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The Back to The Valley mural project



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    edited August 2023
    sam3110 said:
    @PragueAddick why are you so staunchly in it's corner? What do you think is great about the current mock up? 
    I tried to articulate what I like about it, but I don't think it is -yet - great. I've tried to explain that it seems to me reasonable that a mural works in a different way to the many photo based displays we already have, or the old painting which I put up earlier. I think many of the critical commentators expect something that ends up either as a photo or a another Terence Macklin painting. 

    It's Ok not to like it. I had to think about it a bit myself when I first saw it. But I'd like people to try and think a bit more about what they would like, and try and express it

    I've got a nasty feeling that it just may not be worth the bother.
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    edited August 2023
    .Covered End said:

    I assume you are saying, turn that into a painting? 

    How would anyone know that this is anything other than the end of a routine football match?
    No, I was just showing/reminding people of the reality of the day and not some DEI fake misrepresentation of the day.

    I think a mural of Roger Alwen & the fans coming through the gates would be best or perhaps Colin Walsh's goal.
    They are the 2 obvious stand outs to represent the day in perpetuity.

    Nearly everyone fondly remember's those 2 things, the proposed mural evokes next to nothing.
    Alright, that's clear enough. Not what I understood from you posting up photos of the end of the game from the Covered End.

    And what the fuck is DEI? I have no idea, and I fear I may regret asking.
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    Off_it said:
    sammy391 said:
    sam3110 said:
    sammy391 said:
    PopIcon said:
    I'll say what everyone else is thinking. It's fucking shit and needs a rethink and possibly new artist.
    A piss artist would have made a better attempt  at it 
    It’s like some 15 year old for their GCSE’s has been tasked with this as part of their course work. I’m gonna give the trust the benefit of the doubt and say this has just been mocked up as an initial announcement. 

    This IS a mock up, created by the mural artists to give an idea of what the final mural will look like.

    Obviously the nature of it being a somewhat collage of pictures (at the moment, in the mock-up) is based on the feed back/necessities given to the artists who has created a picture to show the different things that will be in the final thing.
    newspapers ‘not being held’, and sausage looking gates will clearly be something that is refined and perfected- this is to be done by hand (spray paint, and other materials) rather than a huge sticker as some would gather by responses on here! 

    Hope that helps? 
    I think the actual content of the mural ie some flags and the gates with the back of people's heads going into a stadium that's already full, will look shite, however way it is painted. For me a mural should pick a defining moment of the day, either the opening of the gates, the first goal scored, the plenty of shots pre match talk to the players, something like that. I feel like this is trying to pander to too many things at once, and the depicted "fans" are a far cry from who was actually there on the day
    Whilst the picture is, as you say, somewhat ‘busy’ - the wall is reasonably large/long so will be less cramped in actuality! 

    I’m a little bemused as to what you mean by ‘fans being a far cry from who was actually there’…
    The mural shows/depicts Alwen who of course opened the gates. The straw hat lady (edit: Gwen King, Valley Party candidate) who was interviewed for several news pieces, as was the trombone/band player shown too (from 20:35, ) 
    The rest ,show family’s and other demographics (rather than the stereotypical football fan) who were at The Valley that day- women, children and people of colour…
    Why not show at least one "stereotypical football fan"? 

    It's great to show people representing different demographics, but why ignore the single biggest group of fans, without whom the club would probably have died in the wilderness years?
    Can’t argue with that. 
    A lot of work has gone into this I’m sure, but hopefully a tweak isn’t out of the question? 
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    edited August 2023

    I assume you are saying, turn that into a painting? 

    How would anyone know that this is anything other than the end of a routine football match?
    And how does an LOL answer the question in a constructive way that will help CAST re-brief or re-think? 

    If you really do not understand my question, show your photo to somebody who isn't a Charlton fan, or even a Charlton fan aged under 30, and ask them what they are looking at.
    I've given my constructive thoughts above, you must have missed them.
    I'd venture to suggest they would be the most agreed upon view.
    Sorry for the lol, it just made me laugh that you thought the pre match daylight warm up was post match when it  was of course pitch dark.
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    JohnnyH2 said:

    I assume you are saying, turn that into a painting? 

    How would anyone know that this is anything other than the end of a routine football match?
    It's before the game not the end
    Well, exactly. At first glance I didn't even twi that. So what will any casual observer ( meaning, anyone visiting the Valley who wasn't there in 92) think it is? Probably a low key pitch invasion?
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    .Covered End said:

    I assume you are saying, turn that into a painting? 

