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The Takeover Thread v3.0 - DONE! - Methven interview in the Telegraph (p55)



  • I don't know if it's just me not looking in the right places but I saw it mentioned in the Dossier interview with Methven that Joshua Friedman had previous football ownership experience but I can't find anything to back this up? Was he a minority owner of the Houston Dynamo with Brener or something?

    Sorry if I'm missing something really obvious. 
  • edited July 2023
    There isn't anything wrong in what Airman is saying and we should be able to respectfully disagree. I don't think it is right people attack him personally, especially seeing as what he has done for the club. My disagreement is not that I am right or wrong, but more we might as well be optimistic at this point and an optimistic fan base can be helpful to the club.

    I have been worn out by the club too but I think it is right to give any new owner a chance but if the alarm bells start to ring we should be ready to hear them. It is too early one way or the other at this point.
  • Seems to me any owner unless a fan has an ulterior motive. 

    It might be to try and make a profit it might be ego it might be PR. 

    We have no choice but to accept it and hope that we can get out of L1 for now before they lose interest. I think all most are saying is be cautious. 

    Think of it like a player transfer. They come and go. Some are one season wonders others are flops. 

    Football is on a dangerous financial downward spiral in my opinion. That may play to our advantage if we can stay in business but hurt the bigger clubs more. 
  • edited July 2023
    sam3110 said:
    Ok but why is Varney better than the new lot @Airman Brown you still haven't answered that.

    Is it because he is a lifelong CAFC fan, like his Dad?
    Or because as CEO 1997-2008 he grew turnover from £4m to £42m? Launched Valley Express, Target 10,000, Kid for a Quid, Valley Gold, developed and expanded the Valley repeatedly, selling out at every step until we had a full house 27,000 Premiership Stadium? Did I mention over-seeing set-up and development of CACT? Oh, and he returned as Exec Vice Chairman in 2011, recruited Chris Powell and got backing for him to win promotion with 101 points?
    Yeah but apart from that he’s no better than Southall right? .

    Dont forget the aquaduct.,
  • AndyG said:
    I don’t but this “oversold” viewpoint. Nobody with money would just take the words of anyone else without taking out some due diligence. TS for all his faults I don’t think was stupid enough to not realise the true costs when he set out. He actually spent good money for league one on players but the money was spent badly. He lost interest once his misses was binned out and all the negativity started due tightly to his running of things. This mob won’t have be going into this blindly unaware of potential costs. There will be agreed budgets set the difficulties will come when a
    I think if you did proper due diligence on investing in a league one football club with a view to getting a return on your money you would walk away. Which means people who invest either believe they will buck the trend somehow and be successful, invest as a plaything / vanity project or don’t actually do the necessary due diligence and believe that of others.

    Hopefully we’ve got investors with smart plans and deep pockets and a good slice of luck. Interesting times ahead.
  • edited July 2023
  • Sponsored links:

  • MarcusH26 said:
    I don't know if it's just me not looking in the right places but I saw it mentioned in the Dossier interview with Methven that Joshua Friedman had previous football ownership experience but I can't find anything to back this up? Was he a minority owner of the Houston Dynamo with Brener or something?

    Sorry if I'm missing something really obvious. 
    Found this from a quick google search
  • JohnnyH2 said:
    We needed those ‘support the shirt crap’ supporters when we wanted to get back to the Valley or we wouldn’t have had a club to bring back.

    Every supporter matters, no matter how they choose to support our mighty club, imho.
    You are so correct in that the likes of you, me, Airman and a few thousand others you made the slog to Selhurst effectively kept the club going by supporting the shirt

    That did not mean that when we were there we should not have chanted it was a load of shit and the owners called out for their actions. There were parts of the supporters base (including the Supprters Club) who thought we needed to accept it, that was wrong.
    That’s because they were scared they were going to lose their club altogether. A view I understood and why I could never, at the time, have a go at them for it.
    It worked out & everyone was happy, thank heavens.
     I completely understand why people feel differently about our club than I do. Doesn’t make them any less of a supporter imho. And therefore shouldn’t be labelled as such.
  • sam3110 said:
    sam3110 said:
    Ok but why is Varney better than the new lot @Airman Brown you still haven't answered that.

