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**Post-Millwall Arrangements | Leaving The Ground | Please Read**



  • I just find it ridiculous that all of this (changing kick off time and holding back home supporters) happens for Millwall but the Palace game, where their supporters can cause as much trouble, was a Friday night game and on the way home I was as scared as I have ever been at a home game in 18 years.
    The power of TV is amazing.
  • Went into North Lower after players exited pitch, queued for 5 mins, bought a drink, turned left, and shocked to find Ransom Walk open! Lots of gobby Millwall yoof walking round by the Charlton Coaches offering people out. Got on a bus though, couldn't bear going back into town with that lot.
  • Some of my mates who were in the Millwall end said they were escorted up towards the station then at the top of Floyd road they were basically allowed to go wherever they wanted. They were actually expecting to be bundled on a train and were very surprised they were just allowed to wander off away up the hill and were having a beer in the Hungry Horse on Shooters Hill by 3pm
  • The policing strategy today was completely baffling. It makes no sense to have allowed Millwall fans to wander down to the Woolwich Road, for example. You'd have to assume that the objective was to protect Millwall fans from home supporters, not the other way around. What the police did makes no sense otherwise. Rank incompetence.
  • what makes it even more incomprehensible is the fact that WE were basically hemmed in and at one point could only walk UP Charlton Lane and nowhere else.
  • We left five mins early to get Ian's daughter up the hill. when we left we went right up Charlton Lane but you were still able to go left then.

    But what really annoyed me was we were on Lansdowne Lane an elderly gentleman was struggling and asking anyone which way was the station. I went over and told him that it was the next right and downhill. He said to me thank god it's downhill from here as I'm struggling now. I left him on the corner as he ventured down The Heights.

    I thought about that all the way back to the pub. Making a man in his 70's walk all that way round for them. My club let him down today.
  • B they let us all down today
  • They did gh. They did. The line about the millwall fans being able to get their trains on time yesterday was the biggest insult from the club ever.

    Anyway I might pop down to the pub in Woolwich... Ho ho might hear a whimper

  • can anybody really be such a twat as you or are you just trying to wind us up
  • Still feel numb over todays events whole day was a farse
    Wot tricks they got instore for us next ?
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  • Last game for me this season. Not wasting anymore money on watching us lose (as I'm not a ST) holder. Will spend my Saturdays with gf and family. Agreed, the line about millwall fans getting their trains was a massive kick in the bollocks.
  • One of the saddest and most worrying results of today's "match experience " is the deafening noise of supporters angrily stating that they will NOT consider buying a season ticket for the next term.

    So few points gained at home in the past 7 months and the final insult of being treated with such disdain & disrespect in their own back yard = less fans attending home games next season & hence less income for the Club.

    So, it would seem that our owners ( in failing to allow SCP to strengthen the squad) and now the police ( in their total ineptitude to control 3,000 away "fans" to the detriment of home supporters) have combined in an unholy alliance to end the season prematurely for a large number of our paying customers.

    Should our away form falter and the clubs around us continue to gain points, I fear that the "R" word could become a reality .

    Well done the suits and the boys in blue.
  • Whole of todays proceeds a joke, quite embarassing. Police and club given the 'hoolis' of Millwall free reign to walk wherever the want and making the families, elderly etc ST holders at Charlton, their home team, walk around the whole town and changing their minds every few minutes .

    Team gave it their all and still weren't good enough, don't think I'll bother popping to any more games this season, the games we've been given, the pitch's state, club treating us as 'customers' not fans ... put me off for a bit to say the least.
  • edited March 2013

    So with all the inconvenience it caused us, did the police operation actually work? I.e was there any trouble by the station, in Greenwich, London Bridge etc??

    Also what happened in North Lower? I'm guessing some Millwall fans kicking off?

    JT said:

    So nothing happened in the end? Thought they were going to smash SE7 up?

    Woolwich, plenty nicked apparently......
  • Can anyone confirm that we let the spanners wipe their dicks on the curtains as they left?
  • After the Charlton lane debacle after yesterday's game, I really feel I have been treated with contempt by the club.

    I'm starting to feel its not 'my club' club anymore.
  • After the Charlton lane debacle after yesterday's game, I really feel I have been treated with contempt by the club.

    I'm starting to feel its not 'my club' club anymore.

    I agree with you Stuart. The club and the old bill got it completely wrong after the game giving false information to charlton fans. Why was the decision to block off part of charlton lane heading towards the oak not announced to supporters prior to the game?

    We gave the scum everything yesterday in terms of getting away from the ground, onto trains quicker than home fans and allowing them to stay in home areas ( why were that group allowed to stay in the far corner of the east stand for so long?). Tell you what Charlton why not next time when we play them give them the east, west and north stand, home dressing room and we have the Jimmy seed stand so that we really feel like the away team because that's how I feel the club treated us yesterday.
  • After the Charlton lane debacle after yesterday's game, I really feel I have been treated with contempt by the club.

    I'm starting to feel its not 'my club' club anymore.

    Same here. I'm off on business and missing the Bolton match anyway, then looking forward to Brighton away. Hopefully by then I'll have some rekindled enthusiasm to make the rest of the home matches. After yesterday, and yet another depressing afternoon on the pitch, and being taken for mugs by the club off it ("joint" decision and lies from the start about the arrangements) it really does feel like write off this year, hope for new money in the summer and next season is a clean slate again. Am holding off on renewing my ST as long as possible before the deadline as if we do end up in League One again I don't think I'm going to fork out to watch that rubbish again for a season, would rather pick and choose my matches (the glamour ties like Leyton Orient for example.. sigh).

