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Press at the Valley today. (Luzon Press Conf)



  • Uboat said:

    Here is the press conference

    It's actually making me angry watching that.
    I just want to hear the sound of my alarm clock go off, slowly open my eyes and have that amazing realisation that it was just a terrible dream.
    Me and you both.

    Going to be at Watford but won't bother with the next home game I don't think. Will be staying in the pub.
    Let me know where mate, genuinely, and I'll join you.

    Fuck that. I'm behind the guy but his appointment is a joke.

    I take a perverse pleasure in the uproar on CharltonLife; because I KNOW this will get back to the board. Get this Katrien: you've been played for a lying fool and you've managed to get our new manager to look equally moronic. The only one that comes out of this smiling is Roly.

    Maybe if we meet up Greenie then we could sketch out some tattoo ideas for a "Luzon out" tattoo on our arses too ;)
  • Good post Rob.
  • edited January 2015

    I've only just watched the press conference video. Reading this thread I was expecting a babbling, incoherent interview. I don't know what most of you expected. I've seen worse interviews with seasoned English managers. I thought his English was pretty decent and he obviously misinterpreted the back room staff question, I doubt back room is a word with which he is acquainted. I'm really disappointed with many, many comments in this thread . Give Guy a chance, it's not his fault he's been appointed, he may yet surprise us.

    Large; I agree with you completely. Despite my moaning and contradictory views, we need to separate responsibilities here. Even if we're angry, we need to remember who is and isn't responsible.

    If you pick the smoothest of British managers and ask them to give an interview in their second language then they would fail. I ponder how Moyes' intro interview was? (Not saying he's the smoothest or greatest of managers; but an example!)

    However I don't think most of us are angry at, or have much against, Guy. Its his appointment and the way its been handled which is a shambles. Maybe some of us see him as the easy target?

    I'm sure we all hope Guy does well and we're proved wrong; but personally I feel lied to by Katrien and the regime she represents. I also feel a little apprehensive about a manager who provoked riots elsewhere in the network. I think most of the negative nancies are just like me; disappointed and angry at the ownership.

    Have a like though; as you're 100% right mate; the appointment and media circus was shambolic but he didn't organise it on his flight to Gatwick. Neither did he lie to us previously. Furthermore; he's in control now and we need to get behind him to get behind our lads.

    Its not easy; but we're fans who get behind the club - even if we struggle to get behind the owners. We just need to remember that the owners and their decisions aren't equal to the club.
  • The way to shut us up is to win matches. Losing isn't an option. We have to win away at Watford this Saturday or Luzon is, in that context, manifestly useless.
  • KINSELLA7 said:

    cabbles said:

    As I have said before on a few occasions I'm happy to give Luzon a go, not my first choice but there we go. I'm CAFC through and through and managers/head coaches come and go, however I'm not prepared to be lied to by the 'board'...RD/KM and it would appear sadly RM, have lied quite clearly. How can you decide to get rid of a manager after a Saturday afternoon game, announce it on Sunday evening then recieve 20 applications, carry out CV reviews and shifts, release a statement syaing we are going to make sure this time we get the right person for the 'long haul' carry out full and proper interviews (if only for 4 or 5 candidates) make sure you have the right person with the right credentials and then appoint that person within a few bullshit!!

    I always read threads back to front if it's the first time I've opened them and we're a few pages in. This was the first post I read. Spot on.

    One can only assume they've got some online recruitment tool to get the man for the job in that quick a time.

    Anyone familiar with them will know they filter out applications that don't have certain words to save time.

    I can only assume off the back of that those words that got Luzon through were


    If I'd have been a bit cleverer I could've sent my cv in, included some of these words and may have had a chance.

    In all seriousness, to say we had 20 applications from Sunday night, to yesterday afternoon when Luzon was appointed is farcical.

    They would've been better off saying 'we thought the team weren't performing to the best of their ability under Peeters, the form was poor, we needed to make a change now rather than wait a bit longer. Because we are in a network of clubs that allowed us to take advantage of getting Guy in quickly. Guy is a good coach having delivered at SL blah blah blah'

    We all know this was a done deal. We all know we are in a network and RD does as he sees fit. There was never any point in pretending otherwise. I just don't get the lies. If people aren't happy with the network then they can, and by the looks of some reactions, will vote with their feet.

