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Season-ticket strike to bring the owner to the table



  • TEL said:

    The season is virtually over, Championship status has been retained, and things are evolving, hopefully in the right direction.

    I'm not sure its too healthy or in anyone's best interests to keep digging up / revisiting previous issues and we certainly don't want a summer dominated by petty or private squabbles.

    Would be very grateful if people would attempt to 'draw a line' for now, or if not take whatever issues they have to PMs or offline.

    thank you.

    Wow, Im amazed you wrote this.....
    Questions were asked and good ones at that, and they chose to duck them.....You chose to duck a question too when I asked if you agreed that organising a season ticket boycott wasnt potentially damaging to the club.
    And now you want a line drawn under the discussion? Very strange standpoint, Im sure that Im not the only one who thinks it either. Not much point in having a forum if its all happening via Pm, is it... I thought that was what they invented email for :-)
    I'm not sure I get your point Tel.

    From a moderator point of view, I don't think its good for the forum to see the same people going tit-for-tat with each other from thread to thread.

    It doesn't provide a particularly enjoyable backdrop, and acts as a turn off for those that don't get involved with that stuff.

    The season has finished now, some of what were perceived to be key concerns don't seem to have materialised, so let's all try and look forward positively instead of seeking to dig things up from the past which serves nothing but drive a wedge between people.

    I don't understand why you would be amazed by that, but you are not alone because 4 other people like your view.

    I've read back through the thread and.I can't see a question you put to me that I ducked, so if it elsewhere please point it out and ill happily reply if you are still interested.
  • I think it's about time people started getting real. I suggest you listen closely to the words of Agadoo and I'm sure you will all have a different view afterwards.
  • One of the best posts ever on here. I agree with every sylabule.
  • So..... I take it the boycott is not happening anymore???
  • Addickted said:

    On Sunday evening, Addickted posted on the Kermorgant thread that I had renewed my season ticket. Unlike the majority of posters, Addickted's identity is known to me, as is his involvement with staff at The Valley. It is, in my opinion, a strange assertion for him to make given he hasn't spoken to me about it and I haven't disclosed it here or elsewhere. I reasonably conclude 1) that he had been told this by a member of staff and 2) that someone wanted that to appear on here.

    Your 'reasonable' conclusion is 100% incorrect.

    My involvement with The Club is on a voluntary basis, airing the views of supporters concerns in the field of H&S - which is my current day job. Those people I talk to at The Club, at the three times a year visits I make, puts me into contact with two or three members of staff - all of whom I believe were sympathetic to Airmans departure from the Club.

    No one from The Club or elsewhere has disclosed to me any private information, nor have I requested any such information about Airman, his family, his close associates, or indeed anyone else. Why the hell would I?

    Now I've cleared that point up,

    I don't really care about any of that, but I make the point that if anyone believes club staff and others don't plant things on here via such parties they are very naive. In fact the disclosure of such personal information held by the club is illegal, which would be a matter for the club's own internal procedures in the first instance. It's hardly likely to interest the wider authorities.

    Says the Editor of a fanzine who for years has published tittle tattle, gossip, rumour and innuendo about the Club, it's employee and it's owners. Most of it gained from 'internal sources' and a great deal of it from ex senior executives from the Club with an obvious axe to grind about their own departures.

    Indeed from my understanding, the Clubs own internal procedures were sufficiently robust to dismiss you from the Club for gross misconduct for disclosure of sensitive information - a fact that you've told the World about on this forum.

    You can't have it both ways.

    I would simply point out that buying two adult season tickets is not obviously a subversive act, neither have I ever said that I would not buy a season ticket. I simply put forward an idea about timing, which in the event was overtaken by a wider discussion, which continues

    Not subversive, but definitely hypocritical.

    Basically that action by you makes this whole thread and the rabble rousing tone of your opening post completely ridiculous. The politician in you shines through and should be noted by those who will blindly follow your advice in their belief that "if Airman says it, it must be for the betterment of CAFC".

    Not once on this thread did you post to say, "actually perhaps it wasn't such a good idea, I am going to re-new my ST lads, so get down the box office and do likewise and support the Club".

    You may as well of headed the discussion "Do as I say, not as I do".

    There will be many different views about the current situation and I respect those that are different from mine, substantially set out here. I don't have any respect for people who cannot grasp that there is a body of opinion that is sceptical about the new owner and doesn't change its mind every time a goal goes in.

    No you don't. You don't have time for anyone's opinion that doesn't tow the line in the World according to Airman.