    Is it because he is a lifelong CAFC fan, like his Dad?
    Or because as CEO 1997-2008 he grew turnover from £4m to £42m? Launched Valley Express, Target 10,000, Kid for a Quid, Valley Gold, developed and expanded the Valley repeatedly, selling out at every step until we had a full house 27,000 Premiership Stadium? Did I mention over-seeing set-up and development of CACT? Oh, and he returned as Exec Vice Chairman in 2011, recruited Chris Powell and got backing for him to win promotion with 101 points?
    Curbs for manager and Darren Bent up front then next season yeah? 

    Did any of that cost money? I presume so.

    Was the club profitable back then? 

    Was football as a whole a complete basket case like it is now, 20-25 years ago? 

    Does turnover mean anything at that time when turnover in football as a whole was growing exponentially as a result of increasing sponsorship, TV Rights deals and money overall coming into the sport? Arguably he orchestrated us losing our premiership status at the worst possible time, with the big bucks coming into the sport the very next season, with us having never recovered from that, but we'll gloss over that part of the story I guess
    Ask your Dad.
  • I'm very skeptical about the long term from these new owners also. Like Airman Brown, I can't see how it works for them, but short term it's looking good as they're clearly ready to invest for this season and who knows, maybe the next. I also worry what happens when they realise its not stacking up financially. 

    I felt much more positive when Sandgaard took over because he seemed to be willing to spend money for his passion of football, not for a return. And look how that turned out.

    I guess just enjoy having a season where we might compete.
    I don't follow your logic.

    Your assessment is based solely on what you think the new owner's motives are.  If TS was seriously minted and said he would fund Charlton for ever regardless of losses and never sell the club because he was passionate about football, we would all be positive I'm sure - but it didn't happen.

    I was positive about TS, and had great hopes, probably because he saved us from extinction.  But on reflection, you can't ignore the fact he was a one man band whose wealth came from a single source and he could only fund Charlton buy selling shares in his own company - his children's inheritance. Illiquidity has caused TS to sell up, not a loss of passion.  He clearly wanted to make a profit, not a loss, but couldn't sustain losses over more than a couple of years.

    That illiquidity is less of a risk if you have a number of investors with a significant combined wealth.  That's a plus for the new investors, if what we hear is true..

    The new investors, according to CM, have simply got a long term horizon for a return on their investment.  To me that's more credible a statement than a 5 year horizon for Premiership and Champions League.  

    For a wealthy investor making a small investment relative to his wealth he is not reliant on the success of that investment to keep him wealthy (for TS it clearly was).

    As to not "seeing how it works" do you get how the National Lottery works? As I posted recently, it's all relative. Why do people buy a £2 lottery ticket with a 300 million:1  chance of success?  Losing £2 over one week is no different to losing £10m over ten years if you can afford to. Having to chase your investment with top ups is comparable to being addicted to buying a lottery ticket every week chasing your dream, when you don't win the previous week. 

    What is said, and whether you believe what is said, are two different things.  At this stage there is no more reason to disbelieve what we are hearing via CM than disbelieve what TS said when he came on the scene and can't see why anyone thinksTS was more credible.
  • ButtleJR said:
    Christ Airman, how about an ounce of positivity for once?
    See also Spivs, Duchatelet, Southall and Sandgaard. It’s always the same - why don’t we just discount the evidence and pose for selfies? Anyone who doesn’t is “negative”. Then people are surprised when it all turns to shit. 

    If it doesn’t appear to stack up, the chances are it won’t. I’m just asking the questions.
    What doesn't add up? Sometimes I feel that unless it's your mate varney being involved it's automatically bad.

    Other owners with different business models and ideas to what you are used to, can actually work.
    Of course they can, just like Spivs, Duchatelet, Southall and Sandgaard who I believe Airman called foul on 3 of them before they'd almost walked through the door including the spivs who his "mate Varney" was instrumental in bringing to the club.
    None of us know what the future is with this bizarre make up of investors but my gut feeling isn't a positive one
  • sam3110 said:
    sam3110 said:
    Ok but why is Varney better than the new lot @Airman Brown you still haven't answered that.

