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**Post-Millwall Arrangements | Leaving The Ground | Please Read**



  • Surely the club doesn't have to compensate the pubs NS Steve,it was the police who advised them to shut, not the club. Also it was only advisory,I think they were allowed to open at their own risk
  • This was a joint decision and the right one IMO

    The biggest mistake was the timing of the official word , it was known for weeks this was going to happen , the OB fecked up by not letting people turn left towards the level crossing , most ignored them and just walked through I know we did , if anyone has a beef about the situation it was the timing of the announcement and the stupidity of the police to not think that turning left at the top of the road and down to the lower road was a sensible idea

    Tbh they could've sealed flour road off from the tunnels allowing people to walk through them and shut the road off from the antigalligan
  • I see all this as Old Bill as opposed the club, I don't think Slater, Jiminez, Prothero were privvy to the meeting, that's Mick Everitt's job and I know he has the club's/ fans interest to heart so I think people should direct their anger to the old bill as opposed the club. Also things change on a hour/ hour basis. I thought the original statement was a bit silly, this gave Millwall the heads up of the only way they could get confrontation if they wanted, maybe after the statement the OB realised this.
  • To those that used the West Stand car park - the entrance arrangements you describe are always that way on match days: in via Valley Grove; out via Harvey Gardens. Anyway, the club is asking £800 to park up there next season. That's £34.78 per match plus cup games at no extra charge (there's always loads of those!)
    So, who at the club thinks it is a good idea to kettle (what should be treasured) free-spending customers in the car park for 30+ minutes while the plod arrangements go pear-shaped outside the ground and Millwall scum wander around where they like?. Will I be paying a couple of grand to CAFC next season? I don't know yet but I suspect that replacing a few cheapo plastic seats in the Jimmy Seed may in the long run have been a more economical option than alienating many existing and potential season ticket holders.
  • By the way............the cost for the cops on Sat was £30k !!!!!
  • edited March 2013

    By the way............the cost for the cops on Sat was £30k !!!!!

    That means we hardly made any money on the Spanners filling the away end.Next year lets restrict them to 2,000.

  • Mundell Fleming

    Agree completely regarding the communications around this. It's basic good manners and common sense to empathise with your inconvenienced paying customers.

    I was blocked off by OB horses at Harvey Gardens and in the end pushed my way through them along with parents with kids, pensioners etc. Trust me there were an awful lot of unhappy fans that blamed both OB and the club.

    Will I renew my ST? Not sure, I may convert to PPM. I'll wait and see how the club respond to the feedback on the post match arrangements.

  • Richard J said:

    By the way............the cost for the cops on Sat was £30k !!!!!

    That means we hardly made any money on the Spanners filling the away end.Next year lets restrict them to 2,000.

    more like dont give them any tickets
    how many charlton fans stay away for this fixture would we be actually be losing that much money

  • 30k is v cheap for an operation of that size. I thought it would be closer to 200. Those big bad boys from millwall locking themselves in a girl's toilet in Woolwich. 'Rofl'
  • Blimey. Some very pissed off people on here lately.
    Is this the start of the jimenez/slater exit strategy?
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  • I dont think I have ever seen so many angry people on here about a non-football issue, and I am really worried at the number of people talking about their season ticket choices. i hope somebody at the Club is taking this thread seriously.
  • The thing is, Prague, this wouldn't have happened under Murray, Varney, Kavanagh, Everett and co. Losing empathy with your most loyal customers is the surest way to ruin a business. You'd think the current lot would recognise that and try to repair the damage.
  • I disagree , this was a police led operation based on intel gathered I do not hold the club responsible for any of it other than the timing of the announcement
  • Had a season ticket since 1988 and this time last night I would have burnt the 300 quid rather than hand it to MS or TJ. Typically, my attitude has mellowed. However, this year (if I renew, and it is still if at the moment) it will be a very reluctant purchase.

    I can handle some disruption after the game and I get the need to keep fans apart. What has really narked me, is the insulting official statement issued which worried about scum fans and not our own. Also less than impressed with the apparent "half-truth" surrounding when the decision was made.

    Final nail really, was watching scum in the East Stand lording it whilst the ob and stewards watched them. The snatch squad have been known to go into the North Upper ifpeople stand on the gangways.

    Said it already but the whole day was a PR disaster and a slap in the face of all home supporters.
  • Agreed clem but I said it would happen exactly how it panned out in the ground and this has happend under the stewardship of muzza and co far more often than TJ and MS it is the biggest gripe I have against Cafc as they were more concerned that people who's banning orders had finished in line with the fixture behaving rather than dealing with the scum in our ends

    It's happend against these before and Leeds and Chelsea and Liverpool and man u

    And the result is the same everytime no other club in the country would allow it

  • I was faced with the police on horses at Charlton Lane /Coxmount, and in my opinion the police seemed to have no idea what they were doing, or what they hoped to attain. I with 4 others , simply moved to the front and as the horses 'aligned' simply walked beetween them up Coxmount road. Waiting the other side, and like dozen of other fans telling the police to let people walk up Coxmount road. After a few minutes the police seemed to half give up and people jumped the corner and more came up Coxmount road. I then walked back around to the level crossing, and to our car in the Jackson lift car park. What this achieved I have no idea. What the police achieved I have no idea. Besides upsetting a lot of supporters, I have no idea. If this was the plan of CAFC/police then shame on them. This was a PR farce, on top of a poor performance on pitch. I am not anti police, I have no reason to be. I hope that the club owns up to this incident, and that the safety and priority is given to the Home fan's, not because a team has an issue with some of it's supporters.
  • Muzza even had a scum wall try and get to him in the directors box and yet we still let people take the piss yet film from a proximity of feet our own fans in the ground

