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PROTEST - 2.30pm - WEST STAND CAR PARK - 12/12/2015



  • Perhaps he came over to meet and then rubber stamp the New Manager!!! LOL

    Couldn't think of anywhere else to put this but the Football supporters federation asked all the clubs their protocol on banners.

    Charlton's answers are there - just in case anyone was planning a banner or two...

    Couldn't think of anywhere else to put this but the Football supporters federation asked all the clubs their protocol on banners.

    Charlton's answers are there - just in case anyone was planning a banner or two...

    Charlton Athletic

    Yes, provided that permission has been sought in advance of the day and that they do not obstruct any of our advertising, signage, exit routes, or restrict the views of other fans. If there is a sterile area or an empty block of seats the club may permit banners to be placed in the sterile area across the unused seats or empty block. Permission to do so must first be obtained from the club. The club reserve the right to confiscate any flags or banners brought into the stadium without being approved prior to entry.
    All banners / flags measuring more than 150cm x 150cm should be made from fire-retardant material and a fire certificate must be produced. Proof of certification may be required whenever they are brought into the stadium. Banners/flags on poles are not permitted unless the pole is under 1metre in length, and no bigger than 7mm in diameter
    They should speak to the Safety Officer or his deputy before the day of the game, to seek permission.
    Anything racial, homophobic or of a discriminatory, defamatory or inflammatory nature. Anything that we may feel is controversial to either of the teams or their ownerships. Anything political. Anything that could be deemed obscene.

    - See more at:
  • Questions were:
    1. Do you allow banners in the home & away ends?
    2. At what size banner do you insist on a fire safety certificate? Are banners on poles allowed?
    3. If a fan plans to bring a banner into your ground what protocol should they follow?
    4. Does your club ban certain banners/messages? If so please clarify what falls into that category.
  • They'll just say no to them in regards to the advance permission. It's bad publicity for them to allow any flags related to the protests.
  • C4FC4L1f3 said:

    Couldn't think of anywhere else to put this but the Football supporters federation asked all the clubs their protocol on banners.

    Charlton's answers are there - just in case anyone was planning a banner or two...

    Charlton Athletic

    Yes, provided that permission has been sought in advance of the day and that they do not obstruct any of our advertising, signage, exit routes, or restrict the views of other fans. If there is a sterile area or an empty block of seats the club may permit banners to be placed in the sterile area across the unused seats or empty block. Permission to do so must first be obtained from the club. The club reserve the right to confiscate any flags or banners brought into the stadium without being approved prior to entry.
    All banners / flags measuring more than 150cm x 150cm should be made from fire-retardant material and a fire certificate must be produced. Proof of certification may be required whenever they are brought into the stadium. Banners/flags on poles are not permitted unless the pole is under 1metre in length, and no bigger than 7mm in diameter
    They should speak to the Safety Officer or his deputy before the day of the game, to seek permission.
    Anything racial, homophobic or of a discriminatory, defamatory or inflammatory nature. Anything that we may feel is controversial to either of the teams or their ownerships. Anything political. Anything that could be deemed obscene.

    - See more at:
    Well that rules out pretty much everything then.
  • C4FC4L1f3 said:

    Couldn't think of anywhere else to put this but the Football supporters federation asked all the clubs their protocol on banners.

    Charlton's answers are there - just in case anyone was planning a banner or two...

    Charlton Athletic

    Yes, provided that permission has been sought in advance of the day and that they do not obstruct any of our advertising, signage, exit routes, or restrict the views of other fans. If there is a sterile area or an empty block of seats the club may permit banners to be placed in the sterile area across the unused seats or empty block. Permission to do so must first be obtained from the club. The club reserve the right to confiscate any flags or banners brought into the stadium without being approved prior to entry.
    All banners / flags measuring more than 150cm x 150cm should be made from fire-retardant material and a fire certificate must be produced. Proof of certification may be required whenever they are brought into the stadium. Banners/flags on poles are not permitted unless the pole is under 1metre in length, and no bigger than 7mm in diameter
    They should speak to the Safety Officer or his deputy before the day of the game, to seek permission.
    Anything racial, homophobic or of a discriminatory, defamatory or inflammatory nature. Anything that we may feel is controversial to either of the teams or their ownerships. Anything political. Anything that could be deemed obscene.