    Even if we went down and romped it like last year, where would the excitement be knowing that it meant nothing the following year unless we had additional backing. Very disappointing all round.
  • It was a joke and after reading comments on here it has made me more fed up.

    Typical police attitudes of 'move along' as helpful as ever. The OB at football can be such a waste of space.

    The fact a smaller number of fans took president over the majority at a home game is a bigger joke then Haynes trying to out muscle Shittu.
  • I told my ex copper friend about yesterday's events as I know them. She used to Police Gills matches, she was astonished to hear of the crowd control plan employed. Couldn't understand it at all.
    Quite frankly, I am also astonished that some Charlton fans on here thought that the concept was a good one.
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  • I told my ex copper friend about yesterday's events as I know them. She used to Police Gills matches, she was astonished to hear of the crowd control plan employed. Couldn't understand it at all.
    Quite frankly, I am also astonished that some Charlton fans on here thought that the concept was a good one.

    I was particularly baffled & angered by the police's conduct/"organisation" of home fans exiting as Steve Bradshaw & Michael Slater indicated at the recent FF meeting that the Club had a great relationship with our local police ...and inferred that "ours" would probably handled the Selhurst fiasco in a far more competent manner.


  • I saw an old couple ( late 60s / early 70s) at the corner of Charlton lane and coxmount, she was in tears. They didn't know how to get to the station. It was becoming more and more packed. I told to follow me. I was originally going to walk around pound park, past the oak back up to the thin blue line. Then asked them why they were blocking the road. That's how stupid the whole thing was.
  • edited March 2013
    Totally f**cked off 100% that OUR CLUB can even contemplate treating it`s fans like this. The usual "Move on or your effing nicked" from the old bill doesn`t help matters either when people are just asking them a civilised question: ie: Where the f**k are we supposed to go now?

    Then having to deal with a bunch of pissed up mouthy scum at Shooters Hill while the ob just sit in their van and watch just about summed up the whole day!

    Well done Charlton Athletic Football Club! Hope you are proud of yourselves today for the way you mugged up your own fans in a way that nobody else could possibly achieve!
  • I told my ex copper friend about yesterday's events as I know them. She used to Police Gills matches, she was astonished to hear of the crowd control plan employed. Couldn't understand it at all.
    Quite frankly, I am also astonished that some Charlton fans on here thought that the concept was a good one.

    I was particularly baffled & angered by the police's conduct/"organisation" of home fans exiting as Steve Bradshaw & Michael Slater indicated at the recent FF meeting that the Club had a great relationship with our local police ...and inferred that "ours" would probably handled the Selhurst fiasco in a far more competent manner.


    Poor decision making and passing the buck to the club to avoid the finger being pointed in the right direction. Just how many times have we heard this in the past?
    It seems that our public servants still fail to understand what is expected of them! Honest decisions can be wrong and can be learnt as required from but to lie and to pass the buck is inexcusable.
  • From above previous quote

    ''I agree with you Stuart. The club and the old bill got it completely wrong after the game giving false information to charlton fans. Why was the decision to block off part of charlton lane heading towards the oak not announced to supporters prior to the game?''

    Good point I came in on one of the coaches from Kent, Steward acting on info from club, told us to go left into Charlton Lane past the Royal Oak but why did Police block it off?
  • Having calmed down a tad after being thoroughly pissed off at the way we were treated outside our own ground yesterday, I have decided not to go to another home match, for this season at least.

    I'll be emailing the club and the local police, not just to register my disbelief and disgust but to ask the relevant questions.
  • Plod passing the buck in treatment of football fans shocker
  • When I got to Charlton Lane and saw it blocked it was a potential red mist moment. As ever we were parked in one of the disabled bays by The Oak. When we left the car I made a point of asking the OB whether we would have any issue getting back to it afterwards. I was told unless there is a riot you will be fine.

    Tried to explain to the thin blue line that we were parked on a blue badge but was at first ignored and then given the classic "I don't make decisions I just enforce them" line.

    Lots of people were reaching boiling point by the time I decided to detour up Coxmount Rd. At this point the police decided they were closing Coxmount as well. The way they went about it was disgraceful. No announcement, they just forcefully moved their horses into position. My group and a couple of younger lads had to take evasive action to avoid getting knocked over.

    Quite simply people were treated with contempt. I saw a guy in a wheelchair and his family pleading with the OB to let them onto Charlton Lane. They were ignored until the crowd started to get angry.

    I was fuming when I read the statement re Scum fans not missing their trains and everything that went on afterwards has made my anger worse.

    The club insulted its own, they simply did not give a shit about home fans being inconvenienced. To then read stories of Scum fans wandering unchecked wherever they liked just tops it all off.

    At a time when the club is serving up tosh on the pitch and wants a lot of people to stump up for Season Tickets, yesterday was a PR disaster.
  • i will go to last game this season ------had enough of the shit on the pitch.
  • Got a feeling the old bill will see it more as "Well Millwall didn't cause much trouble compared to what we were expecting so it is a success" rather than "We inconvenienced thousands who don't deserve it".
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