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Didn't take long - Marseille ain't changed.



  • edited June 2016
    Apparently it was an accident and not violence related.

    Very very sad; my thoughts go out to the poor family.
  • ChiAddick said:

    Seeing some of the videos online i can't believe the lack of police presence.

    Really? Considering most, if not all of Europe's footballing bodies and fans hate England with a passion I am not surprised at all. I am sure the police feel the same.
  • Russia play early on Wednesday, plenty of time for them to travel down the road after their game for more fights with English (and probably) Wales fans
  • Russia play early on Wednesday, plenty of time for them to travel down the road after their game for more fights with English (and probably) Wales fans

    If the police can't control/protect a small town like Lens, then has only a handful of drinking outlets, then we may as well stop the whole tournament now.
  • edited June 2016

    Have the authorities actually banned alcohol in bars and fan zones or just called for a ban?

    My understanding yesterday was that they had banned it, but hearing the reports today sounds like they've just called for a ban. The message is unclear.

    I can't imagine their commercial partners are happy with a retrospective ban, regardless of the fact it's a stupid idea.

  • 6 brits, 1 austrian (not sure how he got caught up in it) and 3 frenchmen are being tried for football violence in Marseille.

    No Russians though!
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  • I was in Lille a few years ago with my Everton mates for their game out there. About 2/300 Everton had all congregated in bar there all singing all good natured. Then suddenly about 30 mopeds turn up with 2 people on each one, they start throwing bricks and bottles at the Everton fans and smashed up the bar, Everton retailiated by lobbing some bottles back, within a minute the mopeds were gone and the French old bill turned up and fired tear gas and started smashing the shit out of Everton fans.

    It was calculated and planned and there's no doubt in my mind the Old Bill were involved.
  • I think there needs to be a fundamental re think about these tournaments.

    Countries bid to get them full in the knowledge that having 1000's of fans turning up will fill the coffers of the towns shops, hotels, restaurants and bars and add kudos to the cities and country staging the event.

    Well in theory that's correct but we know the reality inevitably turns into the nightmare we are currently seeing. I wonder just how many of those bars and restaurants are now just wishing away the days until it's over. How many ordinary shops are empty because the locals cannot safely use the city centre for fear of violence. Is it really worth the fear and effort involved ?

    It's a real shame that there are 1000's of peaceful fans from all countries having what should be a wonderful few weeks in celebration of football ruined by a moronic few.

    Is it actually worth it in its current form ?

  • olster said:

    Have the authorities actually banned alcohol in bars and fan zones or just called for a ban?

    My understanding yesterday was that they had banned it, but hearing the reports today sounds like they've just called for a ban. The message is unclear.

    I can't imagine their commercial partners are happy with a retrospective ban, regardless of the fact it's a stupid idea.

    The beer was flowing in the fan park in Nice last night !
  • olster said:

    Have the authorities actually banned alcohol in bars and fan zones or just called for a ban?

    My understanding yesterday was that they had banned it, but hearing the reports today sounds like they've just called for a ban. The message is unclear.

    I can't imagine their commercial partners are happy with a retrospective ban, regardless of the fact it's a stupid idea.

    From what they were saying on R5L the Russians and Marseille 'ultras' were on the whole stone cold sober, can't see an alcohol ban stopping more trouble. If Russian hooligans come down to Lens (from Lille) they would probably use the train, surely the French OB will be at the station to round up (and ideally deport) such undesirables.
  • Russia play early on Wednesday, plenty of time for them to travel down the road after their game for more fights with English (and probably) Wales fans

    If the police can't control/protect a small town like Lens, then has only a handful of drinking outlets, then we may as well stop the whole tournament now.
    I think/hope that they will be better prepared.

    There are less access routes into the small town that is Lens and it should be easier to police.

    I'd be more concerned going to Lille.

    You could try St Omer it has a small square and a number of pubs not to far away it takes away the point of the trip to be in amongst the fans
  • Russia play early on Wednesday, plenty of time for them to travel down the road after their game for more fights with English (and probably) Wales fans

    English fans have been advised for weeks now by official channels that if they don't have tickets for the game in Lens they should travel to Lille to watch it in the Fan Zones there.
  • My games are in Paris and Lyon. Surely I will be able to find a pint there.