    - See more at:
    Well that rules out pretty much everything then.
  • @LeaburnForEngland

    There is one other aspect about Trust Board members and their presence on Charlton Life which @rikofold and @se9addick didn't mention. But I think it should be mentioned, so here goes.

    We've learnt that people from the club read Charlton Life extensively. That is hardly surprising, and you in some ways would damn well hope they do. Whether KM reads it herself I have no idea, I would assume she gets someone else to provider her with some kind of summary, and I think that too is perfectly reasonable.

    Now the point is that the club people reading CL are just like everyone else in the social media age. They make assumptions and judgements about people based on what they read here. And we all know how misleading that can be. We've actually learnt thanks to the opening up of dialogue in the last few weeks some of the perceptions people in the club have about "high profile fans", and much of that perception seems to be based purely on what these fans have written on CL. I'm not saying they are right or wrong. Some of them sounded wrong to me, but that's not the point. That was the perception they've gained.

    Whether anybody on here likes it or not, if we are going to get into regular constructive dialogue with the Club, the people in the Club we will deal with, have to be able to trust us. So we have to behave in a way which is trustworthy. For me personally that means among other things not being two-faced. It means only saying things here which I'd be prepared to say to the person's face. Now if you consider that the person might be someone from the Club, then it is not enough to be "brave" enough to say something to the person's face. You have to think about the effect your words will have on that person, and whether that effect helps the Trust's efforts on behalf of the fans.

    Let's also bear in mind that the numbers dictate that the majority of CL posters are not members of the Trust. If anyone who is a Trust member wants to challenge what we are doing we actively encourage it. But face to face is best, as it always is in this increasingly distorted world of social media. Failing that, a PM. Several Lifers can confirm that I've proactively contacted people who have said they are Trust members, via PM to try and explain things privately in more detail.

    I hope that shows that we have to be careful what we post here for good reasons which are in the best interests of fans. But that does not make any of us any less determined, and certainly does not mean that we are in some way 'compromised" as fans, because of our dialogue. People who suggest that on here simply don't know us as people. But again, it's perception. We're not going to be able to change that on CL. Personally I'll be around on 28th for the Wolves game. I'll be very happy if anyone wants to take me up in person on anything I've written here. Depending on the situation and progress, you may find me with my B/W Swansea City scarf on.....

    Thanks for the reply and I totally get what your saying. Perceptions based on written communication only, especially those written online, are rarely accurate.

    I don't think that entirely answers my concerns, however rather than clog up this protest thread with further conversation around this from my side, I may PM you and @rikofold later tonight when I'm home from work or post on a more appropriate thread.
  • @LeaburnForEngland

    There is one other aspect about Trust Board members and their presence on Charlton Life which @rikofold and @se9addick didn't mention. But I think it should be mentioned, so here goes.

    We've learnt that people from the club read Charlton Life extensively. That is hardly surprising, and you in some ways would damn well hope they do. Whether KM reads it herself I have no idea, I would assume she gets someone else to provider her with some kind of summary, and I think that too is perfectly reasonable.

    Now the point is that the club people reading CL are just like everyone else in the social media age. They make assumptions and judgements about people based on what they read here. And we all know how misleading that can be. We've actually learnt thanks to the opening up of dialogue in the last few weeks some of the perceptions people in the club have about "high profile fans", and much of that perception seems to be based purely on what these fans have written on CL. I'm not saying they are right or wrong. Some of them sounded wrong to me, but that's not the point. That was the perception they've gained.

    Whether anybody on here likes it or not, if we are going to get into regular constructive dialogue with the Club, the people in the Club we will deal with, have to be able to trust us. So we have to behave in a way which is trustworthy. For me personally that means among other things not being two-faced. It means only saying things here which I'd be prepared to say to the person's face. Now if you consider that the person might be someone from the Club, then it is not enough to be "brave" enough to say something to the person's face. You have to think about the effect your words will have on that person, and whether that effect helps the Trust's efforts on behalf of the fans.

    Let's also bear in mind that the numbers dictate that the majority of CL posters are not members of the Trust. If anyone who is a Trust member wants to challenge what we are doing we actively encourage it. But face to face is best, as it always is in this increasingly distorted world of social media. Failing that, a PM. Several Lifers can confirm that I've proactively contacted people who have said they are Trust members, via PM to try and explain things privately in more detail.