    They (rightly or wrongly) made the decision to get rid of Peeters, no need to sugar coat it
    Ideally, you're right about how it should have been done, although very few clubs (or other organisations) would be brave enough to do so. They may well wish they had, but now it will, just as it always does, be decided on results.

    The "feeder club" fear has been largely blown away and being in a network, which is in reality quite loose has advantages as well. Would we have got Watt as stand alone CAFC?
    In my opinion the one network player we've received who is clearly a level above us (and whom therefore we could not expect to have signed on the open market) is Yoni Buyens. TBH has done well, however at his age I'd argue he would have been within our reach anyway.

    Buyens though has not quite lived up to his reputation from Standard overall. I am not sure why that is. He was described by Douglas de Coninck as box to box, seems to me that was not the game Peeters asked him to play. Whatever, the indications are that Luzon is less rather than more likely to get the best from him (although our info is that his relationship with Luzon was not the main reason why he needed to leave Standard).

    I can see how the network system could work effectively. I do not think that it actually has done yet, for any of the clubs. It remains unclear who makes network decisions on the "human resources" and on what criteria. The suspicion is that we got Watt mainly because he was sitting in a box marked "spare striker", rather than being the type of striker the manager had identified as being our need, to play in a certain way. Now, I personally have the suspicion that we got Luzon because he was sitting in a box marked "spare head coach". I would love to be proved wrong, and am really interested in being put right by RD himself. However not only has RD declined to provide us with such an explanation, with Luzon he appears to have gone a stage further and staged a "process" which appears designed to mislead us into thinking it works in a different and more sophisticated way than that which I have just described.

    The only point on which I agree with you is that the "feeder" club concern has been shown to be invalid. That conclusion however comes from a study of what has happened at Standard rather than at CAFC.
  • seth plum said:

    The way to shut us up is to win matches. Losing isn't an option. We have to win away at Watford this Saturday or Luzon is, in that context, manifestly useless.

    Replace Luzon for Riga and Watford for Huddersfield, that is pretty much what you said last March when Riga was appointed.

    Give the bloke a chance at least. DId we want the man as head coach? Did you seriously expect anything different? Riga turned most supporters around with the results gained to keep us up. Luzon may repeat that but don't condemn the man before a ball had been kicked.

    Granted we are being taken for fools by the owner and CEO, however is that Luzon's fault?

    In an ideal world most of us would like a championship experienced manager, but under the current owner that may never happen.

    Go to the next 2 away games or wait till the Rotherham home game and demonstrate your anger then. Make sure it's towards the directors box and not the players or management.

  • Yes RD done the correct thing in sacking bob, 100% but his decision to put Luzon in charge is nothing short of disgraceful.

    Those saying it isn't GL's fault.. It is. If he hadn't of let himself be RD's puppet at standard then I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't be here.

    Roland out. Luzon out. Katrien out
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  • edited January 2015
    colin1961 said:

    Can't believe Katrien has stated he can be our Alex Ferguson

    Once again people have mis read a quote ... She means in length of service a long stay manager
    Makes no mention of "Length of service"

    "I would like him to be our next Sir Alex Ferguson" she said.

    Unless you was at the press conference yesterday afternoon and can enlighten us with what was really said.
  • colin1961 said:

    Can't believe Katrien has stated he can be our Alex Ferguson

    Once again people have mis read a quote ... She means in length of service a long stay manager
    He'd have to last longer than six months first. Something Powell, Riga and Peeters all failed to achieve under her and RD.
  • Davo55 said:

    As I have said before on a few occasions I'm happy to give Luzon a go, not my first choice but there we go. I'm CAFC through and through and managers/head coaches come and go, however I'm not prepared to be lied to by the 'board'...RD/KM and it would appear sadly RM, have lied quite clearly. How can you decide to get rid of a manager after a Saturday afternoon game, announce it on Sunday evening then recieve 20 applications, carry out CV reviews and shifts, release a statement syaing we are going to make sure this time we get the right person for the 'long haul' carry out full and proper interviews (if only for 4 or 5 candidates) make sure you have the right person with the right credentials and then appoint that person within a few bullshit!!

