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Didn't take long - Marseille ain't changed.



  • LuckyReds said:

    DOUCHER said:

    LuckyReds said:

    DOUCHER said:

    LuckyReds said:

    DOUCHER said:

    DOUCHER said:

    Singing Isis where r u and then bleating when attacked - would never bother with an England tournament - if I did I would b nowhere near the knob heads coz this is what happens

    Hang on...singing a song about ISIS deserves an attack?

    Are you saying people out there are pro-ISIS and defending the ISIS name by attacking England fans?
    haven't got a clue but should think there are loads of muslims / ISIS supporters out there - close to north africa - why sing it if you don't want them to show up - were they inviting them to join them for drinks? maybe an aperitif before dinner? Typical millwall - they were asking for trouble and got it from what I can see - may not have been Queensbury rules but not interested in any of the complaints - full of muppets like your lot in that video of the Barnsley game being 'held back' by 3 stewards - can't just go, have a laugh and a sing song and enjoy things - have to group up and then start provoking - we all know it.

    I'm not sure what's worse, the fact you seem to think 450+ miles of sea is "close" or the fact you seem to think it's acceptable to band "muslims / ISIS supporters" in to the same category.

    We've established they were singing "ISIS - Where are you?" and then got picked upon by a group of local youths, who were beginning to mass nearby.. most likely not due to their chants, but due to the fact they're England fans and England fans historically do have a reputation for liking a bit of a ruck.

    If you think that they were attacked as they were singing a song about not being intimidated by ISIS, and the locals are "loads of muslims / ISIS supporters" then you need to take a long look at yourself. I would also suggest that that version of events would be even more dispicable than what actually occurred.
    Wow my arse - so there is no link betweenmuslims and Isis? I'm not saying all Muslims r Isis am I and yes, it's a known fact that marseille is heavily populated with Muslims - why do u think they are singing it?
    Im drunk and still think you're an idiot. Look up the word "Heuristic", then look up how to use a slash, and finally re-read your post.

    There is a link between ISIS and Muslims. It's in the "I", Sherlock.

    There's also a weird link between priests and child abuse, do all Christians deserve to be lumped in with child abusers? Would "Christians / Child Abusers" be OK with you?

    What about Indian shopkeepers? "Indians / Shopkeepers" sounds a bit dumb too doesn't it? There's a few Indian shopkeepers but all Indians are not shopkeepers, and it would be wrong to count them as the same.

    Hell, you're in a thread about football violence and you're casting aspersions about English fans being violent. By your logic with Muslims you're actually a football hooligan, I presume you're English? In which case you're "English / Football Hooligan".

    Give it up and stop spreading bile.
    probably the most civil thing i can say to you, my low intelligence little friend, is that you are a complete prat - a clueless mug and you really should pull your head out of your arse. end of discussion.
    Eloquently put, nice one mate! I shall continue to aspire to your level of highly-articulated, intelligent and witty debate.. :)
    LuckyReds said:

    DOUCHER said:

    LuckyReds said:

    DOUCHER said:

    LuckyReds said:

    DOUCHER said:

    DOUCHER said:

    Singing Isis where r u and then bleating when attacked - would never bother with an England tournament - if I did I would b nowhere near the knob heads coz this is what happens

    Hang on...singing a song about ISIS deserves an attack?

    Are you saying people out there are pro-ISIS and defending the ISIS name by attacking England fans?
    haven't got a clue but should think there are loads of muslims / ISIS supporters out there - close to north africa - why sing it if you don't want them to show up - were they inviting them to join them for drinks? maybe an aperitif before dinner? Typical millwall - they were asking for trouble and got it from what I can see - may not have been Queensbury rules but not interested in any of the complaints - full of muppets like your lot in that video of the Barnsley game being 'held back' by 3 stewards - can't just go, have a laugh and a sing song and enjoy things - have to group up and then start provoking - we all know it.