    There are several reasonable questions that have been put forward to you on various threads that you have chosen to repeatedly ignore.

    What you don't seem to grasp, is that everyone who has posted here which has not supported your view as far as the ludicrous demands being made by the G21 or the propsed ST boycott, also have concerns, doubts and suspicions about how the new owner is going to 'Advance The Addicks'. All of them have acknowledged that mistakes have been made in RD's three month tenure.

    But we've also opened our eyes as to the positives that he has achieved in such a short period of time - particularly in the long term investment in the infrastructure and very fan friendly Season Ticket policy.

    Certainly there appears to be far more optimistic than pessimitic fans that I talk to - but then as you point out, no one on here knows me or speaks to me about the Club and its current direction.

    If you go back to February, many of those people were telling us that Polish Pete and Reza were more than adequate replacements for Yann Kermorgant, and prior to that that there were no issues at the club other than mine, and that Peter Varney and Steve Kavanagh had left perfectly amicably. In both cases the facts were otherwise.

    And basically this is it. Your problem with the Club.

    RD sold Yann, RD sacked Chris Powell, he's bought in some shite loanees (so what's new!) and you and your mates didn't get on with the previous owners. People who RD have never probably met.

    This, I'm afraid Airman, is old news. As my 13 year old step daughter would say, "Build a bridge and get over it".

    Let's see what happens. We should all share the relief and satisfaction that the team has stayed up, rather than use it as a vehicle to attack each other, not least because we simply do not know whether we will be in the same position next season. The idea that any Charlton supporter would relish that is childish nonsense and the people who wish to claim otherwise do not deserve any response.

    It's taken you three months, but I'm glad you are at last taking a pragmatic view of the current situation.

    Can I politely suggest that should you not want to use this forum as a "vehicle to attack each other", you don't start anymore antagonistic threads along the line of the G21 and the ST boycott thread.

    Because those sorts of unrealistic demands annoy me intensely and are going to get you absolutely diddly squat from the new owner.

    Very comprehensive post but not sure this is entirely in line with the request from AFKA for "People to attempt to 'draw a line' for now, or if not take whatever issues they have to PMs or offline."
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  • Let me get this right a fan recommends action that will reduce the cash flow of the business? Mmm doesn't sound very supportive to me.
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    That's much more like it!
  • Well said Addickted
  • PL54 said:

    So did you get your STs or not then Airman?

    Don't feel bad if you did. There's a pub near me that shortchanged me by 10p once and I said I'd boycott it. They then only went and put Estrella on tap and organised some decent bands so I went back.

    Estrella must be the best lager you can get on tap. It is so smooth.
  • It gets post of the season from me. Well said @Addicted .
  • Well said Addickted. Time for the old guard to move aside and demolish all these cliques perhaps?
  • Well said silent Addick
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  • Addickted you know that my view is 100% what you just posted I thank you for posting it

    An everytime someone posts

    RD this Chris powell that, yann fecking kermo the other

    I am going to cut and paste that post

    And say shut the feck up and read this

    Between you and G49 this week nothing anyone else hS posted about this club and it's future holds any water or relevance

  • It's a bit long so I'd prefer if you posted a link rather than cut and paste :-)
  • I am hoping it all goes away now but I doubt it
  • Funny when moderation kicks in on here. And when it doesn't. Seems like it's somewhat dependent upon who is getting their ass handed to them.

    Jesus H. Christ. Should probably ignore this for my own sanity, but I'll tell you what it really depends on: when the boss ain't looking, the phone's got signal, the kids are asleep, the dishes done, etc. etc.

  • What's a stooge ( serious question)

    I think that the drip feeding from inside is getting more balanced now as atleast we are getting two views

    Instead of one

    I hope the forum is used to get things out not just pm it makes it an interesting place

    Spot on.... Totally agree
  • Solidgone said:

    I think it's about time people started getting real. I suggest you listen closely to the words of Agadoo and I'm sure you will all have a different view afterwards.

    I don't get it? Push pineapple, shake a tree?
  • So..... I take it the boycott is not happening anymore???

    Already bought mine, so I am boycotting the food outlets in side the ground next season untill they improve or till at least katrien asks me out for a burger.

  • CAFCsayer said:

    Solidgone said:

    I think it's about time people started getting real. I suggest you listen closely to the words of Agadoo and I'm sure you will all have a different view afterwards.

    I don't get it? Push pineapple, shake a tree?
    To the left to the right? .........are we signing Jason Lee again? confused.

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