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The Back to The Valley mural project

edited August 2023 in General Charlton
CAST is raising funds (on behalf of the Back to The Valley 30 committee) for a mural which will provide a permanent memorial at The Valley to celebrate our glorious return in December 1992. 
To find out more and to contribute, read on here:



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    just out of curiosity how do they protect this so it lasts for a good while and doesn’t fade / weather too much. 

    Looks good by the way. 
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    edited August 2023
    Great idea - but is that the picture?
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    Off_it said:
    Great idea - but is that the picture?
    That’s the mural, been agreed with the ‘back to the valley’ celebration group- lead by Steve Sutherland. 

    It’ll be done in spray paint and actual paint- so a bit different and not so ‘picture’ based
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    Is it April 1st?
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    Apologies for the criticism but that mural is poor.
    Roger Alwen's head doesn't fit his body.
    9 fans are featured but only one full frontal face, too many uninteresting backs of heads.
    The lad holding the scarf isn't holding the scarf, it's magically attached to his flat hands.
    The man holding The Mercury's right arm doesn't look right.
    Basically the main take from the momentous day is the back of fans heads and 2 metal gates.
    It evokes & demonstrates virtually nothing of that great day.

    Oh right, are those red sausage things of different sizes meant to be gates?

    And, go on, I'll say it, but why has the single biggest demographic of fans (from then and now) not been represented at all?
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    Looks like something AI would create
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    Will this be painted on the actual shop wall or will it be painted on something that is then fixed to the wall and could be removed if the shop is demolished in the future?
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    Fake news, that's nothing like the mural  :)
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    Great idea but if that’s what’s been agreed for the 30th anniversary we’d have been better off not bothering. Awful design. 
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    PopIcon said:
    I'll say what everyone else is thinking. It's fucking shit and needs a rethink and possibly new artist.
    A piss artist would have made a better attempt  at it 
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    PopIcon said:
    I'll say what everyone else is thinking. It's fucking shit and needs a rethink and possibly new artist.
    A piss artist would have made a better attempt  at it 
    It’s like some 15 year old for their GCSE’s has been tasked with this as part of their course work. I’m gonna give the trust the benefit of the doubt and say this has just been mocked up as an initial announcement. 
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    PopIcon said:
    I'll say what everyone else is thinking. It's fucking shit and needs a rethink and possibly new artist.
    A piss artist would have made a better attempt  at it 
    Something for you to do this weekend.
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    The trust really capturing the feelings of the fans with this.
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    Isn’t it the nature of murals though? They aren’t intended to be portraits / artistically accurate rather a different style?

    My reservation is its longevity. I’d want to think it will stay looking decent for a while and not degrade too soon and look poor / tatty as a consequence.  
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    Has anyone managed to find Cilla yet?
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    edited August 2023
    I'd have thought a split mural, top half players coming onto the pitch, then the goal by Walsh.

    Could this not be done by whoever completed Seb's work of art?
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    sammy391 said:
    Off_it said:
    Great idea - but is that the picture?
    That’s the mural, been agreed with the ‘back to the valley’ celebration group- lead by Steve Sutherland. 

    It’ll be done in spray paint and actual paint- so a bit different and not so ‘picture’ based
    Who’s on the Celebration group, Sam? 
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    Isn’t it the nature of murals though? They aren’t intended to be portraits / artistically accurate rather a different style?

    My reservation is its longevity. I’d want to think it will stay looking decent for a while and not degrade too soon and look poor / tatty as a consequence.  
    It's certainly different.
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    Has anyone managed to find Cilla yet?
    No but have you looked where  Wally is?
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    shirty5 said:
    sammy391 said:
    Off_it said:
    Great idea - but is that the picture?
    That’s the mural, been agreed with the ‘back to the valley’ celebration group- lead by Steve Sutherland. 

    It’ll be done in spray paint and actual paint- so a bit different and not so ‘picture’ based
    Who’s on the Celebration group, Sam? 
    A committee has been set up to oversee and deliver events throughout the season. Chaired by Steve Sutherland, Community Trust Ambassador and a former Charlton Athletic Commercial Director, it includes Fan Adviser Lucy Bishop, club legend Keith Peacock, club staff and Community Trust staff. Details about upcoming 30-year anniversary events will be announced in due course.”
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    Whilst I’d be happy to contribute this drawing is bloody terrible 
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    PopIcon said:
    I'll say what everyone else is thinking. It's fucking shit and needs a rethink and possibly new artist.
    A piss artist would have made a better attempt  at it 
    It’s like some 15 year old for their GCSE’s has been tasked with this as part of their course work. I’m gonna give the trust the benefit of the doubt and say this has just been mocked up as an initial announcement. 

    This IS a mock up, created by the mural artists to give an idea of what the final mural will look like.

    Obviously the nature of it being a somewhat collage of pictures (at the moment, in the mock-up) is based on the feed back/necessities given to the artists who has created a picture to show the different things that will be in the final thing.
    newspapers ‘not being held’, and sausage looking gates will clearly be something that is refined and perfected- this is to be done by hand (spray paint, and other materials) rather than a huge sticker as some would gather by responses on here! 

    Hope that helps? 
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    sammy391 said:
    shirty5 said:
    sammy391 said:
    Off_it said:
    Great idea - but is that the picture?
    That’s the mural, been agreed with the ‘back to the valley’ celebration group- lead by Steve Sutherland. 

    It’ll be done in spray paint and actual paint- so a bit different and not so ‘picture’ based
    Who’s on the Celebration group, Sam? 
    “A committee has been set up to oversee and deliver events throughout the season. Chaired by Steve Sutherland, Community Trust Ambassador and a former Charlton Athletic Commercial Director, it includes Fan Adviser Lucy Bishop, club legend Keith Peacock, club staff and Community Trust staff. Details about upcoming 30-year anniversary events will be announced in due course.”
    Hopefully they’ll be lot better than this piece of crap. I’m sure it ticks a lot of boxes but not the one that says “capture the spirit of the day”
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    I have to agree with those who say it is very poor, and even though I would contribute some money towards this in the usual course of events, I won't contribute anything for this.
This discussion has been closed.

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