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**Post-Millwall Arrangements | Leaving The Ground | Please Read**



  • Everyone

    People should complain both to the club and the police. Personally I want to find out how these decisions were taken, because I'm still reluctant to believe that Mick Everett at the club would have come up with such an idea.

    I already made a request under the Freedom of Information Act to the Met. They have to answer, and we can all read it here by April 17 latest.

    I sent it on Friday (and frankly, as you can read, didnt make the best job of it). So other people could make similar requests. This particular law is about getting specific information (not explanations or making complaints). But somebody could ask for example for all minutes of all meetings about policing of this fixture; and since we are told that the police are so weighed down writing reports and forms, somebody could ask for the reports and forms they must have filled in after yesterdays goings on.
  • I told my ex copper friend about yesterday's events as I know them. She used to Police Gills matches, she was astonished to hear of the crowd control plan employed. Couldn't understand it at all.
    Quite frankly, I am also astonished that some Charlton fans on here thought that the concept was a good one.

    I was particularly baffled & angered by the police's conduct/"organisation" of home fans exiting as Steve Bradshaw & Michael Slater indicated at the recent FF meeting that the Club had a great relationship with our local police ...and inferred that "ours" would probably handled the Selhurst fiasco in a far more competent manner.


    Well they weren't all 'our' police. There was police from RY (Bexley), CW (Westminster) and the transport police too, as well as our own. That didn't help matters.
  • Having calmed down a tad after being thoroughly pissed off at the way we were treated outside our own ground yesterday, I have decided not to go to another home match, for this season at least.

    I'll be emailing the club and the local police, not just to register my disbelief and disgust but to ask the relevant questions.

    I'd be interested to see what the club has to say,could you post any responses on here?

  • It's abundantly clear that very little thought was given to the post match arrangements yesterday. There were only two objectives. First, to avoid Millwall and Charlton fans coming together in Floyd Road immediately after the game - OK, sensible. And second, to ensure that Millwall fans were NOT held back and/or inconvenienced in any way, hence reducing the risk of vandalism inside the Jimmy Seed Stand and minimising the challenge of crowd control outside of the ground. It's obvious that no consideration whatsoever was given to home fans.

    The decision to prevent home fans heading down Charlton Lane towards the Woolwich Road or across into Coxmouth Road was muddled thinking of the highest order and a clear indication that the Police hadn't thought about what they were trying to achieve. I'm not convinced it was necessary to close Ransom Walk either - some low key crowd control could have made that exit "safe". It's again obvious that the home fans were not the priority and that the police took the easy option. Pathetic.

    More seriously, there was much scaremongering on this site and elsewhere about the risk of violence from Millwall fans, both with and without tickets. I have no idea whether or not that risk was real, but it's hard to imagine any post game arrangements which would have made it easier for marauding gangs of moronic youths (or even more moronic "grown" men) to wreak havoc than those deployed yesterday - a quick exit from the ground and the freedom to "circle back" and "pick off" Charlton fans, who in some cases might have been a little disorientated as well as delayed, as they made their way back to the Station or to parked cars, was nicely laid on. Unbelievable.

    What was wrong with the all back to London Bridge plan? A friend of mine follows Huddersfield and went to the New Den three years ago for the Play-Off SF. He drove from Huddersfield and managed to park near the Ground. However, after the game he was bussed to Canada Water against his will and then had to walk back to get his car - late at night in an area he didn't know. Compared with that, Millwall fans being returned to London Bridge at 2.30 on a Saturday afternoon is a relatively minor inconvenience. What a screwed up world we live in.

    Will this happen again next season? What about the home game against Palace? Leeds? Cardiff? Who knows? Let's see if we get an apology from the Club. I'm not holding my breath.

    I've already renewed my season tickets. Don't really know why though.
  • Did anyone take up the clubs offer and drink in the Lower North afterwards?
  • Whole thing was a shambles. Took my four year old twin boys for their first game yesterday - think the best part for then was fleecing me in the club shop!

    Due to having kids with me, decided to drive and park in West Stand rather than have them have the misfortune of sharing trains from London Bridge with Millwall scum. Turned down Floyd Rd and left at the chippy... All normal so far. Then turn into the gates by the club shop to be told, "we have been told to shut this entrance" (this is at 10.30am when the place was pretty empty). We were also already pretty much through the entrance!! Rather than let us just turn round and go in via the entrance via the away fans they made us go some right strange route up and around roads I have never seen before (luckily we were following 'Erol the Physio' who had also just been turned away before us). Took ages and was just a long route back to Floyd Rd where we turned right at the chippy and past some dickhead Millwall fans who were trying to glare in the car, presumably as my boys had Charlton tops on.

