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POST MATCH THREAD : Peterborough United Vs Charlton Athletic : Saturday 12th August 2023



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    Was at the game 

    IF we had sorted our front line i.e. a proper partner for May, we would have won this match - end of - we kept the ball well, were in control - yep, cock up for their goal, but this is Div 3, the standard of players will always produce errors - so frustrating 
    Serious question how many cock ups did Peterborough make?
    Good point that sort of negates the argument that Holden might be at fault. 
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    Squad isn’t good enough 
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    mendonca said:
    CBT's self made chances looked our only real attempts to equalise.
    Greetings, fellow scholar of the highlights! 
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    edited August 2023
    JamesSeed said:
    Wellred said:
    NabySarr said:
    Wellred said:
    I thought a fair result would have been a draw was it good enough No 
    I said it when Holden came in it will only be a matter of time until he goes on our manager roundabout & follows them out the door 
    I know some on here don't want to hear this but I don't think he's good enough to take us up hopefully he will prove me wrong 

    Still too early to properly judge him. He still doesn’t actually have the players to play the way he wants too. That’s not his fault 
    IMO like I said it's only a matter of time the signs are there instead of addressing the issues he comes out with excuses 
    & I do hope he does prove me wrong but a good manager would get more out these players then he does 

    An alternative view is that a change of manager might get a worse tune out of them. I thought we looked the most likely to score in the second half yesterday, but at the same time only CBT and Dobbo stood out as being as good as or better than what Posh had on the pitch. 
    Just depends on how good a manager is 
    We finished the season with the same defence problems as when he come in 
    Everyone could see it he had more than enough time to work on it 
    OK I know our players are not world beaters but to allow them to keep making the same mistakes over & over again in my eyes not good management 
    But it's still early into this season let's see how he improves our play like others have said this is div 3 we should have More then enough in this team to at least make the playoffs 
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    I’m surprised at all the comments saying how close it was and a draw would have been fair. I thought Peterborough deserved the win. We looked shaky at the back and toothless upfront, not a great combination. 
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    Long old day. 9am start, 9.15pm home and it’s one of our closer away games!  Knackered this morning 
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    Long old day. 9am start, 9.15pm home and it’s one of our closer away games!  Knackered this morning 
    What arrived first the bus or the train? Great to travel back with you guys.

    We got home about 11.45 in the end. 

    After our debrief with @Tavern and @Curb_It

    good day out on the trains. Peterborough is nicer in august than January in ice. 

    Weird to be rained on whilst being sun burnt at the same time being near the front. Didn’t deserve to lose but saw some positive signs and enjoyed watching CBT. 
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    mendonca said:
    CBT's self made chances looked our only real attempts to equalise.
    If only our players tried to get on the end of his shots. They're almost always curling past the bottom of the back post. We just need a runner coming onto those balls it'd be simple tap ins. 
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    supaclive said:
    Towards the end of the first half they broke down our right and Jones, beaten, didn't bust his balls to get back.

    Either he is still not fully fit or he will need to improve his mental attiitude.

    Ness bust his balls and came over and made a great block.  Just next to him was Dobson.

    I think Jones can be a steady defender for us but is he going to be a reason we finish top 6.  I question. 

    Either you have it in you to strain every sinew and a desire to win or you don't. 

    Ness has it .  Mitchell has it.  Dobson has it.  Alfie May has it.  Asimwe and Anderson strike me as having it (very early days I know).

    Fraser I'm not sure does.  Camara looks like he genuinely cares.  He's apologised on twitter, he was all over the park in just his first 90 minutes in over a year.

    Holden has it.   He cares about his team, our team, our club.

    The next 3 or 4 signings need to have it.  That desire to get out of this shit league.  To want to make that extra run, that extra tackle.

    JCH doesn't have it.  The way he made it all about him.  The way he strolled about at times. 

    CBT has worked very hard on his defensive side, yet still has been our biggest threat going forward.   He's embraced what the manager wants from him.

    Edun looks quality.  I hope he has the fight to force his way into the team.  Taylor comes with good looking stats.  I want to see it on the pitch when his time comes.

    Barnsley, Bolton and Portsmouth are early bench marks.

    We have time, but not as much as we think.

