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Orient Attendance



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    Have to wait for opposing teams to announce attendance as we never do. Perhaps new SM will 
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    Who won the prize?
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    If that’s even remotely accurate it’s pretty impressive, even allowing for a full JS stand. 
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    Remembered while at the game today, that we gave Brighton the upper west for the cup game.
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    Fake announced attendance, but regardless, Great turnout, great backing.

    up the Addicks 
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    Fake announced attendance, but regardless, Great turnout, great backing.

    up the Addicks 
    How many Charlton do you reckon mate?
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    Bailey said:
    Whatever the official attendance or the unofficial attendance, that was the busiest I've seen the Valley since the Brighton game and probably the most positive atmosphere around the ground for a good while. 
    Definitely the busiest non-discounted league match for yonks.
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    good numbers and  much more than I expected, I reckon 16k in there … 12.5-13k home fans, which is brilliant after years of shitness 
    Near halfway line didn’t think either team had much vocal support 
    after the initial start with some noise , then late on there was some as you’d expect with them chasing it and us cheering on for a victory 
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    No way there was 9k empty seats acc to your calculations 
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    Sorry I meant 11k
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    West 4K
    East 2.5K
    North 7K (difficult to tell when you're in it)
    South 3K
    16.5K announced as 18.5K
    Whatever it was, it was a great attendance.
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    Probably only Portsmouth/Derby out of the 22 teams who will fill the Jimmy Seed. Hopefully, by the time we play them in February we will be able to get past the 20k mark.
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    No way there was 9k empty seats acc to your calculations 
    We’re all guessing, so who knows what it was. @Airman Brown knows more about this than most and I’m fairly confident he would say that people always think the actual attendance is more than it actually is. 
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    Turnstile count was just over 16k
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    Turnstile count was just over 16k
    Thought so.
    Bloody excellent when most games last season possibly had a count of half that.
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    Turnstile count was just over 16k
    That feels about right. There would have been 7-8,000 unused seats in the side stands, 1,500 in the quads, 1,000 in the Covered End and hundreds in the JS.

    Better than I’d have predicted, to be fair.
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    Who won the prize?
    Me me me

    Well I said 17 and a half I think, so not too far off. 
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    seth plum said:
    Got talking to a bloke in the Valley Cafe before the match and he was a Leyton Orient season ticket holder from Dumfries.
    Goes to all their matches. Proper quality supporter I thought.
    If travelling from Dumfries that could be a very large carbon footprint, unless he's offsetting somehow. Did he mention whether he travelled by train or other mode?
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    seth plum said:
    Got talking to a bloke in the Valley Cafe before the match and he was a Leyton Orient season ticket holder from Dumfries.
    Goes to all their matches. Proper quality supporter I thought.
    If travelling from Dumfries that could be a very large carbon footprint, unless he's offsetting somehow. Did he mention whether he travelled by train or other mode?
    Without discrediting him as this is a monumental effort by the fella, on a Saturday you can do it comfortably in  a day by train.
    A fair wedge though.
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    Probably only Portsmouth/Derby out of the 22 teams who will fill the Jimmy Seed. Hopefully, by the time we play them in February we will be able to get past the 20k mark.
    Bolton potentially could as i expect them to have a good season and be well followed. They had just over 20k yesterday.
    Barnsley perhaps if they're going for promotion as we play them late in the season and it could be a big game.
    Only other maybe is Oxford on new year's day if they're going well. If they're not then no chance.
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    West 4K
    East 2.5K
    North 7K (difficult to tell when you're in it)
    South 3K
    16.5K announced as 18.5K
    Whatever it was, it was a great attendance.
     I believe it was definitely close to the suggested attendance.
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