    We parked up and it was freezing cold and raining. Tried to go past steward to get to the club shop to warm up and be relieved of a few quid only to be told we had to wait (no real reason why given). However, all became clear when the Millwall players coach arrived and we had to stand and wait (still freezing, still getting wet) until their driver had not only navigated his way via some double doors but also until the doors had absolutely, fully closed - wouldn't even let us through while they very nearly shut. Still getting colder and more soaked...

    Just before half time, tried to get back to the Keith Peacock suite where we were based and a clueless steward kept repeating he wouldn't let me back the way I had come because I didn't have a pass. I was never given a pass... I remonstrated for around five minutes explaining the way I had come through to get to my seat and that clearly I wanted to go the same way back. He couldn't get his head round this and kept repeating his mantra of "no". Eventually, he thought to ask another steward whether my story stacked up. The other bloke was obviously just as much of a knobhead, as having stood there like a mute through our whole argument (leading me to believe he was in agreement with his mate) he then said that yes, I was correct, and hey presto they let me through.

    My tickets and car pass park yesterday for me, the missus and kids was more than my usual season ticket. I splashed out to try and make the boys' first game memorable... It certainly was but for the wrong reasons - on and off the pitch!

    This most certainly isn't the club I started supporting as an eight year old at Selhurst in 1985. I'll do well to keep my boys supporting Charlton with this sort of shit on and off the pitch - and more to the point, the way I currently feel, I'm not even sure I want to or even care if they don't
  • This whole thread needs to be passed on to the club. Matt Wright sometimes comes on here, so he could be given the link to it? At the very least a statement needs to be made. The amount of comments about yesterday shows that there were not isolated incidents.
  • Don't get me started on the air headed moronic stewards we have.
  • My kids said the best bit yesterday was watching the fat bloke get stuck trying to climb over the wall into the front garden - cheers Golfie... :)
  • edited March 2013
    As everyone is saying so much wrong with yesterday . I left the ground at the final whistle totally fed up and like thousands of others was prevented from going down Charlton Lane by the blue mounted cavalry. Luckily we swerved up Coxmount/Hasted/Pound Park and back onto Charlton Lane before they realised and stopped that option. The laughing policeman at the railway crossing was getting pelters from our fans. Walked to Woolwich Dockyard and got a train back to Dartford and waited for the Sidcup line train. 5 forty something spanners decided to ridicule a fellow Charlton fan standing nearby. What they did'nt realise was that his mate was sitting out of sight on behind him. He was a giant bearded bloke who promptly stood up and offered them out as a group or one at a time and he meant it to. They soon changed their tune and only some Henry Kissinger style diplomacy from one of them stopped the fireworks. Whoever you are mate thanks for making my day a lot better, until I watched the rugby that is.
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  • coyney - I had a similar experience earlier this season.

    About once a season - sometimes more - I typically book a box. It always works well by the way.

    Anyway, I've always received two complementary car parking spaces with the pack, but until a game earlier this season have never used them. On this occasion my wife was going (even though she is absolutely not a football fan!!) and she offered to drive. We arrived at the West Stand car park and presented the pass, but were told that the entrance was closed and that we had to use another one. I really had no idea a) why we couldn't use that entrance or b) where we were supposed to go instead. After a few minutes gobbledygook from the steward we said thanks and drove in.

    We parked easily - because the car park was empty - and walked to the East Stand. Looking around me I really couldn't figure out what the problem was or what we were supposed to do instead. Other cars then drove in the entrance we'd used.

    I guess it's not easy to get good "front line" staff, but asking them to be polite and helpful and ensuring that they know what they're supposed to do isn't rocket science.
  • I've had keyboard rows and written reams on here defending the new board on this site. Won't be justifying/ defending them again. Lost all respect for them yesterday. Might as well have had Theo Pathitis and Terry Hurlock running the club yesterday for the way they and the incompetent and increasingly spineless plod prioritised the away lot's enjoyment of their day out to the detriment of us.

    It wasnt a major inconvenience for me personally but it is the principle of it.....was a humiliating enough day as it was as per the norm of this fixture but then seeing the club mollycoddling opposition fans in the home stands then reading about Charton getting kicked out for gettting the understandable hump with those in the boxes milking it. Then to not let home fans have priority of leaving the ground as they want first is unheard of.
    Embarrassing and added to the humiliation of what was played out on a pitch that isnt fit for Sunday pub football.

    Brilliant way to alienate your customers.

    Not all Charlton fans are the meek happy clappy anoraks who will happily and continually pay their hard earned to be treated like 3rd class mugs by their own club and take it with good grace. Will support the manager and the team as always but got no time for the shambles pulling the strings anymore after their obvious complete indifference to our fanbase.