    Watch that ticker @Redmidland. We want you around when these shysters are long gone. :smile:
    I will @Davo55, just a little annoyed that people are telling blatant lies, KM who I had the up-most respect for has badly let herself down, just in the manner she answered the question at the press conference, body language and voice give it all away in my opinion and she didn't interview other candidates, she MAY have looked at the CV's but nothing beyond that I fear.
  • shirty5 said:

    seth plum said:

    The way to shut us up is to win matches. Losing isn't an option. We have to win away at Watford this Saturday or Luzon is, in that context, manifestly useless.

    Replace Luzon for Riga and Watford for Huddersfield, that is pretty much what you said last March when Riga was appointed.

    Give the bloke a chance at least. DId we want the man as head coach? Did you seriously expect anything different? Riga turned most supporters around with the results gained to keep us up. Luzon may repeat that but don't condemn the man before a ball had been kicked.

    Granted we are being taken for fools by the owner and CEO, however is that Luzon's fault?

    In an ideal world most of us would like a championship experienced manager, but under the current owner that may never happen.

    Go to the next 2 away games or wait till the Rotherham home game and demonstrate your anger then. Make sure it's towards the directors box and not the players or management.

    Give the bloke a chance of course, he has the chance to mastermind a win at Watford, he may be our Alex Ferguson after all. I agree all criticism ought to end where the buck stops, but Luzon is shoved out front to take the flack or the praise, so he can either accept that position, or he has the option to resign. I will be satisfied with 16 wins, 1 draw, and 4 defeats for the remainder of the season, that's a chance isn't it?
  • Rothko said:

    I'm pro the current ownership, I can see the improvements, and the I think where they want to take the club. But yesterday was a slow motion car crash, sometimes saying nothing is better then saying anything.

    As a matter of interest, do you think an owner without a football background who doesn't attend matches should ever be instructing the manager / head coach about who plays? And what are the chances of that succeeding, whoever the coach is?
  • I don't think for one minute that Roland gives a hoot about what we think. I recall his son writing that his dad needed to listen to people sometimes. RD goes through the motions of hearing but he is not listening. Some call it arrogance I just think he is an Aspergic character operating within the confines of his neural network. Narrowly focussed, adhering to a business plan that worked in a technological business where people and emotions don't count. Now he is in a business where emotions are a major factor and that, in my opinion, will be his downfall. Katrien does as she's told as does everyone. I too wish we hadn't been played for fools but nothing lasts for ever. The spirit is dented but not broken. COYR.
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  • How many owners have a footballing background? Richard Murray was a TV production man before owning us, down the road Parish was a ad man, or the Porn brothers at West Ham where selling, well smut, before they ran Birmingham properly.

    God knows what the chances are, but the old model wasn't exactly working either.
  • Good post Rob.

    Great post, IMHO
  • seth plum said:

    shirty5 said:

    seth plum said:

    The way to shut us up is to win matches. Losing isn't an option. We have to win away at Watford this Saturday or Luzon is, in that context, manifestly useless.

    Replace Luzon for Riga and Watford for Huddersfield, that is pretty much what you said last March when Riga was appointed.

    Give the bloke a chance at least. DId we want the man as head coach? Did you seriously expect anything different? Riga turned most supporters around with the results gained to keep us up. Luzon may repeat that but don't condemn the man before a ball had been kicked.

    Granted we are being taken for fools by the owner and CEO, however is that Luzon's fault?

    In an ideal world most of us would like a championship experienced manager, but under the current owner that may never happen.

    Go to the next 2 away games or wait till the Rotherham home game and demonstrate your anger then. Make sure it's towards the directors box and not the players or management.

    Give the bloke a chance of course, he has the chance to mastermind a win at Watford, he may be our Alex Ferguson after all. I agree all criticism ought to end where the buck stops, but Luzon is shoved out front to take the flack or the praise, so he can either accept that position, or he has the option to resign. I will be satisfied with 16 wins, 1 draw, and 4 defeats for the remainder of the season, that's a chance isn't it?
    Pretty sure you had the same attitude when Riga came in.

