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The Back to The Valley mural project



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    Who's the big bloke to the right of Alwen, with his kid. 

    Anyone known on here?
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    No, I don’t think so.

    It’s bad enough that money I pay into Valley Gold is being used to fund it. 
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    Everyone -and this is not a chip at anyone or any previous comment- please have a crack at these two questions that have to be answered to make an effective brief (or re-brief in this case):

    1. If someone encounters the  mural, what in a single sentence is the message that you will want that someone to take away, having encountered it? 

    2. Who is that someone? to answer this second question, go into as much detail as you wish. 

    The single sentence discipline is bloody difficult. I don't have one myself right now. But a collective brainstorming effort, offered in the right spirit could be really helpful to the CAST guys.
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    1. If someone encounters the mural, what in a single sentence is the message that you will want that someone to take away, having encountered it? 

    That this day in our history, is more important than the FA Cup win, the playoff wins, anything else before or probably after ie into the future
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    sam3110 said:
    1. If someone encounters the mural, what in a single sentence is the message that you will want that someone to take away, having encountered it? 

    That this day in our history, is more important than the FA Cup win, the playoff wins, anything else before or probably after ie into the future
    Yep, I like that...
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    Off_it said:
    Who's the big bloke to the right of Alwen, with his kid. 

    Anyone known on here?
    His name is Sid, I used to go to away games with him late 70s

    I saw him at the valley last season. 
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    edited August 2023
    The proposed mural is so comically bad that when I first saw it on twitter I thought it was a wind up. Start from fresh.
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    It is, for me, the most momentous day of my supporting Charlton Athletic, the Premiership years, the two play offs wins, I'd gladly have sacrificed for returning to The Valley.
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    shine166 said:
    I can understand why they wouldn't want to show Walsh and the players though, if the mural is more about the spectators and those who helped get us back. 

    If it's failed, it's because it hasn't captured that feeling of euphoria at being back.
    That's fair enough, tricky thing is though, only a handful of people would have any clue who any of the people are now days from umages, let alone 20 years time from now

    Be great if the names were Included some how, but where do you drawn the line of the BTTV role call. 

    It's tricky to please all, glad I'm not the one having to do so ! 
    Couldn’t you knock something up as the resident artist?
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    sammy391 said:
    shirty5 said:
    sammy391 said:
    Off_it said:
    Great idea - but is that the picture?
    That’s the mural, been agreed with the ‘back to the valley’ celebration group- lead by Steve Sutherland. 

    It’ll be done in spray paint and actual paint- so a bit different and not so ‘picture’ based
    Who’s on the Celebration group, Sam? 
    “A committee has been set up to oversee and deliver events throughout the season. Chaired by Steve Sutherland, Community Trust Ambassador and a former Charlton Athletic Commercial Director, it includes Fan Adviser Lucy Bishop, club legend Keith Peacock, club staff and Community Trust staff. Details about upcoming 30-year anniversary events will be announced in due course.”
    So no one who knows anything about art. 
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    edited August 2023

    A committee has been set up to oversee and deliver events throughout the season. Chaired by Steve Sutherland, Community Trust Ambassador and a former Charlton Athletic Commercial Director, it includes Fan Adviser Lucy Bishop, club legend Keith Peacock, club staff and Community Trust staff. Details about upcoming 30-year anniversary events will be announced in due course.”

    Ah yes. The sort of client ad agencies despise. Signs off on a concept that goes into the focus groups for evaluation, and when the focus groups trash it, goes around saying "well I was never happy with it in the first place" 
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    @PragueAddick's challenges:

    1) Fan-power can achieve life-enhancing miracles.

    2) Anyone needing encouragement to play their part in improving a poor situation, righting a wrong, or confronting seemingly impossible odds, be they an Addick, an opponent's fan, or simply a passer-by.
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    It is, for me, the most momentous day of my supporting Charlton Athletic, the Premiership years, the two play offs wins, I'd gladly have sacrificed for returning to The Valley.
    This says it all. 
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    A stylised version of this will do, in a wider angle format to show more fans coming. You could even pick out certain fans then like the robin's nest hat etc. 

