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Season-ticket strike to bring the owner to the table



  • I'm not renewing but it's to do with my shifts instead of anything RD has done. I can understand if people dont renew , it's not as if there will be a struggle to get tickets for League One football next year.
  • We all need to work together on this. I think the least we deserve is that Roland Duchatelet shows his face in front of the fans, takes questions and explains his plans, so that people can make their own judgement. I think the trust could lead on that.

    Would like to think so, but in reality will probably just get spun a load of lies and platitudes like last Thu meeting, ending with "I make the decisions anyway."
  • Good Idea I'm principal rick but we win our games in hand fans will have forgotten about Powell at drop of an hat

  • The problem is what sort of clarification you hope to get. They can make all the positive statements in the world but many wont be convinced. Or he can say something like Charlton are my feeder club for my champions league team. And many will accept that anyway. Would you really leave just because our situation is this - even that wont last forever.

    What do you want him to say to give you this clarity?

    I agree with DRF.

    Most of us are feeling very raw at the moment with Chris Powell's dismissal but what, in practical terms, do we really hope to achieve by a season ticket boycott ?

    In terms of the "feeder club" issue, Duchatalet will make appropriate noises (as he has done already) and, quite frankly, it is far more likely that our best players will be sold to English clubs than find themselves shipped off to Standard Liege. There certainly wasn't much Champions League quality on display on Sunday, was there ? The greater concerns for me are, first, finding ourselves landed with a succession of Standard Liege or other network players who are not up to scratch and, secondly, a general lack of continuity in terms of core first team players. Given what Richard Cawley has had to say, people will also naturally be worried about the new coach/manager lacking professional independence and being, in effect, Duchatalet's puppet in terms of team selection but we shall have to wait and see.

    As to the quality of the club's leadership team, I - and I suspect the vast majority of Charlton supporters - are in no position to express a view on their merits or demerits. Nor, in the greater scheme of things, is that a material consideration in the decision to renew or otherwise. I also personally find attacks on club employees via this forum a little distasteful.

    For what it is worth, whilst I understand and respect the contrary view, I shall most certainly be renewing my season ticket. The alternative - sitting around on a Saturday afternoon or on a Tuesday night listening to the commentary from the Valley or following the (albeit excellent) CL match thread - is simply unthinkable.
  • edited March 2014
    My biggest worry @AirmanBrown is that Roland's Network will take priority over what right for the club.

    Powell was offered a new deal but didn't agree as clearly he didn't want to be a "Yes man".

    Now we find ourselves with a owner who will clearly continue to fill this team with players from the network.

    Losing our identity in order to fulfill the networks need is already happening.
  • Frankly JiMMy 85 you are welcome to your opinion on my posts, but if you are agreeing with what Airman is saying today, watch out for the men in white coats.
  • se9addick said:

    The prices are frozen until the 9th of April I believe, certainly no reason to buy before then if you are dissatisfied with the current situation.

    but if we don't buy until after then prices might rise and we'll all be out of pocket. Unless Airman will make up the difference of course ;-))

  • Granpa said:

    Frankly JiMMy 85 you are welcome to your opinion on my posts, but if you are agreeing with what Airman is saying today, watch out for the men in white coats.

    Whilst I do not agree with everything Airman says I cannot see any harm in "delaying" buying a season ticket, he did not suggest a 100% boycott, just don't rush out and renew straight away so it makes the club sit up and take note.

    If it wasn't for people like Airman back in the dark days we would all be supporting another team now.
  • I'm not renewing until I know what I am going to be getting. I'm not paying to be taken for a ride by an absent owner who is working to a plan for the general betterment of his clubs overall perhaps at the expense of mine. The next thing is Ben Hamer will be sold so they can put that French clown back in goal.
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  • I hope Chris Powell clears up exactly what went wrong and why he was sacked. At the moment i do not know what to believe.

    I would believe Chris Powell over anyone and he is the one who knows exactly what this regimes ideas are and being no longer attached can finally speak openly with no spin and lip service.
  • Sadly i suspect a lot of opposing comment to Airman is based mainly on pre-conceived dislike of the individual rather than on the issues at hand.

    Strip away anything 'Chris Powell' related. it is nothing to do with Chris Powell, that's almost irrelevent already.

    it is about the future direction, identity and soul of the club you support. Whether it is simply the plaything of an individual or for the betterment of another club.

    if that's for you, and may result in seeing 'better football', no problem.

    But please don't snipe at people who are seriously concerned that the club the have invested 10/20/30/40/50 years of emotional support may be turning into something that they never wanted it to be, and are fearful of where it is heading in its future.

    spot on.

  • For a more immediate response to clearly being part of the network.
    Don't buy programmes or beer.
  • For everyone that feels the same way we need to all pull together to hit the owner where it hurts....
  • For everyone that feels the same way we need to all pull together to hit the owner where it hurts....

    probably only needs one of us to kick him in the balls tbh

  • Croydon said:

    For everyone that feels the same way we need to all pull together to hit the owner where it hurts....

    probably only needs one of us to kick him in the balls tbh

    That's true. As punishment though he may tie you up to a seat in one of the "network" stadiums in a far away land!!!
  • I don't know AB so I don't dislike him - but what a load of bollocks @ season ticket strike.
    Always said that Powells football tactics were shit yes even in the league one winning season! so I will be renewing and supporting the club 100% as usual.
  • seth plum said:

    The clarity is about the integrity and autonomy of Charlton Athletic as a football club. I think if Roland tells us directly that our function is to provide largess to Standard Liege, then we know where we stand and can be better informed when deciding to renew.
    Right now I am not inclined to renew, and I can't remember the times when I've NOT had a season ticket. My perception is that we will be paying to support some kind of football/business experiment, with the success measured by how well Standard Liege are doing.
    When I first started following Charlton I didn't think I was actually supporting another club, it was just me and Charlton.

