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**Post-Millwall Arrangements | Leaving The Ground | Please Read**



  • Left disillusioned with 10 mins to go. Walked up Harvey gardens with several others including a couple of 'wall, up the hill and through Charltin park to my car. Was home in 15 minutes. Never done it so quick.
  • Once again it brings into question how much truth we are being fed in these situations.

    I was quite happy with the arrangements as they has been publicised. After what happened after the palace game it made sense to me to keep the two sets of supporters apart by closing Floyd Road. It also made sense that, after closing Floyd Road, Ransom Walk was also closed to avoid a potentially dangerous crush (no doubt the club would have been pilloried if someone had been injured under the railway line).

    I was quite prepared to take a slightly longer route back to my car, parked near Makro.

    What I wasn't prepared for was to be faced with a line of police horses blocking the route via Charlton Lane to the level crossing and Woolwich road.

    If this was always part of the plan why no be more honest with the supporters and tell them? If this was a last minute change to the arrangements when was this decision made and who made it?

    The result of this course of action resulted in people turning back along Harvey gardens causing difficulty for themselves, having to fight their way against the flow, and the rest of the crowd who were still trying to make their way up towards Charlton Lane, unaware that their 'alternate' route would be blocked. I saw supporters in wheelchairs trying to pick their way along Harvey Gardens being faced with both a larger number of people travelling this route and also suddenly being faced with people who had turned back in frustration.

    I suggested that a steward using a loud hailer to tell people to 'turn right' after they left the ground to use his loud hailer to tell people that Charlton Lane was also blocked. Needless to say he chose not to act on my suggestion.

    After the complete and deliberate mis-information give by the police at Selhust park I decided no to try a reason with them this time.

    So, I waited behind the club shop until Ransom Walk opened and took my usual route back to my car.

    I just wish that we were given FULL information on what was going to happen after the game, not just what the club and the Police thought they could fob us off with without a bigger outcry than we've already had.

    Charlton, you've played the 'this is a business' card many times in the past. If you are REALLY running a business properly you need to learn not to keep pissing off your customers.

    Rant over

  • After today I think that's me done for the season.
  • We are easy to control, Millwall supporters are not. Thats basically it, the police wanted to keep the peace so controlled us and let our noisy neighbours do as they pleased.
    Annoying, I had the hump already, but its over now. We all knew it would be a crap day
  • according to some of the ob who were blocking charlton lane this was a late decision (and one that none of them understood). the senior officer there spent at least 10 minutes constantly on the phone to (presumably) his superior asking for permission to open the road but was constantly told no despite him explaining the situation. it's utterly ridiculous that these decisions were being made by someone who wasn't even there to see the situation
  • Just ignored the ob on horses saying no left to level crossing and walked down no big deal really
  • we stood in the rain outside the players entrance for 25 minutes and then walked up the normal way once they let people walk past the shop. just the leeds game for us until next season and that is only as we have friends coming down to stay who fancy catching a match.
  • I walked straight up Floyd road no probs as soon as the second goal went in.
  • Stayed to the end.
  • Left on full time and it was closed with a row of police horses and a few hundred very angry people

    Nope, that's the way we walked back to the Macro car park where the car was, just told one of the coppers on the horses politely that that's where we were going and quite reasonably he let us through. In truth after my absolute indignace at the plans yesterday, it wasnt actually that bad.
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  • The direct route to the level crossing was shut, but if you continued straight along Hasted Road then turned left, this took you down to the level crossing instead! No idea why the police did that...
  • I got the 2.47 back to London from the station and half the train had idiot Millwall fans on it, and that didnt also account for several gangs of Millwall fans together on the station ridiculing any fan that dare wore any allegance to Charlton. OB just stood around watching ???

    So what was that all about.
  • The direct route to the level crossing was shut, but if you continued straight along Hasted Road then turned left, this took you down to the level crossing instead! No idea why the police did that...

    They were never a member of the scouts and have no idea about a map
  • The direct route to the level crossing was shut, but if you continued straight along Hasted Road then turned left, this took you down to the level crossing instead! No idea why the police did that...

    The police then decided to close that route off as well.
  • Ob didn't have a clue, horses across the road, stopping you going down Charlton lane. Forcing you up coxmount rd and then pound park., then back onto Charlton lane. When ob realised this, they blocked the entrance to coxmount. Clueless.
    It used to be you had you had to go away to be treated like shit, not anymore.</blockquote

    That's what they do. Funded by us.

  • Saw some poor bloke pointing at his car 10 yards away on a road we didn't know was going to be closed asking the police if he could please just get to it. Response? "Keep moving".

    Had a bit of a go at them just cos I thought getting nicked would be the quickest way indoors.
  • Terrible policing of the streets after the game imo,police horse blocking the pavement so we were forced to walk in the road which was busy with cars. Joke that we,as home fans were the ones herded round the steets.
  • Ob didn't have a clue, horses across the road, stopping you going down Charlton lane. Forcing you up coxmount rd and then pound park., then back onto Charlton lane. When ob realised this, they blocked the entrance to coxmount. Clueless.
    It used to be you had you had to go away to be treated like shit, not anymore.