    5th December 1992: Back to The Valley: Back Home

    Under it or over it
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    Off_it said:
    Who's the big bloke to the right of Alwen, with his kid. 

    Anyone known on here?
    His name is Sid, I used to go to away games with him late 70s

    I saw him at the valley last season. 
    The lad is his nephew isn't he?  I haven't seen Sid for, what must be nearly 25 years.
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    edited August 2023
    I think the reason this mural should exist, is not so much to commemorate what happened, but to remind every player, staff and owner who walks through that door, that as a fanbase, we fight for this club. 

    I actually sent something about this to TS when he took over the club, but about a statue (a mural is a far better idea!). But I said that's the idea the mural should represent - more than any other fanbase, we fight for this club, and we expect everyone else involved to do the same. 

    In my head, the statue was of a family of fans pulling weeds from the terraces on the day we took back The Valley. 
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    edited August 2023
    Everyone -and this is not a chip at anyone or any previous comment- please have a crack at these two questions that have to be answered to make an effective brief (or re-brief in this case):

    1. If someone encounters the  mural, what in a single sentence is the message that you will want that someone to take away, having encountered it? 

    2. Who is that someone? to answer this second question, go into as much detail as you wish. 

    The single sentence discipline is bloody difficult. I don't have one myself right now. But a collective brainstorming effort, offered in the right spirit could be really helpful to the CAST guys.

    1. Where there is passion, anything is possible Or perhaps some one of the famous quotes:

    'If you can dream it, you can do it' Walt Disney
    'The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams' Eleanor Roosevelt
    'You just can't beat the person who never gives up' Babe Ruth
    and from the greatest of all:

    "Impossible is just a word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing." Mohammad Ali

    “If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it - then I can achieve it.”Mohammad Ali

    2. All current and especially future Addicks who can take inspiration from it and marvel at the achievement.

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    Re the target audience, I had it in my head that one big reason to do this was to address the worry that as time passes younger fans may no longer be aware of the story and its significance. In the run up to the evening at The Valley last October, several people expressed this concern as did Heather Alderson in her speech on behalf of CAST that evening. And there were not many people under 35 in the room. 

    So I've assumed that the key target audience is our younger/more recent fans. But i can't see that documented anywhere as the driving force behind the project. Maybe I'm mistaken about that. But IMO, that should be the main impetus behind the general idea to do this. Make the legend permanent.
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    If we're going to spend money on a mural, how about getting the faded Floyd Road mural repainted.
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    Looks like the mural design is going to be reconsidered. 
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    Steve won on the Valley Gold jackpot so he can help fund it himself now!
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    What's going on?

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    Pico said:
    Well, thanks for all the feedback and thanks for the constructive way it has in general been expressed. 

    Those of us who have been trying to move this project along clearly need to take stock. In order to have a chance of raising sufficient funds any design is going to need to inspire people and gain some sort of consensus around itself. 

    From the above comments it seems there are plenty of people who like the idea of a mural and quite a few who would be prepared to be involved in advising on design.  Of course the difficulty in sitting down with a "group of fans" to find out what they want is (1) which fans and (2) you might just end up compiling even more varied opinions. Achieving a consensus might be a challenge but we wouldn't want to give up on it yet.

    I suggest we take stock over the next few days in light of the helpful comments made above and try to come up with the best way to take this forward,

    By the way, Lionel Stanhope was approached but he declined saying that it wasn't his area of expertise.
    For those who missed this earlier. 
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    edited August 2023
    Steve Sutherland's tweet is very clear that it was CAST who came up with the proposed design. Really poor decision 
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    JohnnyH2 said:
    Steve Sutherland's tweet is very clear that it was CAST who came up with the proposed design. Really poor decision 
    And that’s not true. 
This discussion has been closed.

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