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**Post-Millwall Arrangements | Leaving The Ground | Please Read**



  • Couldn't the club put something in their beer? I'm surprised that Millwall FC feels that it needs to offer advice on how its fans can get a drink at such an early hour.
  • Prague, they are not keeping home fans in after the game, they are re-directing them (and inconveniencing them).

    You're right, my mistake. But they will still have to supply the meeting minutes. I can change it on the site.

    Fixed on the WDTK site now, thanks Brendan

    My Pleasure Prague.
  • Prague, they are not keeping home fans in after the game, they are re-directing them (and inconveniencing them).

    In name only. If you park anywhere around Delafield, Wellington Gdns, Fossdene, Inverine, Calydon, Tallis Grove, Nadine, Hycombe etc, which hundreds / thousands do every game, do you think once you've walked all the long way round on the lower road and get to the Anti they are going to let you go any further ?

  • Couldn't make it up this...

    Jesus wept
    edited March 2013


    Prague, they are not keeping home fans in after the game, they are re-directing them (and inconveniencing them).

    To be fair what they've done is a dressed up way of locking the majority of home fans in.

    If you get the train home (which many do) then you can't for 25 minutes. So they are keeping them back.
  • So basically the long and short of it is that the bullies win?
  • I can understand why people are pissed off BUT in this situation you have to focus on the main objective: Get those 3,000 cocaine snorting, Burberry wearing, wife beating, Stella drinking, BNP voting, tower block dwelling, Sun reading, benefit claiming, drug dealing, 'tooled up', Jeremy Kyle show guests OUT OF OUR GROUND AND BACK TO THEIR HOVELS AS FAST AS POSSIBLE.

    Seriously, having to play host to Millwall is like having a sex offender burgle your house, the whole experience just makes you feel grubby and in need of a long, hot shower.


    Have just sent it to my Spanner supporting client - who of course is off to Wembley in April from here, despite NEVER having visited the New Den

    He might not be a client much longer Prague....
    He deserved it. This is what he had sent me earlier

    "I hope you lose on Saturday and are relegated at the end of the season, eventually spending your dotage in the Vauxhall Conference League.
    Did I mention I will be watching the mighty Lions at Wembley on the 13th April?"

    What a life eh? My best client is a fecking Spanner !

  • If we won i couldn't careless what they do. But i know they will be hearing us fans singing ass they walk up the hill to the station .Just hope we turn up on the pitch
  • Why does the word Millwall bring out the worst in people?

    No one likes you cos your scum gettit.

    All of South East Londons social misfits in one place on Saturday , should be a right laugh.
  • Prague, they are not keeping home fans in after the game, they are re-directing them (and inconveniencing them).

    In name only. If you park anywhere around Delafield, Wellington Gdns, Fossdene, Inverine, Calydon, Tallis Grove, Nadine, Hycombe etc, which hundreds / thousands do every game, do you think once you've walked all the long way round on the lower road and get to the Anti they are going to let you go any further ?

    Probably not because that Millwall mob from the Angerstein will be waiting there!
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  • edited March 2013
    sm said:

    Couldn't the club put something in their beer? I'm surprised that Millwall FC feels that it needs to offer advice on how its fans can get a drink at such an early hour.

    That link contains guidance for Scumwall fans travelling to the game by car, so I presume that, as far as Millwall are aware, their supporters aren't going to be herded onto trains regardless of whether they want to be or not.

    Incidentally, regardless of the rights and wrongs of this arrangement, you can walk to Woolwich Dockyard station from The Valley in 20 minutes (less if you're in a hurry).
  • Will west stand gates be locked do you think?
  • All this fuss.
    You just know the team won't show up.
  • razil said:

    only bar open for 30 mins is north lower, so what about everyone else? And why has this only been communicated so late? We are effectively locking our own fans in because of this lot.

    At the rate they serve I estimate 30 pints being poured !!

  • Will west stand gates be locked do you think?

    Presuming you mean the gates near the Jimmy Seed turnstiles? Either locked or just a line of police stopping people getting in or out that way - forget about using that exit for at least the first 45 minutes after the final whistle.
  • I can't believe that people are defending the polices' decision.

