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Summer Transfer Rumours - Deadline Day p446



  • Uboat said:
    sam3110 said:
    Uboat said:
    sam3110 said:
    sam3110 said:
    sam3110 said:
    Yann897 said:
    supaclive said:
    Yann897 said:
    supaclive said:
    CafcSCP said:
    Uboat said:
    Off_it said:
    "Sign more players."

    "No, not those players."
    Shut up with this shit. It does my fucking head in. It doesn’t even make sense. 
    Yes, we need to sign players, but ideally they would be good enough. 

    Let me give you an example: 
    ‘Sign a striker’
    *Club signs Bonne*
    ‘No. Not that one.’
    What’s the problem? 

    If it was ‘Sign ANY striker. No not that one’ you might have a point. 

    We all know Bonne is shit. Poor example.
    Most on here, like me will have never seen some of these players play, possibly never heard of them.
    Because they’re not household names, they’re already shit!
    If they’re shite they’re shite.
    I for one won’t judge until they’ve had a good few games.

    They might never "have a good few games"

    That's the issue

    A bunch of unproven, inexperienced young players will not enable our own unproven, inexperienced young players to force our way into the Top 6.

    That's the issue.  Oh, plus we've spent about 25p and a packet of polos..... 
    such a negative spin it’s a joke, I wonder why some of you even bother with Charlton. 
    SPIN ???!

    Methven uses SPIN

    I am within my rights to point out the bleeding obvious.   You may be happy with getting worse season on season.

    We were promised money would be spent.  Boasts of "Billionaires" and a desire that CAFC only makes sense in the upper half of the Championship. 

    Do you think ANY of their actions add up to supporting their claims currently?

    I don't. 

    But sit there praying for a miracle if you like.
    Can you find me where Methven said money would be spent ? ( some has clearly ) but I’d also like to read that.. I remember him saying we’d be run sensibly with a good senior management team. That’s what a lot of people wanted, we’ve signed good players now we have to wait and see what they can do once we get a manager in and a few players back fit.
    You’re right, according to his sales doc his plan is to slash costs by £7-8m and gain promotion. Cloud cuckoo but he’ll spin it out until we all realise we’ve been done over. I mean step back for a moment. The worst start to a season for decades, the first team to sack their manager this season and signed a load of young players with a handful of senior games between them. I know it’s hard to admit things are going so badly wrong so early and hope is already fading of promotion but don’t sugar coat it. Friends who support other teams are messaging me saying WTF. I think we need to wake up to reality.
    The one that’s been seen by trusted people who care for this club. I know it’s easier to discredit it rather than wake up to the fact that this lot are no good for us. I know we don’t deserve this bad luck but don’t attack the people who care about this club.
    But if it's that bad and the people care for the club that much, they have to share it. If no-one shares it, there's no point referring to it, you may as well refer to the zodiac signs or tarot cards, or a mischievous little green leprechaun that only you can see and hear, for all it's worth.
    Because the person who shared it with the people who are Charlton through and through didn’t want to reveal who leaked it. It’s fine, put your fingers in your ears and carry on shouting I don’t want to hear bad news. When people get scammed they will do anything but admit that they were taken in by it all.
    Bullshit, I've not been scammed by anyone, and if anything I'm asking to be in on the supposed bad news by demanding that the sales doc be out in public. 

    You haven't seen what is in this document either so you're literally just taking someone else's word for it anyway, maybe you've been taken in by someone with an agenda, who knows?
    No, you’re probably right. Airman and Cardinal Sin have taken me in with their special agenda. Makes sense. 
    You seen the document.....?
    No, but some people I trust have and have shared a summary of its contents. Hopefully that’s not too confusing for you. 
    Is that the one that says we would shut the east stand and the person that posts pictures of the west stand crowd every home game, from the east stand that's clearly not closed?

    I don't doubt it's existence, I do doubt that it actually constitutes a working plan.  As nothing that has been shared from it has come true and most if it would be impossible anyway.
  • sam3110 said:
    sam3110 said:
    sam3110 said:
    sam3110 said:
    Yann897 said:
    supaclive said:
    Yann897 said:
    supaclive said:
    CafcSCP said:
    Uboat said:
    Off_it said:
    "Sign more players."

