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Didn't take long - Marseille ain't changed.



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    Millwallfan called it right a few pages back, we are sitting ducks out there because of banning orders, have always said, you need a element to back up normal fans otherwise they will get the shit, fuckin disgusted by this tonite , stay safe Organiser and all other English out there

    Ah, the NRA defence.
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    Only going to get worse, much much worse. Turkey v Croatia in Paris tomorrow, Ukraine v Poland in Marseille next week. If the French police don't get their act together it'll be a bloodbath.
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    So someone was able to sneak in fireworks, or bangers or whatever....sends a great message after the atrocity months ago at the Stade de France. Absolute morons.

    Loads of stories before the tournament about how France as the host nation need a good footballing team performance and need a great visiting experience for others, now look.

    Awful scenes and I really do hope anyone out there is alright.
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    Kicked off in Nice as well,with the locals, attacking Northern Ireland & Polish fans, police slow to stop trouble again, this seems to be the common theme.
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    Millwallfan called it right a few pages back, we are sitting ducks out there because of banning orders, have always said, you need a element to back up normal fans otherwise they will get the shit, fuckin disgusted by this tonite , stay safe Organiser and all other English out there

    Ah, the NRA defence.
    It's not right, but that doesn't mean it ain't correct.
    If it wasn't for our 'element' our normal fans would've been in serious trouble in Budapest in 2004
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    The BBC giving much more balanced views this morning and the Russian FA saying they expect to be fined. Sally Nugent reporting that even Paris has an edge to it and despite having all the relevant passes they were kept out of certain areas.

    It looked like there were more police at The Valley for the Burnley game than were in the stadium last night.
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    It had half crossed my mind to go to 2018 World Cup -having been at Italia90, France 98 and Germany 2006. Not anymore. The Russians still seem to be living in a time warp from 30-40 years ago.
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    edited June 2016
    Russians were simply running a mock and clearing everything in their path through the day it seems. Video below a fair example. The policing has been absolutely shocking, from what I've seen its been largely two or three groups of 50-100 Russians that must have got into about 20+ confrontations through the day. Crazy how they were allowed to roam so free.

    They've got some energy about them I'll give them that. Overdosed on steriods, red bull and protein bars
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    The Russians do training camps and martial arts etc.

    I'll post up some videos from my spanner chum later. Scary stuff.
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    French police a complete joke just like their army and just about everything else from France, apart from their wine of course
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    Bloody train is cancelled too now = potential missed flight! Transfer the rest of the tournament over to old blighty, we'd show 'em how its done
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    How the hell did they get stun grenades and flare guns in the ground?

    Stay safe out there. Can only see it getting worse as the tournament continues.
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    TelMc32 said:

    red_murph said:

    The BBC giving much more balanced views this morning and the Russian FA saying they expect to be fined. Sally Nugent reporting that even Paris has an edge to it and despite having all the relevant passes they were kept out of certain areas.

    It looked like there were more police at The Valley for the Burnley game than were in the stadium last night.

    Carried on in Andrew Marr show with Baronness Kennedy picking the press up on the headlines about English fans, pointing out that it is the Russians taking this to another level & their press boasting about how they came out on top. Unbelievable that they have the next World Cup!

    Marr asking how, with so much supposed security, they manage to get flares into the stadium.
    The security was just pat downs, I didn't see any dogs for pyrotechnics. Not surprising at all ,now that I think about it, that they got them in. If security continues like that I can see a few more flares etc being set off. Clearly had no control over the Russian fans. Police presence, as said above, was mostly stood around their cars in full riot gear having a chat.

    We saw about 6 police when leaving the stadium until we got away and onto the main roads - definitely more police presence felt at a standard league game down the valley than at the velodrome. If this is heightened security checks, I'd hate to see what they are like normally.
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    Feel so bad for those innocent fans caught up in the trouble last night.

    Goodness know what will happen at the next World Cup which is in Russia...

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    edited June 2016
    red_murph said:

    The BBC giving much more balanced views this morning and the Russian FA saying they expect to be fined. Sally Nugent reporting that even Paris has an edge to it and despite having all the relevant passes they were kept out of certain areas.

    It looked like there were more police at The Valley for the Burnley game than were in the stadium last night.

    Apparently the police let the stadium security look after any trouble with fans inside.
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    1StevieG said:

    red_murph said:

    The BBC giving much more balanced views this morning and the Russian FA saying they expect to be fined. Sally Nugent reporting that even Paris has an edge to it and despite having all the relevant passes they were kept out of certain areas.

    It looked like there were more police at The Valley for the Burnley game than were in the stadium last night.

    Apparently the police let the stadium security look after any trouble with fans inside.
    That does not bode well for the rest of the tournament.

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    French police showing themselves to be inept, Russians showing themselves to be scum

    As for the idea that banned English fans should be let in... yeah, that will make things better, more wankers.

    What a time to be alive!
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    What a load of ballcocks from MillwallFan and NSS. Yeah why not turn it into major running battles so even more innocent fans get caught up?

    I am still v angry with the French authorities. We saw no ordinary police at all yesterday apart from four by the little harbour in Cassis where we are staying which I doubt was football - related. There were none stationed by the bars, by metro stations, along the approaches to the ground and seemingly none in the stadium either. Yet there were van and van and van loads of riot police - mostly sitting inside the vans or zooming around with sirens on and belatedly firing tear gas. That's what was most scary.

    How are you finding Cassis?....we camped there last year.
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    Only going to get worse, much much worse. Turkey v Croatia in Paris tomorrow, Ukraine v Poland in Marseille next week. If the French police don't get their act together it'll be a bloodbath.

    A bloodbath is when dozens of innocent ordinary people die slowly in agony from machine gun wounds or a bomb.

    I think the French police are more worried about this happening again than they are about a few tossers from pitifully deluded countries like Russia and England brawling in the streets.

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    Meant to be going Lille on Thursday but knowing the Russians are there the night before I'm seriously considering not bothering.
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    I would be interested to know what the French media have to say about how their police and security are approaching the task. I take @STEVEREEVE 's point above, but letting those Russian scum bring in detonators ought not to calm the fears of the average French citizen.
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    Godstone said:

    I shall be holidaying in Devon instead - cream teas and no Russian Ultras.

    Much more Charlton.

    Some cracking locomotives down here too, come to Totnes and jump on the steam train
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    Unfortunately the plod, and for that matter the French in general couldn't care less if the Brits get a bit of a kick in.
    Looks to me as though it's being actively encouraged.
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