    Just ban Russia, racist cowardly nut jobs.
  • Thanks for the best wishes, people. It seems @AFKABartram, the English policing rep, the Guardian and various other reports including Provence local paper I saw yesterday have all worked out that the worst trouble was caused by 200-300 Russian ultras. Why haven't they been kettled and arrested? After the initial trouble we saw, as we made our way to stadium, we came across a dozen or so of them hanging around on a corner, just brazenly gathered and very obvious by the hankies cum mask round their necks. No police in sight. Just their presence was causing panic among fans who spotted them. It was the complete absence of control and management by the authorities that was most scary -and the terrorism watch is no excuse as that should surely mean extra vigilance not less?
  • RedPanda said:

    Italy's biggest sports paper have more so blamed Russia. They've listed other recent problems too.

    Edit: Very good piece from the Irish Times:

    Excellent balance article in the Irish Times.
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  • DOUCHER said:

    I think the banning orders on our hooligans should be lifted, a meet arranged in a field somewhere in northern France where all are welcome - no police, no stewards, no ambulances - just let the Russians,Welsh,French, English and whoever else,get I with it- meanwhile, the alcohol bans inter towns can b lifted and those who just want to enjoy themselves in a normal way,can- simple

    The French wouldn't turn up :wink:


    England manager Roy Hodgson and captain Wayne Rooney have appealed directly to fans to "behave themselves" after repeated violence marred the start of Euro 2016.

    French prosecutors said 150 Russians were behind the most serious clashes before Saturday's 1-1 draw between the two countries in Marseille.

    But both teams now face expulsion from Uefa if there is any further violence.

    "We are very concerned at the threat now hanging over us," said Hodgson.

    "We have worked very hard to get here and desperately want to stay."

    More to follow.
  • LuckyReds said:

    Salad said:
    The top read article on The BBC.

    Whilst the second, is regarding the Dutch woman who had her drink spiked and was raped in Qatar - finding herself subsequently trialled for Adultery. She's now been found guilty, fined £580 and being deported back to The Netherlands.

    The future choices for the World Cup venues make me sick, I feel so disillusioned with the sport right now. Internationally we've had bribery and corruption leading to two of the world's worst possible countries hosting the biggest competitions, and nationally we have our smaller clubs being destroyed via poor ownership (Blackpool, Leeds, Charlton) and their futures eroded via plans like those surrounding the JPT.

    A depressing time for the sport; from FIFA right down to individual club CEOs.
    The French couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery. Shocking lack of intelligence in planning.
    The England team won't be chucked out, not in this tournament anyway. When it's finished, EUFA just might come up with new measures for future bans. But this tournament is too early for that.
  • I don't think them coming into Lens will be an issue as such. The potential issues will arise from the fact that loads of England (with and without tickets) will base themselves in Lille for the days surrounding our game as Lens has little to offer in comparison.
  • Thanks for the best wishes, people. It seems @AFKABartram, the English policing rep, the Guardian and various other reports including Provence local paper I saw yesterday have all worked out that the worst trouble was caused by 200-300 Russian ultras. Why haven't they been kettled and arrested? After the initial trouble we saw, as we made our way to stadium, we came across a dozen or so of them hanging around on a corner, just brazenly gathered and very obvious by the hankies cum mask round their necks. No police in sight. Just their presence was causing panic among fans who spotted them. It was the complete absence of control and management by the authorities that was most scary -and the terrorism watch is no excuse as that should surely mean extra vigilance not less?

    Did you like Cassis?
  • LuckyReds said:

    Salad said:
    The top read article on The BBC.

    Whilst the second, is regarding the Dutch woman who had her drink spiked and was raped in Qatar - finding herself subsequently trialled for Adultery. She's now been found guilty, fined £580 and being deported back to The Netherlands.

    The future choices for the World Cup venues make me sick, I feel so disillusioned with the sport right now. Internationally we've had bribery and corruption leading to two of the world's worst possible countries hosting the biggest competitions, and nationally we have our smaller clubs being destroyed via poor ownership (Blackpool, Leeds, Charlton) and their futures eroded via plans like those surrounding the JPT.

    A depressing time for the sport; from FIFA right down to individual club CEOs.
    The French couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery. Shocking lack of intelligence in planning.
    The England team won't be chucked out, not in this tournament anyway. When it's finished, EUFA just might come up with new measures for future bans. But this tournament is too early for that.
    Dangerously out of your comfort zone aren't you ? You'll be talking about Charlton next.

    Have you had your 17th birthday yet? Get back to your homework like a good little boy LOL

  • Still in Marseille but not sure if the trouble involving NI the other night made much news?

    There seems to be the usual impression that only England are involved in issues when we all know that's not true.
  • Don't think 2018 will be that bad. Ukraine 2012 was fine despite the warnings and what occurred in the qualifier there and a lot of Ukrainians consider themselves Russian!
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