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Ged Roddy MBE appointed as Technical Director - resigned (p26)



  • edited November 2021
    Roddy has twice sat in front of the fans for forums and things. If people honestly feel these are credible allegations, has anyone put a single one of these to him?
  • thenewbie said:
    Phil said:
    Don’t underestimate the part Roddy played in Bowyer’s departure. Neither ignore the part he played in Adkins arrival as I suspect he wasn’t on Thomas’s (or anyone else’s) radar.
    He has remained silent throughout our slide down the league in which we saw some of the worst football any Charlton side has ever produced.
    Surely as director of football he has a view and a responsibility to say something?
    To Sandgaard, his employer, yes. To fans - no, he doesn't. And we don't know what the nature of any conversations he had with TS actually were.

    He COULD have been trying to get something to change for ages, similarly he COULD have been trying to convince Sandgaard that the results were just a blip that would miraculously reverse themselves. But no one knows because that's not how a club is run nor should it be. 
    Communication between the club and it's supporters should encompass the bad as well as the good. And surely the 'director' of football should be contributing to this?
    Silence when times are bad will only generate meltdowns on this and other social media sites. Which benefits no one!
    Bad vibes won't generate additional supporters TS wants and needs to fill the terraces. 
  • edited November 2021
    Chunes said:
    Roddy has twice sat in front of the fans for forums and things. If people honestly feel these are credible allegations, has anyone put a single one of these to him?
    He has and he has confirmed his remit covers recruitment, coaching pathways and the "Charlton style" amongst other things.  I would say with any criticism of any of those it is valid to at least question to what degree Roddy is accountable or responsible.

    Of course its not ALL his fault, I don't think anyone is reasonably suggesting it is.  The fact is in his first year we have gone from 2nd to 18th.  Hardly a glorious success.  If he doesn't have any influence on the first teams performance why has it been said he does? 

  • His job is to implement  charltons football structure from youth to first team, including heading up the recruitment team, we've heard from him, Adkins, Avory, Sandgaard, probably even Sandgaard's missus that that's what he's here to do.

    There's no conspiracy around the fact we're trying to build some one club, start to finish policy, tactics, coaches, players, formations probably even what size bananas the players eat and when. 

    Given the sudden change in on pitch results and quality from end of last season to this, you can see how some sort of breakdown happening over the summer is thought to have happened. 

    A manager losing his way, maybe, a change in focus since Adkins' sacking, maybe, we'll never know for sure so will get the players awkwardly answering "yeah, the old gaffer was alright, but this new one is even more alright!", I doubt Jason Pearce is included on board meetings so what does he know past "coach said this, coach said that, coach didn't work out, coach went bye"

    Is one person to blame, probably not. Just as long as any mistakes have been learned from is all that matters.
  • Chunes said:
    Roddy has twice sat in front of the fans for forums and things. If people honestly feel these are credible allegations, has anyone put a single one of these to him?
    Because he and SG "come over really well" after the last meeting 
  • edited November 2021
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Chunes said:
    Roddy has twice sat in front of the fans for forums and things. If people honestly feel these are credible allegations, has anyone put a single one of these to him?
    He has and he has confirmed his remit covers recruitment, coaching pathways and the "Charlton style" amongst other things.  I would say with any criticism of any of those it is valid to at least question to what degree Roddy is accountable or responsible.

    Of course its not ALL his fault, I don't think anyone is reasonably suggesting it is.  The fact is in his first year we have gone from 2nd to 18th.  Hardly a glorious success.  If he doesn't have any influence on the first teams performance why has it been said he does? 
    But nobody put any allegations to him... That he'd insisted on a formation to Adkins, that he'd meddled in first team affairs, that he'd caused Bowyer's demise, personally caused the delay in the window, etc. etc.

    I'd challenge anyone who keeps this stuff up, ask at the next one. The man should have the chance to defend himself from this character assassination. And I wouldn't be surprised to see his colleagues jumping to his defense as well.

    In response to your last point, interested to know where it has been said that he has an influence on first team performances? 
  • Chunes said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Chunes said:
    Roddy has twice sat in front of the fans for forums and things. If people honestly feel these are credible allegations, has anyone put a single one of these to him?
    He has and he has confirmed his remit covers recruitment, coaching pathways and the "Charlton style" amongst other things.  I would say with any criticism of any of those it is valid to at least question to what degree Roddy is accountable or responsible.