    They can stick their "Yobs at the Valley" type articles aimed at criticising our support up their arses. Hope they lose a fortune if their get rich quick gamble backfires and it goes tits up for us again.
  • @Granpa said

    As an ex Police Officer I hate to say it, but yesterday they were pathetic. We were instructed to leave the North Stand and turn right. No problem I thought, just go to the corner, turn left, over the railway crossing to the main road, and there were the Coaches. When we got to the corner there they were, five idiots on horses blocking the left turn and straight ahead. One fat fool was trying to make us go right which anyone with half a brain would know is ridiculous for those of us getting on coaches. What did we do ? We went through some poor devils garden, going round the horses, and quickly made it to the crossing and then to the coaches. Preventing the left turn had no justification whatsoever,usually it's the Referee who hears 'you don'tknow what you're doing', this time it was the Police. Frankly i am ashamed to admit my previous service, thank goodness I can say that in my day we did things properly.
  • Mundell, I've been in boxes and suites a few times over the years on some of my rare ventures from the North Stand. Normally it all runs really smoothly, maybe yesterday if I'd worn a Millwall shirt my treatment would have been different!!

    Admittedly the stewards in the car park, both ones blocking my entrance in and then the one stopping me accessing the club shop, were polite enough. It was just the frustration and sheer lunacy of it all! The steward blocking my way back at half time was another matter, he was an arsehole of the higher order.

    Just hope we don't get relegated as I fear it's a real possibility at the moment
  • One of thePolice told me the reason the road was closed was because they didnt want thousands of people crossing over the level crossing at once.
  • Ross said:

    This whole thread needs to be passed on to the club. Matt Wright sometimes comes on here, so he could be given the link to it? At the very least a statement needs to be made. The amount of comments about yesterday shows that there were not isolated incidents.

    The club simply do not give a shit, but they might change there attitude towards home supporters when they see how many renew season tickets next year. To be honest right now I do not feel like renewing. I have suppoterd my club for 50+ years and a season ticket holder for over 30 & I am pissed off more for what is happening off the pitch than on.

    Whats going on, on the pitch is bad enough, but off it I think we are going backwards, badly run & complete contempt for the fans.

  • coyney.Since reading your post I have asked 10 different people [a mixture of supporters of different clubs]and each one has asked the same question.Why ,why ,why take your 4 year old sons to their first football match against Millwall.The chances of it being an enjoyable trouble free ,hassle free day was nil.You must me insane or wanted your sons to be put off football for should be locked up.
  • edited March 2013

    Get in there my old mate, that's 12 months of accumulated and considered objective praise being overcome in there!!

    Come to the light side - JIMENEZ OUT!
  • Everyone

    People should complain both to the club and the police. Personally I want to find out how these decisions were taken, because I'm still reluctant to believe that Mick Everett at the club would have come up with such an idea.

    I already made a request under the Freedom of Information Act to the Met. They have to answer, and we can all read it here by April 17 latest.

    I sent it on Friday (and frankly, as you can read, didnt make the best job of it). So other people could make similar requests. This particular law is about getting specific information (not explanations or making complaints). But somebody could ask for example for all minutes of all meetings about policing of this fixture; and since we are told that the police are so weighed down writing reports and forms, somebody could ask for the reports and forms they must have filled in after yesterdays goings on.

    The programme refers to Steve Bradshaw as Chief Operating Officer so presumably the overall responsibility for the Club input to yesterday's fiasco lies at his door rather than Mick Everett who we know has been highly competent over many years.
  • edited March 2013


    Get in there my old mate, that's 12 months of accumulated and considered objective praise being overcome in there!!

    Come to the light side - JIMENEZ OUT!

    As i always said mate, i will judge them on actions and first hand experience. Yesterday the club treated us like c**** and for that reason I deem them utter c*****. Bend over to keep millwall happy and in the same breath have snidey little articles on the website about "yobbishness" amongst Charlton fans. Well fuck off back to those pinnacles of happy clapping beacons of humanity that are Chelsea and Man City.

    Christ if those two clubs were ever to come to the Valley under their stewardship we would probably be offered a free pie to placate us on the provisio that the away fans could give our missuses a quickie in Bartrams whilst the OB handed them johnnys and fluffed them.

    If i won the euro millions i would pay Alan Curbishley a small fortune to come back and run things top down off the pitch as it has become quite clear in the past few years that he is the only person who is capable of doing it properly.

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  • LenGlover said:


    People should complain both to the club and the police. Personally I want to find out how these decisions were taken, because I'm still reluctant to believe that Mick Everett at the club would have come up with such an idea.

    I already made a request under the Freedom of Information Act to the Met. They have to answer, and we can all read it here by April 17 latest.

    I sent it on Friday (and frankly, as you can read, didnt make the best job of it). So other people could make similar requests. This particular law is about getting specific information (not explanations or making complaints). But somebody could ask for example for all minutes of all meetings about policing of this fixture; and since we are told that the police are so weighed down writing reports and forms, somebody could ask for the reports and forms they must have filled in after yesterdays goings on.