    Is it because he is a lifelong CAFC fan, like his Dad?
    Or because as CEO 1997-2008 he grew turnover from £4m to £42m? Launched Valley Express, Target 10,000, Kid for a Quid, Valley Gold, developed and expanded the Valley repeatedly, selling out at every step until we had a full house 27,000 Premiership Stadium? Did I mention over-seeing set-up and development of CACT? Oh, and he returned as Exec Vice Chairman in 2011, recruited Chris Powell and got backing for him to win promotion with 101 points?
    Curbs for manager and Darren Bent up front then next season yeah? 

    Did any of that cost money? I presume so.

    Was the club profitable back then? 

    Was football as a whole a complete basket case like it is now, 20-25 years ago? 

    Does turnover mean anything at that time when turnover in football as a whole was growing exponentially as a result of increasing sponsorship, TV Rights deals and money overall coming into the sport? Arguably he orchestrated us losing our premiership status at the worst possible time, with the big bucks coming into the sport the very next season, with us having never recovered from that, but we'll gloss over that part of the story I guess
    Ask your Dad.
    Why, does he know more about the day to day running of the club than anyone else? News to me, and probably news to him too
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  • Ok then, Methven interview ready to go.

    Inevitably the interview and the motivations behind it are already being slagged off in certain quarters in the usual style, so I'm posting as a reminder the original intro article which explains that this was all CM's own initiative, The link to the main article is at the bottom of that one. When you get to it, you'll see the  banner image is a mess, bear with us, I may need techie help with that.

    I think the main benefit is an insight into how the structure will work (assuming he is still able to speak for all significant consortium members). There's more than will be possible to put into a club PR statement even if they wanted to. But there were interesting things he asked to keep off the record, and other things we had no time for, such as the future of the real estate. As you will see, he really wanted to talk about him at Sunderland which I managed to avoid until we got to the end of the designated running time, and Zoom terminated that abruptly :)

    Looking forward to see what people make of it
    Thanks Prague - interesting.

    I guess my more emotional reaction is one of mild disappointment although I'm not sure what else I was expecting. Maybe it's because a lot of this has leaked already and I was hoping for something extra. Maybe I was hoping for a clearer statement of ambitious intent but, again, that is probably an unrealistic expectation. The rest of this transfer window and the next will tell us more.

    My head has some concerns:

    - I'm worried that there will be no one Head of Charlton - we'll have Rodwell, Scott and Warwick all having seemingly equal status but potentially different visions, missions, objectives - whatever you want to call it - with great potential for core disagreements - who pulls the whole thing together? CM paints a picture of himself as some sort of Walsingham type character whispering in the investor's ears which, again, has the potential for major disruption going forward

    - Would like to know a LOT more about Global Football Partners Ltd. Is this just a CAFC vehicle or does it have a wider remit and where does CAFC fit into it?

    - CM himself says that GB & JF's investments are relatively small beer for them so that would make it very easy for these individuals to walk away yet I guess we are hugely/solely reliant on them to fund short/medium term losses.

    So, my jury is still out, partly driven by our painful experiences in recent years. I'm not in the Airman camp of saying it will fail but I would want to understand a lot more before I adorn my bedroom with Gabriel Brener/Josh Friedman duvets and pillows. 
    It would be helpful to understand what people think “success” looks like.

    Well for now, getting back to the championship. And from Prague's interview sounds like they are alligned with that thought and ambition.
    It's pretty much all we can ask for isn't it?
    Wild claims of Europe in 5; years are hopefully a thing of the past.
    Some of what Methven said actually made a lot of sense to me.
    A realistic plan with competent people will do me all day long.

    What would success in the short term look like to you?
    I think @Covered_End_Lad pretty much nailed it, although I don’t see category one status as an end in itself and I don’t think a top-six finish in L1 and PO failure is good enough in 23/24 (meaning as it would five straight seasons in L1).
    PO failure? Sorry, I don't recall what that means?
  • edited July 2023
    Ok then, Methven interview ready to go.