    Of course its not ALL his fault, I don't think anyone is reasonably suggesting it is.  The fact is in his first year we have gone from 2nd to 18th.  Hardly a glorious success.  If he doesn't have any influence on the first teams performance why has it been said he does? 
    Where has it been said that he has an influence on first team performances? 
    I'm genuinely not sure if he does. It seems to come down to what exactly is meant by the very nebulous sounding "Charlton style" part of the remit.

    IF this was a case of imposing a formation and telling the coaches they had to use it come what may then that is definitely problematic but I don't think it is. Bowyer had a different style/formation to Adkins. Jackson has a formation preference of his own different to both of those.

    I'm not at all saying that there haven't been problems nor that any such problems have definitely been solved as it's far too soon to know that. I'm simply questioning whether he's the cause of the problems or being affected by them in turn. 
  • Chunes said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Chunes said:
    Roddy has twice sat in front of the fans for forums and things. If people honestly feel these are credible allegations, has anyone put a single one of these to him?
    He has and he has confirmed his remit covers recruitment, coaching pathways and the "Charlton style" amongst other things.  I would say with any criticism of any of those it is valid to at least question to what degree Roddy is accountable or responsible.

    Of course its not ALL his fault, I don't think anyone is reasonably suggesting it is.  The fact is in his first year we have gone from 2nd to 18th.  Hardly a glorious success.  If he doesn't have any influence on the first teams performance why has it been said he does? 
    But nobody put any allegations to him, right? That he'd insisted on a formation to Adkins, that he'd meddled in first team affairs, that he'd caused Bowyer's demise, held up the transfer window, etc. Etc.

    When sat faced with Ged Roddy in the flesh, I think people can fee the weak nature of the allegations, if they're being honest with themselves. Otherwise they'd have asked. And I'd challenge anyone who keeps this stuff up, don't keep on unless you're gonna ask at the next one. 

    Where has it been said that he has an influence on first team performances? 
    So are you saying that the recruitment and retention of players, promotion, retention and recruitment of coaching staff and the manager and style of play have no impact or influence on the first teams performance.  Or are you saying that Roddy doesn't do any of that? 
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  • edited November 2021
  • Looking forward to face to face meetings once again 
  • edited November 2021
    Seems some people think that the only person that influences the first team is the man picking the first eleven. 

    There's a lot more that goes into a football club. Everyone needs to be pulling together or it all falls apart like we saw. 

    The change from the end of last season to the beginning of this one has never been explained and will leave a big cloud over the summer recruitment and changes. 
  • edited November 2021
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Chunes said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Chunes said:
    Roddy has twice sat in front of the fans for forums and things. If people honestly feel these are credible allegations, has anyone put a single one of these to him?
    He has and he has confirmed his remit covers recruitment, coaching pathways and the "Charlton style" amongst other things.  I would say with any criticism of any of those it is valid to at least question to what degree Roddy is accountable or responsible.

    Of course its not ALL his fault, I don't think anyone is reasonably suggesting it is.  The fact is in his first year we have gone from 2nd to 18th.  Hardly a glorious success.  If he doesn't have any influence on the first teams performance why has it been said he does? 
    But nobody put any allegations to him, right? That he'd insisted on a formation to Adkins, that he'd meddled in first team affairs, that he'd caused Bowyer's demise, held up the transfer window, etc. Etc.

    When sat faced with Ged Roddy in the flesh, I think people can fee the weak nature of the allegations, if they're being honest with themselves. Otherwise they'd have asked. And I'd challenge anyone who keeps this stuff up, don't keep on unless you're gonna ask at the next one. 

    Where has it been said that he has an influence on first team performances? 
    So are you saying that the recruitment and retention of players, promotion, retention and recruitment of coaching staff and the manager and style of play have no impact or influence on the first teams performance.  Or are you saying that Roddy doesn't do any of that? 
    Bowyer left, Adkins came in, set a style of play and got good results - last season. The results/performances this season were poor, as per word from at least one senior player due to weak leadership. That manager was then removed, the same players (retained or recruited under Roddy) are now performing to a higher standard.

    In essence there's no actual proof Roddy is doing anything other than his actual job. Clearly something happened for the change between the teams performances end of last season and the beginning of this one but there's multiple possible causes. It could be one or more of several people within the new system that was imposed, it could just be a badly implemented system. 
  • thenewbie said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Chunes said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Chunes said:
    Roddy has twice sat in front of the fans for forums and things. If people honestly feel these are credible allegations, has anyone put a single one of these to him?
    He has and he has confirmed his remit covers recruitment, coaching pathways and the "Charlton style" amongst other things.  I would say with any criticism of any of those it is valid to at least question to what degree Roddy is accountable or responsible.

