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Give Jacko The Job (He got given it on page 31...)



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    About time! Great news 
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    Why would one want to break up a management and coaching team that has brought the recent success? Success is not due to just one person (although Jacko is the catalyst).

    There is room for them all IMO.
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    Buzzing. Class announcement from the club. 
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    Fantastic start to my friday!
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    This could be the best decision made by TS so far.
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    edited December 2021
    Buy but but but

    Excellent news and inside the time frame laid out.  Was it really ever in doubt? 
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    Brilliant news
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    UNREAL !!!

    No news about coaching setup euell etc though…
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    Great news - onwards and upwards!
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    Congratulations to Jacko, proved he deserves to be given the job, I wasn’t sure. But happy he’s got it as it’s results that have earned it, not just being a popular fella. Please just continue with the great work!!. So what are people going to whinge about next!!!🤣.
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    Great news, well done for getting this over the line, no idea why it’s taken this long, better late than never, absolutely the right fella for the gig.
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    Fan Dabi Dozi

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    Great news. Although this means we will lose 2-0 tomorrow 
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    The contract is a touch confusing? Is it in effect a rolling 2 year deal but with break clauses?
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    Excellent. Onwards and upwards hopefully. 
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    Now we really do have “our” Charlton back!.
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