    I'm not sure what's worse, the fact you seem to think 450+ miles of sea is "close" or the fact you seem to think it's acceptable to band "muslims / ISIS supporters" in to the same category.

    We've established they were singing "ISIS - Where are you?" and then got picked upon by a group of local youths, who were beginning to mass nearby.. most likely not due to their chants, but due to the fact they're England fans and England fans historically do have a reputation for liking a bit of a ruck.

    If you think that they were attacked as they were singing a song about not being intimidated by ISIS, and the locals are "loads of muslims / ISIS supporters" then you need to take a long look at yourself. I would also suggest that that version of events would be even more dispicable than what actually occurred.
    Wow my arse - so there is no link betweenmuslims and Isis? I'm not saying all Muslims r Isis am I and yes, it's a known fact that marseille is heavily populated with Muslims - why do u think they are singing it?
    Im drunk and still think you're an idiot. Look up the word "Heuristic", then look up how to use a slash, and finally re-read your post.

    There is a link between ISIS and Muslims. It's in the "I", Sherlock.

    There's also a weird link between priests and child abuse, do all Christians deserve to be lumped in with child abusers? Would "Christians / Child Abusers" be OK with you?

    What about Indian shopkeepers? "Indians / Shopkeepers" sounds a bit dumb too doesn't it? There's a few Indian shopkeepers but all Indians are not shopkeepers, and it would be wrong to count them as the same.

    Hell, you're in a thread about football violence and you're casting aspersions about English fans being violent. By your logic with Muslims you're actually a football hooligan, I presume you're English? In which case you're "English / Football Hooligan".

    Give it up and stop spreading bile.
    probably the most civil thing i can say to you, my low intelligence little friend, is that you are a complete prat - a clueless mug and you really should pull your head out of your arse. end of discussion.
    Eloquently put, nice one mate! I shall continue to aspire to your level of highly-articulated, intelligent and witty debate.. :)
    it would be a good start
  • edited June 2016
    DOUCHER said:

    LuckyReds said:

    DOUCHER said:

    LuckyReds said:

    DOUCHER said:

    LuckyReds said:

    DOUCHER said:

    DOUCHER said:

    Singing Isis where r u and then bleating when attacked - would never bother with an England tournament - if I did I would b nowhere near the knob heads coz this is what happens

    Hang on...singing a song about ISIS deserves an attack?

    Are you saying people out there are pro-ISIS and defending the ISIS name by attacking England fans?
    haven't got a clue but should think there are loads of muslims / ISIS supporters out there - close to north africa - why sing it if you don't want them to show up - were they inviting them to join them for drinks? maybe an aperitif before dinner? Typical millwall - they were asking for trouble and got it from what I can see - may not have been Queensbury rules but not interested in any of the complaints - full of muppets like your lot in that video of the Barnsley game being 'held back' by 3 stewards - can't just go, have a laugh and a sing song and enjoy things - have to group up and then start provoking - we all know it.

    I'm not sure what's worse, the fact you seem to think 450+ miles of sea is "close" or the fact you seem to think it's acceptable to band "muslims / ISIS supporters" in to the same category.

    We've established they were singing "ISIS - Where are you?" and then got picked upon by a group of local youths, who were beginning to mass nearby.. most likely not due to their chants, but due to the fact they're England fans and England fans historically do have a reputation for liking a bit of a ruck.

    If you think that they were attacked as they were singing a song about not being intimidated by ISIS, and the locals are "loads of muslims / ISIS supporters" then you need to take a long look at yourself. I would also suggest that that version of events would be even more dispicable than what actually occurred.
    Wow my arse - so there is no link betweenmuslims and Isis? I'm not saying all Muslims r Isis am I and yes, it's a known fact that marseille is heavily populated with Muslims - why do u think they are singing it?
    Im drunk and still think you're an idiot. Look up the word "Heuristic", then look up how to use a slash, and finally re-read your post.

    There is a link between ISIS and Muslims. It's in the "I", Sherlock.

