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Season Ticket Renewal



  • Desperate, a very good post. However, your plan is of course a non starter, as it is unworkable.

    You seem to assume that every single Charlton supporter wishing to buy a S/T will be aware of your/the plan and not buy "someone else's" seat. How could this possibly work ?

    Thank you for your comment Covered End. I am aware of the practical difficulties in spreading this information about seats and sadly some 'supporters' will have some qualms about 'pinching' another supporter’s seat. However some would be put off doing so and therefore it is worth a try to do something to publish such a list. One idea may be for the Trust to gather the information and then perhaps it could be publicised on CL, social media etc and perhaps leaflets handed out on match days.
    I posted this in the hope for ideas and we do have some clever people in the Charlton family.
    Henry's slip cover would be removed very quickly unfortunately.
  • Is there a freepost envelope/ reply address?

    No but just send it back blank, don't stamp it, will they refuse to pay based on it could be an actual renewal?
  • redman said:

    It may be better to return with a sensible fictious name and credit card. This will involve them in work of trying to process. Obviously without a stamp.

    Or even fill it in with correct details except leave out the credit card number, or use a false one, they will ring you to get a correct one and just say you have since changed your mind.
  • The worry is how many of these fans will return once the regime has gone.

    People find other things to do on a Saturday afternoon, I've known many that have fallen by the way side once the ticket is not there

    Personally, if they sold up on the Tuesday evening I would be on the phone Wednesday morning ordering a season ticket.
    This ^^ although it would be nice if the Box Office opened on the Wednesday morning to a massive queue to show we are back.
  • Desperate, a very good post. However, your plan is of course a non starter, as it is unworkable.

    You seem to assume that every single Charlton supporter wishing to buy a S/T will be aware of your/the plan and not buy "someone else's" seat. How could this possibly work ?

    Thank you for your comment Covered End. I am aware of the practical difficulties in spreading this information about seats and sadly some 'supporters' will have some qualms about 'pinching' another supporter’s seat. However some would be put off doing so and therefore it is worth a try to do something to publish such a list. One idea may be for the Trust to gather the information and then perhaps it could be publicised on CL, social media etc and perhaps leaflets handed out on match days.
    I posted this in the hope for ideas and we do have some clever people in the Charlton family.
    Henry's slip cover would be removed very quickly unfortunately.
    Not totally impractical surely? The Trust web site or even a separate one could list the "reserved seats" which would be easy for someone with the skills to set up I'd have thought. If leaflets were handed out giving the web site details and it got some publicity in the local press it would/should get at least partial success.
  • The worry is how many of these fans will return once the regime has gone.

    People find other things to do on a Saturday afternoon, I've known many that have fallen by the way side once the ticket is not there

    Personally, if they sold up on the Tuesday evening I would be on the phone Wednesday morning ordering a season ticket.
    What if roland tries to ride it out and is still here in a year or even longer?
    Fans with kids who are not renewing run the risk that their kids would lose interest after a while.
    My son and I have been to every protest and walked out on 74.
    When I first took him we spent a season sitting in every part of the stadium before he choose North lower.
    I look forward and enjoy our time together at football and find it hard to let this regime ruin that.
    I'll probably renew at the last minute and will continue protesting next season if they are still here.
  • Is there a freepost envelope/ reply address?

    "Return to sender".
  • Although a noble idea regarding the seats.......imagine what Messrs Meire and her merry man Tony and ticket office lady would do if they got that list, they'd probably give away the seats for free to guests etc.

    They i'm sure are going to start becoming vindictive over all this and this might just play straight into their hands.
  • Rob7Lee said:

    Although a noble idea regarding the seats.......imagine what Messrs Meire and her merry man Tony and ticket office lady would do if they got that list, they'd probably give away the seats for free to guests etc.

    They i'm sure are going to start becoming vindictive over all this and this might just play straight into their hands.

    Let them give the seats away for free - still means no money coming in.
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  • Rob7Lee said:

    Although a noble idea regarding the seats.......imagine what Messrs Meire and her merry man Tony and ticket office lady would do if they got that list, they'd probably give away the seats for free to guests etc.

    They i'm sure are going to start becoming vindictive over all this and this might just play straight into their hands.

    "Going to start'

    It's started already
  • Rob7Lee said:

    Although a noble idea regarding the seats.......imagine what Messrs Meire and her merry man Tony and ticket office lady would do if they got that list, they'd probably give away the seats for free to guests etc.

    They i'm sure are going to start becoming vindictive over all this and this might just play straight into their hands.

    It certainly is a horrible bit of arm twisting, so desperate are they to force season ticket renewals. Just another example of a completely avoidable and unnecessary screw up by the club that only serves to antagonise and alienate fans further. I've sent them a snotty email asking how they can justify selling our seats for next season to some other random while we're still sitting in them this season. Can't wait to see what bollocks they come out with!
  • Missed It said:

    Rob7Lee said:

    Although a noble idea regarding the seats.......imagine what Messrs Meire and her merry man Tony and ticket office lady would do if they got that list, they'd probably give away the seats for free to guests etc.

    They i'm sure are going to start becoming vindictive over all this and this might just play straight into their hands.

    It certainly is a horrible bit of arm twisting, so desperate are they to force season ticket renewals. Just another example of a completely avoidable and unnecessary screw up by the club that only serves to antagonise and alienate fans further. I've sent them a snotty email asking how they can justify selling our seats for next season to some other random while we're still sitting in them this season. Can't wait to see what bollocks they come out with!
    Good job Stuwall doesn't have a season ticket at The Valley.
  • The worry is how many of these fans will return once the regime has gone.