    Of course its not ALL his fault, I don't think anyone is reasonably suggesting it is.  The fact is in his first year we have gone from 2nd to 18th.  Hardly a glorious success.  If he doesn't have any influence on the first teams performance why has it been said he does? 
    But nobody put any allegations to him, right? That he'd insisted on a formation to Adkins, that he'd meddled in first team affairs, that he'd caused Bowyer's demise, held up the transfer window, etc. Etc.

    When sat faced with Ged Roddy in the flesh, I think people can fee the weak nature of the allegations, if they're being honest with themselves. Otherwise they'd have asked. And I'd challenge anyone who keeps this stuff up, don't keep on unless you're gonna ask at the next one. 

    Where has it been said that he has an influence on first team performances? 
    So are you saying that the recruitment and retention of players, promotion, retention and recruitment of coaching staff and the manager and style of play have no impact or influence on the first teams performance.  Or are you saying that Roddy doesn't do any of that? 
    Bowyer left, Adkins came in, set a style of play and got good results - last season. The results/performances this season were poor, as per word from at least one senior player due to weak leadership. That manager was then removed, the same players (retained or recruited under Roddy) are now performing to a higher standard.

    In essence there's no actual proof he's doing anything other than his actual job. Clearly something happened for the change between the teams performances end of last season and the beginning of this one but there's multiple possible causes. It could be one or more of several people within the new system that was imposed, it could just be a badly implemented system. 
    Roddy himself is a major part of deciding the club's 'system' and that's from his own mouth. 
  • thenewbie said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Chunes said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Chunes said:
    Roddy has twice sat in front of the fans for forums and things. If people honestly feel these are credible allegations, has anyone put a single one of these to him?
    He has and he has confirmed his remit covers recruitment, coaching pathways and the "Charlton style" amongst other things.  I would say with any criticism of any of those it is valid to at least question to what degree Roddy is accountable or responsible.

    Of course its not ALL his fault, I don't think anyone is reasonably suggesting it is.  The fact is in his first year we have gone from 2nd to 18th.  Hardly a glorious success.  If he doesn't have any influence on the first teams performance why has it been said he does? 
    But nobody put any allegations to him, right? That he'd insisted on a formation to Adkins, that he'd meddled in first team affairs, that he'd caused Bowyer's demise, held up the transfer window, etc. Etc.

    When sat faced with Ged Roddy in the flesh, I think people can fee the weak nature of the allegations, if they're being honest with themselves. Otherwise they'd have asked. And I'd challenge anyone who keeps this stuff up, don't keep on unless you're gonna ask at the next one. 

    Where has it been said that he has an influence on first team performances? 
    So are you saying that the recruitment and retention of players, promotion, retention and recruitment of coaching staff and the manager and style of play have no impact or influence on the first teams performance.  Or are you saying that Roddy doesn't do any of that? 
    Bowyer left, Adkins came in, set a style of play and got good results - last season. The results/performances this season were poor, as per word from at least one senior player due to weak leadership. That manager was then removed, the same players (retained or recruited under Roddy) are now performing to a higher standard.

    In essence there's no actual proof he's doing anything other than his actual job. Clearly something happened for the change between the teams performances end of last season and the beginning of this one but there's multiple possible causes. It could be one or more of several people within the new system that was imposed, it could just be a badly implemented system. 
    Roddy himself is a major part of deciding the club's 'system' and that's from his own mouth. 
    System as in the on field tactics and team selection, or system with regards to the buying, selling and bringing on of players?
  • edited November 2021
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Chunes said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Chunes said:
    Roddy has twice sat in front of the fans for forums and things. If people honestly feel these are credible allegations, has anyone put a single one of these to him?
    He has and he has confirmed his remit covers recruitment, coaching pathways and the "Charlton style" amongst other things.  I would say with any criticism of any of those it is valid to at least question to what degree Roddy is accountable or responsible.

    Of course its not ALL his fault, I don't think anyone is reasonably suggesting it is.  The fact is in his first year we have gone from 2nd to 18th.  Hardly a glorious success.  If he doesn't have any influence on the first teams performance why has it been said he does? 
    But nobody put any allegations to him, right? That he'd insisted on a formation to Adkins, that he'd meddled in first team affairs, that he'd caused Bowyer's demise, held up the transfer window, etc. Etc.

    When sat faced with Ged Roddy in the flesh, I think people can fee the weak nature of the allegations, if they're being honest with themselves. Otherwise they'd have asked. And I'd challenge anyone who keeps this stuff up, don't keep on unless you're gonna ask at the next one. 