    "No, not those players."
    Shut up with this shit. It does my fucking head in. It doesn’t even make sense. 
    Yes, we need to sign players, but ideally they would be good enough. 

    Let me give you an example: 
    ‘Sign a striker’
    *Club signs Bonne*
    ‘No. Not that one.’
    What’s the problem? 

    If it was ‘Sign ANY striker. No not that one’ you might have a point. 

    We all know Bonne is shit. Poor example.
    Most on here, like me will have never seen some of these players play, possibly never heard of them.
    Because they’re not household names, they’re already shit!
    If they’re shite they’re shite.
    I for one won’t judge until they’ve had a good few games.

    They might never "have a good few games"

    That's the issue

    A bunch of unproven, inexperienced young players will not enable our own unproven, inexperienced young players to force our way into the Top 6.

    That's the issue.  Oh, plus we've spent about 25p and a packet of polos..... 
    such a negative spin it’s a joke, I wonder why some of you even bother with Charlton. 
    SPIN ???!

    Methven uses SPIN

    I am within my rights to point out the bleeding obvious.   You may be happy with getting worse season on season.

    We were promised money would be spent.  Boasts of "Billionaires" and a desire that CAFC only makes sense in the upper half of the Championship. 

    Do you think ANY of their actions add up to supporting their claims currently?

    I don't. 

    But sit there praying for a miracle if you like.
    Can you find me where Methven said money would be spent ? ( some has clearly ) but I’d also like to read that.. I remember him saying we’d be run sensibly with a good senior management team. That’s what a lot of people wanted, we’ve signed good players now we have to wait and see what they can do once we get a manager in and a few players back fit.
    You’re right, according to his sales doc his plan is to slash costs by £7-8m and gain promotion. Cloud cuckoo but he’ll spin it out until we all realise we’ve been done over. I mean step back for a moment. The worst start to a season for decades, the first team to sack their manager this season and signed a load of young players with a handful of senior games between them. I know it’s hard to admit things are going so badly wrong so early and hope is already fading of promotion but don’t sugar coat it. Friends who support other teams are messaging me saying WTF. I think we need to wake up to reality.
    The one that’s been seen by trusted people who care for this club. I know it’s easier to discredit it rather than wake up to the fact that this lot are no good for us. I know we don’t deserve this bad luck but don’t attack the people who care about this club.
    But if it's that bad and the people care for the club that much, they have to share it. If no-one shares it, there's no point referring to it, you may as well refer to the zodiac signs or tarot cards, or a mischievous little green leprechaun that only you can see and hear, for all it's worth.
    Because the person who shared it with the people who are Charlton through and through didn’t want to reveal who leaked it. It’s fine, put your fingers in your ears and carry on shouting I don’t want to hear bad news. When people get scammed they will do anything but admit that they were taken in by it all.
    Bullshit, I've not been scammed by anyone, and if anything I'm asking to be in on the supposed bad news by demanding that the sales doc be out in public. 

    You haven't seen what is in this document either so you're literally just taking someone else's word for it anyway, maybe you've been taken in by someone with an agenda, who knows?
    Wow, are you really calling into question Airman who fought for this club to return to Valley. This reminds me of when Southall first took over and people didn’t want to hear what was common knowledge within the football community, that they were wrong uns.
    So because of the past, they can't have an agenda now? 

    I've said time and again I respect what Airman did for the club, but I cannot hide the fact that I think people have wanted to besmirch this ownership group before they got in the door, and having close links to rival bids for the club, leads me to question the motives. 
    Well do let us know when the new owners come through with anything they said.

