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Rumours Rumours - Transfer Window Summer 2013 (Alnwick In, Green loan out, Stewart loan in)



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    Solly would be cover
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    Solly would be cover

    Not for long !

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    Two things. If a top four premier club is after him then its big money and we should be persuading him to go. Secondly. If we arnt in for anyone and that's our plan even if Solly stays then we are already relegated.

    Well, we're clearly going to sign some players, even if we aren't in for anyone right now. Having said that, not quite sure how you reckon the team who finished 9th last season is guaranteed to be relegated without any signings. There's pessimism and then there's silliness
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    Two things. If a top four premier club is after him then its big money and we should be persuading him to go. Secondly. If we arnt in for anyone and that's our plan even if Solly stays then we are already relegated.

    Well, we're clearly going to sign some players, even if we aren't in for anyone right now. Having said that, not quite sure how you reckon the team who finished 9th last season is guaranteed to be relegated without any signings. There's pessimism and then there's silliness
    We have one striker.

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    according to his wiki page and a few internet pages,maghoma is having a medical at the massive!
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    Two things. If a top four premier club is after him then its big money and we should be persuading him to go. Secondly. If we arnt in for anyone and that's our plan even if Solly stays then we are already relegated.

    Well, we're clearly going to sign some players, even if we aren't in for anyone right now. Having said that, not quite sure how you reckon the team who finished 9th last season is guaranteed to be relegated without any signings. There's pessimism and then there's silliness
    We have one striker.

    do you seriously think we'll only have 1 come the 3rd August ???

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    SHG was commenting on edster81's rumour of us not being in for anyone AND selling Solly. If that turned out to be our sole transfer activity then yes relegation would be a worry imo.

    But personally I doubt that will be the case. We shall see.
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    se9addick said:

    edester81 said:

    dickplumb said:

    Where has this news come from that Solly is going? I will be sick if this happens.

    Im not one to post much and i'm not one to make anything up but i have heard from a good source that at this time Charlton are not in for anyone and that a top 4 premiership team are in for Solly but the club are trying to convince him to stay. I'm not naming sources just sharing what i heard and you can choose to believe it or not.

    If a "top 4" club is in for him, provided he handles it in the right way and allows us to get the biggest fee possible, then good luck to him - that's an opportunity no one should turn down.
    Your right a 10 million pound bid from a top 4 team would be very hard to turn down , but it might be hard to get a 10 million bid from a top 4 team.

    Wouldn't be anything like £10m mate, is imagine closer to £4/5m. Pretty sure Solly isn't quite at the level where he's on the radar of clubs of that calibre but I may be wrong.
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    Not buying anyone and not being in for them are different

    I dont believe we will buy anyone tbh but i think we may get 4 more perm and 2 loans
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    I just want us to sign anyone just top calm people down (by people I mean me and by calm down I mean give me someone to look up on wikipedia)
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  • Options We're monitoring bailey apparently
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    Dizzle said:

    Man Utd - Rafael
    Man City - Zabaleta & Richards
    Chelsea - Azpilcueta (sic) & Ivanovic
    Arsenal - Sagna & Jenkinson

    If David Luiz is on his way to PSG / Barca, then Ivanovic / Cahill / Terry will be Chelski centre backs. Azpilicueta has been OK but I suspect they would want better. They did however sign a Brazilian right-back called Wallace, last year.

    Would Spurs be a more likely destination? Who do they have after Kyle Walker?
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    DeeBee said:

    I just want us to sign anyone just top calm people down (by people I mean me and by calm down I mean give me someone to look up on wikipedia)

    Make me smile, at least you're honest : - )

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    If Solly signs for Man Utd, Man City, Chelsea or Arsenal, I will eat my hat.
    I know people like to big Solly up (well he is only 5ft 3) but that delusional!

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    Only spurs fans call themselves top 4
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    Two things. If a top four premier club is after him then its big money and we should be persuading him to go. Secondly. If we arnt in for anyone and that's our plan even if Solly stays then we are already relegated.

    Not saying they wont be in for anyone just at this moment there is nothing on the horizion

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    Come on, I think Chris is great but he is not better than Cesar Azpilicueta.
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    edester81 said:

    Two things. If a top four premier club is after him then its big money and we should be persuading him to go. Secondly. If we arnt in for anyone and that's our plan even if Solly stays then we are already relegated.

    Not saying they wont be in for anyone just at this moment there is nothing on the horizion

    So we're not talking to, enquiring about having ideas on anyone ? If that was true which its not then we are in big trouble.
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    Powell wants hight rated Swiss Under 20s target man Tobias Lerone to deploy in a 4-3-2-1 formation.

    Would be sweet if we could get him.
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    Sounds like the only thing on the horizon at the moment at the Valley is the Thames Barrier.
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    edited June 2013

    Powell wants hight rated Swiss Under 20s target man Tobias Lerone to deploy in a 4-3-2-1 formation.

    Would be sweet if we could get him.

    Good in the box I hear
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    great at little triangles
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    That one had a disappointingly short shelf life. Back to the drawing board.
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    Powell wants hight rated Swiss Under 20s target man Tobias Lerone to deploy in a 4-3-2-1 formation.

    Would be sweet if we could get him.

    He'd definitely be one you'd get in for the Christmas tree formation. Let's you play a lot of little triangles.
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    US Striker called Hersche Barr being touted around i hear
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    like i said im not one to make things up ive heard it from a good source and just sharing it with the masses just because a signing isnt on the horizon doesnt mean they arent looking at players (my personal thoughts) but lets not forget Managers and players dont return to clubs until next week so i would assume most clubs will start looking harder then its not like loads of clubs have signed loads of players to this point. As for Solly im just sharing this rumour on the rumour site i have heard its a top 4 team i know which club supposedly are after him and trust me i would be as suprised as everyone else as don't think they need him unless a player left and even then would be surprised
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    edester81 said:

    like i said im not one to make things up ive heard it from a good source and just sharing it with the masses just because a signing isnt on the horizon doesnt mean they arent looking at players (my personal thoughts) but lets not forget Managers and players dont return to clubs until next week so i would assume most clubs will start looking harder then its not like loads of clubs have signed loads of players to this point. As for Solly im just sharing this rumour on the rumour site i have heard its a top 4 team i know which club supposedly are after him and trust me i would be as suprised as everyone else as don't think they need him unless a player left and even then would be surprised

    Thanks for that reply and despite my scepticism thanks for sharing what you have heard.

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    It's always sad when you google Tobias Lerone and Hersche Barr from work only to smack yourself in the face when you realise :-(
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    have it on good authority that we are to make a bid for the German born Nigerian, Harry Bo.
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    Bo selecta
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