    Leaburn (and to a lesser extent, Kanu) will need to step up quickly.

    We need 6 or 7 young players to help us out big style.  For 40+ games this season.

    You don't win anything with kids, somebody once said.   We may have no choice.
    Brilliant post.

    I won't judge until we're 9 games in, but the start to this block of 9 isn't too rosey especially when you look to the cup game for some promise.
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    My only  complaint about Dobbo is that at the moment it feels like he's trying to do too much. 

    Yes he's setting a great example, but sometimes it felt yesterday that he was trying to play both the Dobson and Fraser roles, with a bit of Morgan long passing thrown in.
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    Wellred said:
    I thought a fair result would have been a draw was it good enough No 
    I said it when Holden came in it will only be a matter of time until he goes on our manager roundabout & follows them out the door 
    I know some on here don't want to hear this but I don't think he's good enough to take us up hopefully he will prove me wrong 

    We get the results we deserve. We are mid table, at best. 

    Your point about Holden is interesting. The fans are still with him, because we can see how weak a squad he has. The issue will be if Methven blames him for any continued poor performances, or if the owners put some money in to improve the squad.

    My hunch is they will not invest in quality, because they have had enough time to realise the current squad is too weak. Why wait until the end of the transfer window and then do some panic buys? What is the point of Andy Scott if he will not improve the squad? 

    It would not surprise me if they scapegoat Holden later on this season because I honestly can't see this squad in the top 6.

    There are better managers than Holden, but why would any come to our club?

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    edited August 2023
    I would like to apologize to everyone @CAFCofficial today for my mistake that spoiled the boys' performance 🙌🏿🤲🏿

    Camara after yesterday game  
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    Conceded one goal in two games - the problem perhaps is more down to a lack of firepower.
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    That’s diff one error can spoil a very good performance by the team and as a manager there nothing you can do or plan for that .. it’s football 
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    edited August 2023
    BigDiddy said:
    cafc_se7 said:
    supaclive said:
    May is lively but he needs service 
    Dobson is quality but he can't do it all himself
    Payne, and Kirk.  If they were just squad players we'd be ok.  But they aren't.   We need better.   Our attacking options are very poor.

    Defensively we're average.  Therefore we need to improve that but going forward we simply have no invention. 

    Nobody to play between the lines.   Nobody to do something different, something creative. 

    Taylor will improve set pieces.  Leaburn will help the attacking line but if we rely on Fraser and CBT for impetus, we simply won't have enough.

    JCH did fuck all today yet still hit the post.  Their 22 was different gravy.  We are behind Peterborough.  By quite away.  

    At the end of the transfer window we MAY start to catch up but we'll be a couple of months off them.

    Let alone Pompey, Bolton, Barnsley.

    We've had the same issues for a long time.   I don't want to hear the transfer window goes to end of August etc.   We want out of this division now.   I fear that isn't going to happen.

    Our patterns of play are too rigid.  Too obvious.

    Better than last year?  Most likely.  Not good enough for promotion?  Even more likely.
    No way are we miles behind Posh! There was nothing in it today!
    But we still lost.

    We never seem to be able to turn a game around - why is that?

    1 win from going behind first in 47 games tells a story. I'd love to see that stat compared to other clubs. Is ours similar or woeful?

    I wonder how that stat stacks up against the top 6 clubs each season. If we can't fight back we can't gain promotion. In addition as Curbs keeps saying over and over, if you take goals out of the team, then you have to replace them.

    Rak Sakyi was a lucky loan, without which, last season could have been very different. We need a striker, known or unknown who is going to get 15+ goals, and that's to achieve mid-table.

    For a top end finish we realistically need 2,3,4 players achieving that to be in the higher promotion places. Too much is said about the loss of Leaburn, but I genuinely don't think that he is the answer. The pressure and niggling injuries for a big young lad is potentially likely to take it's toll.

    As was being said before last season ended, we need to sign goalscorers, who can combine to score 2 a game average, to balance out our defence, who always seem to GIVE a goal away.