    Thing is Seth, this is exactly what RD has said.

    I don't think there is any doubt about the hierarchy of the clubs in the stable. We are second so we will get loans from SL and our best players will go the other way. He's not, even, tried to deny that!
  • I will renew on payday. The only certainty for me next season is that i will be there.
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  • Sadly i suspect a lot of opposing comment to Airman is based mainly on pre-conceived dislike of the individual rather than on the issues at hand.

    Strip away anything 'Chris Powell' related. it is nothing to do with Chris Powell, that's almost irrelevent already.

    it is about the future direction, identity and soul of the club you support. Whether it is simply the plaything of an individual or for the betterment of another club.

    if that's for you, and may result in seeing 'better football', no problem.

    But please don't snipe at people who are seriously concerned that the club the have invested 10/20/30/40/50 years of emotional support may be turning into something that they never wanted it to be, and are fearful of where it is heading in its future.

    Exactly. I fear that the heart of the club will be sold down the river at the expense of the current owner's 'network'.
    Will we simply become SL reserves and , gradually and painfully lose our identity as a club in order to take part in Roland's footballing experiment.
    Let the bad times roll ....
  • Always said that Powells football tactics were shit yes even in the league one winning season! so I will be renewing and supporting the club 100% as usual.

    The irony is almost painful! I'm sure the new manager will be looking forward to your 100% support.

  • For everyone that feels the same way we need to all pull together to hit the owner where it hurts....

    He is worth £400m so where exactly is that spot that will hurt him?
  • I don't know AB so I don't dislike him - but what a load of bollocks @ season ticket strike.
    Always said that Powells football tactics were shit yes even in the league one winning season! so I will be renewing and supporting the club 100% as usual.

    Scabby, we get it. You're delighted - you don't need to let it known several times on each thread.
  • Greg said:

    Always said that Powells football tactics were shit yes even in the league one winning season! so I will be renewing and supporting the club 100% as usual.

    The irony is almost painful! I'm sure the new manager will be looking forward to your 100% support.

    Always said it m8 and yes the new manager and team will get my 100% support come kick off on match days as did Powells teams come kick time. I didn't like Powells football but always gave my vocal support and renewed my ticket every year.
  • My view is that we should consider asking supporters to withhold their season ticket renewals for the time being until we get some clarity about what is going on with our club.

    Personally I have no confidence in any of the people running it, including the leadership team as well as the board, and season tickets are the one lever we can pull without being accused of damaging the team. It's just an idea and I'd welcome people's input.

    How about defining what youmean by clarity.
  • I believe that the majority of Charlton supporters that attend The Valley do not read lists such as this one and their main involvement is to attend the matches. I know this from speaking to some supporters around me. A lot of Charlton fans will be very disappointed (like me) that Chris Powell has gone but the thoughts of boycotting future games or not renewing season tickets won't occur to them.

    Like AB I have long term concerns about how RD views our club, and it would be hard to take if we did become just a feeder club languishing in the lower leagues. Not sure that will be the case as if that was what he wanted couldn't he have bought a league 1 or league 2 club cheaper ?
    I'm just not sure what I will do as far as season ticket renewal is concerned. It will have nothing do as to whether we are relegated or not though but more the direction.
  • Agree with the sentiment. I've got a bit of contempt for the Cardiff fans who moaned about Tan and the red jerseys but bought tickets in growing numbers to lap up the premiership football that they delivered. If the chairman is going to treat me like a customer I am going to act like one and stop buying the shitty product on offer. Don't care if we win every game from now to the end of the season, I support Charlton not a business project.
  • For everyone that feels the same way we need to all pull together to hit the owner where it hurts....

    He is worth £400m so where exactly is that spot that will hurt him?
    Not renewing season tickets. Not putting money into his pocket?

    Of course when your worth that much it doesn't go far. But if he is going to treat the club like a small piece in his network puzzle which ultimately leads to Standard liege then he can sell up and move on for all I care.
  • My view is that we should consider asking supporters to withhold their season ticket renewals for the time being until we get some clarity about what is going on with our club.

    Personally I have no confidence in any of the people running it, including the leadership team as well as the board, and season tickets are the one lever we can pull without being accused of damaging the team. It's just an idea and I'd welcome people's input.

    How about defining what youmean by clarity.

    Fair question. I think clarity will emerge over the next week in terms of what happens on the pitch as well what comes out of the boardroom. In the meantime, I hope to be able to give you a more substantive response in 48 hours time, once a few of us have put their heads together. That will be of more use than my view alone, because as NYA rightly points out I don't speak for everyone and I don't pretend to do so.
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Roland Out Forever!