    Where has it been said that he has an influence on first team performances
    So are you saying that the recruitment and retention of players, promotion, retention and recruitment of coaching staff and the manager and style of play have no impact or influence on the first teams performance.  Or are you saying that Roddy doesn't do any of that? 
    I actually didn't say anything. I just asked you where it had been said. What was said?

    Also some questions re: the source of your points on the previous page unanswered. It would be good to know. I don't believe you are making things up, just would like to know the source and actual quote.
  • thenewbie said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Chunes said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Chunes said:
    Roddy has twice sat in front of the fans for forums and things. If people honestly feel these are credible allegations, has anyone put a single one of these to him?
    He has and he has confirmed his remit covers recruitment, coaching pathways and the "Charlton style" amongst other things.  I would say with any criticism of any of those it is valid to at least question to what degree Roddy is accountable or responsible.

    Of course its not ALL his fault, I don't think anyone is reasonably suggesting it is.  The fact is in his first year we have gone from 2nd to 18th.  Hardly a glorious success.  If he doesn't have any influence on the first teams performance why has it been said he does? 
    But nobody put any allegations to him, right? That he'd insisted on a formation to Adkins, that he'd meddled in first team affairs, that he'd caused Bowyer's demise, held up the transfer window, etc. Etc.

    When sat faced with Ged Roddy in the flesh, I think people can fee the weak nature of the allegations, if they're being honest with themselves. Otherwise they'd have asked. And I'd challenge anyone who keeps this stuff up, don't keep on unless you're gonna ask at the next one. 

    Where has it been said that he has an influence on first team performances? 
    So are you saying that the recruitment and retention of players, promotion, retention and recruitment of coaching staff and the manager and style of play have no impact or influence on the first teams performance.  Or are you saying that Roddy doesn't do any of that? 
    Bowyer left, Adkins came in, set a style of play and got good results - last season. The results/performances this season were poor, as per word from at least one senior player due to weak leadership. That manager was then removed, the same players (retained or recruited under Roddy) are now performing to a higher standard.

    In essence there's no actual proof Roddy is doing anything other than his actual job. Clearly something happened for the change between the teams performances end of last season and the beginning of this one but there's multiple possible causes. It could be one or more of several people within the new system that was imposed, it could just be a badly implemented system. 
    I have never said there is.  What I am saying is what ever he has been doing as had no positive effect on the first team as proved by our league position and arguably our worst ever 12 months of results.

    If the critism, valid or not, is about things in Roddy's remit its fair to at least ask the question.  It might be nothing to do with Roddy why it went wrong but that's also potentially a failing of his leadership and handle of his brief? 
  • Would love to see the club's job descriptions for each role......
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  • Thank you Grapevine for your concise post.
    No way was it verbose and you highlighted some salient points regarding our infrastructure off the pitch and how it needs to dovetail from 1st team player to 1st year scholars.
  • ct_addick said:
    Would love to see the club's job descriptions for each role......

    Said that same thing before and really don't see what harm it can do by offering a brief outline of roles
  • Phil said:
    Don’t underestimate the part Roddy played in Bowyer’s departure. Neither ignore the part he played in Adkins arrival as I suspect he wasn’t on Thomas’s (or anyone else’s) radar.
    He has remained silent throughout our slide down the league in which we saw some of the worst football any Charlton side has ever produced.
    Surely as director of football he has a view and a responsibility to say something?

    Communication between the club and it's supporters should encompass the bad as well as the good. And surely the 'director' of football should be contributing to this?
    Silence when times are bad will only generate meltdowns on this and other social media sites. Which benefits no one!
    Bad vibes won't generate additional supporters TS wants and needs to fill the terraces. 

    Roddy isn't Director of Football, that's Steve Gallen. Roddy is Technical Director.
  • So....he's pretty much gone now. 

    Only left acting as a consultant for Category One and no longer an employee or director.
  • No longer a full time employee at the Club - but just announced softly. 

    He had to hand the "Black box" back to HR on his way out.
  • just hoping he's made some tangible progress on the CAT 1 academy stuff and not just got a quote for a portacabin 
  • DOUCHER said:
    i don't agree with Grapevine's post at all - football fortunes can turn round very quickly - if bowyer hadn't had the rug (finances) pulled from under him when we got promoted to the championship, that side could have stayed together and been added to and we may well be pushing or even be in, the premiership by now - as i've said before, its a football club not a worldwide corporate business - good infrastructure obviously helps to sustain good results / a strong business but its 11 blokes, a football and a good manager as jacko is now proving - none of the stuff roddy is doing has any bearing on what we do this Saturday or the rest of the year  - bowyer got us promoted with bugger all infrastructure as the club had apparently been 'hollowed out' - Lennie Lawrence did the same at selhurst - its a simple game if you have good players and a good manager and don't over complicate things.  
    Just noticed your comments. There is no conflict at all in what you say. It is a subset of exactly the same position. I entirely agree it is about good players and a good manager. It is however also a matter of how you get to that point in the first place and then maintain it on a sustainable and stable basis.