    It's not only the polices' decision though. It's a joint decision with the club. The blame is shared 50/50 IMO.
  • "The Valley Grove gates to the west-stand car park, located close to the entrance for visiting fans, will also be closed for a short time after the final whistle"
  • Maybe the old bill have received/read some intel that suggests it is going to kick off more than a lot of you think. A lot has been said since we played up at their place.

    I expect there's a large element of truth in this given that in nearly 40 years of going to matches against that lot I can't ever remember the police doing this before. For my sins I'm usually one of the more pro-police if you like on here but I'm stuggling to defend this decision based on the info we have.
    LenGlover said:

    My Millwall season ticket holding colleague has suggested that the police and our Club have kindly allowed us to sit and reflect about our sins in throwing seats, flares and smashing toilets at The Den and that as a result our behaviour will be better in the future.

    The footballing equivalent of the naughty step.

    I also can't help but think there's an element that we haven't helped ourselves too. We've had a number of incidents at away matches this year which were always going to be seen as provocative to the Spanners and therefore lead to retailiation.

    Don't get me wrong, it's still out of order what's proposed IMO but when the police start picking up the message that we have an 'element' that's up for a bit of trouble I don't think we should be all that surprised when they (over)react.
  • If you think this decision was made just last night then you're mental!
  • What a load of fucking toss. What will they do about all the millwall twats who have got tickets in the home end anyway?

    As many have said, loads of them will be driving or bussing home instead of getting trains, and if they win it will take half an hour just to clear them from the JS, let alone getting them all up to the Station and away
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  • Stig, Charlton only pay for the police inside the ground. All police outside the ground is funded by the met themselves. That's why you very rarely see police inside the Valley other than your rival games so what Charlton pay for policing each season is minimal.
  • What's the betting that any Spanners clearly identified in the ground get left alone until some home fan takes exception and then he/she becomes the bad guy !! I hope Charlton are reading the grievances being aired here....
  • I can't believe that people are defending the polices' decision.

    It's not only the polices' decision though. It's a joint decision with the club. The blame is shared 50/50 IMO.
    Good point.
  • So what if we are kept in I told you the other day we were being kept in most have known for weeks it ain't the end of the world is it
  • So in the police's mind, it's better to inconvenience 20,000 people rather than 2,500. What's stopping the Millwall fans from just not getting on the trains and waiting 25 minutes on the station? Clueless...
  • So early kick off, local pubs told to close, yet the club are still selling away fans beer in the ground.. isn't that contradictory?
  • It's how you leave the ground that needs controlling

    All millwall fans with official tickets were supposedly told at point of purchase that they will be taken from ground to station even if people drive there

    I agree you could've held them in but the chances are its easier to control 3k than 17
  • Plaaayer said:

    If you think this decision was made just last night then you're mental!

    CAS Trust have been asking about policing for the last few days, we were told there was a meeting Thursday morning. Announced today. Make of that what you will

  • I can understand why people are pissed off BUT in this situation you have to focus on the main objective: Get those 3,000 cocaine snorting, Burberry wearing, wife beating, Stella drinking, BNP voting, tower block dwelling, Sun reading, benefit claiming, drug dealing, 'tooled up', Jeremy Kyle show guests OUT OF OUR GROUND AND BACK TO THEIR HOVELS AS FAST AS POSSIBLE.

    Seriously, having to play host to Millwall is like having a sex offender burgle your house, the whole experience just makes you feel grubby and in need of a long, hot shower.


    Have just sent it to my Spanner supporting client - who of course is off to Wembley in April from here, despite NEVER having visited the New Den

    He might not be a client much longer Prague....
    He deserved it. This is what he had sent me earlier

    "I hope you lose on Saturday and are relegated at the end of the season, eventually spending your dotage in the Vauxhall Conference League.
    Did I mention I will be watching the mighty Lions at Wembley on the 13th April?"

    What a life eh? My best client is a fecking Spanner !

    And he's not inviting you on some corporate junket, Prague?
  • Razil

    I have known for two weeks as have most it was mentioned by OB after the away game

    If they ain't speaking to you mate your asking the wrong people
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