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  • jamescafc said:

    Essex_Al said:

    C4FC4L1f3 said:

    se9addick said:

    olster said:

    I can't be the only one who now looks like a knob for telling their mates to watch the game on tele, as there's going to be a pitch invasion and it'll get interesting.

    You haven't come out of this looking well @C4FC4L1f3 and it's detracted from the excellent work that @CARD put into today.

    Either way, well done @boggzy - you should be proud, and I hope nothing more comes of it.

    To be clear - it had nothing to do with CARD - this was @C4FC4L1f3 's own protest (presumably with others organising).

    CARD was the pre-match funeral etc.
    Beat me too it!

    This wasn't planned by CARD!

    There were three groups and I agreed to put my neck out and make it public as requested.

    We cost the club an extra £40k in security apparently when this thread was put up.

    I will find out more when I talk with the police and club tomorrow. Will also do all I can to make sure the two guys are let off.

    You didn't put your neck out though did you mate!

    Gave it the biggun on here all week, encouraging others to commit a criminal offence and when it came to it you were no where to be seen!

    You've certainly lost any street cred that you might of had previously!
    A little harsh. There were a number of us on here, FB, Twitter etc who committed to the pitch invasion. The goal and two guys going early created confusion and added reluctance.
    Not harsh at all, just the truth hurts!
  • se9addick said:

    C4FC4L1f3 said:

    se9addick said:

    olster said:

    I can't be the only one who now looks like a knob for telling their mates to watch the game on tele, as there's going to be a pitch invasion and it'll get interesting.

    You haven't come out of this looking well @C4FC4L1f3 and it's detracted from the excellent work that @CARD put into today.

    Either way, well done @boggzy - you should be proud, and I hope nothing more comes of it.

    To be clear - it had nothing to do with CARD - this was @C4FC4L1f3 's own protest (presumably with others organising).

    CARD was the pre-match funeral etc.
    Beat me too it!

    This wasn't planned by CARD!

    There were three groups and I agreed to put my neck out and make it public as requested.

    We cost the club an extra £40k in security apparently when this thread was put up.

    I will find out more when I talk with the police and club tomorrow. Will also do all I can to make sure the two guys are let off.

    I really can't see that there was an extra £40k of stewards/OB inside the ground because of the potential pitch invasion. Maybe because of the other stuff that was planned, but the pitch invasion appeared to attract about 10 extra stewards to the west corner of the NL which, it turns out, was all it took.
    They were just security for the sofa
  • aliwibble said:

    sam3110 said:

    All fart no shit

    In many circumstances that's the most desirable outcome

    Many circumstances?!? I can't think of any circumstance where I'd rather my fart turned into a bona fide excavation of my bowels. You must be into some freaky, er, shit.
    Someday, when you're trying very, very hard, you may come to reconsider that notion.

    It would come at the cost of considerable personal strain, and, possibly, industrial quantities of bran fibre/prunes....
  • se9addick said:

    C4FC4L1f3 said:

    se9addick said:

    olster said:

    I can't be the only one who now looks like a knob for telling their mates to watch the game on tele, as there's going to be a pitch invasion and it'll get interesting.

    You haven't come out of this looking well @C4FC4L1f3 and it's detracted from the excellent work that @CARD put into today.

    Either way, well done @boggzy - you should be proud, and I hope nothing more comes of it.

    To be clear - it had nothing to do with CARD - this was @C4FC4L1f3 's own protest (presumably with others organising).

    CARD was the pre-match funeral etc.
    Beat me too it!

    This wasn't planned by CARD!

    There were three groups and I agreed to put my neck out and make it public as requested.

    We cost the club an extra £40k in security apparently when this thread was put up.

    I will find out more when I talk with the police and club tomorrow. Will also do all I can to make sure the two guys are let off.