  • Rossman92 said:
    At what point does a kid become a man in football? Bielik was 21 and Josh Cullen 23 when we had them. I need to see these loans play to pass judgment, but bore off with saying that youth can’t help us move forward. Especially as we have experience in every part of the team from strike force down to defense to help mentor them
    Cullen especially was pretty experienced in the Football League by that point. 
  • Rossman92 said:
    At what point does a kid become a man in football? Bielik was 21 and Josh Cullen 23 when we had them. I need to see these loans play to pass judgment, but bore off with saying that youth can’t help us move forward. Especially as we have experience in every part of the team from strike force down to defense to help mentor them
    Cullen especially was pretty experienced in the Football League by that point. 
    That's the key difference though 
  • Croydon said:
    Rossman92 said:
    At what point does a kid become a man in football? Bielik was 21 and Josh Cullen 23 when we had them. I need to see these loans play to pass judgment, but bore off with saying that youth can’t help us move forward. Especially as we have experience in every part of the team from strike force down to defense to help mentor them
    Cullen especially was pretty experienced in the Football League by that point. 
    That's the key difference though 
    I know. That’s my point. 
  • supaclive said:
    Now we just have to find a manager who can get a tune out of these strangers. Big week ahead.
    If we sign no one or 1 or 2 it's a major whinge. 
    We sign 3 & suddenly that's wrong as well & they are no longer deadline day signings, but become strangers.

    (Obvs none of us know how they will perform). 
    I have been consistent with my whinging. I have always said that we needed the bulk of the squad signed by pre-season - ideally before they went away to Spain but certainly once back & well before the season starts. I gave 3 markers....1) before the Spain trip, 2) Aug 5th and 3) Sept 1st. And I have not wavered from that. Players signed in August should be fillers (like the 2 or 3 today) NOT mainstays of the team. 

    1 reason why we're one of the busiest League 1 clubs today and teams like Pompey & Wigan have been quiet is because they did their business early. Its not rocket science. You might not believe this but I get no pleasure saying this season in & season out. Call me out when I'm wrong by all means but this season is playing out just like last year. And we know how that went. 

     Yes and we probably all agree.
    But we don't all whine incessantly. 
    You & others give the impression you've never had a single day of happiness in your miserable lives. 
    I genuinely have a very happy life, bar Saturdays between 3pm and 5pm and the odd Tuesday evening.

    It's a Forum

    It's transfer deadline day

    If we can't vent now

    When do we?

    End of the season when we remain in this shit league?  Wanting the very best is a common goal.

    We all want to be pleasantly surprised by our new signings.  However, being lied to by owners and their strategic lies and blurring of the truth isn't acceptable.

    If my friends did it, I'd be pissed.
    Charlton doing it to fans who spend their time, money and passion supporting the club is just as unacceptable.

    If we'd been told the truth from the outset, we could have braced ourselves for the rocky ride.

    All we want is the truth told to us.

    I think we deserve that.

    Charlie boy in his early interviews seemed to understand that.  Sadly he said it just to appease us and give him some time to get what he wanted from structuring a deal to acquire CAFC.

    Let's hope we get a manager soon.  Get the injured players back and not destroy a very promising bunch of young Charlton players.

    I dream of back to back wins.  Goals scored by Daniel Kanu and Miles Leaburn.  I want our Charlton back.   Our Charlton.  

    Remember that.

    It is ours.

    Not theirs.
    See you at The Valley tomorrow then.
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  • Not understanding this clamour for old heads all of a sudden. Just feels like a made up stick to beat the SMT with.

    There’s plenty of blokes old enough and experienced enough, they just have to step up and act like it (looking at Hector primarily here)

    We went down the old and experience route before with Watson, Gunter et al. It is not an immediate solution to all your clubs’ problems.
    You need balance, that’s all. 
  • I think it’s been clear that the squad lacks leaders on the pitch, never mind the age profile. Has that been addressed with these signings, does anyone think?
    Airman in saying something negative about the club shocker 
    To be fair he isnt wrong there... Im not overly fussed about the Age of the players we've signed - But it would have been good to target a few players who have been Captains at previous clubs for example. 

    Of course only one (Dobson) can wear the armband, but in previous years, we've had individuals who come to the club having had that responsibility elsewhere, meaning we've had leaders all over the pitch. 
    To be fair I'm not that impressed by our window, and that was harsh on Airman, but I don't massively get the leader thing. Lavelle and O'Connell were captains at their previous clubs... We can't say this has been dog shite until we've seen some of these guys play 
  • Rossman92 said:
    At what point does a kid become a man in football? Bielik was 21 and Josh Cullen 23 when we had them. I need to see these loans play to pass judgment, but bore off with saying that youth can’t help us move forward. Especially as we have experience in every part of the team from strike force down to defense to help mentor them
    Cullen especially was pretty experienced in the Football League by that point. 
    65-games prior to joining us

    So less than T. Watson (Not surprised he's 26)... Less than Tedic (If you include his games in Holland and Serbia), but more than L.Watson and Abankwah
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    sam3110 said:
    sam3110 said:
    Yann897 said:
    supaclive said:
    Yann897 said:
    supaclive said:
    CafcSCP said:
    Uboat said:
    Off_it said:
    "Sign more players."