    How would anyone know that this is anything other than the end of a routine football match?
    No, I was just showing/reminding people of the reality of the day and not some DEI fake misrepresentation of the day.

    I think a mural of Roger Alwen & the fans coming through the gates would be best or perhaps Colin Walsh's goal.
    They are the 2 obvious stand outs to represent the day in perpetuity.

    Nearly everyone fondly remember's those 2 things, the proposed mural evokes next to nothing.
    Alright, that's clear enough. Not what I understood from you posting up photos of the end of the game from the Covered End.

    And what the fuck is DEI? I have no idea, and I fear I may regret asking.
    I'd never heard of it myself until someone posted it on this thread.
    DE&I stands for diversity, equity and inclusion. As a discipline, DE&I is any policy or practice designed to make people of various backgrounds feel welcome.
    I'm all for DEI where appropriate, but the proposal does not represent 5/12/92, which is surely the purpose.
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    edited August 2023
    Surely we need a counterbalance to this wonderful project.  On a suitable wall, I suggest a rogues gallery to "commemorate" the numerous con men and snake oil salesmen who tried to ruin our club.  "Twats to The Valley".
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    I assume you are saying, turn that into a painting? 

    How would anyone know that this is anything other than the end of a routine football match?
    No, I was just showing/reminding people of the reality of the day and not some DEI fake misrepresentation of the day.

    I think a mural of Roger Alwen & the fans coming through the gates would be best or perhaps Colin Walsh's goal.
    They are the 2 obvious stand outs to represent the day in perpetuity.

    Nearly everyone fondly remember's those 2 things, the proposed mural evokes next to nothing.
    I have to say I agree. Or somehow combine the two?
    I don’t think the mural is terrible at all, but it could be seen as a bit ‘chocolate boxy’. 
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    edited August 2023

    I assume you are saying, turn that into a painting? 

    How would anyone know that this is anything other than the end of a routine football match?
    And how does an LOL answer the question in a constructive way that will help CAST re-brief or re-think? 

    If you really do not understand my question, show your photo to somebody who isn't a Charlton fan, or even a Charlton fan aged under 30, and ask them what they are looking at.
    I've given my constructive thoughts above, you must have missed them.
    I'd venture to suggest they would be the most agreed upon view.
    Sorry for the lol, it just made me laugh that you thought the pre match daylight warm up was post match when it  was of course pitch dark.
    Yes well I deleted that comment after I saw your subsequent response but it illustrates that most people don't pay huge attention to advertising or other visual mass messages. End or beginning, it's going to look to most people like a match at an old Valley with a few people on the pitch who should not be there. It isn't IMO a clear brief for a better mural. But no matter, you've subsequently written more clearly what you would like. It's probably going to be more or less the best they can do without setting off a shitstorm.

    Why are you suggesting "the fans" have not been able to express an opinion? Here is the thread, here you are, expressing your opinion...

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    JamesSeed said:

    I assume you are saying, turn that into a painting? 

    How would anyone know that this is anything other than the end of a routine football match?
    No, I was just showing/reminding people of the reality of the day and not some DEI fake misrepresentation of the day.

    I think a mural of Roger Alwen & the fans coming through the gates would be best or perhaps Colin Walsh's goal.
    They are the 2 obvious stand outs to represent the day in perpetuity.

    Nearly everyone fondly remember's those 2 things, the proposed mural evokes next to nothing.
    I have to say I agree. Or somehow combine the two?
    I don’t think the mural is terrible at all, but it could be seen as a bit ‘chocolate boxy’. 
    No, it's shit and doesn't depict the day, in any normal fan's eyes, in any way other than a picture of Roger Alwen.
    It could be so much better.
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    JamesSeed said:
    Off_it said:
    sammy391 said:
    sam3110 said:
    sammy391 said:
    PopIcon said:
    I'll say what everyone else is thinking. It's fucking shit and needs a rethink and possibly new artist.
    A piss artist would have made a better attempt  at it 
    It’s like some 15 year old for their GCSE’s has been tasked with this as part of their course work. I’m gonna give the trust the benefit of the doubt and say this has just been mocked up as an initial announcement. 

    This IS a mock up, created by the mural artists to give an idea of what the final mural will look like.

    Obviously the nature of it being a somewhat collage of pictures (at the moment, in the mock-up) is based on the feed back/necessities given to the artists who has created a picture to show the different things that will be in the final thing.
    newspapers ‘not being held’, and sausage looking gates will clearly be something that is refined and perfected- this is to be done by hand (spray paint, and other materials) rather than a huge sticker as some would gather by responses on here! 

