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Orient Attendance



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    NabySarr said:
    More home tickets sold than any home game last season. Think derby at home was around 17k so it will be at least that 
    I’m struggling to believe this tbh, though I accept they wouldn’t lie about it. Just surprised it’s outsold the games v Ipswich, Sheff W and Derby last year (and Brighton), given what the stadium plan shows when you strip out closed blocks and those allocated as freebies. They’re making a point of saying SOLD so I’m guessing they aren’t including the comps 
    I'm guessing they are, because that's the language routinely used. The official attendance for the Sheffield Wednesday game in August 2021 - the first home game fans could attend for 18 months and the first they could attend since TS took over - had an official crowd of 17,639 (and an actual that will have been more like 15,000). There were 10,000 STs and a great deal more interest in that game than this one, as I recall.
    Why are actual figures not available? Surely the safety officer has them.
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    Think you misread it Martin, didn’t mention anything about freebie
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    Might have been mentioned, but how many season tickets have been sold ?
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    Bailey said:
    Might have been mentioned, but how many season tickets have been sold ?
    Not been said mate 
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    CAFCTrev said:
    I think we should just open the north lower and west lower for this. 
    a) Joke?
    b) Lost the plot?

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    Bloody Hell!

    Season   Competition    Matches    sold out    Spectators
    22/23   League One    23    0    309,023
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    Bloody Hell!

    Season   Competition    Matches    sold out    Spectators
    22/23   League One    23    0    309,023
    Why bloody hell? Looks about right. 
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    You'll never fit 309,023 in, it only holds 27,000 odd!
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    You'll never fit 309,023 in, it only holds 27,000 odd!
    The ad was worded very badly.
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    edited August 2023
    14 blocks showing red, quite a few more probably not far off doing the same, the covered end looking like it could be completely full by kick off,and enough seats still available for anyone that still fancies going to the game to be able to do so. A pretty impressive start to ‘the new era’ and a packed away end. It’s going to be noisy
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    Well I looked at all the home areas yesterday evening and estimated that we hadn't sold half the home seats.
    Yes a couple of the most popular blocks had limited availability, but many of the least popular blocks were only about 20% sold.
    The announced attendance may well depend on complementaries.
    i disagree - i've just had a look at the season ticket sales and even accepting the less popular areas will have a few areas chunked out for feebies, i think we have sold a lot lot more since the takeover - if there was 6.5k sold before it then i'd say we've sold 10k+ now - home areas are looking well over half full and other than the areas at the away ends of the east and west, it will feel pretty full today i reckon - COYR!!! 
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    Does feel like there’s been some pretty good sales in the last couple of days, really encouraging 
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    NabySarr said:
    More home tickets sold than any home game last season. Think derby at home was around 17k so it will be at least that 
    I’m struggling to believe this tbh, though I accept they wouldn’t lie about it. Just surprised it’s outsold the games v Ipswich, Sheff W and Derby last year (and Brighton), given what the stadium plan shows when you strip out closed blocks and those allocated as freebies. They’re making a point of saying SOLD so I’m guessing they aren’t including the comps 
    I'm guessing they are, because that's the language routinely used. The official attendance for the Sheffield Wednesday game in August 2021 - the first home game fans could attend for 18 months and the first they could attend since TS took over - had an official crowd of 17,639 (and an actual that will have been more like 15,000). There were 10,000 STs and a great deal more interest in that game than this one, as I recall.
    the first home game against sheff wed, despite the sandgaard fanfare and the post covid thing, people weren't impressed by our transfer dealings - despite some on here trying to put a downer on the new ownership, most people i speak to look at the players let go, the signings made and the signings still to be made - there is genuine optimism and that is reflected in the sales i'd say 
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    edited August 2023
    Gutted can’t attend today. Buying a season ticket I knew I wouldnt be able attend all 23 but feels like a new era starts today. Don’t care how we get the 3 points. Got a feeling it’s going to be a 1-0 win with the fans getting us across the line. 
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    Reckon 20.000,be lovely if it was.
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    14 blocks showing red, quite a few more probably not far off doing the same, the covered end looking like it could be completely full by kick off,and enough seats still available for anyone that still fancies going to the game to be able to do so. A pretty impressive start to ‘the new era’ and a packed away end. It’s going to be noisy
    Another one turned red- 15 now
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    Usually empty where I sit near the directors box but been told busy today , probably overspill of owners 
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    There’ll be some season ticket holders away on holiday though. 
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    Torrential rain all day will restrict "walk ups"
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    se9addick said:
    Less than 13,000 = disappointing 
    14,000 = about right
    15,000 = great 
    15,500+ = amazing 
    Looks like it will beat even my most optimistic of predictions. 

    …and you just know Charlton will bugger it all up by losing! 
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    edited August 2023
    timken said:
    Torrential rain all day will restrict "walk ups"


    and ‘torrential rain’ ?

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    Official attendance  -  18765
    Actual bums on seats  - 14972
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    only only game on in London I think. 16545
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    Even more gutted to be missing this one if it is going to be a packed out Covered End, my three will be watching online from abroad but back for the Port Vale match when we hopefully have 9pts on the board. 
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