    "No, not those players."
    Shut up with this shit. It does my fucking head in. It doesn’t even make sense. 
    Yes, we need to sign players, but ideally they would be good enough. 

    Let me give you an example: 
    ‘Sign a striker’
    *Club signs Bonne*
    ‘No. Not that one.’
    What’s the problem? 

    If it was ‘Sign ANY striker. No not that one’ you might have a point. 

    We all know Bonne is shit. Poor example.
    Most on here, like me will have never seen some of these players play, possibly never heard of them.
    Because they’re not household names, they’re already shit!
    If they’re shite they’re shite.
    I for one won’t judge until they’ve had a good few games.

    They might never "have a good few games"

    That's the issue

    A bunch of unproven, inexperienced young players will not enable our own unproven, inexperienced young players to force our way into the Top 6.

    That's the issue.  Oh, plus we've spent about 25p and a packet of polos..... 
    such a negative spin it’s a joke, I wonder why some of you even bother with Charlton. 
    SPIN ???!

    Methven uses SPIN

    I am within my rights to point out the bleeding obvious.   You may be happy with getting worse season on season.

    We were promised money would be spent.  Boasts of "Billionaires" and a desire that CAFC only makes sense in the upper half of the Championship. 

    Do you think ANY of their actions add up to supporting their claims currently?

    I don't. 

    But sit there praying for a miracle if you like.
    Can you find me where Methven said money would be spent ? ( some has clearly ) but I’d also like to read that.. I remember him saying we’d be run sensibly with a good senior management team. That’s what a lot of people wanted, we’ve signed good players now we have to wait and see what they can do once we get a manager in and a few players back fit.
    You’re right, according to his sales doc his plan is to slash costs by £7-8m and gain promotion. Cloud cuckoo but he’ll spin it out until we all realise we’ve been done over. I mean step back for a moment. The worst start to a season for decades, the first team to sack their manager this season and signed a load of young players with a handful of senior games between them. I know it’s hard to admit things are going so badly wrong so early and hope is already fading of promotion but don’t sugar coat it. Friends who support other teams are messaging me saying WTF. I think we need to wake up to reality.
    The one that’s been seen by trusted people who care for this club. I know it’s easier to discredit it rather than wake up to the fact that this lot are no good for us. I know we don’t deserve this bad luck but don’t attack the people who care about this club.
    But if it's that bad and the people care for the club that much, they have to share it. If no-one shares it, there's no point referring to it, you may as well refer to the zodiac signs or tarot cards, or a mischievous little green leprechaun that only you can see and hear, for all it's worth.
    Because the person who shared it with the people who are Charlton through and through didn’t want to reveal who leaked it. It’s fine, put your fingers in your ears and carry on shouting I don’t want to hear bad news. When people get scammed they will do anything but admit that they were taken in by it all.
    How am I being scammed and how do I stop being scammed?
    Charlie and his minions giving us all false hope with made up spin. A few protests will put the pressure on him and the investors will sell up quicker rather than this being something that drags on for years.
    Let us know the detail surrounding this protest that you're starting.
  • Has this Manchester City striker bloke signed or not?
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  • fair point on leadership  looking at the squad I would say possible leaders are..


    maybe Taylor and Watson in CM can step up and lead too  

  • Cafc43v3r said:
    sam3110 said:
    sam3110 said:
    sam3110 said:
    sam3110 said:
    Yann897 said:
    supaclive said:
    Yann897 said:
    supaclive said:
    CafcSCP said:
    Uboat said:
    Off_it said:
    "Sign more players."

    "No, not those players."
    Shut up with this shit. It does my fucking head in. It doesn’t even make sense. 
    Yes, we need to sign players, but ideally they would be good enough. 

    Let me give you an example: 
    ‘Sign a striker’
    *Club signs Bonne*
    ‘No. Not that one.’
    What’s the problem? 

