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Formula 1 Thread



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    Gutted for Russell but thats equalled by Perez being on the brink. 

    Come on SERGIOOOOOO!!!!! 
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    Phew at least he's getting two points 
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    Phew at least he's getting two points 
    3. He got fastest lap too.
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    Give the man a drive next year. 
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    Criminal he’s not got a drive for next year
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    Ocon P2, great result for him also. 
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    Phew at least he's getting two points 
    3. He got fastest lap too.
    Yeah I wasnt sure if he'd get 9th
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    Brilliant for Checo - he must have a seat next year, somewhere.

    Unlucky, George - but what a future the boy has.
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    That looked like it was going to get really interesting for theist few laps, gotta feel for him!
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    Seems Stroll thought he had the chance to win the race himself 🤔
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    sam3110 said:
    Lance Strolls old man keeping his kid on and getting rid of their first race winner is everything that’s wrong in Formula One
    I see this a lot, but let's be perfectly honest here Stroll is by no means a terrible driver, and Stroll Snr saved the team from the brink. 

    What we should be questioning is why get rid of Perez for Vettel, who by all accounts looks to be a busted flush
    Granted, he’s not terrible. But he’s also not very good.
    I’m sure Laurence Stroll’s plan was to get a teammate that won’t make his boy look shit every week.
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    sam3110 said:
    Lance Strolls old man keeping his kid on and getting rid of their first race winner is everything that’s wrong in Formula One
    I see this a lot, but let's be perfectly honest here Stroll is by no means a terrible driver, and Stroll Snr saved the team from the brink. 

    What we should be questioning is why get rid of Perez for Vettel, who by all accounts looks to be a busted flush
    Granted, he’s not terrible. But he’s also not very good.
    I’m sure Laurence Stroll’s plan was to get a teammate that won’t make his boy look shit every week.
    Should have signed Latifi then
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    Seems Stroll thought he had the chance to win the race himself 🤔
    And he would, if he was as good as Perez.
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    Toto just said it was a total fuck up in his post race interview on Sky!!
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    Toto just said it was a total fuck up in his post race interview on Sky!!
    No point beating about the bush ... tell it how it is!
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    Helmut and Christian surely have to be finding Checo this evening and signing a contract. Fantastic drive from him and unbelievable that this could have been his penultimate race. 
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    edited December 2020
    Well that’s the race ruined. We’ll just be watching two Mercs follow each other round all afternoon. 
    That’s the spirit.
    The whole interest in this weekend was with Lewis gone, Red Bull fast in race trim, and Leclerc and Perez on the fringes of the fight as well, we might finally see a genuinely competitive race. Well nearly all those factors gone we’re just left with two mercs again with no one who will get near. Right now looks like Russell will leave Bottas a few tenths a lap behind him just like Lewis does so we may not even get a Merc race.  I’ll be happy to see Russell win but I hoped we might get a bit of a race for a change. Now we’re just watching who manages their tyres better... again. 
    So watch further down the field then. Plenty going on down there.
    Yes but that’s the situation every week. My point is that first lap crash ruined what was going to make this weekend more interesting than usual. Formula one needs people fighting each other for the lead. Constantly having to watch the midfield battle for 2 or 3 points is like saying the fight between Villa and Southampton for 9th place in the Premier League is where all the excitement is. 
    Well, ok, but not really. You’re complaining that there’s not enough wheel to wheel action, but then when someone points you to some you’re complaining that it’s not the right kind of wheel to wheel action.
    Anyway. It doesn’t matter, it’s just a difference of opinion. Let’s not argue about this any more. I’ve had this argument on here too many times already and I’m a bit tired of it. Let’s agree to disagree. No hard feelings.
    I never said anything about lack of wheel to wheel action, I was talking about lack of racing for the lead. Weekly whoever leads after the initial post start chaos settles down will just cruise off and never be really put under pressure. That’s partly because Merc are so superior and partly because Bottas is such a wet fish. 

    It was happening even today - had he not crashed Verstappen almost certainly was going to pressurize Russell in a way Bottas couldn’t. Taking nothing away from Russell, he drove great, but it wasn’t going to be a serious competition for who won. 

    As it was, it was a spectacular final few laps, although entirely because of Mercs dropped bollock and bad luck for Russell. Credit to Perez though, he passed on track for the lead and recovered brilliantly from the first lap incident. Very happy for him as I’ve been a bit of a fan of his for years.

    No idea what’s holding Red Bull back from just signing him up. All the usual front runners were taken out of the equation and Albon is not even close to a podium, he’s just no where near good enough. 
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    Am cynical about what happened at Mercedes
    Why... If they wanted to screw up Russell's race they could easily have done so without losing the win for Bottas

    Had Bottas not been in the same fucked up pit stop then I might agree
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    Bottas last 3 races have been 8th 8th and 14th, that's Albon level of performance almost.

    I can see a scenario where Russel replaces him at some point next season, especially if Red bull and improve with Perez 
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