    Inevitably the interview and the motivations behind it are already being slagged off in certain quarters in the usual style, so I'm posting as a reminder the original intro article which explains that this was all CM's own initiative, The link to the main article is at the bottom of that one. When you get to it, you'll see the  banner image is a mess, bear with us, I may need techie help with that.

    I think the main benefit is an insight into how the structure will work (assuming he is still able to speak for all significant consortium members). There's more than will be possible to put into a club PR statement even if they wanted to. But there were interesting things he asked to keep off the record, and other things we had no time for, such as the future of the real estate. As you will see, he really wanted to talk about him at Sunderland which I managed to avoid until we got to the end of the designated running time, and Zoom terminated that abruptly :)

    Looking forward to see what people make of it
    Thanks Prague - interesting.

    I guess my more emotional reaction is one of mild disappointment although I'm not sure what else I was expecting. Maybe it's because a lot of this has leaked already and I was hoping for something extra. Maybe I was hoping for a clearer statement of ambitious intent but, again, that is probably an unrealistic expectation. The rest of this transfer window and the next will tell us more.

    My head has some concerns:

    - I'm worried that there will be no one Head of Charlton - we'll have Rodwell, Scott and Warwick all having seemingly equal status but potentially different visions, missions, objectives - whatever you want to call it - with great potential for core disagreements - who pulls the whole thing together? CM paints a picture of himself as some sort of Walsingham type character whispering in the investor's ears which, again, has the potential for major disruption going forward

    - Would like to know a LOT more about Global Football Partners Ltd. Is this just a CAFC vehicle or does it have a wider remit and where does CAFC fit into it?

    - CM himself says that GB & JF's investments are relatively small beer for them so that would make it very easy for these individuals to walk away yet I guess we are hugely/solely reliant on them to fund short/medium term losses.

    So, my jury is still out, partly driven by our painful experiences in recent years. I'm not in the Airman camp of saying it will fail but I would want to understand a lot more before I adorn my bedroom with Gabriel Brener/Josh Friedman duvets and pillows. 
    It would be helpful to understand what people think “success” looks like.

    Well for now, getting back to the championship. And from Prague's interview sounds like they are alligned with that thought and ambition.
    It's pretty much all we can ask for isn't it?
    Wild claims of Europe in 5; years are hopefully a thing of the past.
    Some of what Methven said actually made a lot of sense to me.
    A realistic plan with competent people will do me all day long.

    What would success in the short term look like to you?
    I think @Covered_End_Lad pretty much nailed it, although I don’t see category one status as an end in itself and I don’t think a top-six finish in L1 and PO failure is good enough in 23/24 (meaning as it would five straight seasons in L1).
    PO failure? Sorry, I don't recall what that means?
    Play Off I assumed……..wrongly as it happens 🤭
  • edited July 2023
    Ok then, Methven interview ready to go.

    Inevitably the interview and the motivations behind it are already being slagged off in certain quarters in the usual style, so I'm posting as a reminder the original intro article which explains that this was all CM's own initiative, The link to the main article is at the bottom of that one. When you get to it, you'll see the  banner image is a mess, bear with us, I may need techie help with that.

    I think the main benefit is an insight into how the structure will work (assuming he is still able to speak for all significant consortium members). There's more than will be possible to put into a club PR statement even if they wanted to. But there were interesting things he asked to keep off the record, and other things we had no time for, such as the future of the real estate. As you will see, he really wanted to talk about him at Sunderland which I managed to avoid until we got to the end of the designated running time, and Zoom terminated that abruptly :)

    Looking forward to see what people make of it
    Thanks Prague - interesting.

    I guess my more emotional reaction is one of mild disappointment although I'm not sure what else I was expecting. Maybe it's because a lot of this has leaked already and I was hoping for something extra. Maybe I was hoping for a clearer statement of ambitious intent but, again, that is probably an unrealistic expectation. The rest of this transfer window and the next will tell us more.

