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Season Ticket Renewal



  • How about before the Burnley game CARD releases a number of helium filled balloons outside the ground, one for each season ticket that has pledged not to renew while the regime are in place? Assuming that this would be a four figure number it could look incredible, make for some newsworthy photos, and as they drift into the sky you'd be able to see them from not only inside the ground but from the surrounding areas?

    We have the whole summer to train CARD pigeons to crap on selected targets within the ground (ie Daisy). They could be dyed black and white (non harmful food dye) and would be hard to catch let alone prosecute.
  • Still haven't received my renewal form - probably got lost in the post or they don't want my custom any more!

    Have a look out the window,it might be out there @ME14addick ;)
  • Still haven't received my renewal form - probably got lost in the post or they don't want my custom any more!

    Have a look out the window,it might be out there @ME14addick ;)
    I can't the blinds are down!
    I see what you did there...... Good, very good. ;)
  • I recieved my renewal form / brochure in the post - which is worrying seeing as I don't actually have a ST to renew - and I asked to be removed from the database.

    Good to see a football club running so smoothly.

    Some poor bastard in Green Lane in New Eltham has probably got mine. I have never lived at his address by my Cons number was assigned to him last summer - he also must have had my season ticket sent there as I had to have a replacement sent. He is obviously no fool though, because he's never bothered to turn up with my ticket :)
  • Just read all 14 pages and if someone wants to call me a scab, I'll be in the Lib for the Birmingham game, the most un called for comment I have read, I respect everybody's opinion not to renew, but I will continue to enjoy my friends company as I have done for the last 30 years.

    Mate as I said in an earlier post I'm holding fast on renewing I will probably renew for James but I'm waiting to see wot evolves in the next few weeks , for me football in general is becoming a joke the people's game is so commercial it is dying and for me the fun has gone it's all about a £note buisness people who don't know wot the game is about .
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  • I know mate but the love the craic with you lot and I would really miss that, and I ain't letting no Belgium prick take that away from me and Joe.
  • I know mate but the love the craic with you lot and I would really miss that, and I ain't letting no Belgium prick take that away from me and Joe.

    Says it all really, f*** 'em!
  • I know mate but the love the craic with you lot and I would really miss that, and I ain't letting no Belgium prick take that away from me and Joe.

    Just spend all afternoon in the Lib and not bother with going to the game?
  • Received ours yesterday - returning unopened marked 'return to sender' with arrow pointing to "If undelivered please return to...........' and have added ATTENTION: KATRIENE MEIRE.
  • cabbles said:

    Just read all 14 pages and if someone wants to call me a scab, I'll be in the Lib for the Birmingham game, the most un called for comment I have read, I respect everybody's opinion not to renew, but I will continue to enjoy my friends company as I have done for the last 30 years.

    Nothing wrong with your stance, nothing wrong with those that are so adamant they're not gonna renew. As I mentioned on another thread a while back, this is all I've known since I was 7/8 years old. Yes I'm disgusted at the way this club is being ran, and I actually admire everyone that has the balls to walk away. I can't.

    The hardest part this season has been the fact that I haven't been able to go wild and celebrate a goal since the winner against Hull at home. I really go for it when we score, really let go. But I can honestly say that the winner against Hull was the last time I felt that feeling takeover me. Not because we were top of the league (or thereabouts) or because we were winning, but because up until that point I still had belief in the regime. I thought they'd ironed out all issues and problems since they'd taken over and I saw a plan. It transpired that wasn't the case, but the reason I mention this is because I genuinely believe Charlton fans are reasonable people. I don't believe that any of what's happened since October is something any of us having been waiting to do, I believe we've been forced into this.

    I still won't give up my season ticket because my bond with this club is as much about my relationship with my dad and going with him to every game in as much as it is about success on the pitch. I'm not an idiot, I know it won't work under the present owners, I know it's untenable, but I will still renew. I understand all the arguments for not renewing and actually I admire the fact you can just walk away, I can't.

