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The Takeover Thread v3.0 - DONE! - Methven interview in the Telegraph (p55)



  • Ok then, Methven interview ready to go.

    Inevitably the interview and the motivations behind it are already being slagged off in certain quarters in the usual style, so I'm posting as a reminder the original intro article which explains that this was all CM's own initiative, The link to the main article is at the bottom of that one. When you get to it, you'll see the  banner image is a mess, bear with us, I may need techie help with that.

    I think the main benefit is an insight into how the structure will work (assuming he is still able to speak for all significant consortium members). There's more than will be possible to put into a club PR statement even if they wanted to. But there were interesting things he asked to keep off the record, and other things we had no time for, such as the future of the real estate. As you will see, he really wanted to talk about him at Sunderland which I managed to avoid until we got to the end of the designated running time, and Zoom terminated that abruptly :)

    Looking forward to see what people make of it
    Thanks Prague - interesting.

    I guess my more emotional reaction is one of mild disappointment although I'm not sure what else I was expecting. Maybe it's because a lot of this has leaked already and I was hoping for something extra. Maybe I was hoping for a clearer statement of ambitious intent but, again, that is probably an unrealistic expectation. The rest of this transfer window and the next will tell us more.

    My head has some concerns:

    - I'm worried that there will be no one Head of Charlton - we'll have Rodwell, Scott and Warwick all having seemingly equal status but potentially different visions, missions, objectives - whatever you want to call it - with great potential for core disagreements - who pulls the whole thing together? CM paints a picture of himself as some sort of Walsingham type character whispering in the investor's ears which, again, has the potential for major disruption going forward

    - Would like to know a LOT more about Global Football Partners Ltd. Is this just a CAFC vehicle or does it have a wider remit and where does CAFC fit into it?

    - CM himself says that GB & JF's investments are relatively small beer for them so that would make it very easy for these individuals to walk away yet I guess we are hugely/solely reliant on them to fund short/medium term losses.

    So, my jury is still out, partly driven by our painful experiences in recent years. I'm not in the Airman camp of saying it will fail but I would want to understand a lot more before I adorn my bedroom with Gabriel Brener/Josh Friedman duvets and pillows. 
    It would be helpful to understand what people think “success” looks like.

    I think for the vast majority of us success would be building a squad capable of a minimum top 6 finish this year, with the aim to get promoted next year if we don't win the play offs this season. Once promoted, steady and intelligent investment to establish us as a Championship team with an outside shot at the playoffs over the few years after that.

    If we can do the above whilst attaining category one status for the academy I think that is a very successful 4-5 years of ownership without needing gamble astronomical sums.

    I know it sounds easy written down and no doubt there will be big challenges along the way to achieve it, but having at the right senior management team in place and astute investment in the playing side should make it a real possibility.
    Sounds fine but will probably require, shall we say, £100m net investment?
    Is that how much Plymouth have spent on the last two seasons?
    Or Luton?
  • Hurrah and double Hurrah

    It's done

    Let's all hope for the best.

    Well, you can't blame me.

    I'm a Charlton Supporter and I always look on the good side of life
  • History repeats itself. Airman points out some potential problems, maybe more heavy on the doom than most would like, and the tantrums start. I see his posts as like a house survey; you don't get one to tell you everything is hunky-dory, you get one to tell you the problems that might come up and you take from it what you think it's pressing and urgent. Not everyone likes it but what inevitably happens at this point is that the people who want to be positive about the new dawn start lashing out because they've seen negativity from a source that would generally know what he's talking about and start getting upset and calling him an angry old man and a bitter ex-employee. It's stupid though, you don't have to like what he says and you don't have to believe it all, but claiming he's wrong from a position of ignorance and blind optimism is just stupid. If you don't want to hear some dark possible futures from him then skip past. History sadly tells us though that there will be a lot of truth in the warnings, it's not like billionaire philanthropists are buying our shitty League One club is it? Chill out.
    Not true, a house survey provides a purchaser with peace of mind and identifies any potential risks.  Airman goes into every takeover as if there are major structural problems with the house not being able to get a mortgage. Airman is a) a journalist and b) well connected at the club.  If you or I posted what airman posts about the club, most of it would be ignored but because of a) and b) people take note and are interested.  I'm interested to know whether airman has any information from either a) or b) to be so negative or whether Sams view is the correct one.
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  • I don't see why we can't support the new owners and if they give us reason not to stop doing so. Why should we automatically move to the latter position? I hope Airman understands the respect than I and many others hold for him, but part of the rationale for caution applies to many clubs who have gone on to be successful. CM seemed to me to accept the issues in his interview with Prague and some of the accustations like the quick flip etc... just don't match up with the words.

    But words are just words at the end of the day and in the coming weeks we will see the initial stages of the plan and we can judge those on what we see. We do need to make some decent signings and we have already made some. I am expecting us too and will take it from there.  
  • edited July 2023

    I’ve always taken great stock from that amazing quote but in this instance I don’t think it’s quite relevant. 
    Funnily enough even Charlie Methvan said history is important 
    But our history has some magnificent ups as well as recent downs.
    Which do you think we are doomed to repeat?
    I really Hooe its the ups.