    My head has some concerns:

    - I'm worried that there will be no one Head of Charlton - we'll have Rodwell, Scott and Warwick all having seemingly equal status but potentially different visions, missions, objectives - whatever you want to call it - with great potential for core disagreements - who pulls the whole thing together? CM paints a picture of himself as some sort of Walsingham type character whispering in the investor's ears which, again, has the potential for major disruption going forward

    - Would like to know a LOT more about Global Football Partners Ltd. Is this just a CAFC vehicle or does it have a wider remit and where does CAFC fit into it?

    - CM himself says that GB & JF's investments are relatively small beer for them so that would make it very easy for these individuals to walk away yet I guess we are hugely/solely reliant on them to fund short/medium term losses.

    So, my jury is still out, partly driven by our painful experiences in recent years. I'm not in the Airman camp of saying it will fail but I would want to understand a lot more before I adorn my bedroom with Gabriel Brener/Josh Friedman duvets and pillows. 
    It would be helpful to understand what people think “success” looks like.

    Well for now, getting back to the championship. And from Prague's interview sounds like they are alligned with that thought and ambition.
    It's pretty much all we can ask for isn't it?
    Wild claims of Europe in 5; years are hopefully a thing of the past.
    Some of what Methven said actually made a lot of sense to me.
    A realistic plan with competent people will do me all day long.

    What would success in the short term look like to you?
    I think @Covered_End_Lad pretty much nailed it, although I don’t see category one status as an end in itself and I don’t think a top-six finish in L1 and PO failure is good enough in 23/24 (meaning as it would five straight seasons in L1).
    PO failure? Sorry, I don't recall what that means?
    Play Off’s bird brain 
  • Ok then, Methven interview ready to go.

    Inevitably the interview and the motivations behind it are already being slagged off in certain quarters in the usual style, so I'm posting as a reminder the original intro article which explains that this was all CM's own initiative, The link to the main article is at the bottom of that one. When you get to it, you'll see the  banner image is a mess, bear with us, I may need techie help with that.

    I think the main benefit is an insight into how the structure will work (assuming he is still able to speak for all significant consortium members). There's more than will be possible to put into a club PR statement even if they wanted to. But there were interesting things he asked to keep off the record, and other things we had no time for, such as the future of the real estate. As you will see, he really wanted to talk about him at Sunderland which I managed to avoid until we got to the end of the designated running time, and Zoom terminated that abruptly :)

    Looking forward to see what people make of it
    Thanks Prague - interesting.

    I guess my more emotional reaction is one of mild disappointment although I'm not sure what else I was expecting. Maybe it's because a lot of this has leaked already and I was hoping for something extra. Maybe I was hoping for a clearer statement of ambitious intent but, again, that is probably an unrealistic expectation. The rest of this transfer window and the next will tell us more.

    My head has some concerns:

    - I'm worried that there will be no one Head of Charlton - we'll have Rodwell, Scott and Warwick all having seemingly equal status but potentially different visions, missions, objectives - whatever you want to call it - with great potential for core disagreements - who pulls the whole thing together? CM paints a picture of himself as some sort of Walsingham type character whispering in the investor's ears which, again, has the potential for major disruption going forward

    - Would like to know a LOT more about Global Football Partners Ltd. Is this just a CAFC vehicle or does it have a wider remit and where does CAFC fit into it?

    - CM himself says that GB & JF's investments are relatively small beer for them so that would make it very easy for these individuals to walk away yet I guess we are hugely/solely reliant on them to fund short/medium term losses.

    So, my jury is still out, partly driven by our painful experiences in recent years. I'm not in the Airman camp of saying it will fail but I would want to understand a lot more before I adorn my bedroom with Gabriel Brener/Josh Friedman duvets and pillows. 
    It would be helpful to understand what people think “success” looks like.

    Well for now, getting back to the championship. And from Prague's interview sounds like they are alligned with that thought and ambition.
    It's pretty much all we can ask for isn't it?
    Wild claims of Europe in 5; years are hopefully a thing of the past.
    Some of what Methven said actually made a lot of sense to me.
    A realistic plan with competent people will do me all day long.