    It is a matter of bottom up or top down management. I.e. do you empower the workforce (manager & players) or impose executive disciplines. The best answer normally is you do both.

    You focus on personal qualities and decisions I focus on business process and why those decisions were made. You can identify whether an individual fails I focus on why they failed.  Nobody at this level goes to work everyday to fail. If the process is wrong then it won’t matter who you employ.

    16 Managers in 15yrs can’t all be wankers.

    Your points on Lawrence and Bowyer are well made. Powell did the same. Your comment about the rug pulled from under the latter two is the issue. It defines why we have spent so long in League 1.

    There was no sustainable basis on which to build. Why are Millwall where they are? 

    At no point have I said TS has it right. I have said it is a perfectly logical strategy  to follow and he had every right to expect the CVs in the room to work it out. They didn’t and now Adkins and Geddy have paid the price. That’s business.

    Is TS blameless? No, everyone in the room had a part to play. Whatever the strength of a strategy ( Roddy is primarily a strategist) it is when and how it is implemented which will define its success.

    The club was not structurally strong enough (a matter of due diligence) and the unity of the entire management team was not strong enough to handle the changes, both start with TS. You can have what expectation you like. It happens with new businesses. 

    GR offered real value in strategic thinking but operationally was probably a Subject Matter Expect too far.

    We move to seemingly a more streamlined and defined process. As always the proof will be in the results. 
  • edited December 2021
    DOUCHER said:
    i don't agree with Grapevine's post at all - football fortunes can turn round very quickly - if bowyer hadn't had the rug (finances) pulled from under him when we got promoted to the championship, that side could have stayed together and been added to and we may well be pushing or even be in, the premiership by now - as i've said before, its a football club not a worldwide corporate business - good infrastructure obviously helps to sustain good results / a strong business but its 11 blokes, a football and a good manager as jacko is now proving - none of the stuff roddy is doing has any bearing on what we do this Saturday or the rest of the year  - bowyer got us promoted with bugger all infrastructure as the club had apparently been 'hollowed out' - Lennie Lawrence did the same at selhurst - its a simple game if you have good players and a good manager and don't over complicate things.  
    Just noticed your comments. There is no conflict at all in what you say. It is a subset of exactly the same position. I entirely agree it is about good players and a good manager. It is however also a matter of how you get to that point in the first place and then maintain it on a sustainable and stable basis.

    It is a matter of bottom up or top down management. I.e. do you empower the workforce (manager & players) or impose executive disciplines. The best answer normally is you do both.

    You focus on personal qualities and decisions I focus on business process and why those decisions were made. You can identify whether an individual fails I focus on why they failed.  Nobody at this level goes to work everyday to fail. If the process is wrong then it won’t matter who you employ.

    16 Managers in 15yrs can’t all be wankers.

    Your points on Lawrence and Bowyer are well made. Powell did the same. Your comment about the rug pulled from under the latter two is the issue. It defines why we have spent so long in League 1.

    There was no sustainable basis on which to build. Why are Millwall where they are? 

    At no point have I said TS has it right. I have said it is a perfectly logical strategy  to follow and he had every right to expect the CVs in the room to work it out. They didn’t and now Adkins and Geddy have paid the price. That’s business.

    Is TS blameless? No, everyone in the room had a part to play. Whatever the strength of a strategy ( Roddy is primarily a strategist) it is when and how it is implemented which will define its success.

    The club was not structurally strong enough (a matter of due diligence) and the unity of the entire management team was not strong enough to handle the changes, both start with TS. You can have what expectation you like. It happens with new businesses. 

    GR offered real value in strategic thinking but operationally was probably a Subject Matter Expect too far.

    We move to seemingly a more streamlined and defined process. As always the proof will be in the results. 
    Thanks Grapevine and yes, i agree that the infrastructure is needed to sustain things which is why i said exactly that in my post - my point is though that the set up at a football club is a lot simpler than you make it sound - a good manager, good recruitment, a good academy and a stable and interested owner prepared to fund things on a consistent basis so everybody can work to a plan. Thats it and that has always been it - the stable owner has been the bit missing for a number of years now - we now have it but we don't need to overcomplicate it and we don't need to be in the doldrums for another 5 years because of the last 15, because as i say, football fortunes can change very quickly.      
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