    I am as anti regime as they can, but if the fact I'm renewing makes that a massive contradiction I accept that, but I'll always be there.

    Perhaps I should show more balls and follow those that have supported the club a lot longer than me but still made that hard decision not to renew, but I can't
    You're just "weird" mate. Still, I'll forgive you if the film comes off.
  • The issue is not simple. My post is likely to be controversial.

    I certainly don't think it is wholly about not giving Roland money, or hitting him in his pocket because it seems increasingly clear that the money is not the lever here.

    What leverage we seem to have got has come from the regime being antagonised by various aspects of protest.

    The resigngate thing, the revelation of Katrien in a laundry basket, the protests which lead to blinds being drawn, and fans being bullied either in lounges or executive boxes, banners in Belgium or at the Valley, sponsors being influenced, match disruption, mock funerals and so on.
    It looks to me that these events have more traction and impact than ones related to fans financing things. I may of course be wrong. Maybe unless they sell 5000 season tickets by the end of June they will go, but looking at how readily they waste and lose money I am not so sure.

    Relentlessly and constantly protesting does seem to have some impact. Lots of email replies recently have the club saying they want to repair relationship with the fans, but they won't, they can't, they don't know how, and they won't try anyway.

    Which leads me to the season tickets. Certainly I think nobody should even think about renewing for the next four months, but if people do renew they're not betraying the struggle. Many see renewing as a way of basically trying to say to this regime 'you'll never take my Charlton away'. Family history and habit, folk seated in their community, and loyalty to their club will not be surrendered without a lot of angst, and many don't want to surrender that stuff.

    If you are in the ground next season and this regime are still here, you have a platform for further and continued protest.

    Lots of people say the red line is not to have a go at the players. Well if this regime continue, and yet folk feel kind of compelled to sustain their loyalty by attending, then maybe the players ought to be considered a target too. The regime have been effected by fan action so why not damage the regime by (deep breath) 'damaging' the players?

    We can continue to support the concept of our Charlton, but not this version of it. If players dread playing for the club then that may damage the regime more than a season ticket boycott.

    I did say it was a red line, just posing a concept that the players are now wedded to this vile regime, and may well deserve approbation as well.
  • Keep revealing examples of Daisy's incompetence on the media. She desperately wants to protect her CV ...embarrassment may be part of the solution for her.
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  • stonemuse said:

    Keep revealing examples of Daisy's incompetence on the media. She desperately wants to protect her CV ...embarrassment may be part of the solution for her.

    Keep revealing! We don't have to help them, they are doing a great job on their own. Just when we started to give up on Calamity Kate up pops the man himself with a belting demonstration of self combustion. Just keep loading the gun, they are both quite capable of shooting theirselves in the foot. ;)
  • I really believe that effective, witty ridicule is the key to unlocking Roland's will to remain.
  • I can't renew. I just can't. I'm thoroughly unhappy going over there (and it's a 70 mile trip there, then 70 back for me nowadays) and I can't give that guy a penny. Feel like a weight's been lifted since I decided.
  • _MrDick said:

    With regard to ST renewal, you know, each to their own. If someone feels strongly enough about buying a ST then go ahead. Personally, I'm not renewing but that doesn't mean I'll not be going. Cash is king in any business and if my decision not to renew means it puts the cash flow under pressure and Duchatelet has to act in one form or another, then I'm happy. All I ask of fellow supporters is that if you are renewing, why don't you leave it until the last minute. You may have to pay a little extra but it's a small price to pay if we can force the Belgians out.

    And if I may say so, those simple 5 lines sum up the situation perfectly for me.
  • I think it would be good, if it could be arranged, if as many season ticket holders who intend not to renew attend a game and leave on 80 minutes, waving goodbye as they go, or at an agreed time, for a visual display of true fans leaving this regime.

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Roland Out Forever!