    What would success in the short term look like to you?
    I think @Covered_End_Lad pretty much nailed it, although I don’t see category one status as an end in itself and I don’t think a top-six finish in L1 and PO failure is good enough in 23/24 (meaning as it would five straight seasons in L1).
    PO failure? Sorry, I don't recall what that means?
    That's because we haven't been in one recently....
  • Ok then, Methven interview ready to go.

    Inevitably the interview and the motivations behind it are already being slagged off in certain quarters in the usual style, so I'm posting as a reminder the original intro article which explains that this was all CM's own initiative, The link to the main article is at the bottom of that one. When you get to it, you'll see the  banner image is a mess, bear with us, I may need techie help with that.

    I think the main benefit is an insight into how the structure will work (assuming he is still able to speak for all significant consortium members). There's more than will be possible to put into a club PR statement even if they wanted to. But there were interesting things he asked to keep off the record, and other things we had no time for, such as the future of the real estate. As you will see, he really wanted to talk about him at Sunderland which I managed to avoid until we got to the end of the designated running time, and Zoom terminated that abruptly :)

    Looking forward to see what people make of it
    Thanks Prague - interesting.

    I guess my more emotional reaction is one of mild disappointment although I'm not sure what else I was expecting. Maybe it's because a lot of this has leaked already and I was hoping for something extra. Maybe I was hoping for a clearer statement of ambitious intent but, again, that is probably an unrealistic expectation. The rest of this transfer window and the next will tell us more.

    My head has some concerns:

    - I'm worried that there will be no one Head of Charlton - we'll have Rodwell, Scott and Warwick all having seemingly equal status but potentially different visions, missions, objectives - whatever you want to call it - with great potential for core disagreements - who pulls the whole thing together? CM paints a picture of himself as some sort of Walsingham type character whispering in the investor's ears which, again, has the potential for major disruption going forward

    - Would like to know a LOT more about Global Football Partners Ltd. Is this just a CAFC vehicle or does it have a wider remit and where does CAFC fit into it?

    - CM himself says that GB & JF's investments are relatively small beer for them so that would make it very easy for these individuals to walk away yet I guess we are hugely/solely reliant on them to fund short/medium term losses.

    So, my jury is still out, partly driven by our painful experiences in recent years. I'm not in the Airman camp of saying it will fail but I would want to understand a lot more before I adorn my bedroom with Gabriel Brener/Josh Friedman duvets and pillows. 
    It would be helpful to understand what people think “success” looks like.

    Well for now, getting back to the championship. And from Prague's interview sounds like they are alligned with that thought and ambition.
    It's pretty much all we can ask for isn't it?
    Wild claims of Europe in 5; years are hopefully a thing of the past.
    Some of what Methven said actually made a lot of sense to me.
    A realistic plan with competent people will do me all day long.

    What would success in the short term look like to you?
    I think @Covered_End_Lad pretty much nailed it, although I don’t see category one status as an end in itself and I don’t think a top-six finish in L1 and PO failure is good enough in 23/24 (meaning as it would five straight seasons in L1).
    PO failure? Sorry, I don't recall what that means?
    Play Off’s bird brain 
    To be fair Charlton’s purchase orders bouncing would not be a sign of success!
  • edited July 2023
    Ok then, Methven interview ready to go.

    Inevitably the interview and the motivations behind it are already being slagged off in certain quarters in the usual style, so I'm posting as a reminder the original intro article which explains that this was all CM's own initiative, The link to the main article is at the bottom of that one. When you get to it, you'll see the  banner image is a mess, bear with us, I may need techie help with that.

    I think the main benefit is an insight into how the structure will work (assuming he is still able to speak for all significant consortium members). There's more than will be possible to put into a club PR statement even if they wanted to. But there were interesting things he asked to keep off the record, and other things we had no time for, such as the future of the real estate. As you will see, he really wanted to talk about him at Sunderland which I managed to avoid until we got to the end of the designated running time, and Zoom terminated that abruptly :)

    Looking forward to see what people make of it
    Thanks Prague - interesting.

