Kettling is when the police cordon off a crowd of people and keep them confined to a very specific area. Apparently it's helpful for crowd control, although I've yet to see it result in less than an angry group of people.
Wtf is this "kettling" "kettled" term that all of a sudden everyones using ... Me no understand ,me stupid
Put the kettle on, sooner or later it will boil over. If you ask me the police know this and just waited for disorder to occur. Therefore backing their case why all of them were needed.
Violence and aggro is never ever the view of the majority. We are all tribal ; it is a very primaeval thing to be . There is no human being who isn't tribal but why is it that other sports can be tribal but football has to introduce an uglier side of that with violence and abuse and why is it more importantly that Rugby can have tribalism and not the violence. It is sad that so many accept an ugliness in going to a game. This isn't knee- jerk ; it's a challenge to be more courageous than those who think they are standing their ground when all they should do is shake someone's hand.
Violence and aggro is never ever the view of the majority. We are all tribal ; it is a very primaeval thing to be . There is no human being who isn't tribal but why is it that other sports can be tribal but football has to introduce an uglier side of that with violence and abuse and why is it more importantly that Rugby can have tribalism and not the violence. It is sad that so many accept an ugliness in going to a game. This isn't knee- jerk ; it's a challenge to be more courageous than those who think they are standing their ground when all they should do is shake someone's hand.
Here we go with the rugby comparisons again.
Agree. Rugby:- a soulless passionless game when compared to the beautiful game!
I just wonder what it will be like versus Millwall?! Will they use same tactics with Millwall? Hope the boozers are still open, so normal abiding fans can have a drink before the game...
Asked in the Lib, all pubs in Charlton will be closed that day.
Just a (stupid) question: Did anyone on here damage, or know someone who damaged, a car after the game ?
Not a car no - saw a few few bins and fences receive some attention though.
I imagine the car damage was all down the middle of the road. I was on the RHS pavement so that I could get the lad into a front garden pronto if it came to it.
i think the police are well out on the age of rd they asked me and my group of 4 27year old mates if we were part of rd and wanted to know exactly what train we was getting on.
i think the police are well out on the age of rd they asked me and my group of 4 27year old mates if we were part of rd and wanted to know exactly what train we was getting on.
Think they saw an example of your grammar and naturally assumed you were twelve.
It was bad, it was unfortunate, it was a minority.
Nothing can change what happened.
We all hope we don't see a repeat.
Closed thread
Isaiah 13:16
Did anyone on here damage, or know someone who damaged, a car after the game ?
I imagine the car damage was all down the middle of the road. I was on the RHS pavement so that I could get the lad into a front garden pronto if it came to it.
*soz mate, in a wind up kinda mood today*
Nearly choked on my kebab Saturday night...