    There's also a weird link between priests and child abuse, do all Christians deserve to be lumped in with child abusers? Would "Christians / Child Abusers" be OK with you?

    What about Indian shopkeepers? "Indians / Shopkeepers" sounds a bit dumb too doesn't it? There's a few Indian shopkeepers but all Indians are not shopkeepers, and it would be wrong to count them as the same.

    Hell, you're in a thread about football violence and you're casting aspersions about English fans being violent. By your logic with Muslims you're actually a football hooligan, I presume you're English? In which case you're "English / Football Hooligan".

    Give it up and stop spreading bile.
    probably the most civil thing i can say to you, my low intelligence little friend, is that you are a complete prat - a clueless mug and you really should pull your head out of your arse. end of discussion.
    Eloquently put, nice one mate! I shall continue to aspire to your level of highly-articulated, intelligent and witty debate.. :)
    it would be a good start
    So much for "end of discussion", eh?

    I'm not quite sure what made you become quite so aggressive from a post that concluded with "Give it up and stop spreading bile", but considering you clearly needed a lesson on what a heuristic is - as well as how to use a slash - I'd really add "Calling other people 'low intelligence'" to the list of things you should give up.

    The fact remains that I called you out, quite correctly, on your pretty poor usage of "Muslims / ISIS Supporters" as though they are one and the same; a very dangerous and offensive insinuation. That you feel the correct response to such an observation is to not only call me your "my low intelligence little friend", but a "complete prat" and "clueless mug" to boot, really is a worthy reason to take a look in the mirror.

    For what it's worth, I'm fairly certain that not only am I not the one with my head in my arse - but I'm not the "low intelligent" one if the "most civil thing" you can say to me is just a peculiar string of playground insults.
  • not a discussion - i was congratulating you on your new direction - if you can't understand what i am saying, the discussion is over you fool
  • edited June 2016
    DOUCHER said:

    not a discussion - i was congratulating you on your new direction - if you can't understand what i am saying, the discussion is over you fool


    Sleep well mate, some of the grown-ups have work tomorrow.
  • nice video, thanks - that's shut me right up
  • i think we should settle it over an english exam - pick a past paper and we can go at it
  • edited June 2016
    DOUCHER said:

    i think we should settle it over an english exam - pick a past paper and we can go at it

    Well I'd be a fucking shoo-in for that one, so I'm game.

    In all seriousness though, your response just seemed completely and utterly strange.
  • LuckyReds said:

    DOUCHER said:

    i think we should settle it over an english exam - pick a past paper and we can go at it

    Well I'd be a fucking shoo-in for that one, so I'm game.
    LuckyReds said:

    DOUCHER said:

    i think we should settle it over an english exam - pick a past paper and we can go at it

    Well I'd be a fucking shoo-in for that one, so I'm game.
    righto - go on turn off and get your sleep - you need it
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  • edited June 2016
    The planning for the locations of games has made it even worse I'd say, you'd think that when UEFA put England in Lens on Thursday and Russia in Lille on Wednesday, then advised English fans to go to Lille if they haven't got a ticket, that it'd cause bother. They're either as ignorant as they make out to be, or couldn't care less. I think it could be either.
  • Kevin Miles from the Football Supporters Federation putting his point across very well on BBC Breakfast at the moment.
  • UEFA warn Russian AND ENGLAND they will be removed from the competition should anymore violence occur.

    Clueless wankers.

    20k Wales fans will look like a soft target methinks. Hope I'm wrong.

    Wales are capable of a bit of casual violence and all, be rest assured of that.
    Not sure how you can assess that given the absence of Welsh participation in any tournament for 58 years ?

    I'm sure there will be a few nutters in any group of 20k but there is nothing to suggest including the match v Slovakia that the Welsh will cause trouble.