    I guess my more emotional reaction is one of mild disappointment although I'm not sure what else I was expecting. Maybe it's because a lot of this has leaked already and I was hoping for something extra. Maybe I was hoping for a clearer statement of ambitious intent but, again, that is probably an unrealistic expectation. The rest of this transfer window and the next will tell us more.

    My head has some concerns:

    - I'm worried that there will be no one Head of Charlton - we'll have Rodwell, Scott and Warwick all having seemingly equal status but potentially different visions, missions, objectives - whatever you want to call it - with great potential for core disagreements - who pulls the whole thing together? CM paints a picture of himself as some sort of Walsingham type character whispering in the investor's ears which, again, has the potential for major disruption going forward

    - Would like to know a LOT more about Global Football Partners Ltd. Is this just a CAFC vehicle or does it have a wider remit and where does CAFC fit into it?

    - CM himself says that GB & JF's investments are relatively small beer for them so that would make it very easy for these individuals to walk away yet I guess we are hugely/solely reliant on them to fund short/medium term losses.

    So, my jury is still out, partly driven by our painful experiences in recent years. I'm not in the Airman camp of saying it will fail but I would want to understand a lot more before I adorn my bedroom with Gabriel Brener/Josh Friedman duvets and pillows. 
    It would be helpful to understand what people think “success” looks like.

    Well for now, getting back to the championship. And from Prague's interview sounds like they are alligned with that thought and ambition.
    It's pretty much all we can ask for isn't it?
    Wild claims of Europe in 5; years are hopefully a thing of the past.
    Some of what Methven said actually made a lot of sense to me.
    A realistic plan with competent people will do me all day long.

    What would success in the short term look like to you?
    I think @Covered_End_Lad pretty much nailed it, although I don’t see category one status as an end in itself and I don’t think a top-six finish in L1 and PO failure is good enough in 23/24 (meaning as it would five straight seasons in L1).
    PO failure? Sorry, I don't recall what that means?
    Play Off’s bird brain 
    Leeds and Sunderland twice is what he’s referring to maybe 😉
  • Pedro45 said:
    Ok then, Methven interview ready to go.

    Inevitably the interview and the motivations behind it are already being slagged off in certain quarters in the usual style, so I'm posting as a reminder the original intro article which explains that this was all CM's own initiative, The link to the main article is at the bottom of that one. When you get to it, you'll see the  banner image is a mess, bear with us, I may need techie help with that.

    I think the main benefit is an insight into how the structure will work (assuming he is still able to speak for all significant consortium members). There's more than will be possible to put into a club PR statement even if they wanted to. But there were interesting things he asked to keep off the record, and other things we had no time for, such as the future of the real estate. As you will see, he really wanted to talk about him at Sunderland which I managed to avoid until we got to the end of the designated running time, and Zoom terminated that abruptly :)

    Looking forward to see what people make of it
    Thanks Prague - interesting.

    I guess my more emotional reaction is one of mild disappointment although I'm not sure what else I was expecting. Maybe it's because a lot of this has leaked already and I was hoping for something extra. Maybe I was hoping for a clearer statement of ambitious intent but, again, that is probably an unrealistic expectation. The rest of this transfer window and the next will tell us more.

    My head has some concerns:

    - I'm worried that there will be no one Head of Charlton - we'll have Rodwell, Scott and Warwick all having seemingly equal status but potentially different visions, missions, objectives - whatever you want to call it - with great potential for core disagreements - who pulls the whole thing together? CM paints a picture of himself as some sort of Walsingham type character whispering in the investor's ears which, again, has the potential for major disruption going forward

    - Would like to know a LOT more about Global Football Partners Ltd. Is this just a CAFC vehicle or does it have a wider remit and where does CAFC fit into it?

    - CM himself says that GB & JF's investments are relatively small beer for them so that would make it very easy for these individuals to walk away yet I guess we are hugely/solely reliant on them to fund short/medium term losses.