    The sooner the stewards and OB get to understand the implications of their actions which womt be too long IMO of treating home fans with contempt and away fans as loyal customers the better

    I can see a grab squad or OB getting the brunt of the anger soon
  • Christ Ken it was the old bill not the club, the only thing the club is guilty of is the statement.
  • edited March 2013

    LenGlover said:


    People should complain both to the club and the police. Personally I want to find out how these decisions were taken, because I'm still reluctant to believe that Mick Everett at the club would have come up with such an idea.

    I already made a request under the Freedom of Information Act to the Met. They have to answer, and we can all read it here by April 17 latest.

    I sent it on Friday (and frankly, as you can read, didnt make the best job of it). So other people could make similar requests. This particular law is about getting specific information (not explanations or making complaints). But somebody could ask for example for all minutes of all meetings about policing of this fixture; and since we are told that the police are so weighed down writing reports and forms, somebody could ask for the reports and forms they must have filled in after yesterdays goings on.

    The programme refers to Steve Bradshaw as Chief Operating Officer so presumably the overall responsibility for the Club input to yesterday's fiasco lies at his door rather than Mick Everett who we know has been highly competent over many years.
    Thanks Len. Totally agree with your words about Mick. That is why I found the whole stupid arrangement so surprising. Lets see what we can find out in the coming days.

    When we met the new chief operating officer was very keen that the Jimmy Seed stand was not damaged... why the away fans were not kept behind is one issue but having the home fans lied to and their access to Woolwich Road completely blocked is not excusable...

    The club has now not only starved the management of funds but is now being openly dismissive of the fans in their own shagging ground... - cheers lads!

  • Had to sit there near the end listening to them sing that's why we laugh at you with no response going back from the other three sides of the ground.
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  • If people want to stop attending based on dross that is served up is one thing not attending because the OB led decisions on segregation is another tbh

    This club has always allowed away fans to take the piss in our ground and you all still came and hardly said anything about it , those that were pissed off then a d challenged the pricks in home ends were deemed the wrong sort of Charlton fan

    Now it's affected all and sundry the place is in melt down

    This was an OB led decision it was one made known to many people the weeks after the millwall game and was confirmed after palace the fact the club met with them last week was not going to change anything the statement and announcement was wrong bit the OB showed the most contempt to you so instead of not paying your money to Charlton why not stop paying your council tax
  • This morning just ripped up our st renewals whatever goes on with regards to performance on the pitch I can live with and pay for but in 30 years have never known anything like it.
    Had millwall lost I can asure every one that wall would not have left the ground and got back on their trains home,some people would have paid a higher price than we did.
    There's only one reason they were let out first is had they lost and be kept back our stewards would not have been able to control them.
    Simple as that they would smashed seats/stand up etc got on pitch into other stands.
    Smashed up vandlised local,fans cars and more.
    Ah sorry its just me,I know the real reason is as stated as they didn't miss their trains? Silly me
  • And the further upside to not paying your council tax is a summons which ultimately could mean you won't have to do Jury Service :-)
  • To me it seems either the club were heavily involved in the decision and agreed with it. In which case shame on them.


    The club were heavily involved in the decision. Disagreed with it but were given no choice. In which case they should have made it clear their hands were tied and the apologise for the way the fans would be treated. They did not do this in which case shame on them
  • Club must take us for bigger mugs than we actually are
    Can't wait to see the attendance at next at next home game?
  • It was the second point and you are correct the way the message was delivered was toilet let the OB have the issue when people can't go about their business as usual and they stop people exiting as normal

    The club as the same with most drinking establishments on Saturday were put under ridiculous restrictions on what they could do

    The intel gathered by the police led to this decision and it was a decision taken weeks ago and I mean weeks
  • They got it pretty spot on to be fair! Couldn't have another Palace at home scenerio! The blackfen 100 are innocent
  • To let 10,000 fans go over the level crossing at the same time would have been madness and someone would have chanced their luck and ended up under a train, what they done in my opinion was to just slow the traffic, wait another 20 mins and you could of gone whichever way you wanted. How many took up the chance to have a pint in the North lower? What else could the club have done? And I don't believe we are the only club this has happened to, what if some palace fans wanted to get the train at Norwood junction the day we were all sent there? They would have had to go a different way round. It was so blatantly obvious that all they had to do was keep the millwall fans in for 30 mins but how much would that have cost the club! I can't believe that it was that important to have a helicoptor overhead either
  • edited March 2013
    Depends on what the police intel was as to why the helicopter went up

    There were reasons we won't be told but they are OB reasons and not Cafc reasons
  • Especially when in the last fortnight there was also some sort of James Bond exercise!
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