    As you were then you are coming across as a spoilt brat who has had his Xbox taken away.
    I think you mean to add coming across to you as a spoilt brat who has had his Xbox taken away. If I am pissing Clem_Snide off then I must be doing something right wouldn't you agree?
  • I don't think for one minute that Roland gives a hoot about what we think. I recall his son writing that his dad needed to listen to people sometimes. RD goes through the motions of hearing but he is not listening. Some call it arrogance I just think he is an Aspergic character operating within the confines of his neural network. Narrowly focussed, adhering to a business plan that worked in a technological business where people and emotions don't count. Now he is in a business where emotions are a major factor and that, in my opinion, will be his downfall. Katrien does as she's told as does everyone. I too wish we hadn't been played for fools but nothing lasts for ever. The spirit is dented but not broken. COYR.

    Good to hear that rallying call from you, Anni.

    Thought we had lost you along the line since RD took control.

    I should have known better & I apologise.

    Good to have you "back".

  • First things first - @bromleyjohn and all others saying similar, it's ridiculous to suggest that the majority of us don't want success. We all want Luzon to be the next Mourhino (or Ferguson... hahaha, sad...) but that doesn't mean we can't articulate our distress at the way the last few days has been handled.

    My family IS Charlton Athletic, like many of us on this forum it wasn't what I chose or based on any rational thought but me and my kids ARE Charlton, as are the majority of readers of this comment.

    That being said - Luzon WAS NOT hired because he was the best choice for Charlton. If he wasn't already employed by Roland would he have even been considered for an interview? Not a chance. So the truthful statement here is obviously that he was the right choice for the network, but CAFC were nothing to do with it. Will he turn out to be the best choice for the club? Possibly... but let's be honest the odds are infinitesimally small that he is.

    I will always be CAFC and support the boys. My great uncle Maurice will always have his ashes buried under the Covered End goal and the club will always be a massive part of my life, the Belgian's can't change that. It's who I am. Will me and my kids be there at the ground to cheer the team on though? For this season, undoubtedly, yes. In the future.... I just don't know. CAFC is in my blood but knowing that every penny of profit from my money goes to the Network, that sold Yann, sacked Powell, rejected a new contract for Riga, disrespected Morro, Wilson and the others, and now blatantly treated me like an idiot in this hiring process.... well. Maybe not.

    Those that choose to think all is well, good on you. But don't criticise those of us that have had our hearts ripped out slowly over these last 12 months.

    What profit would that be then?

    All those calling for player investment in this window are conveniently forgetting that when Roly took over we were losing £6-7 million a year. I have no idea what it is running at now, but you can be sure we are not in profit!
  • Davo55 said:

    As I have said before on a few occasions I'm happy to give Luzon a go, not my first choice but there we go. I'm CAFC through and through and managers/head coaches come and go, however I'm not prepared to be lied to by the 'board'...RD/KM and it would appear sadly RM, have lied quite clearly. How can you decide to get rid of a manager after a Saturday afternoon game, announce it on Sunday evening then recieve 20 applications, carry out CV reviews and shifts, release a statement syaing we are going to make sure this time we get the right person for the 'long haul' carry out full and proper interviews (if only for 4 or 5 candidates) make sure you have the right person with the right credentials and then appoint that person within a few bullshit!!

    Watch that ticker @Redmidland. We want you around when these shysters are long gone. :smile:
    I will @Davo55, just a little annoyed that people are telling blatant lies, KM who I had the up-most respect for has badly let herself down, just in the manner she answered the question at the press conference, body language and voice give it all away in my opinion and she didn't interview other candidates, she MAY have looked at the CV's but nothing beyond that I fear.
    This is the issue for me. I'm still not going to judge the network model because we are only a year into this journey. It hasn't been pretty at times and very much the bumpy ride HI talks of. Yet, despite the turnover of managers (not good), we achieved our goals of staying up last season and I still believe, have a decent team able to compete this season.

    However we just don't need the lies. We're not stupid and it's obvious Luzon was lined up if and when Peeters started to fail.

  • Rothko said:

    How many owners have a footballing background? Richard Murray was a TV production man before owning us, down the road Parish was a ad man, or the Porn brothers at West Ham where selling, well smut, before they ran Birmingham properly.

    God knows what the chances are, but the old model wasn't exactly working either.

    I think you've missed the point. As far as I'm aware, our great successes under Alan Curbishley weren't because Richard Murray was telling him what team to select. Likewise, the porn brothers and Parish don't pick the team either, they employ football managers for that because they understand that football managers know a lot more than they do about how to pick a football team.
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Roland Out Forever!