    I hope that shows that we have to be careful what we post here for good reasons which are in the best interests of fans. But that does not make any of us any less determined, and certainly does not mean that we are in some way 'compromised" as fans, because of our dialogue. People who suggest that on here simply don't know us as people. But again, it's perception. We're not going to be able to change that on CL. Personally I'll be around on 28th for the Wolves game. I'll be very happy if anyone wants to take me up in person on anything I've written here. Depending on the situation and progress, you may find me with my B/W Swansea City scarf on.....

    Thanks for the reply and I totally get what your saying. Perceptions based on written communication only, especially those written online, are rarely accurate.

    I don't think that entirely answers my concerns, however rather than clog up this protest thread with further conversation around this from my side, I may PM you and @rikofold later tonight when I'm home from work or post on a more appropriate thread.
    Would be more than happy if you'd do that, sure I speak for Rik too, although he is distinctly under the weather at present

  • Coventry - Banners will be banned if they have any foul abusive language and or messages of protest against their owners.
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  • razil said:

    waldo said:

    cabbles said:

    My view completely. KM herself said that Duchalet owns the club, and will do things his way. As if it needed stating. he has gone on to do just that, and with horrible consequences off and particularly on the pitch. Rikofold has said that his members have voted for dialogue, and to me that's a fair enough point in it's way. However, what annoys the fans is player recruitment and manager recruitment, and the terrible state our club is in as a result. I cannot think of a profesional club in Europe where a fans trust would be able to enter into those sort of decisions, but the fans are leaving in droves because THAT is what is making saturday at the Valley such a wretched experience. Dialogue with KM may mean a vote on what color the next sofá is, or how many drum majorettes are needed for half time entertainment, but that won't turn the club around. And KM/RD won't let the dialogue go further.
    A bit long winded (sorry) but that is why for me, the Trust are also irrelevant at the moment.

    Couldn't agree more. Why I cancelled my membership of the trust. I strongly believe that they fail abysmally to represent my views or the views of the general consensus (especially what is evident from the well organised 2% protest against Ipswich), which again was not organised by themselves. Probably why it was successful.

    Maybe it's time for a new fan movement? One that does not have such a political agenda
    I'm a trust member, I don't have a problem with how they represent me and actually think they do a good job, but I 100% respect your opinion. I actually thought that the work they did re: the Stand up for the Orient campaign re; the olympic stadium was class, really helping the plight of a club who had been overlooked in a corrupt bidding process.

    You may argue that it's all well and good, but why not focus on us. I believe they have been, but trying to engage RD is like trying ask Bergdich to play on the right wing and deliver. Pointless. The man does what he wants. We could rebrand the trust, call ourselves the Charlton ultras, whatever. He just doesn't give a monkeys. I appreciate your point re: the 2% but I feel that was a really good effort by some people that gave up their own time (good on them), but it was amongst a wave of disatisfaction culminating in GL going. People can (I have) got caught up in the momentum, and will join in. I plan to again this saturday. But does that translate to a new representative group that will be sustained and allow us fans to engage more, get more dialogue, get better results etc.

    I completely understand why people might be saying the trust do not represent their views, but do we put in what we want out of the trust. I'm not directing this at you in particular, but me as an example, I pay £5 membership, didn't put forward any questions for the evening with KM & RM, and the only interaction I have is their weekly newsletter.

    As others have said, how do you aggregate the views of the many. I still have faith in them and think they do a good job.
    What weekly newsletter?? I get s.f.a. from the Trust and am getting really disillusioned with what their about. I thought really hard about renewing but did so eventually. In my humble opinion I feel the Trust should be spearheading constructive dialogue with KM regarding supporter unrest. Not relying on a few angry and vocal supporters. If KM does get concerned about pre-match protests, which doesn't seem likely at the moment, she will probably just draw the blinds.
    You shd get a Friday email digest
    Thank you. I have received an email today.
  • @LeaburnForEngland

    There is one other aspect about Trust Board members and their presence on Charlton Life which @rikofold and @se9addick didn't mention. But I think it should be mentioned, so here goes.

    We've learnt that people from the club read Charlton Life extensively. That is hardly surprising, and you in some ways would damn well hope they do. Whether KM reads it herself I have no idea, I would assume she gets someone else to provider her with some kind of summary, and I think that too is perfectly reasonable.