    The programme refers to Steve Bradshaw as Chief Operating Officer so presumably the overall responsibility for the Club input to yesterday's fiasco lies at his door rather than Mick Everett who we know has been highly competent over many years.
    Thanks Len. Totally agree with your words about Mick. That is why I found the whole stupid arrangement so surprising. Lets see what we can find out in the coming days.

  • Timken, are you seriously saying I should be intimidated by Millwall scumbags as to what games I take my sons to?! As for trouble, didn't see any at all but that's why I drove.

    The only one who needs locking up is you - at home with your blanket and bovril
  • Blimey, this is all pretty sobering reading. You all have my sympathies. Hearing about distressed old folk being shunted about so that the spanners can have free reign of SE7 is pretty sickening, really.

    I can't believe the way that everyone was treated yesterday. I hope that it was just another classic football planning cock up, because if that's what the club actually planned, then there is something seriously wrong. The people who run the club need to understand how people feel about it and what a slap in the face it was given the predictable crap that unfolded on the pitch. If the fans get fed up of being treated like shyte then they will have a pretty big problem on their hands when our home games are played in front of an empty stadium....
  • Fiiiiiish said:

    Got a feeling the old bill will see it more as "Well Millwall didn't cause much trouble compared to what we were expecting so it is a success" rather than "We inconvenienced thousands who don't deserve it".

    The old bill will think it was a job well done.they couldnt give a fuck what anyone else thinks or the hassle that home supporters had to was all done not to upset wall supporters.
  • point taken Coyney.
    you brave warrior.
  • Give someone a bit of power and authority and they think the rest of us are plebs and morons, and a threat. I certainly don't think the police or club authorities at the moment give a chite in the slightest, complaints will wash off their back while they attempt to shift responsibility elsewhere. T'was ever thus though.
  • Bore off timken. Not trying to be a keyboard warrior - hence why said I drove.
  • This is a first post for me.

    I have been a charlton fan for over 50 years, I now live in Geneva, but still saw over 30 games last year, less this, but who can blame me.

    I got up at 3am yesterday, and walked to Geneva Airport, got back home 12pm, still seething about the way Charlton fans were treated after the game, and what about the inconsistency?

    lose 4 0 at Millwall kept in for an hour.

    lose 2 1at Palace, let out but kettled

    lose 2 0 to Millwall at home, not allowed to the Station.

    All 3 times, our fans not allowed to go about their lawful business.

    This is just wrong, and to be frank I was disappointed how few fans made their feelings known to the Police.

    I think that Millwall fans would have made their feelings known, and that is part of the problem, Treating Charlton fans like cattle is the line of least resistance.

    There has to be a very good reason to curtail someone's human rights.

    Going to and from Geneva in 1 day is not easy with the inconsistencies of the British Transport system, yesterday, I arrived at Gatwick, only to find that Thameslink
    Were not stopping at London. Bridge, adding an hour to my journey.

    I actually missed my flight after the Millwall game, had to shell out for a hotel, and another plane ticket.

    If yesterday's match had kicked off at 3pm, the same might have happened, and Why.

    To ensure no inconvenience for Millwall fans, don't make me laugh!

  • genevajim said:

    This is a first post for me.

    I have been a charlton fan for over 50 years, I now live in Geneva, but still saw over 30 games last year, less this, but who can blame me.

    I got up at 3am yesterday, and walked to Geneva Airport, got back home 12pm, still seething about the way Charlton fans were treated after the game, and what about the inconsistency?

    lose 4 0 at Millwall kept in for an hour.

    lose 2 1at Palace, let out but kettled

    lose 2 0 to Millwall at home, not allowed to the Station.

    All 3 times, our fans not allowed to go about their lawful business.

    This is just wrong, and to be frank I was disappointed how few fans made their feelings known to the Police.

    I think that Millwall fans would have made their feelings known, and that is part of the problem, Treating Charlton fans like cattle is the line of least resistance.

    There has to be a very good reason to curtail someone's human rights.

    Going to and from Geneva in 1 day is not easy with the inconsistencies of the British Transport system, yesterday, I arrived at Gatwick, only to find that Thameslink
    Were not stopping at London. Bridge, adding an hour to my journey.

    I actually missed my flight after the Millwall game, had to shell out for a hotel, and another plane ticket.

    If yesterday's match had kicked off at 3pm, the same might have happened, and Why.

    To ensure no inconvenience for Millwall fans, don't make me laugh!

    Blimey, mate - you're a hero doing that. Or mad. (Only joking about the mad bit, total respect to you).

    Write to the club and demand they pay for the cost of your second ticket. Won't get anwhere, I suspect, but if they've got an ounce of decency they will refund you.i
  • I should have made it clear, I missed my flight after the Millwall away match.
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