    So, my jury is still out, partly driven by our painful experiences in recent years. I'm not in the Airman camp of saying it will fail but I would want to understand a lot more before I adorn my bedroom with Gabriel Brener/Josh Friedman duvets and pillows. 
    It would be helpful to understand what people think “success” looks like.

    Well for now, getting back to the championship. And from Prague's interview sounds like they are alligned with that thought and ambition.
    It's pretty much all we can ask for isn't it?
    Wild claims of Europe in 5; years are hopefully a thing of the past.
    Some of what Methven said actually made a lot of sense to me.
    A realistic plan with competent people will do me all day long.

    What would success in the short term look like to you?
    I think @Covered_End_Lad pretty much nailed it, although I don’t see category one status as an end in itself and I don’t think a top-six finish in L1 and PO failure is good enough in 23/24 (meaning as it would five straight seasons in L1).
    PO failure? Sorry, I don't recall what that means?
    That's because we haven't been in one recently....
  • The new owners are Skrull…welcome back Matt  
  • Ok then, Methven interview ready to go.

    Inevitably the interview and the motivations behind it are already being slagged off in certain quarters in the usual style, so I'm posting as a reminder the original intro article which explains that this was all CM's own initiative, The link to the main article is at the bottom of that one. When you get to it, you'll see the  banner image is a mess, bear with us, I may need techie help with that.

    I think the main benefit is an insight into how the structure will work (assuming he is still able to speak for all significant consortium members). There's more than will be possible to put into a club PR statement even if they wanted to. But there were interesting things he asked to keep off the record, and other things we had no time for, such as the future of the real estate. As you will see, he really wanted to talk about him at Sunderland which I managed to avoid until we got to the end of the designated running time, and Zoom terminated that abruptly :)

    Looking forward to see what people make of it
    Thanks Prague - interesting.

    I guess my more emotional reaction is one of mild disappointment although I'm not sure what else I was expecting. Maybe it's because a lot of this has leaked already and I was hoping for something extra. Maybe I was hoping for a clearer statement of ambitious intent but, again, that is probably an unrealistic expectation. The rest of this transfer window and the next will tell us more.

    My head has some concerns:

    - I'm worried that there will be no one Head of Charlton - we'll have Rodwell, Scott and Warwick all having seemingly equal status but potentially different visions, missions, objectives - whatever you want to call it - with great potential for core disagreements - who pulls the whole thing together? CM paints a picture of himself as some sort of Walsingham type character whispering in the investor's ears which, again, has the potential for major disruption going forward

    - Would like to know a LOT more about Global Football Partners Ltd. Is this just a CAFC vehicle or does it have a wider remit and where does CAFC fit into it?

    - CM himself says that GB & JF's investments are relatively small beer for them so that would make it very easy for these individuals to walk away yet I guess we are hugely/solely reliant on them to fund short/medium term losses.

    So, my jury is still out, partly driven by our painful experiences in recent years. I'm not in the Airman camp of saying it will fail but I would want to understand a lot more before I adorn my bedroom with Gabriel Brener/Josh Friedman duvets and pillows. 
    It would be helpful to understand what people think “success” looks like.

    I think for the vast majority of us success would be building a squad capable of a minimum top 6 finish this year, with the aim to get promoted next year if we don't win the play offs this season. Once promoted, steady and intelligent investment to establish us as a Championship team with an outside shot at the playoffs over the few years after that.

    If we can do the above whilst attaining category one status for the academy I think that is a very successful 4-5 years of ownership without needing gamble astronomical sums.

    I know it sounds easy written down and no doubt there will be big challenges along the way to achieve it, but having at the right senior management team in place and astute investment in the playing side should make it a real possibility.
    Sounds fine but will probably require, shall we say, £100m net investment?
     Blimey o Reilly!

    To get promoted and Bob along in the championship for a bit? I very much doubt that.

    Luton stuck it in a credit card didn't they?!

    Can you be my accountant!  ;-)
  • Hope hope to see you still post on here regularly @Airman Brown Whilst I don’t always agree with your views, I think some of the comments on here tonight have been ridiculous. 
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