    I really can't see that there was an extra £40k of stewards/OB inside the ground because of the potential pitch invasion. Maybe because of the other stuff that was planned, but the pitch invasion appeared to attract about 10 extra stewards to the west corner of the NL which, it turns out, was all it took.
    No idea about cost, but see my post earlier in this thread, there were 100% cops there on their day off so assume double time or something and with big vehicles. Wouldn't have come cheap and purely because of pitch invasion rumours... From a police and own mouth (I was nothing to do with the 'organising' of this so just stating a conversation I had without agenda).
  • leave it - pitch invasion wasnt wanted once we had scored - like it or not, staying up is more important than anything right now - had we been 3 down then yes, why not but no, lets stay up and get rid of them at same time - that will be real success. no season ticket renewal til they r gone - that is the best protest - if we get relegated then lets all get on pitch and cause chaos - but lets suppot team 100% from now on in - we can do this
  • Basically, a great day for the fans. The funeral got a good crowd and media coverage (Mail on Sunday/Daily Mail etc). The noise during the beach ball protest was great. We won. But the goal seemed to cause the pitch invasión to go off early, and as a lot predicted, us being in the lead dragged down the protests. I hope we can get the divisive attacks out of the way tonight, as RD is still in charge, KM is still the CEO, and today was a battle won, not a war. Big up to Boggzy and his accomplice. The missing 198? Look, can we just fuck off on that one and try to build for the next protest. Calling people out on here isn't going to help get rid of Roland. CARD aren't the be all and end all of protests. There is also a place for wildcat strikes and lone wolf protests. We all got a laugh when Katrien got the sack up at companies house and it made the national media. Same as the Belgian 20 taking the protests to RD's back yard. The pitch invasión was a major misfire. But life goes on. We're Charlton fans. Was everyone on here so accustomed to non stop success on the pitch to think that every protest would be the equivalent of the Enola Gay dropping a bomb on Staprix. RD has millions. We've only got us. Stick together people.

    I think this is an excellent post.

  • se9addick said:

    C4FC4L1f3 said:

    se9addick said:

    olster said:

    I can't be the only one who now looks like a knob for telling their mates to watch the game on tele, as there's going to be a pitch invasion and it'll get interesting.

    You haven't come out of this looking well @C4FC4L1f3 and it's detracted from the excellent work that @CARD put into today.

    Either way, well done @boggzy - you should be proud, and I hope nothing more comes of it.

    To be clear - it had nothing to do with CARD - this was @C4FC4L1f3 's own protest (presumably with others organising).

    CARD was the pre-match funeral etc.
    Beat me too it!

    This wasn't planned by CARD!

    There were three groups and I agreed to put my neck out and make it public as requested.

    We cost the club an extra £40k in security apparently when this thread was put up.

    I will find out more when I talk with the police and club tomorrow. Will also do all I can to make sure the two guys are let off.

    I really can't see that there was an extra £40k of stewards/OB inside the ground because of the potential pitch invasion. Maybe because of the other stuff that was planned, but the pitch invasion appeared to attract about 10 extra stewards to the west corner of the NL which, it turns out, was all it took.
    No idea about cost, but see my post earlier in this thread, there were 100% cops there on their day off so assume double time or something and with big vehicles. Wouldn't have come cheap and purely because of pitch invasion rumours... From a police and own mouth (I was nothing to do with the 'organising' of this so just stating a conversation I had without agenda).
    Just to be clear - you think there were twice as many police as normal inside the ground "purely because of pitch invasion rumours" ? I'm not saying you are a liar, but the person that told you that was. There were two police officers guarding the NL west btw.
  • edited March 2016
    I Never said twice as many. What I said is that when I arrived early I was stopped by a policeman in a large people carrier/ van parked on Floyd Road who specifically told me he 'and others' had received a call yesterday to come to The Valley today (usually his day off) because of rumours of a pitch invasion. He didn't say how many of them were there and I did not ask. All I am saying therefore is there was a cost to the club. No idea how much. The reason he stopped me was because he wanted to know why we were wearing black and white scarves and we just had a short chat about things.

    Note. Just re-read my previous message... I meant there were police there because of the rumours and this is 100% true! not that there were 100% more than usual... Sorry, not worded very well!
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  • edited March 2016
    He got a 3 year ban (the guy we saw on tv not our CL resident), tis all. Can't see him missing much, maybe a few League One relegation scraps. Not that these bans actually stop people attending, impossible to fully implement. Almost tempted myself.... ;- )
  • What next??? We have people in the club that get paid a wage and will have to look after these lot wether they like it or not. They need that money to pay for there living.
    It's very hard to think of what to do next. Most of sercurity in the club will actually be on the fans side but will do what they are paid for.
    These are decent people that know there jobs but also know we need help.
  • boggzy said:

    As 'the other bloke' who got on the pitch, yes, disappointing re the promised numbers. I went peacefully to the centre and pretended to shoot the two attention-seeking non entities in the directors box, the puppet in the dugout then turned around and clapped the sky box (Powell). Wearing an anti RD t shirt.