    Now the point is that the club people reading CL are just like everyone else in the social media age. They make assumptions and judgements about people based on what they read here. And we all know how misleading that can be. We've actually learnt thanks to the opening up of dialogue in the last few weeks some of the perceptions people in the club have about "high profile fans", and much of that perception seems to be based purely on what these fans have written on CL. I'm not saying they are right or wrong. Some of them sounded wrong to me, but that's not the point. That was the perception they've gained.

    Whether anybody on here likes it or not, if we are going to get into regular constructive dialogue with the Club, the people in the Club we will deal with, have to be able to trust us. So we have to behave in a way which is trustworthy. For me personally that means among other things not being two-faced. It means only saying things here which I'd be prepared to say to the person's face. Now if you consider that the person might be someone from the Club, then it is not enough to be "brave" enough to say something to the person's face. You have to think about the effect your words will have on that person, and whether that effect helps the Trust's efforts on behalf of the fans.

    Let's also bear in mind that the numbers dictate that the majority of CL posters are not members of the Trust. If anyone who is a Trust member wants to challenge what we are doing we actively encourage it. But face to face is best, as it always is in this increasingly distorted world of social media. Failing that, a PM. Several Lifers can confirm that I've proactively contacted people who have said they are Trust members, via PM to try and explain things privately in more detail.

    I hope that shows that we have to be careful what we post here for good reasons which are in the best interests of fans. But that does not make any of us any less determined, and certainly does not mean that we are in some way 'compromised" as fans, because of our dialogue. People who suggest that on here simply don't know us as people. But again, it's perception. We're not going to be able to change that on CL. Personally I'll be around on 28th for the Wolves game. I'll be very happy if anyone wants to take me up in person on anything I've written here. Depending on the situation and progress, you may find me with my B/W Swansea City scarf on.....

    Thanks for the reply and I totally get what your saying. Perceptions based on written communication only, especially those written online, are rarely accurate.

    I don't think that entirely answers my concerns, however rather than clog up this protest thread with further conversation around this from my side, I may PM you and @rikofold later tonight when I'm home from work or post on a more appropriate thread.
    Would be more than happy if you'd do that, sure I speak for Rik too, although he is distinctly under the weather at present

    Don't forget to quote your member number and provide your bank account details...
  • cabbles said:

    waldo said:

    cabbles said:

    My view completely. KM herself said that Duchalet owns the club, and will do things his way. As if it needed stating. he has gone on to do just that, and with horrible consequences off and particularly on the pitch. Rikofold has said that his members have voted for dialogue, and to me that's a fair enough point in it's way. However, what annoys the fans is player recruitment and manager recruitment, and the terrible state our club is in as a result. I cannot think of a profesional club in Europe where a fans trust would be able to enter into those sort of decisions, but the fans are leaving in droves because THAT is what is making saturday at the Valley such a wretched experience. Dialogue with KM may mean a vote on what color the next sofá is, or how many drum majorettes are needed for half time entertainment, but that won't turn the club around. And KM/RD won't let the dialogue go further.
    A bit long winded (sorry) but that is why for me, the Trust are also irrelevant at the moment.

    Couldn't agree more. Why I cancelled my membership of the trust. I strongly believe that they fail abysmally to represent my views or the views of the general consensus (especially what is evident from the well organised 2% protest against Ipswich), which again was not organised by themselves. Probably why it was successful.

    Maybe it's time for a new fan movement? One that does not have such a political agenda
    I'm a trust member, I don't have a problem with how they represent me and actually think they do a good job, but I 100% respect your opinion. I actually thought that the work they did re: the Stand up for the Orient campaign re; the olympic stadium was class, really helping the plight of a club who had been overlooked in a corrupt bidding process.

    You may argue that it's all well and good, but why not focus on us. I believe they have been, but trying to engage RD is like trying ask Bergdich to play on the right wing and deliver. Pointless. The man does what he wants. We could rebrand the trust, call ourselves the Charlton ultras, whatever. He just doesn't give a monkeys. I appreciate your point re: the 2% but I feel that was a really good effort by some people that gave up their own time (good on them), but it was amongst a wave of disatisfaction culminating in GL going. People can (I have) got caught up in the momentum, and will join in. I plan to again this saturday. But does that translate to a new representative group that will be sustained and allow us fans to engage more, get more dialogue, get better results etc.