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    I would like to apologize to everyone @CAFCofficial today for my mistake that spoiled the boys' performance 🙌🏿🤲🏿

    Camara after yesterday game  
    Yes Camara gave the ball away, but then what is Thomas doing getting sucked in to the ball rather than staying in position. And what was AMBs positioning leaving nearly 2/3rds of his goal open for them to shoot at. Camara lost the ball but the goal wasn’t just his fault 
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    edited August 2023
    Conceded one goal in two games - the problem perhaps is more down to a lack of firepower.
    This is a good point and where I'm sure our defence is not brilliant, it is ok in the league. Our midfield looks ok too. The problem is we lack goals in the side. We have CBT on hot form but if he crosses, we have only small players to try to win the ball. He can cross low but to stretch a defence you need to vary it! He did cross for Camara. Yes the squad is weak with the injuries, but a strong player to play up with May would make a massive difference forgetting about anything else. The problem is, that sort of player costs money and when you look at the pond we are fishing in, so will potentially more attractive clubs be fishing in it.

    I thought Payne showed how much better he is than Kirk in terms of his effort and industry in our system, but he does lack a bit of quality. I think he is a good option from the bench, and posed problems but he isn't going to be a solution. We missed Fraser because he represents some goal threat and when you are short of it with him, you certainly are going to be shorter without him. He might have done better with that free-kick Payne blasted over!
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    edited August 2023
    Bristol Rovers have drawn their first two and are going to be difficult to break down. I can see a frustrating game there. Port Vale got a clean sheet yesterday, beating Reading 1-0 so again might not be so easy to break down either. Last season, it was a successful tactic to crowd out our limited danger areas, get bodies behind the ball and wait for the one inevitable mistake. As we stand, it feels like we are still very much at risk from this and it is all about what we can do offensively. If CBT gets injured now, I wouldn't bother expecting us to score!
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    edited August 2023
    Funny old day. Binned off public transport and drove up from Dorset.
    When we returned to the car after the game we were greeted with a completely flat front tyre and my son discovered he had no spare!
    The game was better than I had anticipated and it wasn't the routine win for Peterborough that I had predicted.
    Nothing much to add to previous posts, we competed well, we were looking the most likely as the second half wore on, but the squad deficiencies were glaringly obvious.
    Clarke-Harris is a bit of an enigma isn't he? Appears to do fcuk all, but will be close to the top of the goalscoring charts at the end of the season.
    Blackett-Taylor by contrast appears to do a great deal, but the fingers of one hand may be all you need to count his goals and assists at the end of the season.
    I am being disingenuous here, he was lively throughout and looked our biggest threat, but it feels like having JRS but with the stats surgically removed.
    Mind you if we had a similar threat from the other side we might have frightened them to death.
    I think the players put in a shift and although I'm not completely sold on Jones and Ness is still a bit raw the defence by and large held firm.
    The glaring exception being that short corner routine of theirs, where they one-two'd it past Asiimwe, put a decent ball in and created a chance. FOUR TIMES! Is there anybody with a brain on the pitch or in the dugout?
    Talking of lack of brain - wtf was that corner at the end by Edun.
    We had been threatening them for a while, we had a last chance to put the ball in the danger area, we even sent the goalie up. And then that.
    What fcuking level does he think he's playing at?
    Finally, Asiimwe had an excellent game. Anderson not so much. But we are still relying on too many kids at once.

    Edit: Correction. Free kick, not corner
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    edited August 2023
    JamesSeed said:
    As I just said on the match the other thread, we could easily have nicked a draw, and there'd be much more positivity if we had. A big 'if' I know.

    Positives for me were;

    AMB who looked very good today. Decent distribution as well.
    Ness. Much better performance. Great tackle at the end.
    Dobbo, extremely good today. He's some player, not just a tackler.
    Corey. Again our biggest threat. Could have had a goal and/or an assist today.
    The brothers, Asiimwe and Anderson. Great performances bearing in mind their ages.
    Edun, again looked good apart from the final free kick.
    Camara, decent performance, barring the howler.
    Payne. Good game by him. Always worked hard.

    One of the negatives were the corners. Posh played those short ones very well, but we lacked the confidence to try that for some reason.

    We clearly need more quality. A target man for May to work around is key. 

