will be announced in due course.”
    Thank you.

    The Celebration group need to have a rethink on this. No rush, just needs to be right
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    I think people above  are asking for a painting which does the same job as a photograph. That already exists, the artist's name is Terence Macklin.  I have a print on the wall here, as must a fair few of you. Sorry there was no way to avoid flash glare. It faithfully reproduces a moment in the game, around 4.30 on a December afternoon. It's dark. It shows how temporary was the  state of the Valley. The crowd is a distant blur.

    The mural is using artistic licence to try to capture the human joy we all felt and want to remember, so it seems to me right to depict a glorious sunny day, full of primary colours and the Valley stands stylised rather than showing up how decrepit/temporary they all were - because after all we all helped to fix them up and create today's Valley - but to depict today's Valley would also be daft. As for the people, I think it's appropriate that only Roger Alwen's face is recognisable, and his huge joyous smile is surely one that he's posthumously entitled to have depicted. But for example the lady in the hat is obviously inspired by a lady who appeared in the pre-match TV interviews (Gwen King, as I am now reminded). Let's face it, if for example it recognisably depicted Rick, some people would go into cardiac arrest. 🤣 Much better to just keep it anonymous, a general statement. It was a day for everyone, wasn't it? In terms of age, gender, skin colour? The Charlton tribe, returning home, where it would develop a reputation as one of the best and earliest "community clubs"? 

    I'm sure the comments will be taken on board, but people should also consider that murals are not playing the same role as photographs. We have plenty of photographs. Murals try to capture the essence of human emotion around the subject matter.

    I remember that picture from when it came out and there's no doubt it's a great piece of art.

    But I would disagree that "It faithfully reproduces a moment in the game, around 4.30 on a December afternoon."

    The OCD part of me could never help thinking that what is depicted is Darren Pitcher's "great turn, for a player of such limited ability", which led directly to Walsh's goal, which was of course down the other end and not in the south east corner flag. 

    Sorry if that spoils the, otherwise great, picture for anyone, but it always used to bug me at the time and seeing it again has brought the memories flooding back!
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    bobmunro said:
    But Richard, the subject matter is 5 December 1992.

    The mural does not have to be photographic in nature - it could be impressionist or cubist for that matter, but it is about a very, very special day.

    '5 December 1992' in ten foot high letters would be more appropriate in my opinion - not that I'm suggesting that.

    This is not a criticism of the Trust btw - it is just honest feedback, the overwhelming message in that feedback is that it just does not work.
    Well, the artist will need to understand a bit more clearly why  it "just does not work". What's the re-brief, Bob?
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    Off_it said:
    I think people above  are asking for a painting which does the same job as a photograph. That already exists, the artist's name is Terence Macklin.  I have a print on the wall here, as must a fair few of you. Sorry there was no way to avoid flash glare. It faithfully reproduces a moment in the game, around 4.30 on a December afternoon. It's dark. It shows how temporary was the  state of the Valley. The crowd is a distant blur.

    The mural is using artistic licence to try to capture the human joy we all felt and want to remember, so it seems to me right to depict a glorious sunny day, full of primary colours and the Valley stands stylised rather than showing up how decrepit/temporary they all were - because after all we all helped to fix them up and create today's Valley - but to depict today's Valley would also be daft. As for the people, I think it's appropriate that only Roger Alwen's face is recognisable, and his huge joyous smile is surely one that he's posthumously entitled to have depicted. But for example the lady in the hat is obviously inspired by a lady who appeared in the pre-match TV interviews (Gwen King, as I am now reminded). Let's face it, if for example it recognisably depicted Rick, some people would go into cardiac arrest. 🤣 Much better to just keep it anonymous, a general statement. It was a day for everyone, wasn't it? In terms of age, gender, skin colour? The Charlton tribe, returning home, where it would develop a reputation as one of the best and earliest "community clubs"? 

    I'm sure the comments will be taken on board, but people should also consider that murals are not playing the same role as photographs. We have plenty of photographs. Murals try to capture the essence of human emotion around the subject matter.

    I remember that picture from when it came out and there's no doubt it's a great piece of art.

    But I would disagree that "It faithfully reproduces a moment in the game, around 4.30 on a December afternoon."

    The OCD part of me could never help thinking that what is depicted is Darren Pitcher's "great turn, for a player of such limited ability", which led directly to Walsh's goal, which was of course down the other end and not in the south east corner flag. 

    Sorry if that spoils the, otherwise great, picture for anyone, but it always used to bug me at the time and seeing it again has brought the memories flooding back!
    Actually I too had exactly that thought. But I assumed he'd been working off a photo. Which leads to the slightly unsettling thought that Darren Pitcher turned his man a second time in the game. Which is obviously a preposterous idea 🤣
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    edited August 2023
    Awful, just embarrassing. Is this a school project for the under 10's ? If we need a reminder of that great day what would be better than a large photo of Roger Alwen opening the gates.

    Why are a very small number of fans deciding on this ? 
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    shirty5 said:
    sammy391 said:
    shirty5 said:
    sammy391 said:
    Off_it said:
    Great idea - but is that the picture?
    That’s the mural, been agreed with the ‘back to the valley’ celebration group- lead by Steve Sutherland. 

    It’ll be done in spray paint and actual paint- so a bit different and not so ‘picture’ based
    Who’s on the Celebration group, Sam? 
    “A committee has been set up to oversee and deliver events throughout the season. Chaired by Steve Sutherland, Community Trust Ambassador and a former Charlton Athletic Commercial Director, it includes Fan Adviser Lucy Bishop, club legend Keith Peacock, club staff and Community Trust staff. Details about upcoming 30-year anniversary events will be announced in due course.”
    Thank you.

    The Celebration group need to have a rethink on this. No rush, just needs to be right
    Same question to you as to @bobmunro. Help them out. What exactly would you suggest they should re-think? 
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    In 1993, I won a Junior Reds drawing competition, with the prize being the picture framed and hung in boardroom of The Valley (I think it was there) and a free match day ticket. I’m confident the likely badly drawn picture back then from a 9 year old was more inspiring and evocative of our club than the initial design of this mural. 

    I very much hope the design is rethought, as even within 3 pages of this thread, there’s some excellent ideas for improvements. 
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    sam3110 said:
    If you're looking to get a lot of different stuff in, and it's going on a massive wall, why not make it look more like a newspaper or a comic strip even? The paper or magazine or whatever in question can be depicted as being printed on 5th December 1992, and can pick out 3 or 4 different things. Fans turning up as the gates are opened, the balloons at the start of the game, the goal scored, and then another set of fans leaving happy, and incorporated into that you have little bits of the historic event picked out within the larger mural
    Budapest has a fantastic wall size mural in newspaper form about the Hungary England 6-3. 

    I don't like it. It is literally a load of blown-up newspaper cuttings stuck on a wall. What we used to stick up on a board in a school classroom. Zero aesthetic merit, zero creative input. But entirely in keeping with the surroundings. 
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    I assume you are saying, turn that into a painting? 

    How would anyone know that this is anything other than the end of a routine football match?
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    @PragueAddick why are you so staunchly in it's corner? What do you think is great about the current mock up? 
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    I assume you are saying, turn that into a painting? 

    How would anyone know that this is anything other than the end of a routine football match?
    It's before the game not the end
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