    I completely understand why people might be saying the trust do not represent their views, but do we put in what we want out of the trust. I'm not directing this at you in particular, but me as an example, I pay £5 membership, didn't put forward any questions for the evening with KM & RM, and the only interaction I have is their weekly newsletter.

    As others have said, how do you aggregate the views of the many. I still have faith in them and think they do a good job.
    What weekly newsletter?? I get s.f.a. from the Trust and am getting really disillusioned with what their about. I thought really hard about renewing but did so eventually. In my humble opinion I feel the Trust should be spearheading constructive dialogue with KM regarding supporter unrest. Not relying on a few angry and vocal supporters. If KM does get concerned about pre-match protests, which doesn't seem likely at the moment, she will probably just draw the blinds.
    Classic. The trust have let you down Waldo. Bastards the lot of them
    Blimey! That's a bit harsh!
  • How about if those that are staying away have a poster stuck in their seat saying "I'M OUT" in Black & White of course. I'm sure someone could put it on their seat for them by a fellow supporter (that still attends) or their seat details could be posted PM to another site member. This could be another way of advertising just how many are dissenting.
  • edited December 2015

    We've learnt that people from the club read Charlton Life extensively.....Now the point is that the club people reading CL are just like everyone else in the social media age. They make assumptions and judgements about people based on what they read here. And we all know how misleading that can be.

    Interesting. Let's all ensure it cannot be misleading...KM, if you are reading; please make my 2016 and move on to something better. Anywhere, just not CAFC.

    There are two other South London clubs who I am sure could use your expert guidance, and I for one am delighted to say that I would over look my hatred for them if they were to head hunt you.
  • Nice mild afternoon weather wise in SE7 tomorrow.
  • Still seems to be a lot of people who don't know about this. Maybe try and get something going on Twitter tonight?
  • Still seems to be a lot of people who don't know about this. Maybe try and get something going on Twitter tonight?

    Good idea. You start it and other people can follow your lead
  • What time we going for? Not much point in one person starting it if no one else is.
  • What time we going for? Not much point in one person starting it if no one else is.

    Whatever time you feel is best
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  • LouisMend said:

    Maybe it's time for Katrien's quarterly performance review.

    They're always good at my work, we get biscuits.

    That's it - you've cracked it! That's where it's all going wrong.

    KM says to RD: "I'm going to get biscuits."
    He hears: "I'm going to get Busquets."
    He then sacks a succession of managers for not playing the club's prize asset.
  • Just had my (first ever) phone call from the club inviting me and my daughter to a children's fun event outside the West Stand tomorrow.
  • Southbank said:

    Just had my (first ever) phone call from the club inviting me and my daughter to a children's fun event outside the West Stand tomorrow.

    CEO floundering again. Sigh.
  • Has anybody thought of inviting our "friends" from Leeds to join us perhaps we could buy them a pie to share!
  • Has anybody thought of inviting our "friends" from Leeds to join us perhaps we could buy them a pie to share!

    Yeah, let's invite the Millwall of the north, that'll work well.

    How you ever been to Leeds ?
  • Southbank said:

    Just had my (first ever) phone call from the club inviting me and my daughter to a children's fun event outside the West Stand tomorrow.

    Just like the one before the Wednesday game.
  • edited December 2015
    Comments like this on Twitter gets to me

    Any #cafc fan who walks straight into the Valley and past the protest ends up with the team, manager & owner they deserve dont Show Apathy

    I think having a pop at other fans is not right. I don't agree with the protest but I know a lot do so I wish you good luck.
  • The problem is people think protesting is the polar opposite of supporting the team, it's not - it's showing your passion in another way, while deeply down wanting to put that passion into the team at the match. Those protesting, myself included, feel that we're 'supporting' the greater good of the club; trying to pressure change, where as others who will just cheer the team on are also supporting the club, trying to push the team on to more points.

    The line that's been drawn between a lot of fans is not good, but it happens in a passionate game; especially with so much going on at our club. Some will like one manager more than others, some will care for certain things more than others etc; all got to respect that.

    I think the ones who are still in favour of the Belgians need to see who our manager is.

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Roland Out Forever!