    If it was ‘Sign ANY striker. No not that one’ you might have a point. 

    We all know Bonne is shit. Poor example.
    Most on here, like me will have never seen some of these players play, possibly never heard of them.
    Because they’re not household names, they’re already shit!
    If they’re shite they’re shite.
    I for one won’t judge until they’ve had a good few games.

    They might never "have a good few games"

    That's the issue

    A bunch of unproven, inexperienced young players will not enable our own unproven, inexperienced young players to force our way into the Top 6.

    That's the issue.  Oh, plus we've spent about 25p and a packet of polos..... 
    such a negative spin it’s a joke, I wonder why some of you even bother with Charlton. 
    SPIN ???!

    Methven uses SPIN

    I am within my rights to point out the bleeding obvious.   You may be happy with getting worse season on season.

    We were promised money would be spent.  Boasts of "Billionaires" and a desire that CAFC only makes sense in the upper half of the Championship. 

    Do you think ANY of their actions add up to supporting their claims currently?

    I don't. 

    But sit there praying for a miracle if you like.
    Can you find me where Methven said money would be spent ? ( some has clearly ) but I’d also like to read that.. I remember him saying we’d be run sensibly with a good senior management team. That’s what a lot of people wanted, we’ve signed good players now we have to wait and see what they can do once we get a manager in and a few players back fit.
    You’re right, according to his sales doc his plan is to slash costs by £7-8m and gain promotion. Cloud cuckoo but he’ll spin it out until we all realise we’ve been done over. I mean step back for a moment. The worst start to a season for decades, the first team to sack their manager this season and signed a load of young players with a handful of senior games between them. I know it’s hard to admit things are going so badly wrong so early and hope is already fading of promotion but don’t sugar coat it. Friends who support other teams are messaging me saying WTF. I think we need to wake up to reality.
    The one that’s been seen by trusted people who care for this club. I know it’s easier to discredit it rather than wake up to the fact that this lot are no good for us. I know we don’t deserve this bad luck but don’t attack the people who care about this club.
    But if it's that bad and the people care for the club that much, they have to share it. If no-one shares it, there's no point referring to it, you may as well refer to the zodiac signs or tarot cards, or a mischievous little green leprechaun that only you can see and hear, for all it's worth.
    Because the person who shared it with the people who are Charlton through and through didn’t want to reveal who leaked it. It’s fine, put your fingers in your ears and carry on shouting I don’t want to hear bad news. When people get scammed they will do anything but admit that they were taken in by it all.
    Bullshit, I've not been scammed by anyone, and if anything I'm asking to be in on the supposed bad news by demanding that the sales doc be out in public. 

    You haven't seen what is in this document either so you're literally just taking someone else's word for it anyway, maybe you've been taken in by someone with an agenda, who knows?
    Wow, are you really calling into question Airman who fought for this club to return to Valley. This reminds me of when Southall first took over and people didn’t want to hear what was common knowledge within the football community, that they were wrong uns.
    So because of the past, they can't have an agenda now? 

    I've said time and again I respect what Airman did for the club, but I cannot hide the fact that I think people have wanted to besmirch this ownership group before they got in the door, and having close links to rival bids for the club, leads me to question the motives. 
    Well do let us know when the new owners come through with anything they said.

    What have they said on the record that hasn't happened?
    Might be nice if one of the "big 3" actually goes on the record. 
  • sam3110 said:
    sam3110 said:
    sam3110 said:
    sam3110 said:
    Yann897 said:
    supaclive said:
    Yann897 said:
    supaclive said:
    CafcSCP said:
    Uboat said:
    Off_it said:
    "Sign more players."

    "No, not those players."
    Shut up with this shit. It does my fucking head in. It doesn’t even make sense. 
    Yes, we need to sign players, but ideally they would be good enough. 

    Let me give you an example: 
    ‘Sign a striker’
    *Club signs Bonne*
    ‘No. Not that one.’
    What’s the problem? 

    If it was ‘Sign ANY striker. No not that one’ you might have a point. 

    We all know Bonne is shit. Poor example.
    Most on here, like me will have never seen some of these players play, possibly never heard of them.
    Because they’re not household names, they’re already shit!
    If they’re shite they’re shite.
    I for one won’t judge until they’ve had a good few games.