    Edit : we know the Russians will
    By the fact that the followers of their domestic clubs, Cardiff, Swansea, Wrexham and add to them Newport are generally mental.
    This. Know a few of the old Cardiff lot and they said they was always at it at various qualifiers around Europe over the years. And when they didn't have any opposition to fight Cardiff and Swansea would quite often turn on each other as well as Wrexham, who used to take loads to Wales away games. Met a Wrexham lad on holiday who backed this up. Can see a repeat of the trouble we had when Wales play Russia.

    And next Thursday.
    Think next Thursday will be fine. Lens has no bars so fans will go to the stadium and now the fan zone is pretty much pointless if you can't have a drink.
    Priceless! Obviously unable to have a good time unless sipped a Stella a 2.
  • Bh

    We've just left the port area in Marseille for a hairy walk back to our hotel. And yet again I'm pretty sure it was about to go pear shaped down there. Big group of English drunk and singing but good natured. As the night went on more and more locals were mobbing up and you could feel where it was going.

    I actually feel sorry for some of the English boys down there as despite the fact they were acting like drunken fools, they don't deserve the attack that is probably coming thier way.

    And to the lad earlier who suggested Wales don't/won't cause problems.......Pmsl you must live in cloud cookoo land mate.

    The ignorance of some people on these topics os incredible.

    We're the boisterous young lads inviting Isis for a nightcap this time?
  • UEFA warn Russian AND ENGLAND they will be removed from the competition should anymore violence occur.

    Clueless wankers.

    20k Wales fans will look like a soft target methinks. Hope I'm wrong.

    Wales are capable of a bit of casual violence and all, be rest assured of that.
    Not sure how you can assess that given the absence of Welsh participation in any tournament for 58 years ?

    I'm sure there will be a few nutters in any group of 20k but there is nothing to suggest including the match v Slovakia that the Welsh will cause trouble.

    Edit : we know the Russians will
    By the fact that the followers of their domestic clubs, Cardiff, Swansea, Wrexham and add to them Newport are generally mental.
    This. Know a few of the old Cardiff lot and they said they was always at it at various qualifiers around Europe over the years. And when they didn't have any opposition to fight Cardiff and Swansea would quite often turn on each other as well as Wrexham, who used to take loads to Wales away games. Met a Wrexham lad on holiday who backed this up. Can see a repeat of the trouble we had when Wales play Russia.

    And next Thursday.
    Think next Thursday will be fine. Lens has no bars so fans will go to the stadium and now the fan zone is pretty much pointless if you can't have a drink.
    I was meant to be driving up there Wednesday morning, but because of this plus the Mrs saying I ain't allowed to go, it's all on the back burner.......for now. Lille, up the road is full of bars
    Go to Arras nice town, plenty of bars and hopefully no Russians.
  • Seeing some of the videos online i can't believe the lack of police presence.
  • UEFA warn Russian AND ENGLAND they will be removed from the competition should anymore violence occur.

    Clueless wankers.

    20k Wales fans will look like a soft target methinks. Hope I'm wrong.

    Wales are capable of a bit of casual violence and all, be rest assured of that.
    Not sure how you can assess that given the absence of Welsh participation in any tournament for 58 years ?

    I'm sure there will be a few nutters in any group of 20k but there is nothing to suggest including the match v Slovakia that the Welsh will cause trouble.

    Edit : we know the Russians will
    By the fact that the followers of their domestic clubs, Cardiff, Swansea, Wrexham and add to them Newport are generally mental.
    This. Know a few of the old Cardiff lot and they said they was always at it at various qualifiers around Europe over the years. And when they didn't have any opposition to fight Cardiff and Swansea would quite often turn on each other as well as Wrexham, who used to take loads to Wales away games. Met a Wrexham lad on holiday who backed this up. Can see a repeat of the trouble we had when Wales play Russia.

    And next Thursday.
    Think next Thursday will be fine. Lens has no bars so fans will go to the stadium and now the fan zone is pretty much pointless if you can't have a drink.
    I was meant to be driving up there Wednesday morning, but because of this plus the Mrs saying I ain't allowed to go, it's all on the back burner.......for now. Lille, up the road is full of bars
    Go to Arras nice town, plenty of bars and hopefully no Russians.
    No Russians? Defeats the objective that tbh
  • Sponsored links:

  • UEFA warn Russian AND ENGLAND they will be removed from the competition should anymore violence occur.