    That makes more sense than your post yesterday evening
  • good drink in the oak before no hassle, went go to level crossing to get bus after told no so walked back under arches got on a 177 straight away was home before 3pm so really no issues at all.
  • The direct route to the level crossing was shut, but if you continued straight along Hasted Road then turned left, this took you down to the level crossing instead! No idea why the police did that...

    The police then decided to close that route off as well.
    Hadn't realised that, there was one cheery policeman at the level crossing.

    Was there actually any trouble after the game, whether outside Charlton station, in Greenwich or at London Bridge?
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  • shirty5 said:

    Ob didn't have a clue, horses across the road, stopping you going down Charlton lane. Forcing you up coxmount rd and then pound park., then back onto Charlton lane. When ob realised this, they blocked the entrance to coxmount. Clueless.
    It used to be you had you had to go away to be treated like shit, not anymore.

    That makes more sense than your post yesterday evening
    If what I wrote yesterday wasn't clear enough, here it is again:
    1) I find it sad that football supporters want to fight each other.
    2) OB will hammer you if given the chance.
    3) Collectivism (as demonstrated by 'Fans United') can win the day.
    4) Free market capitalism has screwed up professional football.
    5) And society in general.
    6) Despite points 1 to 5, live, love, laugh and be happy.

  • One likely outcome of today is that the next time the police (via the club) make prior announcements about exit arrangements at The Valley nobody will believe them.
  • edited March 2013
    I'm sure I saw Keith Peacock and Chris Powell with chauffeur's caps waiting to drive Millwall fans to their chosen destination...

    I left during time added on and was able to access Charlton Lane and walk up the hill and through the Village. I then saw people, presumably Millwall fans given the restictions, walking up Charlton Church Lane where I would normally have gone.
  • edited March 2013
    Mr. Happy said:

    Saw some poor bloke pointing at his car 10 yards away on a road we didn't know was going to be closed asking the police if he could please just get to it. Response? "Keep moving".

    Had a bit of a go at them just cos I thought getting nicked would be the quickest way indoors.

    That may well have been me (with my 9yr old son) !! Usually we park up nr Charlton Park but because of the weather we drove futher down today and having gone round a few roads close to the ground we found a space in Coxmount rd. I thought this would be ok because, as I told my son, the OS said that this was likely to be the only real exit away from the ground unless you wanted to wait 30 mins or so.....

    Imagine my surprise when we got to the top of Harvey Gdns to find a massive melee of fans not going anywhere & the route to my car blocked by half a dozen plod & 2 police on horseback. All I can say that that the OB, CAFC and the surrounding area are lucky that Charlton fans are docile to the extreme otherwise there could have been carnage........I'm sure plenty of other fans would have created mayhem, having been told one thing and then having the complete opposite foisted upon them.

    BTW - my disguise was uncovered to all that were in the vicinity at that time as I can now tell you that it was I, Golfie, that was shouting "This is a democracy - not a police state" and was the fat bloke who couldnt get over the wall into the garden and had to be helped over by all & sundry...........I thank you !!

  • edited March 2013

    shirty5 said:

    Ob didn't have a clue, horses across the road, stopping you going down Charlton lane. Forcing you up coxmount rd and then pound park., then back onto Charlton lane. When ob realised this, they blocked the entrance to coxmount. Clueless.
    It used to be you had you had to go away to be treated like shit, not anymore.

    That makes more sense than your post yesterday evening
    If what I wrote yesterday wasn't clear enough, here it is again:
    1) I find it sad that football supporters want to fight each other.
    2) OB will hammer you if given the chance.
    3) Collectivism (as demonstrated by 'Fans United') can win the day.
    4) Free market capitalism has screwed up professional football.
    5) And society in general.
    6) Despite points 1 to 5, live, love, laugh and be happy.

    Whereas alternatives such as communism and socialism have proved to be viable alternative systems held up for admiration by utopias such as the Soviet Union, Cuba and North Korea! ;-)

    Anarchy....that will work until the deluded middle class mohicaned brats who rock up from their hackney squats in the square mile each May 1st preaching that dogma decide they've had enough of roughing it and long for the comfort of mummy and the shires now that there's no dole check to keep them in roll ups and pot noodles. ;-)
  • So with all the inconvenience it caused us, did the police operation actually work? I.e was there any trouble by the station, in Greenwich, London Bridge etc??

    Also what happened in North Lower? I'm guessing some Millwall fans kicking off?
  • Oh but its only for one game a season.

    Thats what some wrote on here yesterday. It didn't bother me because I walk up to the village anyway but even if it is 1 game a season, thats not the fecking point.

    Home fans inconvenienced for them scummers up the road is a joke especially when they close off exits they didnt even advise about before hand.
  • Matt Wright Statements on the website and Dave Lockwood re reading it to us all today had no mention on Charlton Lane being partially closed as well. Just be honest with us

    Charlton you stated on on website this was a joint decision with the Police, well tonight you are 50% an idiot
  • If you wanted to get to the station quickly you were well shafted.
    I had to do the long detour, ignored the OB on horses, ran to get over the level crossing before a train arrived. Found the way back up to Charlton Staion blocked by vans so doubled back and ended up on a bus going to North Greenwich.
    Hurried home to find England playing like Charlton.
    Not a great day.
  • So nothing happened in the end? Thought they were going to smash SE7 up?
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