    They might never "have a good few games"

    That's the issue

    A bunch of unproven, inexperienced young players will not enable our own unproven, inexperienced young players to force our way into the Top 6.

    That's the issue.  Oh, plus we've spent about 25p and a packet of polos..... 
    such a negative spin it’s a joke, I wonder why some of you even bother with Charlton. 
    SPIN ???!

    Methven uses SPIN

    I am within my rights to point out the bleeding obvious.   You may be happy with getting worse season on season.

    We were promised money would be spent.  Boasts of "Billionaires" and a desire that CAFC only makes sense in the upper half of the Championship. 

    Do you think ANY of their actions add up to supporting their claims currently?

    I don't. 

    But sit there praying for a miracle if you like.
    Can you find me where Methven said money would be spent ? ( some has clearly ) but I’d also like to read that.. I remember him saying we’d be run sensibly with a good senior management team. That’s what a lot of people wanted, we’ve signed good players now we have to wait and see what they can do once we get a manager in and a few players back fit.
    You’re right, according to his sales doc his plan is to slash costs by £7-8m and gain promotion. Cloud cuckoo but he’ll spin it out until we all realise we’ve been done over. I mean step back for a moment. The worst start to a season for decades, the first team to sack their manager this season and signed a load of young players with a handful of senior games between them. I know it’s hard to admit things are going so badly wrong so early and hope is already fading of promotion but don’t sugar coat it. Friends who support other teams are messaging me saying WTF. I think we need to wake up to reality.
    The one that’s been seen by trusted people who care for this club. I know it’s easier to discredit it rather than wake up to the fact that this lot are no good for us. I know we don’t deserve this bad luck but don’t attack the people who care about this club.
    But if it's that bad and the people care for the club that much, they have to share it. If no-one shares it, there's no point referring to it, you may as well refer to the zodiac signs or tarot cards, or a mischievous little green leprechaun that only you can see and hear, for all it's worth.
    Because the person who shared it with the people who are Charlton through and through didn’t want to reveal who leaked it. It’s fine, put your fingers in your ears and carry on shouting I don’t want to hear bad news. When people get scammed they will do anything but admit that they were taken in by it all.
    Bullshit, I've not been scammed by anyone, and if anything I'm asking to be in on the supposed bad news by demanding that the sales doc be out in public. 

    You haven't seen what is in this document either so you're literally just taking someone else's word for it anyway, maybe you've been taken in by someone with an agenda, who knows?
    Wow, are you really calling into question Airman who fought for this club to return to Valley. This reminds me of when Southall first took over and people didn’t want to hear what was common knowledge within the football community, that they were wrong uns.
    So because of the past, they can't have an agenda now? 

    I've said time and again I respect what Airman did for the club, but I cannot hide the fact that I think people have wanted to besmirch this ownership group before they got in the door, and having close links to rival bids for the club, leads me to question the motives. 
    Yep, Airman was the the only person to besmirch Methven, not the thousands of Sunderland fans sending their commiserations. CM has got form. The only motives are to protect the club. How’s it working out so far? Sunderland fans can’t believe it’s unraveled so quickly.
    So what are you doing to protect the club and more to the point what am I, @sam3110, and others doing to damage it?

    By posting guff on the Internet?
  • edited September 2023
    Meh, I don't mind these signings. 

    I'll take good players over "leaders" any day. When you win no one talks about needing leaders.
    But when you lose five in a row it becomes apparent that having one or two might be rather important…
  • TeeC said:
    This thread ending its life like a big row at the end of long family holiday. Looking forward to this thing slamming shut. 
    As I said 2 days ago, so many fans have developed this weird hobby of wanting to argue with others fNs. 

    I’m sure it’s largely frustration based, but it’s just not mentally healthy and I don’t understand what people get typing out something rude or abusive to someone else and then hitting send. 

    Just let it pass, or if you can’t just put your phone down. 

    By the way.Have you got Methvens email address?
  •  Bring in other teams young players no need for our academy?
    Which is what Methcen will tell the yanks next year.

    "See, you dont need to fund an academy when you can simply loan-in the player season on season". 

    The seed has been sown......
    They'll realise the worth of our academy when they sell Leaburn, Asiimwe, Anderson and Kanu.
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