    People find other things to do on a Saturday afternoon, I've known many that have fallen by the way side once the ticket is not there

    Personally, if they sold up on the Tuesday evening I would be on the phone Wednesday morning ordering a season ticket.
    What if roland tries to ride it out and is still here in a year or even longer?
    Fans with kids who are not renewing run the risk that their kids would lose interest after a while.
    My son and I have been to every protest and walked out on 74.
    When I first took him we spent a season sitting in every part of the stadium before he choose North lower.
    I look forward and enjoy our time together at football and find it hard to let this regime ruin that.
    I'll probably renew at the last minute and will continue protesting next season if they are still here.
    Each to their own.
  • Missed It said:

    Rob7Lee said:

    Although a noble idea regarding the seats.......imagine what Messrs Meire and her merry man Tony and ticket office lady would do if they got that list, they'd probably give away the seats for free to guests etc.

    They i'm sure are going to start becoming vindictive over all this and this might just play straight into their hands.

    It certainly is a horrible bit of arm twisting, so desperate are they to force season ticket renewals. Just another example of a completely avoidable and unnecessary screw up by the club that only serves to antagonise and alienate fans further. I've sent them a snotty email asking how they can justify selling our seats for next season to some other random while we're still sitting in them this season. Can't wait to see what bollocks they come out with!
    It's only arm twisting if you let it be.

    Of course they are going to alienate people, they will know full well that a number of people are torn on what to do, they play on that. but both sides can plan that game. - The important thing is to ignore their pathetic attempts to tempt people in to supporting their regime.

    They will have their sources on this very message board and know full well what people's thoughts are. (So if you are reading this, shove your pulled pork, Sunday league managers, shit players, your season ticket booklet and anything else you have to offer up your Belgian backsides)

    Could luck with the email response - wouldn't hold your breath.
  • How about a big hard to remove luminous yellow "this season ticket seat has been vacated by a protesting fan" sticker on every known former ST seat.

    Hard to remove and work for the club if they do. And can easily be replaced at every game.

    A few thousand luminous seats would stand out and remind those looking of what they are missing out on.

    as an idea it needs working on but just thinking outside the triangle.

    That' better Henry (I am not being facetious btw) we need to put our thinking caps on. I like the idea except it will not stop people pinching seats although they might be shamed by others who have retained theirs and, who is it that will be seeing this and missing out - the supporters who have boycotted but are watching on their TV screens or stream (maybe a few times a year)?
    Of course it would also rely on supporters who feel that they cannot boycott and harm Roland...... and stewards turning a blind eye...... It is difficult I know as most hard core supporters will not be in the ground anyway, I hope!
  • The main issue is going to be the lower north, I can see many new people in the east or west or people moving there.
  • Rob7Lee said:

    The main issue is going to be the lower north, I can see many new people in the east or west or people moving there.

    "New people" - I would think that is highly unlikely unless they are gifted tickets. Which like the rest of Roalnd's business plan wont work.
  • Rob7Lee said:

    The main issue is going to be the lower north, I can see many new people in the east or west or people moving there.

    Yes I think you are right Rob but some will unfortunately.
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  • How about a big hard to remove luminous yellow "this season ticket seat has been vacated by a protesting fan" sticker on every known former ST seat.

    Hard to remove and work for the club if they do. And can easily be replaced at every game.

    A few thousand luminous seats would stand out and remind those looking of what they are missing out on.

    as an idea it needs working on but just thinking outside the triangle.

    How about having variations of : "Missing - Fan - Used to sit here"; or "Have you seen this fan?" (allowing people to write their name, if they'd like, on abandoning their seat).

    I think if you were doing this kind of thing there would be a need to have the stickers legible from a distance to allow TV cameras & photographers pick them up. Also, there could be legal repercussions (I would expect that someone might try to claim vandalism.
  • Got brochures, threw away brochures.

  • Personally Id have thought it was worth the cost of a stamp and a strategically placed photographer, just to see the lot delivered back to The Valley by the postman.
  • boogica said:

    For me I don't want to renew but as I've said so many times we run the risk of losing a generation of Cafc fans , and it's all down to the prick from Belgium , I've had my season ticket going back to the selhurst days which hurt so bad ,and also the Upton Park days along with the likes of NSS and a few other mates
    I'm holding fast in renewing to see if anything evolves between now and the end of season , my son loves the club like myself and I don't want him to lose his affinity for the great name of CAFC , but these people are dogs and I hate everything they AV done to the club I love, i don't want cheap beer with a pie or nice hospitality or cheap season tickets I go football to see wot the team on the pitch can do to cheer me up and make my weekend and also my sons , and at the moment the team are a sad excuse for footballers , 4 generations of my family are fans ie not fucking customers , I also have a memorial stone laid in the memory of my grandfather who loved the club laid outside the west stand and I've no doubt he would be sticking 2 fingers up at the regime .

    Roland , katrien and bottle job Richard Murray do the decent thing and leave our club to someone who cares so our kids can enjoy CAFC as much as we did when we was kids .

    Gutted .

    I empathise with this so much
  • Those who renew and don't get involved in the protests are wantonly naive, and relying on others to save their club for them, apparently, in some cases, without even realising it.

    The head in the sand thing is genuinely infuriating.

    The position we've been out in is frightfully unfair, and there's no definitive right thing to do. But the justifications I've read in this thread haven't convinced me at all.
  • Still haven't received my renewal form - probably got lost in the post or they don't want my custom any more!
  • JiMMy 85 said:

    Those who renew and don't get involved in the protests are wantonly naive, and relying on others to save their club for them, apparently, in some cases, without even realising it.

    The head in the sand thing is genuinely infuriating.

    The position we've been out in is frightfully unfair, and there's no definitive right thing to do. But the justifications I've read in this thread haven't convinced me at all.

    Nail on head
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Roland Out Forever!