    Senior bloke came towards me, I said I'm here peacefully, he was fine. Walked off, one of the stewards let me out, apparently she'd had a bottle thrown at her, I asked if she was ok. Then a blue steward took my (false) details... good as gold also, he even said 'I understand why you've done this'. Many thanks to them all. Then let out.

    Only downer is looking over my shoulder being led off and seeing the other bloke scrapping with stewards and players. And that's apparently what sky showed.

    You can but try. Cue the abuse.

    Classy mate. Sounds like a really dignified approach and much better than what Sky opted to show.

    Good work.
  • us scoring when we did changed the dynamics
    If Boro had scored I'd have been on and I openly admit I took the decision not to go on because of the game situation and the boooooing the punters who went early got
    I was in NWQ behind the sofa and it was a free run on there
    FairPlay to Boggzy who went on peacefully , bloke

    who knows what the right decision was , we got 3 points whether people ran on or not , whether fans left or not , whether whistles were blown or not , whether beach balls went on the pitch or not whether there was get out of our club songs or not .

    We will go down not due to any of the above but due to the incompetence of our owners and anyone who disagrees put your season ticket money up to the Upbeats and I'll match it and buy your season ticket next year if we stay up


    Superb Post Oohaah.
    I forgive you for drinking with the enemy.
  • edited March 2016
    sam3110 said:

    Uboat said:

    sam3110 said:

    Bottle jobs

    Stewards done nothing until the idiot got in the face of a player

    No more stewards than normal just instead of congregating around the SE and SW corners they went and stood in the NW corner

    This was the biggest opportunity to get your point across and make the difference you have banged on about and what happened? A few beach balls thrown on the pitch and a couple of whistles from the crowd.

    The point has been made, but I'm not sure its the point you wanted to make...

    This is bollocks though. Failed attempt to misrepresent a very successful afternoon for CARD.

    I couldn't give a toss about trying to "misrepresent" CARD, especially seeing as they weren't responsible for the damp squib of a pitch invasion.

    There has been much talk of the funeral, the walkout, the whistles, the beach balls and the non renewal of tickets. They are all fine and dandy, but in my eyes the beach balls and the whistles are just a minor distraction, like the masks were. The funeral was something that has been done many times before, and again in my opinion is much ado about nothing.

    The walkout again wasn't a huge success, but the way we were playing probably didn't help that anyway.

    The non renewal is probably the biggest one you guys can jump on to, but I for one, as I have always stated, will be renewing.

    Not to line the pockets of the Belgians, not to support the regime, not because I'm a "Roland sympathiser", but because I am a die hard Charlton fan who will support the team and go to every home game I possibly can to get behind the players and cheer when we win, and scream obscenities when we lose.

    But hey whatever you keep cracking on mate
  • As a suggestion, if you are to go on the pitch, hold a banner or something so that's obvious why you are there.

    Running on immediately after a goal just makes you look like someone celebrating too much after an afternoon on the piss...

    That is a fair point.
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  • edited March 2016
    I wouldn't say two (2) is successfully growing numbers.
  • If they'd both waited until the 60th rather than running on at different times, it may have triggered a few more.

    The one that squared up to (was it Diarra or Fanni) and Harriott has no excuse, that was completely not needed.
  • Would have been interesting had one of the fans nutted a player.

    Would they have gone down in fake pain clutching their head waiting for the Ref to issue the fan with a red card?
  • I might have missed an explanation but why if the pitch invasion was to cost the club money in extra stewards and police were people involved in inciting it still doing so at / after kick off? Surely they had achieved their aim by then if that was really their intention?
    Also thought inciting persons to carry out public order offences made them as much culpable as those carrying out the act even if they themselves 'bottled' it?
  • we should threaten to invade the pitch at every home game, just to hurt RD where it hurts most, in the pocket.
  • Would have been interesting had one of the fans nutted a player.

    Would they have gone down in fake pain clutching their head waiting for the Ref to issue the fan with a red card?

    I remember Dida and Chris Kirkland diving after a fan "attack"!
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Roland Out Forever!