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    One other thing about the crash today.  A lot of the major exchanges appeared to crash when the price hit rock bottom. Now, I know that this is likely to be systems related (everyone trying to dip in at the low point) but does seem pretty dodgy in terms of market manipulation though..  Thoughts? 
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    edited February 2021
    I know it's none of my business, but I'm curious as to how much people on here have invested.
    I think I questioned this before and to me it was less than I've bet on Charlton this season.
    So whilst some people seem heavily invested, in reality is it a lot of talk over very little?

    Good luck to everyone if they are making substantial sums, as long as they know what they are doing and know they can "get out" immediately if there is a crash.

    Personally, I don't invest in anything I don't understand and definitely not anything where if I try to get my money back I can't.

    But as I say best of luck to all, but as a retired financial adviser it's not something I will be investing in.
    My thoughts are it was always going to happen as I said and as long as you are aware all's good.
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    I know it's none of my business, but I'm curious as to how much people on here have invested.
    I think I questioned this before and to me it was less than I've bet on Charlton this season.
    So whilst some people seem heavily invested, in reality is it a lot of talk over very little?

    Good luck to everyone if they are making substantial sums, as long as they know what they are doing and know they can "get out" immediately if there is a crash.

    Personally, I don't invest in anything I don't understand and definitely not anything where if I try to get my money back I can't.

    But as I say best of luck to all, but as a retired financial adviser it's not something I will be investing in.
    My thoughts are it was always going to happen as I said and as long as you are aware all's good.
    Completely agree. Correction must happen.  They just happen in hyper speed.  If your nimble and have the right buy / sell strategy, it is actually beneficial for it to occur at such a pace.
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    So my excitement continues. Having bought in at £41, 285 yesterday afternoon I'm now staring at £38, 109. As was advised, buy for the long game. I'd never have known watching investment could be as exciting as watching Charlton. 🤫
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    Coinbase is instant withdrawal to bank account, convert coin to cash, click withdraw in £ wallet and it goes straight in bank in about 30 seconds. Or are you guys talking about something else lol
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    edited February 2021
    CAFCsayer said:

    @kentaddick it could be worse... Above is Kraken on ADA and ETH
    I was scalping a short when it crashed. Was doing ok, was moving my stop when it happened. So had cancelled stop market order and then poof, couldn’t access my futures position at all. So if that had happened to me I’d have closed with a huge profit lol! 

    Had a terrible day today but taught me some lessons, which is why I trade very small amounts with leverage, hopefully one day I can stay disciplined enough to be able to sit stuff out sometimes. 
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    So my excitement continues. Having bought in at £41, 285 yesterday afternoon I'm now staring at £38, 109. As was advised, buy for the long game. I'd never have known watching investment could be as exciting as watching Charlton. 🤫
    Welcome to the fucking show. 

    This is a dip, if you think it’s a crash... wait for later in the year lol. 
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    So my excitement continues. Having bought in at £41, 285 yesterday afternoon I'm now staring at £38, 109. As was advised, buy for the long game. I'd never have known watching investment could be as exciting as watching Charlton. 🤫
    Today was way more exciting than watching Charlton the last few months. 
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    For those of you that have serious investment portfolios I hope you are all ok today. 
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    charltonJ said:
    Coinbase is instant withdrawal to bank account, convert coin to cash, click withdraw in £ wallet and it goes straight in bank in about 30 seconds. Or are you guys talking about something else lol
    Yes that's the one thanks. Give or take it's about £15 per £1000 buy or sell. No idea how that compares to other trading platforms, but it seems simple for simpletons. 

    My play is to follow other lifers advice and put in an amount that I can leave in for 4-5 years and see where it ends up. In my current bank account I'm getting 1% pa and no excitement whatsoever. 
  • Sponsored links:

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    50k ish Bitcoin 
    printed 58k over weekend I think
    not for the faint hearted 
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    50k ish Bitcoin 
    printed 58k over weekend I think
    not for the faint hearted 
    @kentaddick has been up all night shorting the market ;-)

    to be honest I just expect it now.  
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    For those of you that have serious investment portfolios I hope you are all ok today. 
    Ohhhh my sweet summer child.
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    In the last bull run 20-30% corrections were common. This is the first in this one. Zoom out and the chart still looks bullish. Although if we break down from here there’s quite a lot of room to fall again. 
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    Buy again or wait longer? Dilemma. 
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    Buy again or wait longer? Dilemma. 
    Buy when the markets on the way up 
    not too easy to catch a falling knife 
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    Expecting to see a tweet from Elon soon, dread to think how much is portfolio is dropping with the current correction  :D
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    cafcpolo said:
    Expecting to see a tweet from Elon soon, dread to think how much is portfolio is dropping with the current correction  :D
    He’ll tweet 
    “sold up and shorted at 55k” 🤢
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    cafcpolo said:
    Expecting to see a tweet from Elon soon, dread to think how much is portfolio is dropping with the current correction  :D
    He’ll tweet 
    “sold up and shorted at 55k” 🤢
    Most probably 
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    It's sad to see, but will bounce back I'm sure. Just got to hold. 
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    Zil falling like a stone, if we get to .6 im going to double up. 
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    shine166 said:
    Zil falling like a stone, if we get to .6 im going to double up. 
    Bounced back a little but wouldn't like to see it drop below 8c. Anything lower and I'm with you on a top up.
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    top up on the Graph if this carries on a bit longer, might on Ada, but it'll drag my average price up a lot 
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    Be interesting to see if the market dips lower when the U.S wake up 
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    48k bitcarnage 
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    We’re bound to lose tonight as well just to compound the misery 
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    I'm still in profit, just not as much..... though lost about 100% of value. Just got to stick with it. 
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    45.5k Bitcoin wibblingtons
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