    [And @seth plum, your players marks were a bit mental mate].
    I have an internal consistency of player marks I have used for years.
    Were mine yesterday really that mental? For example I gave Dobbo my highest mark which fits in with many others.
    I was watching the stream so there is that I suppose, but one influence on my marks is how much players muck up and how that affects the result.
    For example Camara got a lower mark from me than Ness.
    I try not to comment on the marks of others, I would not have given Payne a 2 yesterday which by my personal system is one notch below liability, but some others would mark him that low.
    I think ‘mental’ is probably a bit harsh and inappropriate, but given my political and social views loads of posters assume I am ‘mental’ anyway.
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    seth plum said:
    JamesSeed said:
    As I just said on the match the other thread, we could easily have nicked a draw, and there'd be much more positivity if we had. A big 'if' I know.

    Positives for me were;

    AMB who looked very good today. Decent distribution as well.
    Ness. Much better performance. Great tackle at the end.
    Dobbo, extremely good today. He's some player, not just a tackler.
    Corey. Again our biggest threat. Could have had a goal and/or an assist today.
    The brothers, Asiimwe and Anderson. Great performances bearing in mind their ages.
    Edun, again looked good apart from the final free kick.
    Camara, decent performance, barring the howler.
    Payne. Good game by him. Always worked hard.

    One of the negatives were the corners. Posh played those short ones very well, but we lacked the confidence to try that for some reason.

    We clearly need more quality. A target man for May to work around is key. 

    [And @seth plum, your players marks were a bit mental mate].
    I have an internal consistency of player marks I have used for years.
    Were mine yesterday really that mental? For example I gave Dobbo my highest mark which fits in with many others.
    I was watching the stream so there is that I suppose, but one influence on my marks is how much players muck up and how that affects the result.
    For example Camara got a lower mark from me than Ness.
    I try not to comment on the marks of others, I would not have given Payne a 2 yesterday which by my personal system is one notch below liability, but some others would mark him that low.
    I think ‘mental’ is probably a bit harsh and inappropriate, but given my political and social views loads of posters assume I am ‘mental’ anyway.
    It's regularly requested on here not to comment on other posters players marks.  The offensive term makes it even worse.
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    Was at the game.

    No lack of effort and can't say we were bad, we just weren't good enough.

    First half the two sides cancelled each other out until Camara lost the ball and they punished us.

    Lots of huff and some puff from us after but didn't have the cutting edge or luck to equalise.

    We all know we're short as a squad, in height and numbers, but take out the five or six currently injured players and no wonder we can't create.

    Haven't seen the two bookings from the first half but both looked like red cards from the away end.

    Strange weather as went from rain to bright sunshine and back again a few times.

    Nice drink in the Fletton Ex-servicemens Club pre-match (where @AFKABartram the locals were playing crib) but train cancellations on way home were a pain after the defeat.

    MOTM Dobson. Tried to keep driving the team forward 

    Sums it up well, Henners. If you are refering to the bookings I think, if the Peterborough one had been given, Jones's "tackle" would not have happened, of course. Nice to say hello anyway mate.   
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    edited August 2023
    Just as well we didn't play Port Vale yesterday and have six points from 2 games and in the top 4 as it would hide the truth.

    I said recently when I realized that all the new comers so far other than May were not match fit mainly because of injuries or lack of games, we wouldn't be sharp until mid September. 

    Taylor, Camará, Jones, and Edun need games to be match fit and this first 10 games or so are going to be up and down with Charlton around mid table at best.

    I predicted a 3-1 defeat to Peterborough  so no surprise and Andy Scott and Dean Holden need to get the few out and a few better quality in. Also players that are up to speed and fit to play straight away.

    This is difficult as the season has started and catch-22 kicks in with do we buy ready to play or yet again go for players out of favour in Championship or lower ?

    The next 18 days are critical in having a squad who can Jel and be in contention.
    I expect August to be as erratic as the weather. Lots of hot air on CL but a better out look from mid September onwards 🤞
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    I was surprised there wasn’t a two yellow sending off incident yesterday, and it was poor form of Dean Holden to get booked however florid the referee was. Holden is supposed to be a qualified referee, and should be in favour of letting the referee get on with it and then he can complain afterwards.
    Alfie May also got a stupid booking.
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