  • Absolutely no idea whether these people are going to be good for the long term of our club, but I’m equally sure that unless something changed to improve the prospects of the short-term, there increasingly might not be a long term of our club (well, a meaningful one). If this wasn’t going through, I dread to think what sort of season we were about to have. 

    So its not ideal but I’ve long realised with our current situation, there is no ideal ownership situation with Charlton. So it’s more a case of hoping we avoid the seriously unpalatable.

    I go into this season now more optimistic, hopeful that we are better run and that we get a bit of luck along the way. If that doesn’t happen, if results don’t improve, the infrastructure shrinks further, if signs emerge it’s a ruse for ‘consultants’ to take a packet out the club, or it’s some form of play that destabilises our club, then I’ll start thinking about the long term impacts then. 

    Up the reds 

    Excellent post. Sums up exactly what my thoughts are.
  • Interesting interview, it’s good insight to see at the outset what the approach is intended to be, and a good reference point for the future if they actually follow it. 

    A lot of what he says is rationale and reasonable and hard to disagree with. 

    The clubs not a sustainable business at this level, and at the same time there’s commercial avenues under exploited for the club.

    I think the key point is resilience of the investors, which is why the question asked on have they done their due diligence on the costs is critical. 

    And will be tested if investors have paid out significant funds in an attempt to get out of league one 2 or 3 years running and failed. 

    He seems to suggest they have done that and they will be patient and prepared, but everyone has a limit and hopefully they’ve been as realistic as he suggests, but at least the recent ownerships failures does sign post this pitfall to the new ownership so would expect experienced investors would stress test any numbers and put a contingency on it.

    But ultimately we need to buy well, get results on the pitch, get promoted and these problems may never materialise. Big season or two ahead, which I will approach with cautious optimism. We as fans must check and challenge them for sure but as of today  there’s not a lot of other options on the table.. let get behind the team on the pitch and see how it evolves. 

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  • edited July 2023
    Well, my glass is more than half full.

     In some ways sad to see Sandgaard sell up as (at first) he meant well & was nice to see an owner taking an interest for once. But 2nd season syndrome struck & he thought he knew best. And then there was that goddamn song.......

    Far too early to judge the new owners & having read some of Methven's interview (sorry Richard, too busy to read it all today) we can only watch & wait. Good to read that there will be some  experienced members of the SMT & hopefully they can make some decisions without having to have a zoom meeting with half of the USA. 

    All I do ask is that they realise success comes at a price & to get promoted (usually) means spending money to bring in quality players. Good start with May & Camara but a few more will be needed rather than trying to rely on the yoof too much. 

    Still wont be buying a ST but will be there against the Orient and then see how the season pans out. 
  • I am really keen to know whether Dean will
    be allowed to choose who he wants in his squad, within a specified budget or will
    there be Sandgaard like interference from Andy Scott or shareholders? If the former, I am giving the new owners the benefit of doubt and hope Dean gets his targets. Was told explicitly that over the summer so far, those signed or re-signed have been DH’s choices (whether 1st, 2nd etc., not as clear). Have agreed new ST, just need to pay for it and then choose a player shirt to sponsor when we see the squad settle down. 

    Miss Ravi, but got to say Arnie and the Commercial team have been as great to deal with thus far 👏👏👏👏 Come on you Reds!!!🔴⚪️
    With the best will in the world there will rightly be limits on what Holden wants. Even perhaps within budget. I’m sure there will be players Holden would like to talk to but don’t fit in not only with the budget but with things like resale value and the like. Andy Scott looks like the effective DoF so between him and DH. 
  • sam3110 said:
    Ok but why is Varney better than the new lot @Airman Brown you still haven't answered that.

    What makes you so adamant that they'll be a failure and Varney a success?

    How much would Varney have pumped into the club over the next 5 seasons? 

    You seem to have an inside track to him and his supposed backers, perhaps you can put out an interview with him like Prague did with CM? 

    Like it's been said before you seem very dismissive of anyone and anything that doesn't align with your viewpoint, and hark back to old ownership regimes as apparent evidence that CM & co won't do well. Surely we can tar PV with the same brush if he became owner, based on the previous owners too?

    Mate, just leave it. There's enough in house fighting, the pitchforks are out for Ronnie and Reams is Marmite.

    Let's all be nice, you can all come round my house for a group cuddle, the moany ones like Golfie, the cynical ones like Seth Plum, hell even the Millwall contingent that frequent CL, all are welcome..
  • We needed those ‘support the shirt crap’ supporters when we wanted to get back to the Valley or we wouldn’t have had a club to bring back.

    Every supporter matters, no matter how they choose to support our mighty club, imho.
    That’s not the point. It’s about telling people who take an interest in the background that they should just “support the shirt”, which is bollocks.
    To you.
    And as you say yourself, we’re all entitled to an opinion.
    Which, in this instance, is most definitely the point.
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