    Hope that helps? 
    I think the actual content of the mural ie some flags and the gates with the back of people's heads going into a stadium that's already full, will look shite, however way it is painted. For me a mural should pick a defining moment of the day, either the opening of the gates, the first goal scored, the plenty of shots pre match talk to the players, something like that. I feel like this is trying to pander to too many things at once, and the depicted "fans" are a far cry from who was actually there on the day
    Whilst the picture is, as you say, somewhat ‘busy’ - the wall is reasonably large/long so will be less cramped in actuality! 

    I’m a little bemused as to what you mean by ‘fans being a far cry from who was actually there’…
    The mural shows/depicts Alwen who of course opened the gates. The straw hat lady (edit: Gwen King, Valley Party candidate) who was interviewed for several news pieces, as was the trombone/band player shown too (from 20:35, ) 
    The rest ,show family’s and other demographics (rather than the stereotypical football fan) who were at The Valley that day- women, children and people of colour…
    Why not show at least one "stereotypical football fan"? 

    It's great to show people representing different demographics, but why ignore the single biggest group of fans, without whom the club would probably have died in the wilderness years?
    Can’t argue with that. 
    A lot of work has gone into this I’m sure, but hopefully a tweak isn’t out of the question? 
    Has it? Looks like a six year old knocked up in 5 minutes on his Commodore 64. 
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    edited August 2023
    Be great to see the artist for a potential style and examples of other murals. 

    Reuben Dangoor just did all the work for Arsenal and would be a great choice.
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    shirty5 said:
    sammy391 said:
    shirty5 said:
    sammy391 said:
    Off_it said:
    Great idea - but is that the picture?
    That’s the mural, been agreed with the ‘back to the valley’ celebration group- lead by Steve Sutherland. 

    It’ll be done in spray paint and actual paint- so a bit different and not so ‘picture’ based
    Who’s on the Celebration group, Sam? 
    “A committee has been set up to oversee and deliver events throughout the season. Chaired by Steve Sutherland, Community Trust Ambassador and a former Charlton Athletic Commercial Director, it includes Fan Adviser Lucy Bishop, club legend Keith Peacock, club staff and Community Trust staff. Details about upcoming 30-year anniversary events will be announced in due course.”
    Thank you.

    The Celebration group need to have a rethink on this. No rush, just needs to be right
    Same question to you as to @bobmunro. Help them out. What exactly would you suggest they should re-think? 
    Well as Mr Sutherland appears to be to head of the Celebration group, i would first of all advise him of this thread and then ask to him to speak to the supporters trust who are the fund raisers for this mural to sit down with a group of fans and ask what they would like. 

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    edited August 2023
    I've met the artist and her work is much better than the image shown

    Personally I would have gone with local lad Lionel Stanhope who has a good track record.  I suggested his name but for whatever reason he wasn't chosen or available. His images are strong and the message clear.

    The proposed image shown is far too busy with too much shoehorned in and reminds me of the saying  "a camel is a horse designed by a Back to the Valley" committee".

    It lacks focus or a clear message and fails in its key brief of commemorating the return to the Valley 

    Some/most times with public art, less is more

    What's her name ? No disrespect but that example also looks like photoshop and quite a mish mash of ideas. Mr meana would have been a great option. He just painted a Liverpool themed mural for Steven Gerrards son
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    Katie Scott 
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    edited August 2023

    Katie Scott 
    Was unaware of her name, definitely recognize some of her work after looking. She's very talented, I think the main issue is that the design has a lot going on.
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    shine166 said:

    Katie Scott 
    Was unaware of her name, definitely recognize some of her work after looking. She's very talented, I think the main issue is that the design has a lot going on.
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    edited August 2023
    Not as strongly anti as most, but it does seem a shame if a prominent, permanent feature of our ground just doesn’t hit the mark. And it’s very obvious that there is a risk this won’t given the feedback. Very much hope that belligerence doesn’t override here and stock can be taken. 

    Personality, I don’t like the shoe horned aspects to it and its overall stylisation just looks quite dated. This has just gone up on a wall in Perth to celebrate 4 Olympians to give an example of more model murals.

    At the very least, I’d suggest a good starting point would be someone reaching out to @shine166
    Who is an recognised contemporary artist and try and get his input and advice on taking forward. I suspect he’d have a hundred times more knowledge and contacts than any of the people who have been involved 
This discussion has been closed.

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