    Clueless wankers.

    20k Wales fans will look like a soft target methinks. Hope I'm wrong.

    Wales are capable of a bit of casual violence and all, be rest assured of that.
    Not sure how you can assess that given the absence of Welsh participation in any tournament for 58 years ?

    I'm sure there will be a few nutters in any group of 20k but there is nothing to suggest including the match v Slovakia that the Welsh will cause trouble.

    Edit : we know the Russians will
    By the fact that the followers of their domestic clubs, Cardiff, Swansea, Wrexham and add to them Newport are generally mental.
    This. Know a few of the old Cardiff lot and they said they was always at it at various qualifiers around Europe over the years. And when they didn't have any opposition to fight Cardiff and Swansea would quite often turn on each other as well as Wrexham, who used to take loads to Wales away games. Met a Wrexham lad on holiday who backed this up. Can see a repeat of the trouble we had when Wales play Russia.

    And next Thursday.
    Think next Thursday will be fine. Lens has no bars so fans will go to the stadium and now the fan zone is pretty much pointless if you can't have a drink.
    Priceless! Obviously unable to have a good time unless sipped a Stella a 2.
    To be fair it probably feels like the day before you go away you find out that your hotel has shut every bar except the one all the way up in the main reception because a couple of groups already staying there have been playing up in the pool after drinking at the bar down there:
  • Whilst watching the horribly distressing scenes from Marseille unfold, there seems to have been one point in all of this that the media has missed out on.

    The Russians have not bought/bribed/won the next Football World cup, in an effort to give their frankly awful football team the chance to win on home soil.

    They have bought that tournament to showcase the best of Russia to the world, with the specific intent on attracting both the short and long term tourist dollar.

    Now call me Mr Picky, but I am fairly certain that the thought of being bottled and garrotted by a bunch of Neo Nazi thugs, would be enough to turn most potential tourists away from the Ural's.

    Given the reputation of the Russian police, I can see the 2018 tournament, being very much seen as best given a miss, especially by the western eurpoean nations, with whom lies the bulk of the potential incoming fans.

    The one thing that we do know about Vladmir Putin, is that he does not enjoy being embarassed on the world stage, something that thousands of empty seats and hotel room's would surely do.

    The next move from the Russian FA, will be an interesting one, as will the reception back home given to the 150 or so hooligans, who seemed purely focussed on attacking the English.

    Either way, you can be sure that the hand of Putin will be behind both responses.

    I think someone should call on fans to boycott the Russian World Cup. FIFA and UEFA have a huge amount to answer for in their negligence and corruption, let alone what we've just seen in Marseille.

    Totally agree but I expect money will talk.
    Hope you and your travelling companions kept safe, Weegie Addick, as your post the other night sounded nerve wracking. Having read the comments by the English Assistant Chief Constable in the Guardian, who is there with our police, hopefully they can record the Russian thugs as well as their brief of keeping an eye on the English fans.
  • I think the banning orders on our hooligans should be lifted, a meet arranged in a field somewhere in northern France where all are welcome - no police, no stewards, no ambulances - just let the Russians,Welsh,French, English and whoever else,get I with it- meanwhile, the alcohol bans inter towns can b lifted and those who just want to enjoy themselves in a normal way,can- simple
  • Have the authorities actually banned alcohol in bars and fan zones or just called for a ban?
  • A Northern Ireland fan has died in Nice.
  • Confirmed that one N. Ireland fan has died in Nice. Circumstances unknown as yet.

  • Nicky Campbell taking to English fans last night who said if it wasn't for the hardcore England fans the Russian ultras would have caused more problems.
  • Not trouble related I believe.

    RIP to the poor young lad though and thoughts with his family.
  • Been reported that an Northern Ireland fan as died in Nice.
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